Blue Buffalo Pet Foods Reviews
About Blue Buffalo Pet Foods
Blue Buffalo is a manufacturer of dog and cat foods. Ingredients include high-quality meats, fruits, vegetables, cheese, eggs, fish oil, barley, rye, fava beans, vitamins and mineral supplements. Products are available on the company’s website and through other retailers.
- No filler ingredients
- Wide selection of food and treats
- Vitamins and mineral supplements
- Brand has had recalls
- Can be expensive
Blue Buffalo Pet Foods Reviews
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Reviewed Oct. 27, 2013
I have a 5yr old miniature schnauzer who was on Blue small breed for 2 years. I recently switched him to Blue grain-free. He has been hospitalized twice, has gas and breathe that smells like poop. He recently had a dental cleaning and is on probiotic. We brush his teeth 3x day and still no improvement. I've spoken to his vet who said that he was not aware of any complaints against Blue. I am so glad that I found this page. I am pulling off of Blue immediately. He has an appt with the vet on Tuesday and I am requesting that a full blood screening be run. Please post whatever info you have. I need guidance.
Reviewed Oct. 25, 2013
I have a 2 year old Pomeranian. She's NEVER had any prior digestive issues. All we give her is Blue Buffalo dry dog food. She never gets table scraps. About 4 weeks ago, her stool started to get soft. It then progressed to runny diarrhea - and anyone out there who has a long haired dog knows that diarrhea coupled with their long fur equals a HUGE, SMELLY mess. We thought that maybe she ate something outside, so we gave it a few days for it to pass through her system.
Well 2 days after the diarrhea, she started to vomit after every meal. So we took her into the vet for a diagnosis. They diagnosed her as having an irritated digestive track. They had us change up her food to Science Diet I/D. They also administered saline fluid under her skin to compensate for the fluids lost through the diarrhea and vomiting, as well as anti-nausea/diarrhea medication. We slowly incorporated some cooked chicken and white rice into her diet, and then after 5 days we proceeded back onto her normal diet of the Blue Buffalo Small Breed formula.
All was good for about 4 or 5 days then the symptoms returned. They progressed the same way. Soft stool to diarrhea, to vomiting and diarrhea. So we took our 2nd trip to the vet where they did the same thing as before. Except this time we left with some antibiotics. The vet thought that maybe she had a little stomach bug or something. After a week of being on a bland (Blue Buffalo free) diet, she was back to her normal self.
By this time however, my wife and I were beginning to get suspicious about her food being the culprit. Some dogs have food allergies, and others have food intolerance. After researching the difference between the two, we realized that our little Pom had every symptom of food intolerance. The symptoms are a gurgling stomach, flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting. Unfortunately the only way to be sure if this was the issue was to reintroduce her to the BB and see what happened. She was good for 2 days then it started again. Loose stool, to diarrhea, to vomiting. We now know that the BB is the culprit.
There are many good alternatives for dog food other than BB. If you visit their (Blue Buffalo's) website they will even admit that there's always a chance that your animal may be intolerant to their food formula. However, there's something that really peeves me about BB. They are adamantly denying any issues with their food, even though I'm seeing the internet getting FLOODED with similar complaints. Ironic? I think NOT! Is it that your animal, and hundreds and/or thousands of others mysteriously developed food intolerance to their product, AT THE SAME TIME? Or is it that maybe, just maybe, they had something go wrong with their food formula, and our animals are being slightly poisoned?
If you look up complaints against Blue Buffalo, you will see this isn't the first time they've had something like this happen. And the last time it happened, they did the same thing that they're doing now. They denied any wrongdoing, and they even went so far as to say that the people filing the complaints were muckrakers hired by their competitors. REALLY?!?
Let’s use some common sense here. We are the vocal minority of people whose animals have been affected - all with identical symptoms. How many more pets out there are being affected and their owners haven't put 2 and 2 together yet? Believe me, there's a WHOLE LOT MORE! Say what you will about Blue Buffalo, I will never buy their product again. There are too many other competitive brands out there that are equal to or better, and I love my dog too much to ever put her through this again.
Reviewed Oct. 23, 2013
Both of my dogs seem sick after eating the chicken and brown rice formula. They are eating grass, throwing up bile and the smaller dog seems really uncomfortable.
Reviewed Oct. 23, 2013
My 11-year old dog started showing signs of what I thought was her age. Stomach issues which included vomiting along with bowel trouble and gas. She also was having trouble with tearing eyes which we thought might be the start of allergy problems. She wasn't eating like she use to either, was drinking more water, and had low energy. I also noticed her coat looked duller and her skin was flaking. They did blood work up at the vet and her kidney count had been 13 nine months ago and it had increased to 31. Although the vet wasn't too concerned, as he said that was a high normal. Then my daughter called. She lives in another state and she told me she was having the same problems with her dogs and they are both large breed younger dogs. She feeds Blue Freedom so she researched and saw all the complaints.
She called the company and they stated they were not receiving any complaints. I went that very day to the Pet Store where I purchase my food and spoke with the manager. He also stated he was not aware of any issues with Blue. I decided to listen to my inner voice and switched my dog to Wellness. Her transformation is amazing. No more teary eyes, her coat is shining again, no gas, no vomiting or stomach issues. She is drinking less water, has more energy, and loves her food. My daughter switched to another brand and her dogs also are doing great! I went yesterday to return the Blue I had on hand and the clerk ask me why I was returning it. I told her and her jaw dropped. She told me she has 5 dogs, she feeds Blue, and they all have the same symptoms. She said she had called the company and they told her there have been no issues with the food.
While shopping in the store, I ran into the manager again and he proceeded to tell me he had spoken with a Blue rep last week and he assured him that all was well with the company and the food. I told the manager that my dog and my daughter's dogs are doing much better since we switched foods. He said he thinks it is still a good food but understood my concerns and was glad the dogs were better. I thought I was feeding a top quality premium dog food. My dog is part of our family and I feel terrible she was put through this. The Blue company is in denial. If you are reading this because your pet is having issues, don't take the company or the pet store's word. There is a problem with more than one line of this food and your animals are at risk. I will never feed any Blue product again as they are not handling the complaints and denying there are problems with their products.
Reviewed Oct. 23, 2013
For several years, I have been feeding my Chihuahuas Blue Buffalo Dry Dog Food, chicken and brown rice or weight management, without any problems at all. I even recommended this food to the people I knew, as one of the best holistic food for their pooches. Two months ago, I purchased the weight management dry food for my chis, as some were a little bit heavy. And the same day that I fed them the food, all of them got diarrhea. At first, I thought that maybe it was some of the leaves from the backyard that gave them the diarrhea. But when they ate the food again and had the same issue, I thought this time that "maybe" there was something wrong with the food because it was impossible that all of my chis had diarrhea at the same time.
I immediately just kept them on water, gave them some diarrhea medication, went to the store where I had purchase the food, exchanged the bag for Wellness, called Blue Buffalo, explained what happened. The representative never asked for my information. She only said that I was the first complaint they had received and that she was going to pass along the same to the department that would take care of it and that she was sorry that it happened. Ever since I started my chis on Wellness dry dog food, the diarrhea is gone and they are as happy as they could ever be. Needless to say, I am not going back to Blue Buffalo ever again. The life of my babies is too precious to have them sick over an expensive food that who knows what it contains now. It must have something, as so many pets are getting sick.
Reviewed Oct. 22, 2013
I'm a pet parent to 4 dogs and 2 cats. All my pets have been on Blue Buffalo products for the past 4 years. Recently, my dogs began throwing up, having loose stools, foul gas, refusing to eat their dog food at times and when they did eat, I noticed they were eating grass in the yard afterwards and drinking lots of water. 1 of my dogs appeared bloated and was panting heavily; my other dog started to urinate in her doggie bed while sleeping (she's a younger dog and had never done that before). My cats, 1 of which is no longer on BB as she had Renal Failure a year ago (we never considered the possibility it had something to do with her food at the time but I'm thinking now it might have), luckily she survived but is now closely monitored by our vet with daily pills and a prescription diet.
My other cat was fine and continued on BB until this last bag I purchased. I noticed a difference in the food color, kernel size was inconsistent and she's been drinking a lot of water. I went online to research if there was something going on with BB and came across so many other comments similar to mine. I'm shocked because I always thought BB was a great food! It is an expensive pet food but I wanted to give my pets the best so the cost was worth it to me to ensure their health. I immediately stopped feeding BB to all my pets once I saw the postings from others who were experiencing problems. I bought Halo for my pets and am seeing a big difference now! I'm convinced that the BB food was causing issues for my pets. I'm sharing my story in the hope that I might help someone else whose pet is experiencing issues like mine.
Reviewed Oct. 21, 2013
We've been feeding our Ocicat Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon dry food for the last 2-3 years. She was on Royal Canin, Science Diet and the Prescription Diet previously.... She would throw up several times a week during that time so we found BB and switched. Last week she got sick and threw up her BB dry bits twice and continued to dry heave about 10-15 minutes following the initial throwing up. I'm curious if this is because we had purchased a new bag two weeks prior and maybe something was "up" with that particular bag. I also had purchased new treats for her, one of which I didn't realize was made in China so in the trash that went..... Anyone else have a cat who's been on BB recently get sick? We took her to the vet and her BUN/CREA was unusually high but her urine gravity was normal.... Just want to be proactive and see if we need to think about switching our baby to something else. Thanks in advance!
Reviewed Oct. 17, 2013
To add to my previous post about my 3 out of 4 dogs who were vomiting and had bloody diarrhea, they have been on their new food for over a week and back to normal. A friend of mine was feeding their Akita Blue and she thought she would have to put him down. She switched him off of Blue and immediately got better. Another friend's cat was having health issues. When she heard of my issues, she switched her cat off of Blue and now her cat is back to normal. My vet has had more cases brought to him after my dogs. I reported Blue to the Better Business Bureau and got the following response from Blue (keep in mind in my complaint I mentioned the complaints from this site): "All BLUE Dog Formulas are formulated to meet the appropriate AFFCO nutrient profiles. Blue Buffalo has no reported similar complaints or issues. However, we do encourage this pet parent to contact our customer service department directly, 1-800-919-2833, so that she can provide further details and information and we can do a complete investigation." I am absolutely livid. Tons of people on here have said they have tried contacting them and they are still claiming no one has brought it to their attention!
Reviewed Oct. 16, 2013
I have a one-year-old Jack Russell Terrier that I adopted from the Humane Society about 2 months ago. He recently had a sore on him that he kept scratching/biting, so while at the pet store picking out a spray for his itching, the Blue Buffalo rep came over and was very interested in my dog's skin issues and suggested it could be a food allergy. I had been feeding him Purina One which is also what he had been fed at the shelter. The BB rep said it would make him healthier and happier and almost certainly take care of his itching. So, the first day, I only mixed a tiny bit of the new food (BB Life Protection Lamb & Brown Rice recipe) with his regular Purina One...probably 3/4 Purina to 1/4 BB as I wanted to make the transition very gradual so as not to upset his stomach.
This was on Sunday, his first taste of it. He seemed to really like it. However on Monday he had pooped in his crate, which he rarely has ever done... I thought perhaps it was just the initial getting used to the new food and still gave him about 1/3 portion of the new food on Monday since the BB rep had been so negative about his current food. I thought maybe in the long run, it would be better for him and would just need some adjustment time. However, on Tuesday morning, I went online and found all of these reviews so I was really worried that it was doing him more harm than good... Then, Tuesday afternoon, my 15-year-old son got home from school before I did and called to tell me the mess was way worse and he had also vomited...so, of course I did not give him any more of the BB food and on Wednesday he seemed back to normal - had no "accidents" in his crate so that leads me to believe the BB food was definitely the culprit.
