AAA Auto Insurance

AAA Auto Insurance Reviews

About AAA Auto Insurance

AAA provides automobile insurance to its members through 50+ regional branches nationwide. The company offers multiple coverage types, but its auto insurance is available only to paid AAA members. All AAA memberships come with several perks and discount opportunities, but coverage options differ by location.

  • Well-established company
  • Several discount opportunities
  • Membership comes with other perks
  • Must have an AAA membership
  • Coverage offerings differ by branch

AAA Auto Insurance Reviews

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    How do I know I can trust these reviews about AAA Auto Insurance?
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    Page 2 Reviews 6 - 36
    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Dec. 28, 2024

    Called one of the ace agent to insure clients newly purchased home. The agent started off with rude tone to my client. And when they asked her to talk to me, she went on a power trip or something. Then we had few exchange in email back and forth in same rude and unprofessional manner. I tried to consult her but things went south. I truly believe AAA does not monitor these agents and their behaviors.

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    Claims HandlingCoverageStaff

    Reviewed Dec. 24, 2024

    We recently switched our Home and Auto Insurance to them and have had nothing but problems with clerical errors made by their representatives on both coverages again and again and again. I am now having to send the third copy of the Evidence of Insurance Coverage form to the mortgage company in two months because of continued mistakes with either completing the initial form properly or correcting the prior mistake. We have had two sets of mistakes on the Auto Insurance and I keep getting a different answer each time about how long we have to use the driver monitoring app to qualify for the discount. They have been so consistently wrong that I don't trust them to properly handled a claim and we will start re-shopping our coverages in January.

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    Customer ServiceClaims HandlingCoverageStaff

    Reviewed Dec. 2, 2024

    I've been a AAA member 36 years. Never a collision or claim. A few tows, that's it. Recently I ran over something I didn't see on the highway in a mountainous area. Saw no objects on the road before or after, but there are high winds here, could have been something blown in front of my vehicle. I called and was told that's comprehensive $250 deductible. Then a claims officer I was told to call said it was collision, $1000 deductible. I disagreed and went to the AAA CEO on LinkedIn. He had people look into it, only ending up with the same wrong conclusion.

    Here's what it says on this page - AAA’s comprehensive coverage pays for vehicle damages from disasters and mishaps like animal collisions, earthquakes, fallen objects and more, while the collision option covers damage if you’ve hit another object (car, mailbox, wall, etc.) or flipped over. When told who to call after receiving a letter I called two people who were NOT in the office. I investigated other similar companies and came across this - "Despite its extensive coverage options and added perks, AAA has a grade of F with the Better Business Bureau due to a large number of unresolved customer complaints." ** AAA has BIG problems and they're losing me.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 2, 2024

    The customer service is the worst. To get a copy of my new policy, I was on call for nearly 45 minutes, and ended up in a voice message. They couldn't able to pull my record though I've given my correct policy/membership information.

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    Claims HandlingStaff

    Reviewed Nov. 29, 2024

    AGENT I had was horrible and either decided to quit or retire.. Never made a claim so cannot say about interaction. Had home and auto insurance.. Currently looking for New Insurance Company.. Disappointed in in person service for sure..

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Nov. 17, 2024

    Called 3 times to cancel the renewal of my car insurance. They still charged my credit card $436.80. On the 14th I called and canceled my AAA membership. It didn’t stop them from charging me. They are incompetent. Not sure how hard it will be to get my money back as I no longer have a membership.

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    Reviewed Nov. 3, 2024

    I do not recommend vehicle insurance through AAA. Just received a bill and my insurance has basically tripled without any accidents, excellent credit, and good driving record. They want me to pay $5k for insurance yearly. Don’t own a home and have a used vehicle 2019 Honda brand with a car payment. This is outrageous. How in the world are they getting away with this outrageous rates. They were cheaper when I got them in 2023 but since they have changed their rates. On top of it all they want me to pay $622 at the beginning of my renewal. This should be illegal.

