GEICO Motorcycle Insurance

GEICO Motorcycle Insurance Reviews

About GEICO Motorcycle Insurance

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GEICO Motorcycle Insurance Reviews

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    How do I know I can trust these reviews about GEICO Motorcycle Insurance?
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    Verified purchase
    Customer ServiceCoverageSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 7, 2024

    Bait and Switch company!!! I agreed and got this policy because my payments would be 41.16 per month for my bike. It was... for the first two months. Then they want $127. and some change I call and they tried to say I did not sign a paper so they added a coverage to my account. If I knew there was going to be a rate increase I would have made sure it was signed. Nobody informed me I had another paper I needed to sign.

    I spoke to Angie ** a manager and she was extremely rude and did not want me to explain anything she knew all the answers and decided with no notice to place me on a 7 minute hold to get me to shut up. She probably thought I would hang up and she wouldn't have to deal with me. I requested to speak to her superior to talk about how a manager can behave like she did and no call back has ever happened. She threatened to put a note on my account so that if I got in an accident I would not be covered. Nothing you can do but leave this review. Stay away from Geico at all cost. TERRIBLE COMPANY!!! DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!!! FOR YOUR SAKE PLEASE DO NOT.

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingPriceStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 6, 2024

    I put in a claim on my car after hitting a deer. They told me to go to their shop. They tell me it's a $5000.00 quote which is extreme. They start working on the damage and days later I get ta call from Aimee the rude little adjuster. She tells me that it's going to be a additional $1500.00 because of betterment. No idea what that is. I have both comp and collision. I happened to be near the shop. They tell me that they will do the job for $750.00. I told them to stop the work and give me the car. It's a scam. She lied and they are all in cahoots. I'm shopping for new insurance.

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      Customer ServiceCoverage

      Reviewed Aug. 13, 2022

      I have used them for 30 years for auto and out of nowhere they decline me for motorcycle coverage. Worse, when I call the number they gave me to discuss with an rep, the automated calling system goes through steps only to hang up on me 3 times in a row. Terrible customer service on this day. No reasons given. Nothing.

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      Verified purchase
      Customer ServiceCoveragePriceStaff

      Reviewed July 31, 2022

      Be prepared to be lied to, stalled with every technique possible (including supposed payments); expect to speak with a different person every time you call. I trusted Geico with my motorcycle insurance for fifteen years, on three bikes, and with my auto insurance, twenty-five years. Remember: If you are in California, you have ten days to report an accident to the DMV on a SR1 form where there is $1000 or more in property damage or injury. Your insurance company won't tell you that, because they don't care about you, only your money. When you buy your bike on a loan, you might consider taking out gap insurance to pick up the loan portion that the insurance company won't cover if your bike is totaled. This is an additional policy generally not offered by your insurance company.

      Property Damage and Personal Injury. There are two parts to a motorcycle damage (your motorcycle) and personal injury (your injuries). Attorneys don't care and won't help you with the property settlement because it's not worth their time. Attorneys do care about personal injury. That's where they make the money, especially if you have lost a leg or had a chunk taken out of your forehead. They don't want to be bothered with a $100,000 claim. They will take 33 1/3% but more like 50% because they'll wrap their expenses into the final cost. The opposing insurance company will set up a personal injury claim for you, but expect to be taken advantage of because they will adjust and re-adjust and have a bevy of attorneys. We, the consumers, are at a disadvantage even when the other party has claimed 100% liability.

      My accident: I was sitting, stopped, on my motorcycle and was hit from behind by another rider traveling 40mph on a bike three times the size, in California. 100% his fault per the California Highway Patrol. Two totaled motorcycles. Two injured riders. I reported my accident to Geico the next day. I have refundable $250 collision deductible. The Geico agent asks, "Do you want to file through Geico or third-party?" I've never been hit so I had no idea what they were talking about. I said, "Isn't Geico my insurance company?" After talking with other riders, I thought perhaps third-party was the way to go and called them back, but by then, I was assigned to the first of three adjusters. I'm happy that I did not file a third-party claim for property damage.

      My bike was towed to a dealer in Reno. A week after the accident, I'd already been reassigned to three Geico adjusters, the last one out of Virginia Beach, VA. A web search showed that the third adjuster surrendered his license in Utah and Kentucky. A comparable naked bike (used) runs about $6500 in California. Then add replacement cost of luggage...($1800 to replace) but Geico gave me $200. They took my Garmin 660LM GPS ($699) and gave me $81. I had a custom seat and I think they gave me $5. None of these accessories were covered by Geico, so the question was, why are they including them in their valuation?

      Geico had a Harley Davidson dealer in Tempe, AZ do the valuation. A search of that dealer's website and Tempe Craigslist did not produce one comparable motorcycle. Additionally, the base housing price for 55+ housing in Tempe is $90k and in Eastern California/Reno, it's 600k. Not even comparable market conditions. They offered a multitude of different settlement prices, all lowballed at $3200. They issued and supposedly mailed checks for helmet coverage and jacket, but to this date, a month later, those checks never came.

      To appease California regulators, Geico predated a settlement check for within thirty days from the date of the claim being initiated, but never mailed it. Finally, I agreed to a much lesser settlement price, because the stress was enormous and they were not settling. They still haven't paid half the settlement. I finally filed a complaint with the California Department of Insurance when I repeatedly asked for payment on the helmet and jacket and nothing came. DO NOT insure with Geico! They will take your premiums then take your settlement money.

      Things to remember:

      • Geico now offers increased coverage for your accessories but they will depreciate those accessories. You may insure your luggage for $3000, but expect Geico depreciate and devalue those accessories using an out-of-state dealer.