Loose stool is not uncommon for my dog (and yes, he has been checked for parasites) which was another reason I thought I was doing the right thing, hoping the 'better' food would help his intestinal issues but I feel so bad that he suffered like that for two days. I am taking the bag of BB food back to the pet store for a refund and going back to the Purina One which he seemed to tolerate much better. My advice, if you are thinking of switching to BB food for your dog, introduce it VERY slowly in VERY small amounts and see if there is any change in your dog's health and also KEEP THE RECEIPT in case you have to return it... It is way too expensive!
Reviewed Oct. 16, 2013
My girlfriend and I recently got a new pup, and gradually switched him over as usual. A week / 2 weeks into it, he began having wet stool. At the time, wasn't a concern, just thought it was just him adjusting.
However, currently for the past few days, he has been having loose stool and diarrhea with mucus which has brought the attention of parvo or other illness; however he was just checked a week ago and was completely fine, and got his 1st shots. He has not shown any other signs of illness, just the stool issue. He can't even hold it in anymore, and needs to go very frequently, on average ~ 10 times per day, and it pretty well spits out when he goes. To go along with this, he no longer chews his food, and is not excited about eating time anymore. We switched him because of the products/ingredients used, and it seemed like a very good product. This isn't what we thought it was, and it's been nothing but worries and troubles for our pup.
Blue Buffalo seriously needs to do a recall and fix the problem that many are experiencing. We are no longer going to be purchasing Blue, even if they do correct what is wrong with their product.
Reviewed Oct. 15, 2013
We picked up our new lab puppy about a month ago. Our puppy was on Iams large bred puppy food and at the time we picked her up and she didn't have any problems with Iams. But being proud-loving new parents, a friend told us to put her on Blue Buffalo (large bred) puppy chow. So we mixed the Iams with the Blue Buffalo for several days expecting a little diarrhea with it. Then we moved her completely to the Blue Buffalo and the diarrhea has not stopped. We even mixed in cooked rice with the Blue Buffalo and had her checked for worms (no worms) and she still gets diarrhea after 4 weeks of eating Blue Buffalo. So we're done with this dog food. It's expensive and we are extremely disappointed with it. So we're back to Iams pro health puppy chow and will probably keep her on this until she is an adult and we find a good brand of dog food that suits her.
Reviewed Oct. 14, 2013
Recently we started our 5 month old Catahoula on Blue Buffalo dog food, wanting a healthy and natural diet for our dog. We noticed at first his horrible gas and then diarrhea. Most recently he has become aggressive to both myself and my husband. We thought we were doing the good thing in buying him a quality dog food, but apparently we were wrong. We have stopped feeding him Blue Buffalo and will never go back.. There should be a warning label on this food "may cause serious problems with your beloved pet."
Reviewed Oct. 12, 2013
I have been feeding my cats Blue Buffalo Basics Fish and Potato for a little over a month and have not experienced the same problems as everyone else seems to be having. In fact, one of my cats, who used to always throw up right after eating with every food that I gave her (including a couple of different prescription foods), stopped vomiting after I began giving her this food and has not vomited one time since. It has really helped her.
Reviewed Oct. 8, 2013
I adopted my dog. He is a year old. I wanted to give him the best and bought Blue, every type of dry and canned to see what he liked. It was horrible for him. He lost weight, had diarrhea from the first day and horrible gas. I am not sure why but I make my own food now and he is doing really good.
Reviewed Oct. 8, 2013
My cat is 1 year old. I have had him since he was 3 months old. I started feeding him Blue Buffalo right when I got him, since the lady at Petco recommended it to me and I wanted to feed my cat what I thought was good for him. I went from feeding him the kitten food to the adult food and he has been on the adult food for a few months now. In September, I started him on the Chicken recipe of dry food and canned food. He started vomiting. I took him to the vets. They said he was fine and may have a bowel obstruction and to come back if the vomiting didn't go away or got worse. He has been vomiting 2-3x per day, bile-colored liquid and the past two days has been sleeping all day and not playful or vocal (NOT normal for this cat!).
Today after reading these comments, I immediately stopped feeding him Blue Buffalo and switched to an all organic canned food and he has not vomited once all day today and is already playing more and acting like himself. Tomorrow, he is due for another vet visit. I have a feeling after reading these comments that it's the food and whatever poisons these criminals put in our pets' food that is making them sick. I will take this as a learning experience and will research my pets' food before I feed it to them. Please do not risk feeding your pet this product if you care about your pet! It is not worth the risk!
Reviewed Oct. 8, 2013
I have a 7-month-old Bolognese puppy. He's been on BB Freedom Grain Free since I got him from the breeder. He's vomited a couple of times before the following episode. Recently, I bought a new bag and the bits (not the life source bits) were darker and had a reddish tint. BTW, he hates the Life Source balls. September 13, 2013, I came home to a puppy that was obviously not feeling well. Later that day, he vomited 3 times then aspirated. Mega vet bucks, including an internist. He's been on a bland diet for 3 weeks (doing perfectly), slowly transitioning back to the BB. The day he was on complete BB, he ate well. Later that night, he vomited. I can't say it's BB definitively, but I will be switching to a new food, especially after reading these comments and the ones on their FB page. Once a dog aspirates, the likelihood to do it again is very high. He's had "allergy" symptoms since I've gotten him and I'm just not going to chance it any longer. Again, I can't lay the blame on BB, but I'm not willing to keep feeding it to him.
Reviewed Oct. 7, 2013
Blue Buffalo needs to wake up and do a recall of their dry dog food for adult dogs, chicken. I feed it to 2 dogs, Chocolate Lab and a Pug. Purchased the $50 bag at the beginning of September. Since then, both dogs have been throwing the food up and both have loose stools most of the time. We started to mix in rice with the food to see if that helped, but the same thing. There have been numerous posts I have read with the same issue. Blue Buffalo, wake up before you begin to have dog deaths on your hands. We now have stopped feeding them the food for now to see if the symptoms go away.
Reviewed Oct. 7, 2013
I have a 13.5 year old Yorkshire. She had been eating Innova for the past 12 years or so. A few months ago, Innova was recalled and at the advice of an employee at the pet store, I switched to Blue Buffalo Senior Dog food. I began noticing my Yorkie losing weight, and pooping a lot. I then noticed her drinking a lot of water. She also began to pee in the house which was very unusual. I was going to take her to the Vet when I googled Blue Buffalo dog food, and saw all of the horrible reviews. I immediately switched her to a different dog food and will await to see the results. My Yorkie has never had any health issues.
Reviewed Oct. 6, 2013
At my local pet store, Pets Supplies Plus, I was looking at Friskies canned cat food when I heard this voice and was approached by a lady asking how my day was and the conversation turned into what I feed my cats. And she proceeded to tell me she recommends Blue Buffalo and she has a table in the back if I would like to go see and buy a bag. I was like nooo, I've heard complaints! She dismissed it saying they are a good product and tried to give me a card. I declined and just want to say it pays to do research on bad products and I'm glad I have seen and read all the complaints. Something needs to be done. And they need to stop trying to sell and pressure people into buying it.
Reviewed Oct. 6, 2013
3 out of 4 of my dogs have experienced vomiting, and pooping blood. My 2nd dog was bad to the point that when I came home from work, my bathroom looked like a murder scene, blood on the floor, the wall, and the cabinet. When I rushed her to the vet, he informed me that he had already had 5 identical cases before my dogs and all of us were feeding our dogs Blue products. He recommended using Eukanuba or Royal Canin. I started to slowly introduce the new food, then yesterday, my 3rd dog started pooping blood. I switched the food immediately, I'd rather deal with diarrhea from changing foods, than have my last dog develop the same symptoms!
Reviewed Oct. 4, 2013
I switched my dog Luke to Blue Buffalo about 2 months ago. The first bag I bought was Buffalo and he ate it without problems. I started out with the small bag to make sure he liked it. When I needed more, I went to Petsmart and they were out of the large bags of Buffalo so I bought the red meat flavor. Luke has developed the worse case of gas you can imagine. It is so bad that it almost makes me sick. At first, I thought the gas was from an antibiotic but he has been off the antibiotic for several days and the gas is unbearable. I contacted Blue Buffalo to tell them about it but they haven't responded to my call. Then I stumbled upon this website and was shocked, as I too, thought this was healthy.
Reviewed Oct. 4, 2013
I fed my dog Blue Buffalo food for three months. She began bleeding from her urinary tract and was unable to urinate. Her veterinarian ran $800 worth of tests and diagnosed her with bladder stones. The stones are caused by the high protein content of the Blue Buffalo food. My dog is on prescription food now. If that doesn't dissolve her stones, she will need surgery. Get this food off the market.
Reviewed Oct. 3, 2013
I would always spend a good amount of money on food for my dogs. I used to use Fromm food and they liked it most of the time but became rather picky. So because PetSMart and PetCo had Blue Buffalo and I didn't have to wait for the feed store to open, I started buying it. I did the typical blending of the food when I changed so there would be any issues but still had some with loose stools. I decided to go from duck to chicken thinking it was maybe a bit rich for their bellies. Mind you, I have two Dachshunds, 1 Lab and 1 Australian Shepherd. One of my Dachshunds will not eat the little life bits that are dark. Will eat around them and leave for the other dogs to eat. My Aussie is a little particular so she would only eat a little a day. The Lab will eat anything in sight.
They had horrible gas and loose stools so I tried going to the Salmon Blue Buffalo hoping it would be better. It has not been better. They are all crated in my bedroom so the other night was the absolute worse. I fed them the second time a little too close to bedtime. HUGE mistake. The gas from all four dogs almost ran me out of my bed. It was horrible! I decided to do some looking into this problem the night of the big "gas out" and saw one girl fed her dogs Acana. I found a boutique store that carries the food and it's almost the same price. I haven't tried it yet but will very soon! Very disappointed with Blue Buffalo.
Reviewed Oct. 2, 2013
Since I last wrote, my Beagle's tests have come back from the three universities doing the tests. There were NO traces of cancer (yay!), but the Cornell U test showed copper levels at nearly 1100. Currently, vets think that 800 or higher could be lethal. Apparently, the lethal limit used to be 1500 until animal medicine realized their threshold was too high. My dog's tests also shows him having a form a hepatitis via an enlarged liver now too. I'm of course looking at big bucks for treatment and I remain suspicious that my dog's copper levels could be elevated due to the food I was feeding him.
Vets seem to be quick to dismiss food as a possible cause but on the American Animal Hospital Assoc Journal's website, it says the following under the section called "Causes of High Liver Copper Concentrations": "In health, copper is ingested with food and water, is rapidly absorbed from the alimentary canal, temporarily bound to transport proteins, and circulated to the liver, where it is actively transported into the hepatocyte."
My water itself has no excess copper in it, although it does travel through copper pipes. That leaves the only food my dog used to get for the past few years (yellow bag BB). I am having a hard time figuring out what else could be cause of such an ailment (in my 10 year old Beagle) if it wasn't the food I'd been giving him. Thousands of dollars later, I begin the expensive process of trying to rid my dog of excess copper and slow and hopefully stop his liver damage. Buyer beware.
Reviewed Oct. 2, 2013
Our typically super high-energy 4-year-old Chesapeake Bay Retriever had similar symptoms as others on this board - lethargy, refusal to eat his food, diarrhea, vomiting and heavy bleeding from his rectum - after eating a new bag of BB Basics Turkey and Potato (purple bag). The vet ran tests/X-rays/etc. and there was no blockage and the illness was attributed to something that he ate (only thing other than his regular treats was BB). He'd been on BB for 2+ years and the exact same formula for 1.5 years... This was just a brand new bag. He'd eaten two meals from the new bag.
