Coffee, eggs and toilet paper led inflation at the grocery store in November

The ConsumerAffairs Datasembly Shopping Cart Index increased month over month and year over year in November, driven by coffee and egg prices - Image (c) ConsumerAffairs

The ConsumerAffairs Datasembly Shopping Cart Index was up over October and November 2023

Inflation continued at the grocery store in November, but at a slower pace than earlier in the year. The ConsumerAffairs Datasembly Shopping Cart Index, based on the cost of 25 commonly purchased grocery items, increased by 79 cents from October and by $1.50 from November 2023.

The index is based on price data gathered by Datasembly in real-time.

Five items led last month’s increase:

  • Coffee - Increased from $12.80 to $12.98

  • Eggs - Increased from $5.71 to $6.09

  • Frosted donuts - Increased from $5.31 to $5.52

  • Bread - Increased from $3.29 to $3.49

  • Toilet paper - Increased from $7.06 to $7.59

Some prices fell

These four items declined the most in price:

  • Honey nut cereal - Decreased from $5.58 to $5.33

  • Cheese slices - Decreased from $5.46 to $5.37

  • Cookies - Decreased from $6.85 to $6.16

  • Peanut butter - Decreased from $3.27 to $3.19

Several items showed little to no change in year-over-year or month-over-price, including paper towels, white rice and laundry detergent.

The November Shopping Cart Index


Nov. 2023

 Oct. 2024Nov. 2024
Penne Pasta 16 oz.$1.87$1.96$1.91
Select-a-size paper towels$20.99$20.99$20.99
White Albacore tuna in water 5oz.$2.25$2.22$2.20
Chicken noodle soup 10.75 oz.$1.40$1.45$1.44
Cola 2-liter bottle$2.87$2.91$2.94
Whole milk half-gallon$2.61$2.67$2.68
Whole bean coffee 12 oz.$12.39$12.80$12.98
Organic eggs one dozen$5.24$5.71$6.09
Waffles 10 ct. 12.3 oz.$3.15$3.29$3.28
Frosted donuts 8 ct.$5.18$5.31$5.52
Tomato ketchup 20 oz.$3.86$3.90$3.96
Mayonnaise 30 oz.$5.84$6.29$6.29
Honey Nut cereal 18.8 oz.$5.34$5.58$5.33
American cheese single 24 ct.$5.33$5.46$5.37
Salted butter 1 lb.$6.39$6.22$6.21
Classic potato chips 8 oz. bag$4.12$4.01$4.05
Honey wheat bread 20 oz.$3.79$3.29$3.49
Cookies 14.3 oz.$6.50$6.00$6.16
Bacon 16 oz.$8.85$8.32$8.32
Liquid dish detergent 46 oz.$5.57$5.58$5.58
Spring water 16.9 oz. 32 ct.$7.07$7.06$7.59
1000 sheet toilet paper 12 ct.$12.58$12.33$12.70
Peanut butter 16.3 oz.$3.23$3.27$3.19
White rice 32 oz.$5.21$4.87$4.87
Laundry detergent 96 oz.$13.06$13.06$13.05
Cart Totals$154.69$155.40$156.19