Best Timeshare Companies

  • SellMyTimeshareNow
  • Westgate Reservations
  • Consumer Consulting Group
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Written by Lisa Ann Schreier

Best Timeshare Companies

Timeshares offer partial ownership and regular access to a resort, condo or vacation properties. If you’re looking for a dependable and affordable vacation option, use our guide to find the best timeshare company for you. Timeshare units and resort rooms are typically located at popular travel destinations, such as beaches, mountains or theme parks.

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What to consider when choosing a timeshare

Type of ownership

Timeshare companies sell partial ownership of their properties to buyers. There are several types of ownership plans available.

  • Timeshare ownerships: Timeshare ownerships allow travelers to purchase one week of access per year. Timeshares are designed so that each unit has about 52 individual owners, each with access to the unit annually.
  • Fractional ownerships: Companies that sell fractional ownerships make units available to owners anywhere from 2 to 12 weeks per year. These properties are often more upscale than standard timeshare properties. Owners can choose how much stake they want in a property, whether that's for 1/26 of a property or 1/13.
  • Variety of ownership plans: Some companies have properties that sell both timeshares and fractional ownerships and thus attract a broader base of clientele with different wants and needs.

Flexibility of schedule

The flexibility of a timeshare owner's schedule depends on the timeshare deal they purchase.

  • Fixed schedule: Fixed schedule timeshares allow owners to access their unit at a specific, fixed time each year; this means that for the length of their purchase, timeshare owners will return to their timeshare on the same dates annually.
  • Floating schedule: Timeshares with a floating schedule designate an amount of time a timeshare owner can access their timeshare each year, and they can choose the dates they want. This is a good choice for consumers who may be changing jobs or school situations and will want to vacation at a different time depending on the year.
  • Combinable time: Some timeshare companies allow customers to skip timeshare weeks, and then make up their vacation time during another year or at a later date. While these are less common, they do allow for travelers to skip a short vacation one year to then go on a much longer one the next year.

Number of locations

Timeshare companies can have one resort or vacation destination, or they can have multiple destinations around the world.

  • One destination timeshare: A company with one destination for timeshares has only one location for owners to vacation.
  • Multi-destination timeshare: Some resort timeshare companies have a number of properties where owners can choose to vacation.
  • Points-based timeshares: Points-based timeshares have multiple locations that are each worth a certain level of points. Timeshare owners only have access to high-level properties after accumulating points from buying into properties or purchasing points from the company.

Flexibility of use

Timeshare companies have a variety of restrictions about who can use the timeshare property.

  • Owner-only timeshares: Owner-only timeshares only allow the actual owner to spend time there, prohibiting family and friends.
  • Timeshares that are friends and family-friendly: Some timeshares allow owners to give their friends and family access to their unit if the owner isn’t able to use it within the allotted time frame.
  • Rentable timeshares: Some timeshare companies allow owners to rent out their unit if they're unable to use their vacation time.


Timeshare companies can charge owners fees, in addition to the cost of buying into the timeshare.

  • Annual fees: Some timeshare companies charge timeshare owners annual fees to maintain ownership of their timeshare; these fees start at a fixed rate and often increase through the years of ownership.
  • Fee-free: Timeshare companies that are fee-free charge owners nothing more than the cost of buying into the timeshare. This means that once the timeshare owner has purchased their right to use the property, they never have to pay the timeshare company again.
  • Maintenance fees: Timeshare owners often pay additional maintenance fees that increase every year to cover things like damage done by weather or natural disasters.

Presence of owners' association

Timeshare companies can have owners' associations who preside over the group of owners of the units.

  • Timeshares with owners' associations: Timeshare companies with owners' associations have a group of owners presiding over timeshare units. This association gives the property owners a voice by advocating for things that timeshare owners want and need from the timeshare company, like maintenance fees, concerns about the property or beliefs about fees and rates.
  • No owners' organization: A unit with no owners' organization is completely run and presided over by the company that owns the resort timeshare.

Owners' club for sales: Some timeshares have an owners' club that can help individuals interested in selling their timeshare unit. These owners' clubs often advertise available units to friends and family, as they have a vested interested in ensuring the timeshare property is filled with people they enjoy vacationing around.

Types of timeshare companies

Specified time-block or week companies

Fixed and floating week companies give owners the right to a certain amount of weeks in a certain timeshare unit each year. These timeshare companies split units between multiple owners who occupy the unit throughout the year.

Timeshare exchange companies

Some companies are solely devoted to helping timeshare owners swap their weeks with other owners. These companies make it easy to find a resort timeshare that is appealing for an owner if they can't or don't want to use their traditional timeshare week.

Timeshare companies with points programs

Timeshare programs with points programs allow owners to accumulate points by buying into properties or purchasing points. Access to destinations varies based on the number of points accumulated.

Right-to-use companies

Right-to-use timeshare companies give customers the right to use a certain timeshare unit for a certain portion of the year. This means timeshare owners never technically own the property, but rather have a right to use their unit.

Why use a timeshare?

Large families

Timeshares can be great for large, extended families who want to vacation together every year. Timeshares designate a fixed time during which family members from all over will convene in one place for a vacation.

People who want a luxury vacation property

People who want to vacation at a luxury property may choose a timeshare because it is more affordable than purchasing one outright. Resort timeshares allow users to pay only for the time they use the vacation property and not the time that the property will sit vacantly.

Travelers with a favorite vacation destination

People who love one particular vacation destination should consider a timeshare. A timeshare allows travelers to consistently visit that place each year, often for less than it would cost to book a hotel every time.

