Adam Bros. Farming of Santa Maria, Calif., is recalling red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce and cauliflower harvested from November 27 – 30, 2018.
The products may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 bacteria.
None of the recalled products have tested positive for E. coli O157:H7 and no illnesses have been reported.
The following products are being recalled:
Red Leaf Lettuce – Adam Bros. Family Farms Label: Carton Tag Numbers:
204-27245 331-18, 253-27267 331-18, 204-27267 331-18, 203-27267 331-18, 253-27267 332-18, 204-27267 332-18
Pallet Tag Numbers:
1635961, 1635962, 1635977, 1635978, 1635979, 1635980, 1635981, 1635982, 1635983, 1635984, 1635985, 635986, 1635988, 1635989, 1635990, 1635991, 1636104, 1636105, 1636106, 1636107, 1636108, 1636109, 1636110, 1636111, 1636120, 1636121, 1636173, 1636174, 1636175, 1636176, 1636177, 1636178, 1636179, 636187, 1636188, 1636189, 1636190, 1636234, 1636235, 1636236, 1636237, 1636238, 1636239, 1636240, 1636241, 1636242, 1636243, 1636297, 1636298, 1636299, 1636300, 1636301, 1636302, 1636303, 1636304, 1636305, 1636306, 1636376, 1636377, 1636378, 1636379, 1636380, 1636381, 1636382, 1636492, 1636493, 1636494, 1636495, 1636496, 1636497, 1636498, 1636499, 1636500
Green Leaf Lettuce – Adam Bros. Family Farms Label: Carton Tag Numbers:
204-27247 331-18, 253-27268 331-18, 204-27268 331-18, 204-27268 331-18, 204-27268 332-18
Pallet Tag Numbers:
1635842, 1635843, 1635844, 1635845, 1635846, 1635847, 1635848, 1635849, 1635850, 1635851, 1635872, 1635873, 1635874, 1635875, 1635876, 1635877, 1635878, 1635879, 1635880, 1635881, 1635951, 163 5952, 1635953, 1635954, 1635955, 1635956, 1635957, 1635958, 1635959, 1635960, 1635963, 1635964, 1635965, 1635966, 1635967, 1635968, 1635969, 1635970, 1635971, 1635972, 1635973, 1635974, 1635975, 1635976, 1636062, 1636063, 1636064, 1636065, 1636066, 1636067, 1636068, 163606, 1636070, 1636071, 1636101, 1636102, 1636103, 1636112, 1636113, 1636114, 1636115, 1636116, 1636117, 1636118, 1636119, 1636180, 1636181, 1636182, 1636183, 1636184, 1636185, 1636186, 1636373, 1636374, 1636375, 1636501, 1636502, 1636503, 1636504, 1636505, 1636506, 1636507, 1636508, 1636509
Cauliflower – Adam Bros. Family Farms Label:
Carton Tag Numbers:
203-27263 331-18, 203-27263 333-18, 203-27263 334-18, 204-27268 332-18, 203-27268 334-18, 203-27263 332-18, 203-27263 334-18
Pallet Tag Numbers:
1635882, 1635883, 1635884, 1635885, 1636072, 1636073, 1636074, 1636075, 1636076, 1636140, 1636141, 1636142, 1636143, 1636307, 1636308, 1636309, 1636310, 1636314, 1636593, 1636594, 1636595, 1636596, 1636597, 1636598, 1636599, 1636600, 1636601, 1636716, 1636717, 1636718, 1636719, 1636720, 1636924, 1636925, 1636926, 1636927, 1637046, 1637047, 1637170, 1637171, 1635886, 1635887, 1636077, 1636078, 1636144, 1636145, 1636311, 1636312, 1636602, 1636603, 1636604, 1636605, 1636721, 1636722, 1636928, 1636929, 1637048, 1637049, 1637172, 1637173, 1635888, 1636079, 1636146, 1636313, 1636606, 1636607, 1636723, 1636930, 1637050, 1637174
The cauliflower was distributed to wholesalers in Arizona, California, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tijuana, Mexico, and Canada.
The red and green leaf lettuce was distributed to wholesalers in California, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, Pennsylvania, Washington and Canada. The red leaf lettuce only was distributed to a wholesaler in Minnesota and Tijuana, Mexico.
What to do
Customers who purchased the recalled products should return them to the place of purchase or destroy them.
Consumers with questions may contact the company at (805) 925- 0339.
Adam Bros. Farming of Santa Maria, Calif., is recalling red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce and cauliflower harvested from November 27 – 30, 2018.The...