I contacted BB and they are running tests on the food right now. So before you return the food to the pet store, set aside at least a cup to send back to BB. I'd encourage everyone on here to be proactive and submit claims with BB so they can test all of the food and get to the bottom of what's going on. Hopefully, we can save some other pet owners the heartache that we went through.
Reviewed Oct. 1, 2013
Blue Buffalo is clearly unresponsive on this food safety issue given all of the comments here, which has also been my experience. However, I seem to be the only one who ever complains to the right sources, and change would come about if more people spoke up. I am asking you to do that to save pets' lives! Please continue to post your complaints here but don't stop with that. Complaining amongst ourselves without further action will do nothing. Please do the following if you want Blue Buffalo to have to issue a recall. It is the only way. Since I have had almost 10,000 views of my previous post here, I know that there are thousands of other people out there who are having issues with this food. Please speak up to the powers that be! Write to the Connecticut Better Business Bureau regarding your experience with Blue Buffalo (D rating). Then PLEASE call the FDA Consumer Coordinators for your state listed here, and especially if your pet has died, so that this food is recalled immediately. Please use your bad experience and story not just to post to help others so they don't have to experience the same pain and fate.
Reviewed Sept. 29, 2013
I lost my George to this inferior, dangerous food. I have 2 adult, senior cats (both 12 years old), and recently adopted a baby kitten, 4 months old. I had switched food to Blue Buffalo Back in June. Lean, longevity. Both cats loved the food. We got our little Lucy in July, and naturally, fed her their kitten food. By August, the two 12 year olds, Peeps and George, were drinking tons of water, and urinating massive amounts in the litter box. They also had loose stool.
Little Lucy developed horrible gas and loose stools, but did not have the excessive thirst/urination. Peeps was vomiting yellow fluid. I did a food search on the internet and found this site. I was horrified. I thought I was feeding my kids the best food on the market. Last week, Thursday, September 26, we took our George to the vet as his symptoms worsened. Thankfully, Peeps was back to normal and Lucy was fine; also after stopping Blue Buffalo. Unfortunately, it was too late for George. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis, leading to diabetes, and advancing to ketoacidosis; a death sentence for him.
The treatment is intense, and there is no guarantee that he would make it through the treatment. We had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him go, and end his suffering. George was a large cat, and I always watched for diabetic signs, as I have had a diabetic cat before. The reason I attribute his illness to this food is because the other cats, both normal weight, had the same symptoms. And we had also just had his wellness exam a month before he died and everything was fine. I am so angry at this company. I am also frustrated as no one, not Petco or my vet, believed Blue Buffalo to be the culprit. I have directed them to this website, in hopes of opening their eyes to this dangerous food.
Please, do NOT feed your pets this food! There is definitely something horribly wrong going on here. This company needs to be held accountable. I do not care about my veterinary bills, but I do care about preventing someone else from losing their beloved pet. I cannot have children. These cats are our children, in a sense. I thought I was giving them the highest quality food, and instead find out I poisoned them. I am just sick about it. George did not deserve to go through that. I will be reporting Blue to Consumer Reports, BBB, and anywhere else that I can.
Reviewed Sept. 29, 2013
I have a 6-year old female Boston/Pug mix and a 3-year old male Boston/Pug mix. The female has always had digestive problems. She and the male were both on Nutro limited ingredient until the Blue sales person as Petsmart convinced us that Blue was a much better food. Over 2 years later, with no problems, dogs were doing great on the Basics Turkey and Potato dry formula. For two years, we have touted the excellence of this product to our friends and family. Fast forward to the beginning of September. Our female began having diarrhea and pooping in the house - never happens. At first, we attributed it to her sensitive tummy. Both dogs had been off of table food for a few months, and we had given them scraps from a steak dinner.
But as the week went on, so did the diarrhea, and it was now bloody. We took her to her vet. He ran fecal tests, etc. All was normal. He thought that she had IBS. Lot's of money, antibiotics, and probiotics later, she was still having diarrhea. Around the same time, the boy dog broke out in a horrible red under body rash. Thought maybe it was a reaction to some air freshener I used on his bed. All along, we continued to feed them both the BB. We supplemented the female's diet with pumpkin to help with the diarrhea, which it did. Thinking she was cured, we quit giving her the pumpkin, and lo and behold, explosive watery stool this very evening. So, my husband and I are sitting here and considering anything and everything we can to solve her problem. Thought it was a gluten problem.
Considered the BB Freedom because it specifically said gluten free, but wait, the Basics is supposed to be grain free too. So I'm sitting here racking my brain, trying to figure it out, and I thought about a dog food recall. Maybe I missed it? However, nothing came up for Blue Buffalo, UNTIL I specifically googled Blue Buffalo recall. And WHAM!! Here I am. Let me say, the trouble with my babies began earlier this month - new bag of food purchased. My baby girl has been so sick, and we have been so worried. We have spent this incredible amount of money for dog food for our babies because we love them and want what is best for them only to find out it is making them sick. So many stories on this board express the same situation we have been experiencing. I am so furious. Blue Buffalo needs to be held accountable for this.
Reviewed Sept. 27, 2013
I have two kittens. I started them on Blue Buffalo Kitten. Right away they both got diarrhea with blood in it and they were becoming lethargic. I took them to the vet. No parasites were found; however, the doctor still gave them Drontal. After completing the treatment, they still had diarrhea, still lethargic. I searched on the internet and found this page. Took them off of BB immediately and within 6 hours, they started to improve. It hasn't even been 24 hours and they are playing like they should, and stools are better!
Reviewed Sept. 27, 2013
When we adopted Lady, she was an older dog, 8 years. Took her to the vet, got bloodwork and everything was normal. Fast forward to today, 6 months later and our Lady had to be put to sleep. She was in liver failure and having seizures. I have racked my brain trying to figure out what could have caused this. The only thing I can put my finger on is the food, Blue Buffalo. Her liver numbers were through the roof. How in 6 months could this happen? We also switched our cats over to Blue Buffalo for cats. We have 2 and our older cat suddenly has a skin condition; scabs and hair falling out. We took her to the vet and we were told it was probably an allergy since all tests came back normal or negative. Now, I am left wondering if my choice in pet food killed our Lady and hurt our cat. I am so distraught that my choice might have done this.
Reviewed Sept. 27, 2013
I have five cats of my own, five long term fosters (a mama and four kits) and two short term fosters headed for rescue in a few days. I have two dogs. They have all been fed Blue Buffalo. My own cats were eating Wilderness due to my eldest girl having lymphoma and needing to be grain free. No problems for a long time - then wham, diarrhea from some of my cats, and all of my fosters. A couple of my foster kittens had some blood in their stool. One foster right now has such severe diarrhea it is frightening. Yes, he is seeing a vet, just to add. Dogs are ok, *knock on wood*. A friend who feeds raw suggested that the problem is Blue Buffalo and a quick internet search and voila - I find all these complaints with very similar information.
I immediately returned all unopened Blue Buffalo products to the store. The stuff that was opened - not sure whether to mail it back to the company with a stiff complaint or just pitch it. I have since changed all their food, and my fosters are on plain boiled chicken and rice for now. I am sickened by this. It hurts my heart to see them in pain. :( I realize that there can be issues with any mass produced foods - but how many animals will be seriously ill or, heaven forbid, die, before the company recalls? I am so disappointed.
Reviewed Sept. 26, 2013
Like everyone else, I've been feeding my puppy BB ever since I got her 5 months ago. I picked her up from boarding, and she had liquid stools. After 2 vet trips, $450, Flagyl, FortiFlora probiotics, antibiotics, and a special GI tract diet, her stools were back to normal. I started to reintroduce BB to her diet 2 days ago and now this morning her stool was loose like it was before. I didn't want to believe that it could have been BB, but after reading all of these reviews, it's very obvious that's the cause.
Reviewed Sept. 25, 2013
Was feeding my kitty, Bubo, Blue Buffalo wet food. In Sept. '11, his liver became enlarged and he went down to 8.5 lbs. We could never figure out what made him ill. He did well on liver medication but never regained the weight. He became ill again. I found this website. He's currently in the hospital on IV fluids. Now it's his liver and kidneys. I had no idea it was Blue Buffalo. I thought I was feeding him healthy food that was good for him. My boy is down to 5.5 lbs and so weak. I'm going to have to "make the decision" soon and it's all because of this food line. His twin brother never touched the wet food, only would eat dry food. Now I know why. I'm gonna lose my boy who I raised from a kitten and have had in my life for 12 yrs... Why didn't anyone from Blue warn us? They claim to care so much???
Reviewed Sept. 25, 2013
I am really shocked after reading these reviews. Today my four-month-old European Basset had exploratory surgery to determine why she was vomiting. We thought she might have a blockage but that was not the case. She had an inflamed intestine and swollen lymph nodes. The vet did a biopsy of the nodes and I am waiting on results. The vomiting started on Sunday. I have been feeding her Blue Buffalo grain free chicken/brown rice puppy food for three weeks and just bought her a new bag this past weekend. I fed her from the new bag on Sunday. She began throwing up Sunday night after two feedings. I fed her again on Monday morning and within 30 minutes, she was vomiting again. We rushed her to the vet because we thought she had swallowed or eaten something and had blockage. I am now wondering if this entire problem is a result of bad Blue Buffalo food. It makes sense to me. The food looked different from my first bag; not as many small dark pieces. Praying my puppy is okay.
Reviewed Sept. 23, 2013
I am increasingly angry every time I visit this forum and see more and more posts all very similar to my family's experience. Here's our story:
After three vet visits, one of them to the emergency vet, I am so relieved to say that my sweet 2.5-year-old golden Roger is on the mend. Roger has been on Blue Buffalo his entire life, and we always thought we were feeding him the best of the best. Three weeks ago, he started having strange symptoms like loss of coordination and difficulty walking, in addition to stomach issues. We took him to the emergency vet in the middle of the night, and they could not determine the cause. After returning home, he began circling the house and had several accidents which he had never done before. Additionally, he was vomiting a dark brown thick substance everywhere.
We took him to our usual vet that next day, and the blood panel showed signs leading them to believe he had eaten a toxic substance...which we found very strange as it just isn't like him to eat anything other than his food or table food. After like five meds, an anti-nausea shot, and wet intestinal food mixed with bland diet for a week, Roger was completely back to normal.
Like so many others in the forum, we began introducing BB Wilderness back into his diet until he was eating full bowls again (but he would only eat it with cheese or a treat mixed in - he must have known something was off!). Within a few days of being fully back on Blue, he got even sicker than he was before. Roger would have to go outside every 30 minutes day and night. He continuously vomited and was very lethargic. We took him to the vet again, and another blood panel indicated that more poisonous substances had been ingested.
After returning home with more meds and ready to begin another round of bland food, I decided to do some research to determine the cause of his issues - that's when I found this forum. I have been watching it for days and see more cases popping up constantly. I didn't want to write until I knew how Roger would do on new dog food, and I'm thrilled to say after just four days of being off of Blue and on Acana, Roger is his old playful self again, and he is eating with vigor.
I was so saddened to read the other stories of sickness and loss and feel so lucky that Roger is well. I felt compelled to write this in hopes that other animals will be saved by learning about the terrible issues being caused by this food. Please, everyone, keep sharing these stories through social media and your contacts - hopefully when word continues to spread, the company will have no choice but to recall the food and come clean to the public.
Reviewed Sept. 22, 2013
We have had our puppy on Blue Buffalo for the past 7 months (since he started eating dry food). He always loved it and did great on it. However, after purchasing this last bag, he developed problems with diarrhea and began refusing to eat. I started to research the issue and found this site with all of the other people experiencing similar problems. I was fortunate enough that my puppy began refusing to eat, leading me to discover this site. I immediately went out and bought him a different brand food. He was ecstatic for dinner, and since switching brands his stools have regulated and he has become his normal self again.
