With Fourth of July in the rearview mirror, the temperatures will only continue to skyrocket this summer, and consumers should know how to best handle the extreme heat.
Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released tips that will come in handy as the summer gets underway.
“High temperatures kill hundreds of people every year,” the agency explained. “Heat-related deaths and illness are preventable, yet more than 600 people die from extreme heat every year.”
Staying safe this summer
The CDC cites children and those older than 65 as the most likely to be affected by higher temperatures, though individual risk factors -- such as alcohol use, weight, age, sunburn, heart disease, and poor circulation, among others -- can play a role in how the body reacts to higher than normal temperatures or humidity.
The biggest concern is a negative health response, as too much time in extreme temperatures can lead to heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, sunburn, or heat rash.
All signs, symptoms, and treatment options can be found by clicking here, but the CDC has three main tips for consumers looking to stay safe in the heat this summer:
Stay cool
Stay safe
Stay informed
Limiting time outside is key, as is spending more time in air-conditioned buildings, even if that means going to the movie theater or local mall for a portion of the day.
Consumers are most likely to experience an adverse health effect due to the heat when the body becomes unable to moderate temperature, so light clothing, sunblock, and minimal time outdoors is imperative when the weather becomes too much to handle. The CDC also advises consumers to pace themselves during both outdoor exercise and outdoor activities.
When it comes to staying hydrated, alcohol and sugary drinks can exacerbate heat-related issues, whereas sports drinks and water are always recommended.
Lastly, keeping a close eye on the weather -- checking for particularly humid days -- and monitoring those who are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses can help prevent any unwanted incidents.
Consumers should also always keep their pets at the forefront of their minds when the weather is hot, as plenty of water and time indoors is just as vital for them.
To see the CDC’s full list of tips, click here.
Worker safety
For outdoor workers, the summer can require extra care and planning, especially when the temperatures are kicking up.
Earlier this summer, the CDC released tips for consumers to have a safe and enjoyable summer, and prioritizing the health and safety of outdoor workers made the list.
“Prevention of heat stress in workers is important,” the CDC explained. “Employers should provide training to workers so they understand what heat stress is, how it affects their health and safety, and how it can be prevented.”