Consumer News and Alerts

This living topic provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments affecting everyday consumers. It includes a variety of news articles on topics such as product recalls, financial scams, new regulations, and consumer protection updates. Key stories highlight issues like the expansion of marijuana delivery services, the recall of Hallmark ornaments due to mold, and the importance of prepaid car maintenance plans. The content also covers significant shifts in shopping behaviors, such as the increasing use of AI in holiday shopping and the adoption of vegan diets for cost savings. Overall, this topic serves as a valuable resource for staying informed about consumer safety, financial health, and market trends.


Just a bump on the head or a concussion? There’s an important distinction

These subtle symptoms can provide a clue

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Concussions, a mild form of traumatic brain injury, are commonly associated with symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, confusion, fatigue, blurry vision, and sensitivity to light. However, as these symptoms subside, patients may encounter less obvious but significant effects, including persistent ringing in the ears, sensitivity to noise, and hearing difficulties. 

These issues are often overlooked but can have lasting impacts on individuals' daily lives, according to Ka...

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