Young professionals with some disposable income

Young, healthy professionals may want to consider a timeshare because they offer a vacation destination that is dependable and affordable. They are a good choice for someone who has some excess income, but not enough to invest in buying a property.

Timeshares FAQ

Are timeshares really worth it?

Timeshares can definitely be worth it, as long as you do your research beforehand and understand all the restrictions, such as when you can travel, and costs, including annual maintenance fees. You shouldn’t purchase a timeshare as a financial investment, as it probably won’t increase in value over time.

How many weeks do you get in a timeshare?

Timeshare buyers typically get one to two weeks per year. These weeks may be fixed on certain dates each year or floating, which gives you more flexibility to choose when you travel.

What is the difference between a timeshare and a vacation club?

A timeshare is not the same as a vacation club.

  • With a timeshare, you get a fixed or variable period of time at a vacation property each year.
  • In a vacation club, you have points to use toward vacation at a variety of hotels and resorts. Like a timeshare, a vacation club can charge annual fees.
How does a timeshare work?

A timeshare is a shared ownership in a resort property. You pay an upfront cost and get a fixed or floating time each year to use the property. A timeshare may be an ownership interest in real property or be right-to-use, which includes a certain number of years of use before it expires.

What is a timeshare exchange company?

A timeshare exchange company is a membership program that connects timeshare owners looking to vacation elsewhere for a year. Members pay an annual fee and an exchange fee when they swap vacations.

How long do timeshare presentations last?

Most timeshare presentations last 90 minutes to two hours, but some are longer. It’s common to be offered incentives for listening to the sales pitch, whether it’s a discounted hotel stay, meal credit or tickets for events or activities.

Are timeshares a bad investment?

You shouldn’t purchase a timeshare with the idea that it will generate income or grow in value over time. But if you love a particular vacation destination and want the security of a guaranteed stay each year, a timeshare can be worth the cost.

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    Author reviews for timeshare companies

    SellMyTimeshareNow is a company that specializes in the reselling of timeshares. The company is based in Exeter, New Hampshire and Orlando, Florida, and they are currently the largest reseller of timeshares in the U.S.

    • Large selection: Because SellMyTimeshareNow is the most popular reseller of timeshares, they have a huge selection of timeshares for sale, which means they'll most likely have something to meet the needs of most customers.
    • Global exposure: The company operates in more than 218 countries, so people all over the world have access to their properties and services.
    • Brand Partners: The site works with well-known and reputable brand partners, like Disney, Hilton, and Marriott, so customers can find properties that are guaranteed to be high quality.
    • Professional customer assistance: The company has licensed real estate agents on staff to help customers pick and purchase the right timeshare option.
    • CRDA membership: is an active member of the American Resort Development Association, proving their reputation as an upstanding company.
    Read 948 Reviews was founded in 2000 and is an exclusively online outlet for timeshare owners to sell, buy and rent vacation ownership. Buyers and renters can search timeshares from around the world, and sellers can reach a large target audience that is dedicated to buying a timeshare.

    Read more about
    Welk Resort Group

    Welk Resorts is a company that was founded in 1964 by Lawrence Welk. The company is known for providing upscale, luxury resort and hotel accommodations, and it has properties in Escondido, Palm Springs, Cabo San Lucas and Branson.

    Read more about Welk Resort Group
    Timeshares Only

    Timeshares Only is a large timeshare resale company that has been in operation for nearly 20 years. Located in Orlando, the company offers customers the ability to buy or rent timeshare properties, and they also help people resell their properties.

    Read more about Timeshares Only
    Wyndham Vacation Resorts

    Wyndham Vacation Resorts is one of the world's most popular timeshare companies. The company is a member of the Wyndham Worldwide family of companies, and currently works with more than 900,000 owners.

    Read more about Wyndham Vacation Resorts
    Vacation Village Resorts

    Vacation Village Resorts is a timeshare company that offers timeshare properties at more than 50 resorts. The company was founded in 1975 by James E. Lambert, and they have nearly 500,000 owners across the world.

    Read more about Vacation Village Resorts
    Vida Vacations

    Vida Vacations is a timeshare company that was founded in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico in 2010. The company offers real estate interests in 15 resorts in Mexico.

    Read 265 Reviews

    RCI is one of the largest brokers of timeshare properties in the world. The company was founded in1974 by Christel DeHaan, and they offer a wide range of timeshare options, from resort stays to partial condo ownership.

    Read more about RCI
    Bluegreen Corp.

    Bluegreen is a company that specializes in timeshares and adventure vacations, and it was founded in 1966. The company caters to more than 175,000 owners and is headquartered in Boca Raton, FL. The company features a deeded timeshare program with timeshare locations across the United States and Caribbean.

    Read more about Bluegreen Corp.
    Westgate Resorts

    Westgate Resorts is a timeshare company that was founded by David Siegel in 1982. The company offers customers more than 13,500 timeshare villas and access to properties at 28 resorts.

    • Numerous outposts: Westgate Resorts' properties are located conveniently throughout the U.S., so they are easy to reach for customers no matter where they live. They also offer a diverse range of landscapes and amenities.
    • Resorts with amenities: The company offers timeshare owners a huge selection of amenities at their resorts, including soda shops, pool bars, spas, putting greens and more, so traveling to their timeshare property feels like a real vacation.
    • Charitable company: Westgate is also a community-focused company, and the company donates more than 2 million dollars each year through the Westgate Resorts Foundation.
    • Convenient online account management: Owners of Westgate properties can access their account online, and they have convenient options to pay fees, change membership options, and more.
    • VIP owner events: The company regularly throws VIP events for owners, including parties, shows, and more.
    Read 593 Reviews

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