I contacted Blue Buffalo to tell them my experience in hopes they may discover an issue with the product and save other dogs pain and suffering. However, they simply replied that "contrary to the information you found online, we have not experienced issues with any of our batches". Really??...Then how come hundreds of people are having the same problem? How come hundreds of animals are suffering after so many months and years of eating Blue Buffalo without prior problems? I am so disappointed that they don't seem to care more.
Reviewed Sept. 22, 2013
I have been feeding my 11 month old dog Blue Buffalo Freedom Chicken and Brown Rice Puppy formula (light blue bag) for about 8 months now. He's been doing well on it. A few weeks ago when I bought a new bag, the food looked different but I fed it to him anyway. He was so violently ill... vomiting and diarrhea a lot. Got some medicine from the vet and he seemed to be ok. I thought maybe he ate something outside that he shouldn't have. So I fed him the BB again and he started vomiting and diarrhea again.
I went back to the pet store and explained my situation...they said I might have been feeding him the life protection formula and bought freedom this time by mistake. I was pretty sure I always bought freedom but tried the regular just in case. The food looked like it used to and no digestive problems. Great. Now he runs of food. I go and buy him another bag of the regular life protection formula and the food looks different again. I am not even going to feed him this. I am returning it first thing in the morning and switching to another brand. There is something fishy going on with Blue Buffalo.
Reviewed Sept. 21, 2013
Unfortunately, I am afraid that my pets too have been victims of Blue Buffalo food. We have fed Blue Buffalo Duck recipe for a year and a half faithfully to our Bengal Cats and our Dog. Last week, we opened new bags of both dog and cat formulas. Our dog suffered a small amount of diarrhea for a couple of days and within 24 hours our cats did as well. Our dog and one cat returned to normal but one cat has been hospitalized twice this week and is still refusing food. Our cat had diarrhea over the weekend and on Monday it turned to uncontrollable mucus running out of her colon. She was lethargic and was rushed to the vet.
While waiting for the vet, I racked my brain and decided to look for food recalls. That's when I found hundred of recent complaints of the very same issues. Our cat gags at the smell of food and still refuses food at this time. She is on IV fluids and other medications at the vet until she returns to normal. I wouldn't normally post to a website but all of the similarities of the symptoms and the alarming number of complaints prompted me to do so. I immediately threw our 2 basically new expensive bags of food in the trash and changed brands.
Reviewed Sept. 20, 2013
I didn't believe it until my husband showed me all the other reviews. I can't tell you how thankful I am for you all taking the time to write here and share your experience. We had been using Blue for a few years. We also used Blue when we got our new puppy who is now 11 months. When we got this new bag of the same brand, they at first wouldn't touch it. They are picky so I told my husband to stop freaking. I should have listened to him. They finally ate the food and started slowly with very soft stool, unable to hold it, then vomiting, then passing blood in their stool, and then vomiting blood.
The puppy first. We thought he ate something in the house that might have gotten stuck. Vet did an x-ray. Couldn't see anything. Gave him Barium that never went through. Must be something blocking. They opened him up. The laparoscopy showed dead tissue in the stomach and a lesion in the mesentery. No cause. We thought perhaps whatever he ate passed and tore him inside but we pick up his stool. Every time. Never saw anything. Then we came back home with him and found our other dog with the same symptoms. That's when my husband did a search and found you guys here. She is dripping blood this morning. We are both worried sick and angry as hell. How can we trust anyone with our dogs’ food? They were good for years and without telling anyone they decide to change things up. Apparently change things up a lot.
Well if they won't do anything, we all should. I hope its okay with everyone here, but I will be printing each of these complaints and copying them. I am making copies of my 2000$ vet bill, and counting, and I will be going to every pet stores and vet I can find around me and distribute. And I will tell them. If a dog gets hurt because they kept selling this food, and they were aware of the issue, then they will be held responsible. I am hoping you'll do the same in your area.
Reviewed Sept. 19, 2013
About two weeks ago, out of the "blue", my 10.5 year old male Beagle started throwing up and acting lethargic. After a few days of this, we took him to our vet and they put him on fluids and ran some tests on him. The vet discovered that our Beagle's liver enzymes were out of whack and gave us some anti-nausea medicine and some dog milk thistle and sent him home with a follow up appointment for a week later. I was able to get my dog eating again a day later, thanks to Hamburger and white Minute Rice, but no BB. The vomiting stopped completely and he started eating all of the food in his bowl even as the portions got larger. After about two days, I started gradually re-introducing the Blue Buffalo (yellow bag) to the hamburger rice mix and he continued to eat it, but would leave a portion of the BB food behind in the bowl. I attributed this to him loving the hamburger/rice which was formerly forbidden people food.
Over the next couple of days, I kept adding back in a larger proportion of the BB food and was at about a 25% Hamburger/rice combo and a 75% BB mix. By then, he was cleaning his bowl of all the BB and Hamburger rice mix the two times a day we fed him. After two days of that mixture ratio, he started throwing up again and acting lethargic. As luck would have it, our follow up appointment with our vet was the next day and we took him in.
The vet discovered that his liver enzymes were better except one was elevated so the the vet did an x-ray and sonogram and ultimately referred us to "high tech" vet that is associated with the KSU veterinary college for more tests since they couldn't figure out what was going on. The new (much more expensive vet) ran a test that showed strange but inconclusive results with our Beagle's liver which prompted a laproscopic biopsy test today to get a to find out if cancer is present.
I stumbled upon this site yesterday after a co-worker asked if I gave my dog chicken-based chewy treats originating from China (which are under a recall now) which I don't. That prompted me to look up Blue Buffalo just to see if it had any issues and I found all these comments which are eerily similar to what I've been seeing. My dog has been on BB (yellow bag) for about 4 years now. I switched from Science Diet after being told how great BB was and we've experienced nothing like this until recently. The kicker is that about a week ago, I bought a new bag of the BB yellow like I normally do when I run out, and noticed the food looked a little different. Smaller kibbles and there seemed to be less "life bits" in the mixture. I figured it was just another sign of a company trying to save some coin for themselves and carried on with life. He's been eating that new batch of food for a few days before the first vomiting episodes and now I'm suspicious if something got changed and it's the cause of my dog's current issues.
In 7-10 days, the results of the biopsy will be back, but I am not going to give my dog BB food anymore just in case. If my dog has cancer, then the BB is probably not be the cause of the vomiting and it could be a coincidence, but if there's no cancer and I see an improvement without BB, I will report back here. Like I said, the dog seemed to get worse after reintroducing BB back into his diet and others have reported similar results. I'm no shill for some other competing company. What I've stated is the real deal and I'll report back what happens in the next few days.
Reviewed Sept. 18, 2013
Blue Buffalo was fine for my dog for 2 years. Recently, after starting a new bag of Wilderness, Rocky Mountain Recipe, my 4-year-old 60-lb mixed breed developed chronic diarrhea. It took 2 weeks of special vet food to clear up. It is also probable that he is losing hair at a higher rate than his normal seasonal shedding. I was fooled by their extensive marketing campaign. Stay away from this brand. It's not just a bad batch (Petco will give a refund). It is our pet's health and lives. The costs go way beyond the cost of the food.
Reviewed Sept. 18, 2013
I am very concerned that Blue has such a high rating.... I've fed my dog Blue Buffalo Wilderness for three of his six years... I do change the flavors, hoping he will not get bored/tired of being fed the same thing all of the time. However, so many of Blue's flavors contain Chicken.. Chicken 'n Rice etc.... Recently I've read that about 90% or MORE of chicken, as well as rice contain unacceptable amounts of ARSENIC. This concerns me very much about Blue and other dog foods that use chicken and/or rice as the main ingredients.... The last couple of times that I've used a "Chicken" Wilderness product, my Pit-Boxer seems to get red bumps and itchy skin on his underbelly... Don't know if it is just a coincidence or what but it is a concern to me... Don't really know just what to give him anymore...
Reviewed Sept. 15, 2013
I am so livid I could scream! I never made the connection until reading all this... that my puppy's diarrhea and vomiting were attributed to his BB Wilderness food after starting the second bag. It required a chicken and rice diet for 5 WEEKS where I had to bring chicken as a treat to his puppy class! Even after starting on low residue vet food and probiotics flora powder and Flagyl to transition after the 5 weeks, it was slow to resolve... Then he was back on BB and it started again! I even bought special digestive treats to help as I figured this would be ongoing even after all vet tests revealed no supposed issues $150 later. But now after all the posts with almost identical stories, I see this is obviously the reason why: BB has a QC issue and apparently is doing nothing to resolve it! Shameful that companies hide behind expensive marketing for the almighty dollar and don't deliver the quality products they claim! Meanwhile my puppy's health is in jeopardy??? I don't think so. I will return the unopened new bag and better get a refund... This is worthy of a class action lawsuit!!!
Reviewed Sept. 15, 2013
I am going to make this story as short as I can, but let me make this clear, this ordeal was a nightmare. August 5th we got a new bag of Blue Senior Chicken with Brown Rice dry dog food. The following day, NEITHER dog would touch their dinner, but the older of the two dogs was clearly sick. The following day sicker --- and so on. He went diarrhea anywhere, and everywhere - he had this nasty stinky yellow vomit, he would drink, but would not eat anything and eventually (4 1/2 days later) he clearly didn't have the energy to eat. At this point my daughter and I found some creative ways to get some nourishment in him so he could get some glucose in his blood. Had we not, I know we would have lost him. As it is, he has not had what I would consider a "normal" bowel movement since he was ill. This situation has, without question, affected his general health.
Since both dogs wouldn't touch their food the night after this new bag, I was suspicious that it was the cause and had meant to call Blue to report a possible problem. I believed this to be an isolated incident and believed Blue to be a company with integrity, and I have very little free time, so this wasn't a priority. Today, my sister mentioned that she has a friend whose dog got sick on Blue, so this evening I wrote Blue via their web. After I contacted them I found this website, and was shocked to see ALL these people with similar problems. My sincerest sympathy to those of you who lost your beloved pets because of this. I am so terribly sorry. After reading these stories I have lost all respect for this company. I am going to return every Blue product in my house, and share my story with anybody who will listen. If I prevent even one pet, it's family from going through what we went through, then I will have made a difference.
Reviewed Sept. 14, 2013
We have a puppy German Shepherd that we recently switched to BB. Several years ago, I did have a Chessie and a Lab on BB without problems. She eats it well - she is a food hound - but her stools have been loose and have the worst smell. I went online and found the reviews. I went right to the pet store and bought new food. The comments are horrific, and this really needs to be looked at!
Reviewed Sept. 13, 2013
We have been feeding our cats, Blue Buffalo, for about three years with no problems. We recently started a new bag of the Blue Buffalo Adult formula cat food purchased at the Petco in our town. Within days, all four cats started having problems. Three of them having been vomiting bile, two have skin scabs (one worse than the other), and one has fur falling out. Two of them had to go in for a fluid bolus today to prevent dehydration. I will be throwing this bag of food away and switching to another brand. It doesn't seem like Blue Buffalo is too concerned about product quality.
Reviewed Sept. 11, 2013
I have fed my dogs Blue Buffalo for a few years now without any issue. Two of them eat the chicken one and one eats the salmon. Recently the two on the chicken formula had become lethargic, refusing their meals, and having diarrhea upon buying a bag with the "new and improved life bits." We, like many others, assumed the food had gone bad and went out and bought a new bag. Unfortunately, it didn't change anything so we stopped feeding it to them and started giving them the salmon. Again, unfortunately, it didn't change anything and since it was a new bag of the salmon with the "new and improved life source bits" our 3rd dog became ill. All 3 began improving once we switched them off of BB food completely.
