Pur Water Filters

Pur Water Filters Reviews

About Pur Water Filters

Pur Water Filters develops water filtration products. The company's products include faucet-mounted, pitcher and refrigerator filters. Pur Water Filters focuses on ease of use and effective contaminant removal, offering options that enhance safety and water taste while supporting regular household use.

  • Affordable price point
  • Easy to install and use
  • Frequent leaks reported
  • Durability concerns with plastic parts

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Pur Water Filters Reviews

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    Installation & SetupPrice

    Reviewed Dec. 10, 2024

    I have purchased 6 packs from Amazon and have had Multiple filters that instantly indicate yellow light needing replacement after install. These are too expensive for only a few out of each pack work properly.

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    Reviewed Dec. 6, 2024

    The last PUR pitcher filter I bought was faulty from the start. The flap closure on the outlet sticks and sprays water out the sides. There is no vent to let air in so the water spurted out until I drilled a small vent hole. The short filters do not seem to reduce anything - chlorine taste or PPM dissolved solids. The tall filters have at least a 1 in 3 failure rate out of the box - as in no water flow or so slow the pitcher is unusable from day 1. None of the hacks of shaking or back flushing make any difference. It is not a tap water quality issue as they are used in one location. Some flow water, some flow zero. Seems pretty clear this company is a shadow of its former self. Maybe a corporate buyout? Time to try someone else.

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      Reviewed Nov. 22, 2024

      We have been using Pur water filters and we used to be happy with it. I used to buy them direct to Pur Manufacturer tel number. And one filter would work for a month; however, lately they stopped selling it and you can only buy them from Target or Amazon. Now those pur filter stopped working after two weeks. What’s happening Pur? So disappointed.

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      Reviewed Oct. 24, 2024

      I recently moved and the water is really hard here. I have a countertop ice maker. After 2 weeks there was heavy calcium buildup in the ice maker. I installed a pure faucet filter system. Cleaned out ice machine, ran nothing but filtered water from the pure filter in the ice maker. Needless to say, I am not impressed at all. There was same amount of calcium buildup in ice machine. My thinking is if it can't capture calcium, how is it going to capture any other hard water or anything else.

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      Reviewed Sept. 10, 2024

      The replace filter light came on way too soon. The pitcher leaked all of the water out overnight several times. I purchased from Amazon which rated it good. It’s no good, stay away from this product. I actually purchased 2 of them. One from Amazon and the other from Walmart, both are bad.

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      Verified purchase

      Reviewed June 23, 2024

      Purchased the Pur Maxion and used the included filter following all the directions. My tap water tested 240 with my Zero water TDS tester. The filtered water out of the Pur pitcher after the 3rd pitcher of water tested 212. It doesn’t filter anything. The taste was bitter and acidic so I don’t think it’s safe to drink. My tap water tastes great compared to the “filtered” water out of the Pur. I’m returning this for a refund. Don’t waste your money.

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      Reviewed Dec. 22, 2023

      I have purchased, been given, and even “tried a newer model” purchased over the past several years and not one single pitcher out of 5, maybe 6 (all different or updated models) would successfully pour without soaking the entire surrounding area. I tried all different ways and water level combos between the filtered/not filtered tanks thinking it was me, but my sister and friends all say the same thing. The pitchers pour so badly that it is aggravating to the point that, more than once, I happily threw the entire unit away cutting my losses and essentially lighting a $50 bill on fire just to watch it burn.

      When I say they soak the area I mean it drains (rapidly mind you) down the sides and handle so not only are your hands and sleeves wet, but so will be your counters, floors, shoes, dogs standing under you etc. THEN you have to fill it back up each time because you lose half the pitchers contents of filtered water to the floor each time you try to pour it. I even tried busting off the tip cover that the water flows through but nothing helped. I do not know honestly how anyone could like these pitchers. I tried each time with newer models thinking that everyone must have been complaining and hoping maybe Pur finally fixed the flawed design but still it is a hard no. No change, just a huge mess to clean and beyond aggravating.

      The one I just purchased the other day is going right back to the store for a refund and I will never try a Pur brand pitcher again for as long as I live and will openly tell a total stranger in Wal Mart with one in their cart to switch brands or make an extra trip back to the towel aisle to be fully prepared. Disappointing because the filtered water tastes amazing and I truly trust the level of filtration they provide but never again. They are dead to me.

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      Customer Service

      Reviewed Sept. 16, 2023

      I purchased this water filter from Home Depot and after I got it home found the lid was cracked. It was the last one HD had in stock so I reached out to Pur. Called them, emailed them. Nothing. No answer. Just nothing. All I want is a new lid. Now after less than two months the yellow is on saying it already need a filter. I’m done…. Should have purchased a Brita. Everyone has one. There I go trying to support the little guy. This thing would be great if they had decent customer service and the filters lasted like the Brita.

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      Reviewed Feb. 27, 2023

      PUR filters purchased over the last 6-7 yrs have resulted in my water testing in the 10-14 range for purity. The last 4 filters are testing 212-218, which is the same as my tap water reads. The only thing the filters appear to be doing now is removing the smell of chlorine.

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      Reviewed Feb. 12, 2023

      My wife and I live in the city. We noticed our tap water has had a chlorine taste and smell for quite some time. We were discussing how we buy bottled water or alternatives. Then we thought about, just maybe, a filter system might work so we decided to look into it. I found PUR Plus looking at options. While at Lowe's, we decided to go for the one that attaches to the faucet. Once I rinsed it for 5 minutes (only 2 gallons of water) the results were AMAZING! Great tasting water and the chlorine and smells were GONE! We are well pleased with this product and will recommend it to others. Next I will be installing a filter system to our water line going to our freezer for the ice maker. In our opinion this filter system works very well!

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      Pur Water Filters Company Information

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      Pur Water Filters