Protecting Your Privacy

This living topic focuses on the various aspects of protecting personal privacy in the digital age. It delves into data breaches, identity theft, and the measures individuals and organizations can take to safeguard sensitive information. Articles cover a range of topics including the risks associated with popular apps, the impact of legislative actions on consumer privacy, and real-world examples of data breaches at major companies. The content aims to inform readers about the importance of data security and provide practical advice on how to protect personal information from unauthorized access and misuse.


Surveillance pricing gouges customers without their knowing

Consumer Watchdog report finds surveillance used to trigger price changes

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Consumers may be unknowingly facing higher prices for the same products thanks to a controversial practice called surveillance pricing, according to a new report from Consumer Watchdog. The nonprofit warns that companies are increasingly using personal data, including shopping habits and even location, to charge consumers individualized prices, often without their knowledge or consent.

Surveillance pricing occurs in the e-commerce world, where businesses tailor prices to ...

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