Ol Roy Pet Foods

Ol Roy Pet Foods Reviews

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Ol Roy Pet Foods Reviews

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    Reviewed Dec. 16, 2024

    We have been buying Ol'Roy Mini Knotted Bones for some time. This last bag we noticed our beagle has hesitant to chew them. She finally did as Beagles will eat about anything. She proceeded to vomit about and hour after eating them. She ate dinner then she vomited again on her daily walk. Then that night she vomited again in her bed. The next day she was lethargic the whole day (Sunday). Now Monday she seems to have recovered just before we were ready to take her to the vet. Contacted the number on the bag to report this incident. Will let you know how this turns out. Purchased at Walmart 12/02/24 BM0077B 103.

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    Reviewed Nov. 16, 2024

    I bought ol Roy t-bone and bacon 46 lbs bag of dog food. And 2 out of my 5 dogs will not eat it. At all. One has thrown up multiple times and is only eating little bit because that's all there is. My other dog just won't touch the food period. I would not recommend that for sure.

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      Reviewed Nov. 12, 2024

      I was wondering why my dog came down with worms. I feel bad because I’m also a delivery driver and I haven’t given these biscuits out to pets until I reached my hand in the box and realized one was up when I set it on my lap these worms were crawling all in them. This is disgusting and this company should be shut down.

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      Reviewed Nov. 3, 2024

      This dog food killed my dog, I hope they go bankrupt, they don't deserve any money, my friend was in pain for weeks before he died. The makers of this deserve the absolute worst, I hope no more pet owner goes through this.

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      Reviewed Oct. 31, 2024

      Ol Roy was cheaper than every other brand and I was on a tight spot financially and bought the cheapest big bag I could find. Ol Roy was 21 bucks for 46 pounds yet the bag is significantly smaller than the 30 pound bags next to it. My dog used to run around the farm day and night all the time, always hyper. He's 10 months old and now after just a few weeks being on Ol Roy he's always sleeping somewhere, doesn't want to play, won't catch a ball, just lays around and he's got bloody ears.

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      Reviewed Oct. 9, 2024

      Do not buy any brand of dog biscuits or treats. I just started buying these for my dog a month ago. I’ve spent over $1000 now treating my dog for a kidney failure and in two days, I have to put her down because she will not survive the next week. This is my service dog and my best friend that I thought I was doing something good by getting her these Ol' Roy treats and dog biscuits and now she’s vomiting, not eating, on IVs for being dehydrated and she’s lost 20 pounds all within one month and now I’m going to lose her in two days.

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      Reviewed Sept. 25, 2024

      My pup's health was fine till I put her on this trying to save money. Now she has bloody runny poop for the last 2 days. Will be taking her to vet asap but I will not be buying this product again or recommend it to anyone.

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      Reviewed Aug. 25, 2024

      I purchased 2 large Ol Roy bones for my doodles as a treat. I gave them to the dogs and they ran outside in excitement. I went out to check on them not more than 5 minutes and the bones were so splintered and broken into small pieces. I had to gather them up and throw them away. (Picture attached.) Not only was this a complete waste of money but if I wasn’t right there to monitor, those splintered pieces could have killed my dogs! I will never buy an Ol Roy bone again and want to alert everyone who might purchase one in the future!

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      Reviewed July 28, 2024

      I bought a bag of the t-bone and bacon and I found black hairs baked in it. I have to change brands now. I have had to take a few bags back to store because sometimes it doesn't look like the same food. It looks like someone swept the factory floor and bagged it up to sell. What a shame. You wouldn't want to sweep up something for your family to eat I wouldn't think.

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      Reviewed July 28, 2024

      Sadly, my dog Chewy was caught up in the Ol Roy 2007 dog poisoning horror. It was so terrible, and some 17 years later I’m still upset by the loss of her and the lies the company told to the media that they would cover vet bills. I filed all the paperwork. I kept calling the hotline until it disappeared. I never received a penny. There is no price on a dog, but a company should be responsible for what they’ve done. And what they promised to the public, it was all a lie and a scam. Still waiting for my $1600 Ol Roy. Shame on you. She was my FAMILY. I loved her. And I trusted you to sell healthy products as advertised.

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      Ol Roy Pet Foods