My anger comes from contacting BB. I did not ask for anything from them, but just wanted to inform them of our experience. They returned my email with some questions regarding lot numbers and expiry dates, and had the nerve to tell me that my lot number does not include the new formula and that they "suggest I take my pets to a veterinarian." Um, excuse me, but if the 3 bags did not contain the new formula, why do all three say right on the front of the bag that they do? Either they are lying to me now that the new life bits are not in the food I gave to my dogs, or they lied on the bag when they said "new and improved" formula.
Either way, I am unsatisfied with their "it couldn't possibly be us" attitude without even looking into the problem. I really hope this gets resolved before a whole lot of damage that cannot be reversed happens to someone's pet. Their food is way too expensive ($120 a month for our 3 dogs) to receive such crappy customer service.
Reviewed Sept. 11, 2013
Our family friend's vet recently went to a vet conference and she said there were many vets bringing up concerns about this brand. They said they had seen animals with pancreatitis, severe intestinal problems, and hair falling out. Turns out, the guy who created the "Sobe" energy drinks got bored, sold the company, and did research on what people WILL spend extra money on, even in a weak economy. The answer? Pet food! Of course, we all want our "babies" to be as healthy as possible so we will pay whatever we have to. So this guy makes Blue Buffalo - refuses to hire a panel of vet experts to oversee the ingredients - and puts TONS of money into marketing the brand (hence all the commercials AND those friendly people in the pet stores hired by Blue who tell you your dog will "love" BB).
Blue Buffalo refuses to have an open door policy to their processing (most pet food companies allow this). What are they hiding?? I switched my cats and dog over as soon as I heard this. The cats were losing lots of hair and my terrier was constantly gassy and bloated and her hair was so brittle, it was coming out in handfuls. After one week off BB, every animal was back to normal. We switched to Wellness. All I know is something needs to be done about this. We need to be educated consumers when it comes to pet food.
Reviewed Sept. 11, 2013
I bought a bag of Blue Buffalo Small Breed Puppy food (pink bag) at PetSmart three weeks ago. My puppy has had diarrhea off and on since I began feeding her from the new bag. Sunday we were out of town and ran out of the adult food for our other dog and gave her a small amount of the puppy food. She has been hospitalized twice since -- vomiting and bloody diarrhea dehydrated her. I quit feeding it immediately to the puppy. The puppy has since stopped having digestive problems. Perhaps the other dog is more sensitive to whatever was causing the puppy problems. I tried to look for a recall to see if that might be the problem. I don't find any but I see now that others are having problems with BB.
Reviewed Sept. 11, 2013
I just purchased the second bag of Puppy Freedom for my 6-month old poodle/wheaten terrier mix. We had no issue with the first bag, so decided to continue with this food. As soon as we fed the second bag, her stool started to become inconsistent. She has had her third loose stool in 5 days. The only change in her diet has been this food. She gets no table food or bad snacks. Her snacks have consisted of carrots and a half teaspoon of peanut butter about once a week. She is also up to date with all of her puppy shots. I am assuming it must be the second bag. If there is one more loose stool incident, I will bring her to the vet.
Reviewed Sept. 10, 2013
I have had my Yellow lab on Blue Buffalo Life Support Puppy since she was 3 months old, she is now almost 4. During hunting season we split half Life Support Puppy and half Wilderness. I have never had any of the problems I have read about. She is very energetic, beautiful coat and pure muscle. She will train an hour a day without slowing down and hunt for hours. I have had several friends switch to BB and they are all happy. She has been so healthy that she only goes to the vet for annual shots.
Reviewed Sept. 9, 2013
Our mastiff had been eating Blue Basics Salmon and Potato for over a year. In May 2013, he began drinking large amounts of water and having loose stools more frequently. Urine check at the vet showed very dilute urine, otherwise fine. We continued with this food (he had been on it a year with no problems) but in August, he started having liquid stools and his coat was dull and he was losing weight and fur. Recheck at the vet showed 12-pound weight loss. Switched back to a brand he did well on before. He almost immediately started gaining back the weight and got the healthy coat back. Vet says she has seen dogs with protein in their urine on this food. This was a good dog food before but something isn't right with it now. Hope they figure it out.
Reviewed Sept. 9, 2013
Same problems and concerns as everyone is referring to. 7 month old puppy, 2nd bag of Blue Buffalo and out of the "blue" he is sick (no pun intended, okay maybe a little). Up every hour all night long, treating with meds and nothing helps. Changing food immediately. The part I wanted everyone to know about is Twitter. I tweeted @bluebuffalo and got a response within 12 minutes. The response was less than satisfying but they responded and EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD DO THE SAME.
Reviewed Sept. 9, 2013
We have fed our 2 dogs Blue Buffalo Basics for over 2 years now and never a problem. Recently both of them started vomiting yellow or clear vomit and the only thing they shared in common was their food. Our dogs do not go outside except for supervised walks on leashes and playing in our fenced backyard supervised as well. We thought maybe the food we had just gone bad and thought about buying a new bag but instead something made us purchase a new brand. 3 days have gone by since buying the new brand Simply Nourish and my dogs are playful again and no vomiting. As I read some of the reviews you will read below I just felt anger that the company we trusted to help with our dogs' sensitive skin allergies and paid $60.00 a bag for was looking out for the well being of our pets, we no longer kid ourselves with such high expectations for a company that claims no wrongdoing. We hope that someone will realize an investigation into Blue Buffalo needs to be done.
Reviewed Sept. 9, 2013
Upon recommendation from a pet store employee, I began feeding my 2 dogs (a Chihuahua and a Mutt) Blue Buffalo Salmon and Sweet Potato food about 6 months ago. The employee said that dogs "love" the food and that I would see a notice in their coat. I went home very happy and excited to have a new, healthy food for my dogs to love. I began switching their food slowly, but I found it odd that both of my dogs would eat around the Blue Buffalo kibble, trying only to eat their old dog food. But I kept at it and eventually they were completely switched over to only the BB food. My dogs went from dogs that would get excited about meal time (running back and forth) to dogs that couldn't care less about meal time - meaning I would put their food bowls down and they wouldn't even get up to go over and smell the food and the bowls would remain full, untouched for the day or even longer.
I eventually ended up putting goodies in their food everyday just to get them to eat. At the same time, I noticed that in my backyard, the grass would die where the dogs had pooped. I am accustomed to the grass dying where my dogs have urinated, but grass dying where they pooped was new to me. Upon talking to a vet a couple of weeks ago, I decided to switch my dogs' food, again. The vet informed me that he had seen several pets get UTIs from the food and thought that it was strange that the grass was dying where my dogs pooped.
I immediately bought new dog food. The first day that I began switching their food, as had become usual, they hesitantly approached the food, sniffed at it and then slowly began eating it. As they did when I originally switched their food, they ate around the BB kibble, only interested in eating the new food. Now they are completely switched off of the BB food and with the new food, they are once again happy about meal time, gobbling up the food. The Chihuahua even inspects the Mutt's food bowl to make sure that there are no lonely kibbles remaining - which is a completely new behavior. And I am happy to add that their poop is no longer killing my grass. I am not exactly sure what my dogs didn't like about the Blue Buffalo food, but I have to say that I should have "listened" to my dogs earlier and switched their food sooner because they are much happier (and probably healthier) now.
Reviewed Sept. 9, 2013
This is our second bag of BB! All of the sudden, halfway through the bag, he's got crazy diarrhea. Almost every hour. I'm stopping the food immediately after reading these reviews and scared to death! What's going on here???!
Reviewed Sept. 7, 2013
I have been feeding my English Bulldog Blue Healthy Weight for about a year and a half. He had done fine on this brand. Since the purchase of the last bag, he began having loose to watery stools. I convinced myself that it was just the breed's sensitive digestive tract. But after three days, had a fleeting suspicion that it might be his food. My Morkie is on the Blue Grain Free and has had no issues. I have begun feeding my English Hamburger and Chicken with rice to see if there is an improvement. And have already switched the Morkie's to another brand. So far so good. I will then be switching to a new brand once my English has stools that are back to normal. I threw out about $80.00 worth of Blue dog food and didn't skip a beat. I have washed and bleached the containers as well. It's rather pathetic not being able to trust what you are feeding your pets. My heart goes out to those of you who have lost your beloved best friends!
Reviewed Sept. 7, 2013
I have 2 dogs, a Cairn Terrier and Norwich Terrier. I feed them Life Protection formula. I read these horrible (!) reviews. Very concerned, I contacted my niece who is a Veterinarian in Santa Clarita, CA. She told me she has never (!) had any issues with Blue Buffalo. Not satisfied, I continued my research going to PetSmart and Petco, both places I buy my dog food. They both assured me they have zero (!) problems with Blue Buffalo and they will stand behind their product 100%. I'm really sorry for all the people who lost their dogs (Love ones)! I talk to dog owners at dog parks and dog beach and Zero problems! So my conclusion is = I think these are small dog food companies who make their sales agents write bad reviews daily in hopes of killing the giant and stealing their business.
Reviewed Sept. 7, 2013
Yesterday I filed a complaint with the BB company website pertaining to the BB dog food I purchased for my puppy. The following day, I was informed that the company has a 100% satisfaction guarantee and allowed me to return the unused portion back to PetSmart with a full refund. While the dog food caused diarrhea for weeks with my puppy, I am glad the company responded to my concern immediately and gave me a refund. I just hope my puppy will recover completely with no physical issues.
Reviewed Sept. 6, 2013
I started feeding my cats Blue Buffalo after Innova had its major recalls earlier this year. I was helped in the pet store by a Blue Representative that sold me on all the beneficial properties of the food. They were fine on it although their coats weren't as shiny as they were on Innova. For the past two weeks (today is 9/6/13) both cats have been crying and vomiting liquid right after they've fed. They have both had diarrhea. I thought perhaps it was because they like the food so much they eat it too fast. After this morning's vomit I decided to go online and I finally found this website where many people have had a similar experience or worse. I am angry and frightened!
Reviewed Sept. 6, 2013
I purchased a big bag of BB Life Protection Formula for my English Bulldog at PetSmart in Louisiana. I thought BB brand was one of the best so I gave it to my puppy. I knew puppies have runny stools in the beginning when changing their food. Since BB website provided such confidence in the brand and since I heard it was quality dog food, I gave my puppy the food for three weeks while observing any changes. However, I finally concluded that BB gave my puppy diarrhea and it never got better while she was eating BB. After reading the reviews here, now I am worried. We have had English Bulldogs in the past and have always given them Nutro, but this time we decided to try out a different brand. Unfortunately, BB is no good for my puppy so we are going back to Nutro.
Reviewed Sept. 4, 2013
After reading post after post of dogs vomiting yellow liquid, we are switching our dogs' food now! We have been feeding Blue Buffalo Basics - Salmon for two and a half years now. All 9 (yes - 9 dogs!) have done very well on the food. Healthy coats, no digestion problems - all perfect. Well, this past week we have had 4 of the 9 dogs start to vomit yellow liquid a couple of times a day. We don't use chemicals in the yard and they don't get treats or people food. I was willing to ride it out until I started reading the posts that their dogs got worse from what seemed like a simple upset stomach. The fact that we have 4 sick dogs all at once leads me to believe that it is something in their food - either a change in the BB formula, or something wrong with the manufacturing of the food. I am not willing to risk it any longer and will head to the store tonight and pick up a temporary food before my new food shipment (one that has not been recalled) comes in.
Reviewed Sept. 4, 2013
I was feeling skeptical until I read other reviews on here - so many people claiming to develop urinary problems so fast. I fed mine about a cup per day mixed in with her regular food. Her stool became soft & she developed urinary problems. Use at your own risk.
Reviewed Sept. 3, 2013
I have been trying to figure out what my cat could have gotten into that caused acute kidney failure just last week. It occurred to me today that I fed her Blue Wilderness, for only a few days, in days previous to her beginning to act oddly. I read your post regarding the vet who indicated she's seen two such cases in a short amount of time. Can you possibly provide me with her name, number, etc so that I or my vet can follow up. PLEASE.