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    Customer ServiceClaims HandlingPriceOnline & AppStaff

    Reviewed Nov. 1, 2024

    A tree crashed our Subaru and older Mustang in our driveway. I filed a claim the same day. The process started smoothly enough and the small claim on the Mustang went smoothly. I had the the heavily damaged 2020 towed to our dealer collision dept where I bought the car just 8 months before. They worked up an estimate and sent to AAA but the communication back was slow and AAA at one point said the collision shop never called them back or sent a report. AAA seemed to be confused or not recording correspondence properly. It took 12 days for them to acknowledge that the car was totaled. AAA sourced out the adjuster pricing and no one actually looked at my car in person other than the shop. Two weeks later I had corresponded with AAA representative but she had no idea l]the adjuster dept had done nothing.

    At times, they promised to call or text me back with information in a few days and then not respond so I started texting them within the app and even after 26 days I did not have a offer to settle. Finally on day 26, I called both the adjuster and our AAA rep and reminded them I still had not received a settlement offer, in writing, and they seemed surprised. The next day I received a email and an offer and it was far less than I paid for the car just 8 months before from my Subaru deale. I declined the offer and now I have to pay for a adjuster out of my pocket to file for arbitration because of their incompetence. We had a less than stellar experience with our AAA home policy 10 years ago and now this bad auto insurance experience. I would never consider AAA home or auto insurance again. The rates were good but this loss recovery is terrible.

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    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed Oct. 30, 2024

    I am fairly new to AAA and can tell you that as far as Customer Service on the phone goes, they rate VERY low. Their automated service pretty much puts me in a rage - “sorry, you don’t seem to have a phone number associated with your account” (I most certainly did), and then when I did get through to a real live person - “sorry, we can’t change your insurance right now, you'll have to call back on the exact day you want coverage to change”. Are you kidding me? And since I signed up, they BOMBARD me with offers for Life Insurance - I mean, like every week I get something in the mail, even though I called and asked them to cease and desist. They are annoying to the point I’m ready to cancel my insurance. I have never experienced this kind of difficulty in dealing with other insurance companies. They get a thumbs down from me.

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    Reviewed Oct. 25, 2024

    In 2023 we decided to go with AAA insurance products for our residence, rental property and auto. We took, at that time, our current declaration pages to an agent in Indian Land, SC, named Cindy. We asked her to copy the coverages and quote us. She got us rental insurance on our rental property alright. She lied about when the house was built, when it got a new roof and she wrote us for $10,000 dollars worth of content insurance, knowing full well that we rented that house out furnished right down to the silverware. Well we had a fire. The house had to be torn down to the studs and the entire contents for pack in, storage and pack out came to $30,000. If we wanted the contents cleaned it was another $20,000.

    To make a long story short, because we signed on the dotted line we essentially were told that "it sucks and you got screwed and it is your fault that she screwed you and lied on the initial quote". We had to go and get a $20,000 loan in order to get our contents back. I will bad mouth this company every chance I get. Be careful if you get coverage through this company (AAA) before signing anything make sure your agent didn't lie just to get the commission from the sale. This company does not monitor their agents and expects their clients to know how to decipher their own declaration pages. After this experience, I could teach their agents a few things about insurance. Please people, read the fine print because when it comes down to it, you are to blame if you sign anything..

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    Reviewed Oct. 18, 2024

    I was offered insurance through AAA and price is very high and I have good driving record. Also they offer me a classic membership and I decided to call for road assistance. They only cover 5 miles. I had to pay the rest out of pocket which is 10 dollars per extra mile. I don’t have idea about this until it happened. I call customer service and they said if I want to upgrade it takes 10 days to be effective. I was used to roadside assistance with previous insurance providers never had this type of problem. I am ready find new carrier. Not satisfied with Triple A.

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    Customer ServiceCoverageStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 16, 2024

    AAA is a joke. I have been paying for over 10 years for the PLUS membership, last year I needed to be towed only 15 miles. I was told the towing company would contact me. After getting two text messages saying they would be coming and after 3 hours of waiting I called and canceled the tow and just had my friend tow me with his truck. Now today 10-15-24 I ran out of gas and called AAA. They said a company would be on the way. After getting 2 text messages saying someone is on the way and 3 HOURS LATER I called & talked to 2 rude people and finally was transferred to the Complaint department. After being on hold and transferred many times the Representative said, "Oh there's no gas available for anyone to bring you right now."

