Extended car warranty company making refunds

The feds said the company sold expensive warranties to consumers who didn't need the coverage and lied about the terms of the policy.

Feds said American Vehicle Protection tricked consumers

A company called American Vehicle Protection tricked people into buying expensive car warranties they didn't need, according to the Federal Trade Commission. They claimed they worked for car dealers and manufacturers.

The government caught them, and now they have to pay back the money they took.

If you got a call from this company, you might get a check in the mail. Make sure to cash it within 90 days.

The government will never ask you to pay money to get a refund. If someone asks you for money or your bank account information, it's a scam.

Refunds on the way

The FTC is sending more than $449,000 in refunds to consumers who were tricked by American Vehicle Protection Corp.

Consumers who have questions about their payment should contact the refund administrator, Analytics, at 833-889-7400, or visit the FTC website to view frequently asked questions about the refund process. The Commission never requires people to pay money or provide account information to get a refund.