Reviewed Sept. 2, 2013
My 7 year-old lab mix was healthy until switching her to BB. She became so ill that I had to spend around $1000 at the vet to find out her liver enzymes were over 1200. She wouldn't eat and we put her on medication. I started feeding her chicken and hamburger, until she would eat more. Then I tried to get her to eat the BB for days, but she wouldn't go near it. I then decided to feed her from the Purina dog food I still had. She didn't hesitate and ate lots of that. I then knew it was the BB. I will follow up with the vet and the store that sold it. This should be RECALLED!
Reviewed Aug. 30, 2013
My 5-yr-old Lab mix has been eating Blue Buffalo for 2 or 3 years now, with good results. Suddenly last month (July 2013), he started leaving his food uneaten. I purchased a new bag of the Chicken and Brown Rice thinking that would help, but he now refuses to touch the food at all - hasn't eaten it for three days, so I fed him people chicken and rice and his appetite was just fine. I pulled out a bag of Natural Balance that was laying around from before and he is eating that happily. He just won't touch the BB. I'm taking it back to the store and switching him to something else.
Reviewed Aug. 30, 2013
We have been using Blue Buffalo Lamb & Rice for the past year and a half and in mid July 2013 we seen on the front of the bag that BB did some changes and added some ingredients, but really never thought much of it because our dogs have always done so good with it. Well whatever they did to their food it made our dogs have the diarrhea so bad. They also were throwing up yellow. We stopped the food. We boiled them chicken breast and rice and added a tablespoon of pumpkin and after 2 days their stools are firm and the vomiting has stopped. We took the left over BB back to PetSmart where we bought it and they only reimbursed us for some of it. We will Never use Blue Buffalo products again and I suggest if you do to get them off it. Blue Buffalo need to be investigated. They have a lot of complaints...
Reviewed Aug. 29, 2013
I lost my 18-month only Boxer baby boy a few weeks ago. He had been fed Blue Buffalo since he was 4 months old, and I had just opened a fresh bag a few days before we lost him. The day before we lost him, he ate his breakfast and vomited. He was under the weather all day - not worrisome. Overnight, he began vomiting a yellow liquid with a foul smell. Repeatedly. We got the first vet appointment. Blood work was fine. His intestines were filled with gas, but they didn't see a blockage. He was dehydrated, so they put him on an IV. Three hours later, he was bleeding from his rectum (apparently his spleen burst) and he was gone. The vet was unsure exactly what happened, but we did consider the food.
I wrote to Blue (via their website) telling them what happened and that the food was one of the suspects. I asked if they would test my food so if there was a problem, it could be solved and maybe save another dog. I didn't even get a canned response. Nothing. After reading all of these reviews - all within the same time period - I am thinking Blue has a big problem that they are unwilling to address. And if a company won't take responsibility for their product, I am certainly done using that product. Ever. I used Blue because I trusted the reputation of the company and the product. That trust has been violated.
Reviewed Aug. 29, 2013
My fiance and I have two beagles, aged 9 and 13. They were on Blue Buffalo Small Breed Adult kibble for awhile and then I switched them to Purina Pro Plan when the BB I wanted wasn't in stock. I started going to a convenient holistic pet store in my area and recently switched them back to the Blue Buffalo Senior Life Protection Formula.
Within the last five days, they've been really gassy and we started to wonder if it was their dog food. Last night, my 9 year old started having diarrhea and today my 13 year old started having loose stools. At this point, my fiance and I decided to transition them back because I can't imagine they feel that great having bad gas. I didn't really think much of it as they've been okay, continue eating, and are staying hydrated. However, I decided to look online tonight and saw all these recent reviews regarding Blue food and the stomach symptoms.
At this point, I'm absolutely not going to risk even more meal and I'm going to feed them chicken and rice for a day or two and see how they're doing (and hopefully we won't need an emergency vet visit) before I put them back on their old food. I will also be calling corporate when I get home tomorrow. It's ridiculous to spend a good amount of money for natural foods to take care of the girls, only to have this happen. I hope no one else has any more bad experiences and I'm so thankful to have seen these reviews.
Reviewed Aug. 28, 2013
I switched my 3 dogs to BB from Pedigree. I have a Schnauzer with a sensitive stomach so I did my research and switched them over slowly as to allow them time to adjust to the new brand. They love the food which is great, but all 3 of my dogs have had frequent soft tarry stools with obscene odor, and room clearing, make your eyes water, vomit in your mouth a little, gas. I mean horrible. The smell literally wakes me up at night, hence this 1:30am post. I called the company and they said it was probably due to the high protein levels in wilderness chicken and rice. She suggested I switch to the Basics grain free turkey. I wasn't able to find that exact kind, so I bought the 2nd suggestion they gave me which was the salmon and rice. I started switching them on it tonight, but I'm more than likely not going to continue with this brand again.
Reviewed Aug. 25, 2013
We recently switched our Boston Terrier and Pug to BB Turkey & Potato b/c our Boston was having a food allergy to the Natural Balance Bison and Potato that he was on. We went ahead and switched the pug too since we read BB limited ingredient was a good food. Our pups have been on BB about a month and my pug started breaking out in hives and facial swelling last week. This is a dog that LOVES food and she began turning her nose up at the food.
We thought it was b/c we put some liquid Benadryl in with her food one day but now I’m thinking it’s the actual food she doesn’t want! She has NEVER turned away food and will actually go spastic over it until now!! Our Boston is no longer vomiting like he was with the Natural Balance but his hair is soooo coarse and dry now. Today we went back to the pet store and bought our Boston the Avoderm Natural and our pug the Natural Balance. We are praying our babies get back to normal soon... this is so frustrating and sad for our little guys!
Reviewed Aug. 24, 2013
We have been feeding our 3 year old cat Blue Buffalo cat food since we adopted him three years ago. Over the past week our cat has started experiencing difficulty urinating and stopped eating. When he began to leave clear spots on the floor, we realized something was terribly wrong. We rushed him to our local vet and described to her our experiences. The first question she asked was if we were feeding him Blue Buffalo cat food. We said yes we have been since we adopted him. She informed us that our cat is the second she saw this week with urinary and kidney damage due to Blue Buffalo cat food.
Although the manufacturer states their products are all natural and healthy, their food is actually loaded with dangerous amounts of unnecessary "vitamins" and minerals, which cats do not need.
We just returned from the vet with our 3 year old DSH cat who has been under their care for three days due to a total blocked urinary tract. We have been told that what they saw in our cat is directly related to a diet high in magnesium, ash and other ingredients which are not recommended. Although our cat will survive, we are extremely angry being mislead by the fictitious claims by Blue Buffalo. Our cat is now on Royal Canine SO for the rest of his life, which will help correct the damage done by Blue Buffalo, and prevent future episodes. Hopefully our experience has prevented the unnecessary suffering of at least one cat and other families who think they are doing the right thing for their pets but are often mislead by fictitious claims by unscrupulous pet food manufacturers. Buyer of Blue Buffalo products, you have been warned!!!!!!!
Reviewed Aug. 23, 2013
On June 1, 2013, we took our Newfoundland to our vet because she had started limping a few days earlier. After an examination, our vet showed us she had degenerative arthritis. At this time, our vet did a complete blood workup to determine if her body organs were operating normally and they all were. Our vet prescribed Rimadyl and said to give her joint supplements. We then went to PetSmart to get the best food for her. PetSmart recommended Blue Buffalo Senior Kibble and Blue Homestyle Recipe Senior Chicken Dinner. I only used a small portion of the wet food to cover her Rimadyl so that she would take it. As time went by, she did not want to eat the Kibble and we could not figure out why because she had always had a very healthy appetite. We would coax her to eat it for us and she always was a dog wanting to please us. Another thing I noticed was she was not drinking as much water as she always had. Over the next 1 3/4 months, I watched her become more disinterested not only in life but her appetite too. On June 22, 2003, she threw up her food on her food bowl. 10 minutes later, I saw she was just outside the door and had thrown up again and was barely breathing. Within 10 minutes she was dead.
Reviewed Aug. 19, 2013
We began feeding our first Boston, Sassy, 5 years old, Blue when we adopted our second, Bugsey, 6 months old. About two years ago this month, she started having seizures for no apparent reason. She had 13 seizures between 11:00 pm and 2:30 am the next morning. We watched her until about midnight then rushed her to the emergency vet where she died about 2:30. We heard about the recall within day or two of losing her. We had just purchased a new bag of Blue and she was the only one of our dogs that had eaten any of it. Bugsey wouldn't eat it. We don't know for sure Blue caused her seizures, but seemed too coincidental for it to not be. Unfortunately we didn't keep any of that bag of food to be checked so we will never know for sure. We feel strongly, however, that Blue is the reason we lost our Boston.
Reviewed Aug. 18, 2013
We have used Blue Buffalo products for years without issue until now. We have two dogs with extreme diarrhea and one cat with a bladder infection. We have been able to link these back to the Blue Buffalo dog food. The complaints are real. The company has done nothing and insinuated that the posts are from their competitors. There are other food companies, I suggest you use them. There is no question that Blue Buffalo has quality issues that are impacting our pets' health. If you feed Blue Buffalo and your animals start having health problems, immediately stop feeding them the Blue Buffalo. It took two weeks for us to identify the cause. Again, we have very few health issues overall and the Blue Buffalo was fine up to now. The bags were purchased in July 2013. I can handle problems occurring but the company's response has been to do nothing. That I won't handle and means that more issues are sure to arise.
Reviewed Aug. 18, 2013
I had been feeding my cats Fancy Feast since they were born, but all of a sudden my girl cat started having diarrhea. I wanted to get food that was better nutritionally & since a lot of my clients feed their babies Blue Baffalo I bought some. Both have been great! The girl cat has had no more diarrhea. They still get their wet food at night but eat the dry during the day. I used to have to feed them at certain times because they didn't know how to quit eating... but they weren't getting all they needed from their prior food so they over ate. With Blue Baffalo, they can free feed and eat normal. The food doesn't contain wheat, corn & other fillers that cats don't need or usually eat and which makes a cat hungry faster. Their systems have been great since the change as well. Normal bowel movements & they drink more water and seem to look healthier. I'm completely satisfied as I see my clients are too. I'm a pet sitter and so I'm see all the happy fur-kids enjoying Blue Buffalo products. Highly recommend it!!
Reviewed Aug. 17, 2013
My kids have been on Blue Buffalo since 2010. My pups started on Small Bites, then I switched them to Toy Breed in 2012. My cat started on Kitten then Adult Salmon then to Wilderness Salmon. On July 13, 2013, I purchased two bags of Toy Breed (dog) and Wilderness Salmon (cat). By the 17th, they had diarrhea so bad it was like water. I took the Blue away from them and made them chicken with rice for five days. I then opened the other bag with a different expiration date and AGAIN within four days, they were sick. I took the Blue away and called the company. They said NO RECALLS and NO internal alerts on their side but that I could take the food back to the store for a refund. So disappointed because I expected them to tell me to take it somewhere to be analyzed or to send it back to them but I was mostly disappointed because they DID NOT seem to be alarmed in the least. My kids really loved Blue Buffalo.
Reviewed Aug. 17, 2013
My 2 year old bulldog always did amazing on Blue Buffalo. She had skin allergies previously and BB did the trick. I bought a new bag of BB Wilderness on August 1, 2013 and last night, she had to be rushed to the ER Vet. They didn't know what was wrong, thought pancreatitis, as other owners mentioned. Was severely dehydrated, vomit, bloody stools, 105 fever, would NOT eat. For a bullie powered by food, this was a huge red flag. Vet gave her fluids, antibiotics, but was still not sure of source. They tried to feed her and she finally ate. I brought her home but she still wouldn't eat her BB. I had a hunch and Googled BB and here we have it. This is ridiculous. I called corporate today and left a message demanding a recall. I suggest you do the same (800) 919-2833. I will call everyday until this food is tested and recalled. All of us can't be wrong!
