Understanding and Navigating Insurance

This topic covers a wide range of issues related to various types of insurance, including life, auto, homeowners, flood, and health insurance. Key themes include the challenges younger consumers face with complicated life insurance policies, the rising costs of auto and homeowners insurance due to inflation and natural disasters, and the impact of increased litigation on insurance rates. The content also addresses the difficulties consumers encounter when filing claims and the evolving landscape of insurance due to climate change and regulatory changes. Practical advice for consumers on how to navigate these challenges, such as shopping around for better rates and understanding policy details, is also provided.


Unhappy with an insurance settlement? Complaining helps, research says

Accidents and health insurance drew the most complaints in 2024

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Poor insurance settlements and delayed claims often plague buyers of health and car insurance.

The good news? Complaining often works.

Only 4.1% of complaints against insurers ended with the company's position being upheld in 2024, compared with around 26% of cases ending with the insurer's position overturned or a compromise on an insurance settlement, according to a review of National Association of Insurance Commissioners data by insurance-comparison website ValuePengui...

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