    I said why wasn't I told that 3 hours ago and you're the only one telling me this know 3 hours later? She said, "I'm sorry. I'll give you $20's off your next renewal." I said, "Credit me now because I probably won't be renewing." She said, "I can't do that or anything else for you." So they got my money and don't come through on their promises. This is the illusion of being covered and they are NO GOOD ANYMORE. At one time they were but those days are gone...

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    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed Oct. 3, 2024

    I'm very disappointed with AAA Insurance. I currently have both auto and home insurance in Texas, but when I tried to get a home insurance policy in a different state, they refused to provide it unless I also took an auto policy with them. After moving to the new state, I got both auto and home insurance with AAA and canceled my Texas auto policy. As a result, AAA drastically increased my home insurance rates in Texas simply because I no longer have an auto policy there. To make matters worse, their customer service has been terrible throughout this entire process. I feel punished for simply moving states and expected much better service from a company like AAA.

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    Reviewed Sept. 27, 2024

    DO NOT EVER GET AAA HOME OR AUTO INSURANCE, my husband switched insurance companies but we realized that our old one was a better financial fit for our current situation. We were with AAA Home and Auto only for 4 days, now they want to charge us 139 dollars for "4 days of coverage and cancellation fees" and we had paid 284 dollars to start auto policy, we are only getting 68 dollars back from that for the same reasons. If that isn't plain theft in broad light I don't know what is!! Please, please don't make an easy victim of yourself and NEVER EVER try to get with this company.

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    Verified purchase
    Customer ServiceCoverageSales & MarketingPrice

    Reviewed Sept. 18, 2024

    I started a policy with AAA. Agreed to a premium of 593$. I paid my payment for 2 months. I received a letter in the mail 2 months later that said they now wanted 1100$ double what I agreed to for the premium. I said, "No way. I do not agree to this. Cancel my policy immediately." I just paid for the month and it was still the beginning of the month. I called GEICO immediately and got insurance with them. I figured I would get a refund from AAA because I just paid for the month and canceled a week later when I found out they wanted double for the policy. I was current on my payment. I never signed anything or agreed to the new premium. I received a bill in the mail saying I owed from the previous 2 months on a premium I never agreed to and never would have done business with them at that price. As soon as they sent me the letter I cancelled the insurance.

    Now they have sent my account to collections and are trying to charge me for something I never agreed to. That’s like me selling something for 100$ then months later after it is sold going to the buyer and saying I decided I want more for my item you owe me 200$. That has to be illegal and just awful. Terrible business ethics. I would pay them if I owed them but I never once agreed to an 1100$ premium and would have never agreed to that. Do not do business with this company. I can’t believe they would do this. How have they been in business so long being so crooked. Awful! I disputed the matter. This is a scam and I can’t imagine how many people they have done this to. Who probably just pay because they will put it against your credit. How can this be legal. AAA should be ashamed scamming hard working Americans like this. I work hard for my money and pay all my bills on time. And if I owe something I pay.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Sept. 10, 2024

    I was involved in an accident that wasn’t my fault, and the person who hit me has AAA insurance. AAA didn’t reach out to me for over a week, and I had to call them myself—while on vacation—to even start the process. Initially, they told me I couldn’t keep my car at my preferred shop, but once I pushed back, they suddenly changed their stance and allowed it. This deceptive tactic was frustrating. To make matters worse, they lowballed me on the value of my totaled car, despite the fact that I have receipts for every bolt and all the maintenance done. They were unprofessional in response to my fair valuation. Then they yanked my rental car, leaving me without transportation to work.

    I feel like nothing more than a number to them. Even if I had accepted their offer, how could I buy a car on a weekday with a full-time job? I couldn’t even have the rental until the weekend to make arrangements. I didn’t ask to be in this situation, but now I’m left scrambling, trying to figure out how to provide for my family and do basic things like get groceries.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 9, 2024

    I have been a member for 20 years. Well I guess they don’t care if you are stuck out in the country and need a tow. Yesterday I spent more than 12 hrs trying to get a tow for my car to go from my house to a business in Gainesville Florida. After 7 calls I still was lied to about the tow has been dispatched. Nobody cared! Finally I called a company in Chiefland who could have towed me last night but they did not affiliate themselves with AAA because of the poor service people have been given on weekends of nights. I called them and they came to my house within an hour and took my car to get repaired in Gainesville. Great customer service and trusting.