Reviewed Aug. 17, 2013
I stopped feeding Blue Buffalo (Salmon and Sweet Potato) - I have a 10 year old Havanese that has been on Blue Buffalo for 2 years. In June 2013 I came home from work to find a very sick dog... water diarrhea and an area of blood the size of a saucer plate. $1,000 later from being placed on IV fluids and antibiotics with other meds to coat her intestines and one month of prescription dog food - at this point I didn't consider it may be her food and the road to recover was slow, but she was recovering. Mid July I reintroduced her old food. The results began differently... chewing her paws, reverse sneezing, watery eyes and then she broke out in hives, wouldn't eat or drink, diarrhea started again... Back to the vet we go.
I told him I think it's the food! All tests were negative - hmmmm. I did research for almost a month. I downloaded the book "Dr. Greg's Dog Dish Diet" and made the crockpot stew and bought HALO kibble (Salmon recipe) mixed them both and in one week she is a new dog!!! All symptoms are gone. Her skin was dry and now the flakes are gone and her coat is already showing signs of shine again. I couldn't find any recalls for Blue Buffalo, only reports of sick dogs. This change made all the difference in the world for us.
Reviewed Aug. 17, 2013
My dog was a happy and loving pit bull puppy. I wanted him to have and eat the best food. My sons love this dog very much. I went to PetSmart off I-55, a employee recommended Blue Wilderness. I bought it for him, want a healthy puppy. Because of this dog food, I live a nightmare. He started off vomiting up yellowish clear foam, then the loose stool with a foul smell. While wait on my boyfriend to get home, we decided to take him to the vet in the morning. By the next morning, my puppy had bloody stool pouring out his rectum. My puppy (truth) died, so everyone please be careful feeding your dog Blue Buffalo products. I had to bury my sons' puppy, before they return from school. Because I didn't want them see how bad their puppy suffered and died.
Reviewed Aug. 16, 2013
My 2 Shiba Inus were fine with BB Wilderness dry chicken flavored food for years. The last bag we bought around 24JUL2013 from PetSmart in Farmington Hills, MI is different, I think. WE fed our dogs like normal with it, and my dog also developed pancreatitis. He had diarrhea for about 3 days, and then he had a single episode of vomiting. I scooped him up right away and took him to the vet. He was very dehydrated and needed subcutaneous fluids. The vet put him on an easy to digest diet of Hills prescription ID and metronidazole and a probiotic.
When we titrated him off the gentle diet back to his regular BB food, the diarrhea came back. I have been watching everything that this dog has put into his mouth for the past 10 days. He ate nothing "bad". The re-challenge with the same BB food tells me everything I need to know. This food needs to be analyzed. IT's BAD. Don't give it to your dog-- BB people, we need an analysis. Pancreatitis and distended bellies are all over this board!!!! Please, can we get some follow-up?
Reviewed Aug. 15, 2013
My brother has had his 13-year-old Gordon Setter on Blue Buffalo for years and his dog has a beautiful coat, maintains his weight and has never been sick from eating it.. So I gradually introduced Blue Buffalo into my girl's diet when she developed diarrhea and soft stools after her Innova was recalled. Lab tests confirm she is bacteria and parasite-free. A friend swore by Eukanuba so I just started her on that only to see Eukanuba has been recalled! I surrender! Now I'm going to my vet's to pick up a dog food tailored for dogs with sensitive stomachs. I won't give Blue Buffalo a negative review because of my brother's dog living so long and well on it, but I wanted to state my issue with these high-priced dog foods that did not help my girl out at all.
Reviewed Aug. 15, 2013
I am so freaked out right now not knowing if I should trust the Blue food my dog has been eating. My 6 month old Siberian Husky has been eating this puppy formula Blue Wilderness dry chicken food since he was done nursing. I adopted him from somebody who bought him from a breeder and couldn't take care of him anymore. Ok so since we have owned "Tyler" my six year old daughter's best friend he has been happy and healthy and loved his food. The last bag of this food I purchased around July 25th or 26th from PetSmart in Boynton Beach, Fla. on August 1st my puppy started vomiting yellow. I figured he may have gotten into something in the yard, maybe a frog or something and hoped he would be better tomorrow. The next day the vomiting increased and no eating or drinking at all. That same night he started having very loose stools with small amounts of blood as well as blood in his vomit.
I called the Vet immediately and they told me to bring him in. Parvo (negative), xray ( clear of debris in his intestines) and all blood work normal except a little anemic but I was told this is because he was so dehydrated. The Vet said he was almost dead of dehydration and he need to be on IV fluids and kept there for a few days if I wanted him to make it. Three days later and $1,200 my Tyler came home with still no explanation on what poisoned him? The vet wasn't sure only sure that his intestines were very angry and you could see how twisted they were in the xray. This is so frustrating because now here I am a week later and just started him back on his Blue food. This is because he was on a prescription wet food from the vet. I am three days into him eating this food and he seems fine but I am very paranoid.
The Vet said there hasn't been any recalls on the Blue food and if it makes me more comfortable to switch brands. Ok well of course yes I will do that right now but he has been eating this food again for three days, is he going to get sick again?? I think it was about three days after I bought the food that he got sick before. I am going to call Blue and send them a sample, this is what PetSmart told me to do. But will they tell me the truth? Why did it just start affecting him now? Why not 3 months ago? Please anybody else out there this is too weird all these people having the same issues at the same time. It has to be the food.
Reviewed Aug. 13, 2013
We fed our 12 lb. Yorkie Blue Buffalo this past winter while we were in Nayarit, Mexico. When we arrived back in Vancouver, we decided to try Blue Buffalo again as she seemed to like the food and did well on it. We had used several different brands while on our travels, and this one seemed to suit her best. I noticed about halfway through the bag that she was becoming lethargic. I put it down to the heat and the fact that she needed to be groomed.
Once we groomed her, I was shocked to see how distended her belly was! We took her off Blue Buffalo immediately. I am happy to report that I can see her shape once again and all her energy is back. Judging from all the bad reviews I have read, I imagine that the company must have changed their formulas in Canada and the US. Friends have all claimed what a great dog food Blue Buffalo is, but that sure is not our experience. I would think twice, no, three times before putting any dog on this food. Blue Buffalo should be printing a statement on what the situation is with their food.
Reviewed Aug. 13, 2013
Not sure of these reviews. Anyone can sign up and it appears that there are always 1-2 1-star ratings a day on this food on this site a day. I'm thinking it's an unhappy customer with a LOT of time on their hands. If it was really so bad there would be > 2 a day posted. My Great Dane has been eating this for 5 years and Danes have very sensitive stomachs. Took forever to find a food that she didn't have the runs with.
Reviewed Aug. 12, 2013
Ever since I got my puppy back in Feb., I have fed her food that is good quality. I like to research about these food brands but I guess I didn't do it good enough. I've always heard how great Blue Buffalo is and thought okay, I'm going to start feeding my pup the best of the best and got the puppy version of this brand. A day later after feeding her this, she did not seem herself at all. I shrugged it off but then the day after that she started having diarrhea and mixed bowel movements. My friend convinced me it's normal when switching dog foods. I then noticed ever since she was on this food she kept eating like she was starving and she kept eating her poop which she never did before!! The last straw was when she started vomiting along with diarrhea many times. I did research online about this and it seemed to be very common. I brought the food back and they were very nice about it and gave me my money back. I switched her back to the food I gave her before and she was fine. Not sick at all, more energy and stopped eating her poop. Lesson learned.
Reviewed Aug. 12, 2013
Our two yorkies have been fine. But now I am nervous to use this product!!! What food are you using now?! Doesn't Ellen Degeneres own this company? I am sure she would be horrified to learn this info. Her reps at BB would have told her, right?
Reviewed Aug. 11, 2013
First my wife complained about the horrible smell from the Blue Wilderness Grain Free Beef & Chicken Grill can, but she is a health nut and always complains about smells, so I dismissed it. I feed my boxer puppy dry food mixed with a small amount of canned dog food for that extra flavor he loves. When I found that Blue was highly rated, I bought two cans. The first day my puppy ate the food down. The next day he wouldn't touch it. That day he had his last puppy shots, so I figured it was the shots that put him off the food. He had three meals in all with this Blue food, because even though he balked, he finally got hungry enough to eat it.
I began to research and to my shock ran into this website. I immediately threw out all opened cans and bags, and returned the unopened. Even the day after the shot when he was back with full energy, he balked at the food. This actually is the second time we have had doubts about this food. Our previous dog who has since passed away had trouble with Blue Buffalo food, so we had taken her off of it a couple of years ago. Scientific or not; anecdotal or not, I have lost faith in Blue Buffalo dog food, and that is a fact.
Reviewed Aug. 10, 2013
We have 2 dogs Airedale and great pry. Both dogs have been eating Blue Buffalo since they we puppies. They are 3 and 4 years old now. About 2 months ago both of them were throwing up and had diarrhea. We thought they got in the trash. So we feed them just chicken and rice for a couple of weeks, then add small amounts of Blue Buffalo to the rice and chicken. When we stopped add chicken and rice to the Blue Buffalo it started all over again. They had diarrhea again. So we took them to the vet and test showed high traces of bacteria. So back on chicken, rice and antibiotics. We returned the old bag of Blue Buffalo for a new one to see if it was a bad batch. Same problem again. They were on chicken and rice for 2 months with no problem.
We now switch to Wellness and it's been two weeks with no problem. They are healthy and no more diarrhea. We are so disappoint we been feeding our dog Blue Buffalo for years and now we can't trust them. We will be sending written complaint to the FDA and Blue Buffalo.
Reviewed Aug. 10, 2013
We got our Goldendoodle in December of 2012. For the first couple of months we fed him puppy chow until we realized that it wasn't the best product out there for our dog. We switch by recommendation from local pet store to Blue Buffalo Large Puppy since he was targeted to weigh 75 pounds. He is nine months now and weighs 60 pounds. For the past 4 months he has been on it he has had mixed bowel movements (thought that it was just because he was a puppy and sometimes can have soft stool). However, for the past month he has had severe diarrhea with every bowel movement. He wakes us up in the night multiple times to be taken out as well.
I went to our usual vet and our dog had multiple fecal exams, 2 rounds of antibiotics, stronger deworming meds, and multiple exams... He was stumped! We were dissatisfied with our vet so we went to another vet in our town and first thing they said after examining him was "get rid of the Blue Buffalo"... I WAS SHOCKED! I couldn't believe that this product was what was causing his sickness. Needless to say we switched him immediately!
Reviewed Aug. 10, 2013
I have been feeding my five dogs Blue Buffalo Basics Turkey and Potato for at least two years. All of a sudden they all stopped eating and refused to touch the food. I change their food and they started eating except for my French Bulldog. He is in kidney failure and we are going to have to have him put down. There is no other reason that could be found that it has been the food.
Reviewed Aug. 10, 2013
I began mixing Wilderness with Hills over the 14-day period as suggested. My cat is about one year old. He never shed at all before. Now he is shedding almost a handful a couple of times a week. Could the Wilderness food be responsible? I stopped using it and went back to the Hills (which he eats more of). I want to see if he stops shedding so much off the Wilderness food.
Reviewed Aug. 10, 2013
Okay, so I was a huge Blue Buffalo supporter. I had BB for my dog and cat. A few months ago I convinced my father and grandmother to start using it for their animals. These last 2 weeks have been killer. I came home to my house covered in vomit. Rushed my dog to the vet, got her on some meds and fed her chicken and rice for 3 days. I started her on her regular BB dog food.