      • Geico will determine a settlement price within the first 30 days and process a check but not send it. They won't tell you that. Your adjuster and his manager won't answer your calls and actually block your number. They will play these games for months. Stalling is the name of the game.

      • If your claim is worth more, keep fighting. They will ignore your comparable motorcycle prices pulled from Cycle Trader, Craigslist or Dealer sites. I assembled those in a pdf file along with my complete maintenance record. In California, you can reopen your claim if you feel the settlement is unfair. You can also sue the responsible party in small claims court for the balance on property damage. That's what we're talking about here. The property damage.

      • Geico will say they sent payment, but the checks will never come despite your repeated reminders that the checks never arrived. Expect this to go on for at least a month.

      • Give no statements to Geico or to the other insurance company.

      • As my insurance company, Geico has a fiduciary responsibility to me. Nothing would make them happier than for me to file a third-party claim with the other guy's insurance company.

      I was not covered on my policy for any medical coverage for myself. (Known as personal injury protection insurance). Geico You want to be careful with personal injury. This will depend on the nature of your injury. Expect to spend two years of your life not riding, but tied up in doctor's appointments and court hearings (and beware of the other party's spies photographing you at home). There are a lot of greedy loser lawyers out there. Nolo publishes a downloadable book called, "How to Win Your Personal Injury Claim." Good luck with that. An interesting read, but insurance companies will throw your demand letter in a file, probably the circular one. I'm not an attorney just a really angry consumer who spent a lot of money with Geico over the years only to be treated abusively.

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      Customer ServicePrice

      Reviewed Feb. 7, 2021

      I have used Geico insurance since 2002 when my buddy from the marine corps recommended them. Excellent company until COVID. I was hospitalized for 2 months with Covid and recovered. Let’s say I came home to a mess. #1 issue coming from Geico. Motorcycle policy cancelled. Threats to cancel auto policy. I call Geico and clean out my remaining savings account to pay my auto policy, I make “arrangements” to catch up on my motorcycle policy.

      I get a call from my finance company saying Geico cancelled my motorcycle policy. I call again and get the run around. I ask for a supervisor and they say one will call me back. I never get a call back. My cars or motorcycle didn’t move one inch while I was in the hospital. Greedy company. They don’t care about anything but money. Thanks Geico for taking advantage of a really bad situation and pretty much leaving me in the dust after almost 20 years of being a customer. I’ll be moving all my policies to another company. So will my whole family. 1 motorcycle policy will cost you tens of thousands. Allstate’s got me.

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      Customer ServiceStaff

      Reviewed Dec. 7, 2020

      STAY AWAY FROM GEICO, I call to cancel my policy and change to another company, I call over 20 times, hardly ever they answer the phone, you are in hold for over an hour, well I received a bill, I try to resolve the issue, calls after call no one help, they say they record calls but they dont, they indicated they call me, they never did, even when I left my phone and name, only after I complain to the BBB they did, all they did was lied, the conversation I had with their resolution department was different from what she said we discuss, this is a very dishonest company with Rude lying employees, their purposely dont answer the phones, they lied, cheat, worse on service.

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      Reviewed July 9, 2020

      I have been a commercial policy holder on auto pay for over a year and when I got in to an accident they told me I was covered. Only to later know that my auto pay wasn't working?!? We contacted them and they said no problem and just pay so we did. We did not get any information about the policy till later. Just remember it's auto renew and auto pay. They committed fraud without a doubt

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      Customer Service

      Reviewed July 7, 2020

      I canceled a motorcycle policy - for an unregistered bike sitting in the garage... Geico continued to bill me, send bills, call etc. Every time I called, I got a different response. Emailing did absolutely NOTHING. They told me if I provided a bill of sale they would cancel my policy. Now they are threatening collections... so I'm just paying the balance they are billing me for and am FOREVER done with GEICO. I wish there were negative stars...

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      Customer Service

      Reviewed April 28, 2020

      3 massive strikes over 8 years, the final straw is when they refused to call me back to discuss a complaint. They did not care when I was stuck on the side of the road in the middle of the desert on my motorcycle.

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      Customer ServiceStaff

      Reviewed July 23, 2019

      I sold my motorcycle to someone who ended up insuring it through Geico. Within a couple of weeks the motorcycle was supposedly stolen. I got a call from Mr. Chris ** with Geico and he accused me of committing insurance fraud. Real class act Geico. Are all your employees trash like Mr. **?

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      GEICO Motorcycle Insurance author review by Matthew Brodsky

      Founded in 1936 under the name Government Employees Insurance Company, GEICO now insures more than 22 million vehicles and continues to provide affordable insurance to men and women in and out of the service.

      • Instant online quoting: Easy online quoting can give you insurance within minutes.

      • All-the-time customer service: Their customer service line is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

      • Convenient communication: Call, email, chat or text with GEICO, using any contact method that is convenient for you.

      • Flexible payment options: With GEICO you can pay monthly, pay the entire premium or break payments up into four, six or nine payment installments.

      • Deep discounts available: GEICO offers a range of discounts for those who qualify, like multi-bike discounts, auto and motorcycle package deals and more.

      by Matthew Brodsky Insurance Advisor

      Matthew Brodsky is an established expert on insurance, having written hundreds of articles and other pieces of content on the subject, interviewed countless practitioners, and attended dozens of conferences and events. He served as an editor at industry magazine Risk & Insurance for six years.

      GEICO Motorcycle Insurance Company Information

      Company Name:
      GEICO Motorcycle Insurance
      Year Founded:
      GEICO Motorcycle One GEICO Center
      Postal Code:
      United States