    My car was fixed today due to prompt service from the tow company. I was told since my car was at my house that I was a low priority and they don’t have enough drivers to help out of Gainesville if you live in Bronson or Trenton or Chiefland. So I was told if you don’t feel safe to leave the keys in your car then call the police!! Like they have enough problems. I don’t recommend them anymore to customers who are stuck on the side of the road cause they don’t care. Well so long AAA.

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    Reviewed Sept. 9, 2024

    This company has an auto pay that will continue no matter what. If you cancel your insurance they will continue to charge you until you go in to the branch to prove you have insurance. When my kids got their own AAA policy, the company kept double charging me. I had to spend getting the money back. This company is out of control!!!!

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 6, 2024

    I work for lienholder services and spoke with agent Ashley at (888) 883-8611 about a MI policy. Ashely is probably one of the rudest and unknowledgeable agent I have ever spoken with. She constantly provided inaccurate information seeming to give little care about the business to business call. On top of this all Agent Ashley took a personal call in the middle of our conversation and made me wait 4-5 on hold while she took this call. Probably one of the worst Triple A experiences I have had yet.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 5, 2024

    What happened to AAA... There has been a big change in service! You used to have a dedicated agent who took care of you. You felt special because you were in the club. Now you're just a number and you get whoever is answers the phone if you can get someone on the phone at all. Today I tried calling my local office and the number was disconnected. Took me some time to find the customer service 888 number then after dealing with the AI I finally got transferred. Waited 15 mins then when I finally got a hold of someone, the call was disconnected. They used to be the best value now they're as bad as a broker.

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    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed Aug. 31, 2024

    Buyer beware! AAA is not the same AAA of the 90s. They raised my rates over $2000 and then claimed it was due to natural increases in premiums just before renewal cycle. When I made a partial payment they accepted the payment, processed the money and even updated my account. Audaciously, they proceeded to send me a letter asking me for the rest of the money but the truth was they had already cancelled the policy and had planned to send my partial payment back to me; but not before they had collected the money and the earned interest of course.

    I consider all of this as predatory practices that force policyholders to engage in this chaotic dance of “Do I have the same policy or not” and “Why is my policy 20% higher just before renewal”. I was not given a grace period nor a valid explanation of the increase. In fact, they backtracked to cover their tracks with a multitude of emails to me.

    Then offered a grace period after they had accepted my partial payment which seems very confusing to me- Why would you accept a payment? Any payment if you’re going to cancel the Policy. My thoughts: they took advantage of the fact that I had an annual policy, they increased the policy beyond a reasonable amount – over $2000 and with no reasonable explanation, and then proceeded to take advantage of me when I made the parcel payment. It was not honest, it was not transparent, and possibly the transaction was illegal. These shenanigans by AAA need to stop because it’s causing my rates to go up! Today is a sad day for me and I hope others don’t suffer my fate.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Aug. 19, 2024

    I've had to use these guys two or three times during and since COVID. They are an absolute travesty for a service. Should be investigated by all levels of government. They must donate huge sums of money to politicians because they do not provide one iota of customer service. HORRIBLE.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Aug. 19, 2024

    I had been with them for 4 or 5 years and all of sudden they canceled my membership for no reason. And when I ask them why nobody has a answer. I advise yall not to get the membership. I had to fight to get a full refund cause I never used it and they only wanted to refund part of my money. When I tried to use it they said it was cancelled. This company is full of it. Please do your research and choose a better company for roadside assistance.

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    Reviewed Aug. 14, 2024

    I was happy with AAA for the first 2 years of my policy, the rates were reasonable and the coverage was better than expected. By the third year my rates began to increase and my discounts began to disappear. I contacted AAA for an explanation of the increase and I was told that I drove slightly over the estimated mileage and it affected my rate and that rates in CA had increased. I am aware of the rate increase for California but several other companies have quoted significantly less for more coverage. I have two vehicles under the policy, their membership, a life insurance policy, a clean driving record, and my car is a 2017. I was also told that if I removed the second vehicle, I would be subject to an even higher premium. I am switching. I am over AAA, I will keep the membership (even that is going downhill), but leaving this overpriced company.