2 days later, she was sick again with diarrhea, throwing up and, lethargic. Again back to the vet for more test. This went on for almost 2 weeks! Now they are treating her for pancreatitis. She does not eat people food so how is this? When I went to do a search on Blue Buffalo fat content, I found this website. When I asked her vet about what people are saying here he would not confirm it was the food but Strongly suggested I change it!!!!!!
Reviewed Aug. 10, 2013
I just wanted to write a follow-up to my review here in June. My four large rescue dogs were all sick at the same time, while eating Blue Buffalo dry and canned dog food. Lethargic, bloody and runny stools, excessive thirst and vomiting. I stopped the Blue Buffalo immediately and started them on a new dry and canned dog food. It is now August 9th, and they are all beautifully healthy again. Eating well, gained their weight back, and shiny coats. No vomiting, no loose or bloody stools and no excessive thirst and drinking of water. They have their energy back and are just perfect, no longer lethargic.
Please, I am begging the company to do the right thing and recall this toxic food. My problem started in May and to come back here months later and see more and more animals continuing to become ill on this food is heart breaking... How many pets have to get sick and possibly die before the company stands up and does the right thing for pet owners and their pets?
Reviewed Aug. 9, 2013
I am so glad I looked into this BB issue on this site! I have been feeding my 5-lb. Maltese BB for about 6 months. She is constantly itching (which she never did before) pulling chunks of hair out. She tries to vomit but nothing comes out. She even smells different & I groom her daily with groomer visits once a month. Her tear stains have also gotten bad! Omg ! She is off BB immediately. Now any advice as to what to switch her to??
Reviewed Aug. 8, 2013
We have been feeding our Labradoodle BB since we got him as a pup. He is 3 this year. A part of our family, he goes everywhere with us, will not have it any other way! He is the keeper of our children, any child at that. We boat every chance we can, and Rocky is quite the swimmer! He has been vomiting for the past 4 days, and we thought he may have gotten into something on the river. Lethargic, vomiting, refusing to eat and drink sure isn't our tall, dark and handsome! We have been cleaning up the little dark pellets of food off the floor for the past week! Went to the vet today for blood work... and nothing! We have pulled the BB and changed to something else. Confused, frustrated, and concerned, the answer has been right there in front of our eyes for the past week! Those little tiny brown pellets out of the chicken and rice BB, ALL over the floor, Rocky seemed to have known!
Reviewed Aug. 8, 2013
Brought our 2 year old Yellow Lab home today from the vet. Past 3 weeks she was being treated for UTI. Vet took x-ray and found huge bladder stone. She thinks it's her food. We're waiting on results of analysis of stone to confirm her suspicions. Have spent $2000 on her and vet switched her to Royal Canin S/O. Who can we report this to and how to hold the company liable?
Reviewed Aug. 7, 2013
My 2.5 year old dog and 10 year old cat have both been on Blue Buffalo chicken and rice for years (since we adopted the dog as a puppy). Our otherwise healthy pets needed food last week, so we purchased bags for both (Healthy weight formula for the cat). We run 3-5 miles a day with the dog, so he is on the regular food. The day they both started eating the new bags of food, the cat began vomiting multiple times a day and chugging water. Our normally active dog has been lethargic, and has had severe diarrhea for 4 days! Every time he comes in from outside (which is now all night and day, from the diarrhea) we have to wipe his behind, which is dripping stool all over the floor!
After calling the vet, he told me that Blue Buffalo has had many recalls lately, and to take them off immediately. I will be taking them to the vet tomorrow to get everything checked out, and will be switching their food ASAP! We assumed when you spend more on "quality" food, your loved ones wouldn't suffer illnesses from it. Wrong! We will never purchase Blue Buffalo again.
Reviewed Aug. 7, 2013
My poodle is in the hospital right now with the vet scratching his head over what's wrong with him. Could it be the Blue Turkey & Potato (gentle digestion) pet food I purchased last week? My dog's symptoms are so similar to those I've read on this blog - bloody stools and mucus in the vomit. It would be so cruel if this were what's wrong with him.
Reviewed Aug. 5, 2013
We have fed all of our cats Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon for the past 3 years, with no problems. 3 weeks ago, the youngest started vomiting once or twice a day. The other two cats seemed fine. Thought Lallo was eating too much. That Sunday morning, we woke up to him lying on the kitchen floor, labored breathing, very lethargic. We rushed him he the emergency vet. All of the tests were fine. On paper he was a healthy 9-month-old cat, but he was fading fast. They kept him overnight to keep him on IVs. The next day we took him to our vet. Still, all tests were fine but he wasn't getting better. We left him there to stay on the IVs until we could find an answer. That night, Ashki, my baby, started throwing up. Then Aubie started. We scrubbed the house looking for something. Did a complete litter change and still nothing. We brought Lallo home so we could say our good byes and I bought fresh salmon and have it to them. The next morning, he was up drinking water on his own. That's when we started looking at the food. It was a scary thing to go through, over a grand in vet bills and we almost lost a family member because the company doesn't care.
Reviewed Aug. 5, 2013
Please someone let me know where to have this food tested. My dog died and another got sick. I have the food and it looks like cat food in a x.
Reviewed Aug. 3, 2013
The manager of my local national chain pet store recommended Blue Buffalo Weight Control cat food to me after I asked him to suggest the very best kibble to feet my 5-year-old kitty her to help her lose weight. I loved her so much that I always wanted the very best of everything for her. As a result, I chose to talk with the manager for his personal recommendation. Felice seemed to like the food and ate it for 3-4 weeks, along with her usual canned food, and then suddenly refused to eat it --- which I thought was very strange. A short time later, she began to vomit occasionally and cough! After she passed, I looked online and discovered that both are symptoms of heart problems!
Felice began to sleep a lot more than usual and then began hiding in strange resting places (my bedroom closet, the shower floor, etc.). Early one evening I realized that she hadn't used the litter box all day and began to watch her. She finally stooped as if to urinate, but there were only 4 or 5 spots of urine. Having had 2 other cats previously, I knew it was a sign of a bladder infection. So we drove 31 miles to the nearest emergency vet hospital on a Saturday evening. The antibiotic they prescribed for her for a week just made her sicker, despite the fact that all of her blood work was O.K.
For the next 2-1/2 weeks, Felice slept most of the time and ate and drank very little. Then one Sunday evening she began retching, which seemed to go on forever, and then collapsed, her back legs having gone numb due to a blood clot (The vet's diagnosis). She was in so much pain and she really suffered until I could get her in early the next afternoon to be euthanized. I strongly believe that all of her illness and suffering was the result of her eating the Blue Buffalo kibble - after which she began to decline. I miss her so much. She was only 5 and was much too young to have become so ill. I am 70, and the cost in dollars of her severe and painful 3-week illness at the end of her precious life was $700. Yet nothing can compensate for her suffering and for my grief.
And, yes, perhaps Felice may have become ill anyway, regardless of her having eaten a Blue Buffalo product. I am extremely intuitive, however, and don't believe that was the case. If only I had researched Blue Buffalo myself, as I usually do for most everything, instead of trusting the pet store manager. It was due to my own investigation that I found this wonderfully informative website - but it was too late. The only thing I felt I could do now was to inform others of my heartbreaking experience.
Reviewed Aug. 3, 2013
My dog has been eating Blue Buffalo Small Breed Freedom Grain-Free canned dog food for over a year now. Only recently has she been having loose stools and diarrhea, is itching more than usual, and been lethargic. This has happened in the previous batch of canned dog food and the most recent batch I ordered from Petco on 7/9/13.
Reviewed Aug. 2, 2013
I've been feeding BB Indoor Formula to my 9-year-old cat for almost two years now. The new bag, purchased Tuesday, July 30, 2013 and just opened yesterday has made my cat severely ill. She has thrown up all night and most of this morning (down to a foamy spittle at this point). After reading the other comments, it appears that something has recently taken place and the company is completely ignoring the health and well-being of our pets. Food was removed as soon as I woke up this morning. Hopefully her stomach will settle soon... Ah, just vomited AGAIN for like the 10th time. Yes, we're on our way to the vet. Thanks, BB, for the inferior product at a ridiculously high price.
Reviewed July 31, 2013
Our 2 dogs a year old and eating blue products simply didn't want to eat a few weeks ago. Note 1 TY IS A ROTTY so she couldn't wait to eat. Lilly a Lasa has been with loose stool and vomit and Ty with loose stool. WE put our faith in Blue products so we had switch from chicken and rice to Lamb, same results and again stepped up to the Wilderness SAME THING NO CHANGE. NOW GET THIS my wife and I had emailed Blue to ask if the recipe had changed and they said, "No we have had no complaints" and asked if it was old, torn bags, storage problems and etc. As my wife replied to Blue she copied and pasted the their products were being scrutinized. How can we put our faith in a company that point blank LIED TO US? SHAME. SHAME.
Reviewed July 30, 2013
We've been feeding our three cats (ages 7 and 8) Blue Buffalo cat food for a few months now. This past weekend one of them was repeatedly going to the litter box and struggling, but nothing came out. He seemed to be in a lot of pain so we took him to the emergency vet. He had a complete urethral obstruction (several crystals had formed in his bladder and got stuck when passing) and would have died in a couple of days if we hadn't done anything. After hospitalizing him for the weekend and a hefty vet bill, we brought him home today and he's doing better.
We have to put him on a special food, and as we were leaving we told the vet we'd been giving him Blue Buffalo. He cringed and said it's actually a bad food that's fooled everyone with its marketing. He said he'd wager that if we'd had him on a different food he wouldn't have this problem. Now he has to be on prescription food for the rest of his life to manage the crystals and will have to have surgery if he has them again. I'm throwing this crap out and switching all of the cat's food.
Reviewed July 29, 2013
Something has definitely changed with this food, not sure if it is formula or not but they did change the size of the kibble's pieces. I have been feeding my dog this food for close to a year and this recent batch I noticed a difference in the size of the food pieces, and the smell was different. She is doing ok on it. It has been 4 days, but I am likely going to switch her and return the leftover food if I can. The reason I am switching her is because she burps up this food now. I think the reason why is because the food itself grows double or triple its size. The pieces are about 1/8 inch in size before getting wet and when they sit in her stomach about an hour she will burp up pieces that are about 1/4th or bigger.
Before the reformulation the pieces were about 1/4th in size and hardly grew when they got wet. So think about it. 25-50 1/8th size pieces doubling in size to 1/4th inch. That is a lot of food to put in a tiny stomach. If you don't believe me get a cup of food and put it in a bowl of water and watch it swell.
Reviewed July 28, 2013
My daughter bought this dog food for her puppies and somehow my puppy ate some. All three were throwing up, lethargic, wouldn't eat or drink. My vet didn't know what was wrong and ran all kinds of tests until we searched the symptoms and came across this information. Thank God our dogs just had four horrible days but lived. Spent almost $1,000 at the vets and lost almost a day's worth of work. I will never buy this food and warn everyone about it.
Reviewed July 27, 2013
Our 10 year old Jack Russell has been vomiting, diarrhea and lethargic. Brought her to the vet beginning of this week & test came back with normal pancreas, kidneys, liver BUT with high calcium & phosphate. Doctor thought parathyroid disease (waiting on those test results still) so she's been on diet of Science Diet I/d for couple days. I ran out yesterday & fed her Blue Buffalo (New bag we opened this week) and with in hours she was vomiting & compltely lethargic AGAIN. Now after one more meal of Blue Buffalo she might have pancreatitis even though she didn't Monday. After reading these reviews & why the food was recalled in 2010 I'm convinced the food is once again causing Vit D issues & hoping after $2000 in vet bills she will make it through this weekend alive. Never feeding her this again after 2 years of no complaints.