Super Saturday: the last big sale day left


And don’t forget to app-up

If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping, you’ve got one last good chance – Super Saturday (aka “Panic Saturday”), Dec. 23.

You won’t be alone, however. The National Retail Federation predicts nearly 142 million people will also be shopping that day, all elbowing their way to get what last-minute bargains they can.

Not to disappoint, all the major retailers have reloaded their shelves and are ready to deal. Since most shipping options have evaporated, Super Saturday can be especially good for shoppers who are buying things for people close to home.

ConsumerAffairs scoured the web for some of the best bargains and here’s what we found.

Amazon: The online giant doesn’t have a specific “Super Saturday” sale, per se, but instead is pushing all of that type of stuff to its Last Minute Holiday Deals page. Some of the better deals we saw are Beats Studio Buds, the Blink Video Doorbell, and the Ninja AirFryer – all at close to half-off – and Echo smart speakers and LEGO building sets as much as 55% off.

Costco: There are two things worth noting here. One is the $500 Southwest Airlines gift card which Costco is selling for $429.99, saving you $70, just enough for many one-way fares. Another is anyone who isn’t currently a Costco member. If you sign up for the Gold Star membership, you’ll also score a $30 Digital Costco Shop Card.

Gap: According to what we saw on, Gap is offering 40% to 60% off on popular gift items for everyone in the family.

JCPenney: The best deals may be for women, such as Liz Claiborne items at pretty much 50% off.

J.Crew: J. Crew has nearly everything marked down 50% like the others, but the best thing is that if you buy three or more of what it has on sale, you’re supposed to get a discount of up to 70% off.

Kohl’s: Another “up to 50% off” place, but the plus here is that you can earn Kohl’s Cash on Super Saturday, too.

Ulta: Cosmetics deals will be teeming this Saturday for sure and Ulta’s not to be left out. Its “Happy Haul-idays Sale” not only has 50% off online and in-store, but if you spend $15 or more, you get $5 off. 

Target: Target has its eyes on every competitor it knows of and says it will price-match items through Dec. 24. 

And don't forget...

One thing that shouldn’t be left on the table is any chance to get more than what these retailers publicize in print or online. Your best bet is to sign up for the store’s app because they’ll no doubt be pushing exclusive deals and specials through it.

You'd also be wise to check an item's price history using Google's new tracking feature so you make sure that a discount is authentic and not a "fake" one like so many these days are.