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    Customer ServicePriceStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 1, 2024

    I’ve had AAA for almost 10 years and it’s gone downhill BIG TIME. I was in an accident and AAA took 3 MONTHS just to tell me if my car was totaled or not. The shop it was sent to was AAA endorsed and had written up a statement of repair costs within a week. I had to call AAA so many times to follow up to get an answer, which took 3 months because they are “backed up” on total losses. They actually kept changing the price of what would consider my car a total loss or not and it seemed very shady, the agent even told me it was the shop that was making changes, that was not true when I confirmed with the shop.. Plus you only get 30 days with a rental car which is useless if AAA takes 3 months to make up their mind, you’re out of a vehicle for 2 months.

    Eventually I finally got my payout and got another car, and immediately updated my policy with the new vehicle, the same day I purchased it. When it came time for renewal, I received a letter that said my policy was terminated because “I never updated them with a new vehicle from the total loss of my 2017 Jetta”. The 2017 Jetta IS THE NEW VEHICLE!! The letter also said “we know this is upsetting but this decision follows a thorough review of your policy”. Clearly NOT! So I had to call and have them rewrite my policy which took many transfers and hours of being on hold, being told I’d get a call back and never did.

    I had to call them and explain the situation over and over and over again. The agent sends me a policy to be signed, and it has so much incorrect information. There’s family members names on my policy that should not be on there. Wrong phone number. Wrong date of birth. Just SLOPPY!! I had to call back, AGAIN, and ask them to fix all their mistakes AGAIN! Is it a training issue? Not paid enough to care? Outdated systems? I don’t know what the problem is but AAA is expensive insurance that is NOT worth the money. THEY admitted they falsely terminated my policy so they should have been apologetic and fixed the situation, I shouldn’t have to call and email 100 times to remind them and to get it done right. Such a waste of time. I DO NOT recommend AAA at ALL!

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    Reviewed July 31, 2024

    AAA is not customer friendly. They take your money and provide sub-par service. STAY AWAY. Most car insurance provides us with roadside assistance. Check with your auto insurance carrier. I was a AAA member for years.

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    Customer ServiceClaims Handling

    Reviewed July 31, 2024

    I have been waiting on the phone to make a claim for 30 min now and no one has answered the call. I tried chatting online, just to be rerouted to phone again. This is really frustrating. They used to be a good company. Their service sucks.

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    Reviewed July 29, 2024

    I have been a loyal customer with AAA for years now. For several years now my two boys have been showing as unrated drivers and I have spoken with many representatives regarding my state statutes, and they have not worried about changing the status for them to be rated drivers. I called in the other day to remove a car that I no longer needed on my policy. The gentleman I spoke with started hassling me incessantly about how my sons weren't paying for insurance and they needed to be rated drivers. I was not opposed to that however they justified this change as my insurance going from about $500/month to $1,300/month. I said absolutely not! That is more than a 100% increase and for what? That is a mortgage payment a month!

    I spoke with a manager who hassled me in the same manner as her colleague and told me she didn't want to lose her job over this matter (which I understand), but I explained to her my spouse was currently out of work and I was unable to make that large of a payment. She did not offer any other solutions to the situation NOR did she even show any empathy for the position I was in.

    She fully admitted she would not pay that much monthly for insurance. She couldn't even bother to explain the exorbitant new amount they expected me to pay and the reasoning behind that much of an increase. She told me I would have to put up with paying that monthly amount. I refused to and promptly changed insurance companies who decreased my same rate I had before they jacked it up by about $80/month. I even received added benefits and discounts that AAA did not offer! Learn from my experience and save yourself a lot of hassle by choosing a different insurance carrier who will respect you and your financial picture.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed July 26, 2024

    This is the WORST membership with RUDE, and DISRESPECTFUL Employees and management! Also been charged for a free account! I need it refunded and it can be canceled especially if you have to deal with the foolishness every time you call them!! I just made 5 calls and gotten nowhere.

