Bison Roofing & Solar

Bison Roofing & Solar Reviews

About Bison Roofing & Solar

Bison Roofing & Solar specializes in residential solar panel installations. It offers products from Enphase Energy and Silfab. Service areas extend across Palm Beach County and Broward County in Florida.

Bison Roofing & Solar Reviews

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    Reviewed Feb. 28, 2024

    I was in the market to purchase a new roof for my mom's house. I chose Bison, mostly because of their reputation, as their price was higher than others, I figured pay more for quality and peace of mind. However, we were duped. Comparing to the other reviews here, we must have just been unlucky with the staff we got. It started with many lies and miscommunications from their salesperson, Michael **. After the delays, we still moved forward but requested not to have to deal with Michael anymore as he just says what sounds good, but not what is true.

    First let me start off by saying that this is an old house, and we are aware that unexpected situations may occur that lead to more expenses, especially once the tear off of the old roof begins as that's the only way to find out. For example, begin tear off to find rotted wood that needs to be replaced. Totally understandable and we were prepared for that. There's the main roof (sloped) and 2 add-ons, the laundry room and garage, both with flat roofs. Both the garage and laundry room had leaks, the main roof had no leaks, but was old, so figured it would be best to just go with a completely brand new roof instead of repairing the leaking areas.

    Before the job began, Bison sent Clay ** to do an inspection. At least 2 other staff from Bison had also been to the house. No issues. Ready to start, so they said. As soon as they begin tearing off the garage roof, one of the staff walked inside and notice the beams across the ceiling and how they connect to the wall and said the structure is dangerous and they must stop the work. The area in question is very visible, nothing hiding it. So there's NO EXCUSE that this didn't come up during the inspection. They refused to continue working on the garage roof, telling us we need a general contractor and left left the garage roof now more damaged and leaking in more places than before. Absolute negligence on their part. Why? Because they knew this would delay, postpone, or cancel the job.

    They proceeded with doing the rest of the house. The sloped roof seems fine so far. However the new roof on the laundry room is now leaking worse than it was before. Water got in to the ceiling light and burnt out the electrical line, not just the light. They said they would send an electrician and never did. And they are not honoring the warranty. A brand new roof shouldn't be having leaks the same week the job was "completed." Now, my mom and grandmother are without light in the laundry room since October. I'm very limited on how much I can help as I'm living in Australia.

    After the back and forth about the garage, they seemed to have just did a rush job on the rest of the house. They left a mess. They broke the gate on the side of the house, along with part of our pavers and concrete dividers in the front yard when they pulled their truck up to the house over the yard instead of using the driveway. These just a few of the minor issues. The main issues are the negligent inspection which led to an even more damaged garage roof and a new roof on the laundry room that has been leaking since day one. They have horrible communication, even the owner Elie clearly does not care as I've emailed him several times just for him to ignore us. Completely unprofessional.

    Instead of replying and trying working things out to try to come to a mutually acceptable resolution, they had a lawyer contact us. Our lawyer responded, and guess what. Their lawyer ignored us too, just like Elie. Seems to be the common theme around there. They have no accountability and take no responsibility in their actions, and have no interest in making things right or honoring the warranty. I had no intentions of not paying them. I tried to do something nice for my mother and it has been an absolute nightmare. There were many more issues. I will be posting online more details along w/ pictures soon. If you hire Bison, make sure to avoid Michael ** & Clay **. You might have a better experience. But, expect delays and to be ignored once they deem the job as finished.

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      Bison Roofing & Solar service areas

      Bison Roofing & Solar performs residential installation services in Palm Beach County and Broward County in Florida.

      Average solar cost by service area

      Solar panel costs vary based on your location and other factors. The map below shows average overall prices in Bison Roofing & Solar’s service areas to give you a general idea of what to expect. Your specific energy needs, panel efficiency and other variables could make your costs higher or lower than these averages.

      Average solar panel cost by state

      Note: Costs in this table are average costs for the state and do not represent specific company pricing. "Average cost after ITC” reflects the cost after receiving the full 30% solar investment tax credit (ITC). “Estimated net savings” is the average amount residents in that state will save on electricity over 25 years, including their cost of installing a solar energy system.

      » HOW MUCH? Solar panel costs in Florida

      » EXPLORE: Florida solar incentives

      Equipment brands sold by Bison Roofing & Solar

      As a solar installer, Bison Roofing & Solar does not manufacture its own equipment. The company offers equipment from Enphase Energy and Silfab.


      Does Bison Roofing & Solar offer a warranty?

      Bison Roofing & Solar offers a 25-year solar panel warranty.

      What payment options does Bison Roofing & Solar offer?

      You can pay for products and services from Bison Roofing & Solar upfront or finance through a loan.

      When was Bison Roofing & Solar founded?

      Bison Roofing & Solar was founded in 2005.

      How Bison Roofing & Solar compares

      Compare Bison Roofing & Solar on customer reviews, availability and payment options below. Read our guide to finding the best solar energy company for more.

      Bison Roofing & Solar Company Information

      Company Name:
      Bison Roofing & Solar
      Year Founded:
      4750 N. Dixie Highway, Ste. 8
      Oakland Park
      Postal Code:
      United States