Amazon Updates and Innovations

This living topic covers the latest developments and updates related to Amazon and its various services, including Kindle, Amazon Fresh, Amazon Prime, Amazon Pharmacy, and more. It delves into new features, policy changes, legal issues, and technological advancements that affect consumers, such as the introduction of AI in search functions, expanded delivery options, pricing strategies, and partnerships with other brands. Key points include Amazon's focus on customer convenience, safety, and cost-saving measures, as well as its ongoing efforts to tackle challenges like counterfeit products and worker safety. The topic also highlights seasonal sales events, new product launches, and services aimed at enhancing the overall shopping experience.


What’s the ‘bag of sugar’ scam and could you be a victim?

Scammers are targeting online retailers but consumers could be left holding the bag

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It’s called the “bag of sugar” scam but it might be more accurately called the “boomerang” scam. Because instead of a large online retailer like Amazon being the victim, an innocent consumer is left holding the bag.

The scam has its roots in lenient corporate return policies. These policies have become so lax that if a consumer complains that they never received the product or didn’t order the product in the first place, the retailer is likely to give the consumer their m...

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