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    Customer ServiceOnline & AppStaff

    Reviewed July 22, 2024

    I have been a loyal customer with Triple AAA for over 18 years and have always received prompt professional service for my entire family throughout the years, and my grown son and daughter have been loyal customers too. On July 12th, 2024, around 7:30 in the evening, my car was having engine problems and the car had to be pulled over on the side of Gilman Springs Road in Riverside County. This one of the most dangerous two lane roads that has had many terrible accidents and many deaths on it thorughout my 30 years living here in California. We drove out to where the car was at and the traffic was so busy even though it was later in the evening.

    We called the Triple AAA Roadside Service Number at 8:00 p.m. and gave all the details while utilizing the Application on the Phone and were advised that a tow truck driver would be dispatched within 45 minutes. My daugher, her husband, my 6 year old granddaughter and I, waited over an hour on the side of this very dangerous unlit two lane road, fearing for our safety the whole time, despite being off the road far enough the cars were driving dangerously close or over the right fog line of the lane.The application showed that the tow truck had not been dispatched. Another request submitted via the application again and it stated that it would be 45 minutes wait before the tow truck would arrive to tow our vehicle.

    Another hour passed when my daughter called again but this time we spoke to the representative and told her we had already been waiting for over two hours and still had not been contacted by the tow truck driver. She stated that she would call the Tow Truck Company by the Name of Wind and Sea in Moreno Valley, again herself, and was told it would be an hour before he would arrive. We waited another hour and still no tow truck driver. My daughter called and spoke to the representative again and told her we had been waiting over 3 hours and still the two truck driver had not arrived at our location. She then put us on hold and called the Tow Company only to come back on the line and tell us that no one was answering the phone and was just being placed on hold.

    My daugher then told the lady we had to get off that dangerous road and take her 6 year old daughter home, and we stated that we would then call back once we got home, which was only 15 minutes away. When I got home we called Triple AAA again and told her that we had been waiting for over three hours and no tow truck was dispatched to our location to pick-up our disabled car. She then informed us that she would contact the tow truck company closest to us and it should be around 12:00 to 12:30 before he arrived. As I was watching the application instead of the hour arrival time it changed to 1:53 a.m.

    Then the Application stated they would be arriving at 2:16 a.m. I was informed through the app that it was a different towing company called Desert Towing, Inc. which was a tow company in our town of Hemet. I received another update stating that the towing company should arrive at 3:58 a.m. Received a phone call at 2:30 a.m. by the original tow truck company Wind and Sea and the Tow Truck driver said that his tow truck company was the only one authorized to pick up our car because of where it was located. He stated that he would meet me there at the car's location at 3:00 a.m. Drove out to Gilman Springs Road and when we got to where the location where the car was at, it was gone.

    I immediately called the tow truck driver and told him that the car was gone and he stated that the Highway Patrol or Riverside County had the car towed by Pirots Towing in Hemet. Went to the Tow Company's location on Saturday morning and the tow yard was closed and was not due to open until Monday morning. Called the Owner of the Tow Truck Company and told him what had happened and he stated that it would cost $700. to get the car out that morning, I told him we were poor and could not afford it, he said it's not my problem, get another car and hung up. I called your representative Tuesday, as I had a medical appointment Monday and was not able to speak to your representative.

    I relayed the information to your representative, told her that it was not our fault that Triple AAA did not provide the towing service and asked if the company if they had insurance for circumstances such as mine, if they could pay for the car paid for and be returned to us. She stated someone would call in three days, no one did. So I called back and spoke to a friendly young lady and she stated that the person who had took our numerous calls the night of the initial request and we had been waiting so long, she stated what she had done in that instance, was tell the customer they had the options to pay out of their pockets to have the car towed by different tow company, I told her we were never given that option.

    She stated she would put the request in but based upon experience, it is not the responsibility of Triple AAA to get involved with tow yards and only possible reimbursement if any relief was provided. I told her by the time Triple AAA was going to respond to the newest request another week would have passed, another $1,000 or more would have been added to the charges which would be over $2,000. I don't have that kind of money to pay, and maybe not get reimbursed.

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