Is an axle covered under warranty?

Drivetrain or powertrain coverage might take care of it

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    Edited by: Matt Zane

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      Endurance Auto Warranty, Omega Auto Care, Concord Auto Protect, Toco Warranty and American Dream Auto Protect
      axle shaft

      An axle isn’t a car part that you frequently think about. An axle connects the car’s wheels together and ensures that your car moves properly. So if something goes wrong with the axle, your wheel could fall off entirely, leaving you with a bigger problem.

      If you need to fix or replace your axle, you probably want to see if your warranty will pay for the repair or replacement cost. Read below to learn if an axle is covered under a warranty — and how much fixing it will cost if it’s not.

      Key insights

      Axles are part of drivetrain and powertrain warranties.

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      Axles may not be covered if you damage them in an accident or as a result of poor maintenance.

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      Replacing your axle usually costs $1,200.

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      Axle warranty coverage

      Axles are generally covered by warranties because they're part of the car's powertrain and drivetrain system. Powertrain warranties are one of the most common types of warranties and are often available for both new and used cars.

      However, you should make sure that you have not done anything to void the warranty. For example, getting into an accident, hitting a pothole or neglecting maintenance could negate the warranty, even if the axle was technically covered. This is true for most warranties. If you get into an accident and your axle needs to be fixed, then your car insurance would be responsible rather than your warranty.

      » LEARN: What does a car warranty cover?

      What types of warranties cover axles?

      If you’re worried about axle issues, take heart. The powertrain warranty — arguably the most common warranty — covers axles.

      If you buy a new car, it will come with a powertrain warranty. These typically last up to four years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, but some can last up to 10 years or 100,000 miles. The exact limits depend on the specific auto manufacturer. If you already have a car with a powertrain warranty, look at the plan’s terms to see when it expires.

      If you have a used car that did not come with a powertrain warranty, you can potentially purchase a separate warranty from a third-party company.

      If you have a used car that already has known axle issues and you then decide to buy an extended warranty, an axle repair or replacement may not be covered because it is a preexisting condition.

      » MORE: Car warranty guide: what you need to know

      Does your extended warranty cover axles?

      If you’re wondering whether your extended warranty covers axles, keep reading. Here are some common extended warranty providers and which of their plans cover axles:

      How much does it cost to fix your axle?

      Replacing or fixing your axle can be a pricey problem. The average cost to replace an axle is $1,200. Also, costs may vary depending on if you need a new front or rear axle.

      If your axle needs to be fixed, the cost will also vary based on the extent of the damage. What type of car you drive also matters greatly from a price perspective.

      For example, the average cost for a CV joint replacement on a 2017 Honda Civic is $1,254 as of publishing, while the cost of an axle shaft seal repair on a 2017 Ford F-150 is only $287. A 2019 BMW 740i axle seal repair repair costs an average cost of $597.

      Also, the average cost is more expensive for a front-wheel-drive or all-wheel-drive car, compared with a rear-wheel-drive vehicle. There are both nondrive (dead) axles and drive axles; drive axles are more costly to fix or replace.

      Sometimes mechanics may disagree if you need to simply repair your axle or replace it entirely. In general, replacing the axle will be more expensive than repairing it.

      For example, on a 2017 Honda Civic, a new axle will cost around $1,307, while the cost drops down to $531 on a 2017 Ford F-150. Car owners with a 2019 BMW 740i may spend $2,325 on a new axle. These prices include both parts and labor.

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        Are axles part of your powertrain?

        In general, your powertrain includes the engine and parts that power the engine. This includes the axle. If you have a powertrain warranty in effect, it should kick in if you need to replace or fix your axle.

        However, that warranty will not apply if you have been in an accident that damaged your axle. Also, axles can be damaged if excessive force is applied to them, like if you hit a pothole.

        Are axles part of your drivetrain?

        Yes, axles are part of the drivetrain. If you have a drivetrain warranty, then your axle should be covered under that drivetrain warranty.

        However, some situations and circumstances may essentially void your warranty. For example, if you didn’t take care of your car properly according to its maintenance schedule, then your axle may not be covered even under a drivetrain warranty. Also, damage from accidents will almost always be excluded under a warranty.

        Are axles covered under extended warranties?

        Axles are covered under most extended warranty plans. However, there may be some circumstances when coverage is excluded.

        For example, if you get into a car accident, then your axle replacement or repair will not be covered, even if you have an extended warranty. In that case, you would have to utilize your auto insurance for help with payment.

        Also, if your axle was damaged due to a lack of maintenance on your vehicle, then you’ll have a hard time getting it covered by your extended warranty.

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