Food allergy sufferers need more support, study finds

Food allergy sufferers need more support and understanding from others as they try to get through the day without eating something they shouldn't. (c) ConsumerAffairs

Living with food allergies is stressful

Imagine constantly worrying about the food you eat, every single day. That's what it's like for many people with food allergies. This constant stress and fear can really affect their mental health, making them feel anxious, sad, or even depressed.

A new study found that most adults with food allergies and parents of kids with allergies feel this way. They worry about things like:

  • Having a serious allergic reaction: This is a big fear, as reactions can be life-threatening.

  • Accidentally eating something unsafe: It can be hard to avoid certain foods, especially when eating out or at school.

  • Missing out on normal activities: Food allergies can make it difficult to enjoy things like parties, sleepovers, and travel.

  • Their child being bullied: Sadly, kids with food allergies are sometimes bullied because of their condition.

The study also found that very few people with food allergies get help for these mental health struggles. This is a big problem because:

  • Most people don't get screened for these issues: Doctors often don't ask about anxiety or depression during allergy appointments.

  • Getting help is expensive: Therapy and counseling can be costly, and many people can't afford it.

The researchers behind the study want to change this. They believe everyone with food allergies should be able to get the mental health support they need. They're working on creating online resources to help people cope with the emotional challenges of food allergies.

In short:

Living with food allergies can be tough, not just physically, but mentally too. Many people struggle with anxiety and sadness, but don't get the support they need. This needs to change so that people with food allergies can live full and happy lives.