Rexton Hearing Aids

Rexton Hearing Aids Reviews

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About Rexton Hearing Aids

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Rexton offers a wide range of hearing aid models and options for every budget. It provides features such as Bluetooth connections as well as music and speech enhancements. The company also offers apps and accessories to make your hearing aid transition seamless.

  • Bluetooth audio streaming
  • Customizable programs
  • Voice Ranger technology
  • Rechargeable models
  • Audiologist testing required
  • No pricing on website

Rexton Hearing Aids Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40

    Reviewed Dec. 15, 2021

    I switched to Rexton Hearing Aids primarily for the new technology featured offered with Bluetooth connectivity to my Android phone. I also liked the feature of rechargeable batteries and a carrying case that was portable and recharges the units up to 3 days. Disappointed after 3 months of usage. 1. Bluetooth disconnects often with my Samsung S21 phone, so that I have to switch to speaker phone vs use the connection to my hearing aids. Typically on 1 unit sometimes right ear, other times left. 2. After 730pm at night about 12 hours of use, the battery supply is approx 10%. Volume of hearing aids drops significantly. My solution is to recharge units during the day in case.

    I really wanted to like these new hearing aids, they have so many great features like automatically adjusting to the sound environment you're in. Unfortunately, the Bluetooth constantly cutting out on 1 of the units almost daily makes the hearing aids more of a hassle than help. Plan to return to Costco.

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    Reviewed Dec. 13, 2021

    I am very disappointed in Rexton Hearing Aids. They screech or squeal in my ear for reasons I cannot fathom. Just sitting here, or when I type, when adjusting the tv volume, or go to hug someone and then we both hear it. It is maddening. Have tried regulating volume and direction to little avail. They have screeched 4 times while I type this. I bought them from Costco where I bought my first device made by ReSound which was sold under the Kirkland brand. They were awesome. Unfortunately, they were in an envelope that the cleaning service inadvertently threw in the trash. Sadly, Costco stopped carrying them and Costco now promotes Rexton. I would not buy Rexton again.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Aug. 27, 2021

    I purchased through Costco and believed I could get the excellent service that Costco is known for but unfortunately it hasn't been my experience. The hearing aids have been the subject of predominately loud background noise. I found I heard a conversation better without them the other day sitting with my friend in my car. I strained to hear but with my hearing aids it was completely muffled. Turning the volume up just compounds the problem. During Covid an appointment is required and supposedly they will call back. I'm still waiting.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 2, 2021

    I have had my hearing aids for 4 months. They work great. I am disappointed with the Bluetooth range. Phone has to be above chest area to work. Also randomly one ear cuts out. They also turn off for no reason.

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    Reviewed Feb. 29, 2020

    Since we bought the Rexton hearing aids we have facing only problems. I bought the machine for my Mumma. But They people have never been able to set the right setting on them, they enhance all the sounds around my Mumma so the frequency she needs help to hear all run together. She can't wear it for very long at all, because its catch noise rather than the voice. Since then we try several times to gave it back, because of no use, but always they people use to say, change the cell/Reset the frequency. We paid at huge amount. We are very disappointed with such a good brand but poor service. If there is a company that could help us we would welcome the help! Thanks.

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    Reviewed March 2, 2019

    Since we bought the hearing aids we have had nothing but problems. They have never been able to set the right setting on them, they enhance all the sounds around my husband so the frequency he needs help to hear all run together. He can't wear them very long at all, because he gets a headache. We have taken them back to where he bought them no less than 12 times with no help, every time they try to adjust them with no luck. They have added tails to them so they would stay in his ears because they fall out. We paid right at 6,000.00 dollars and I would not give you a nickel for them. Very disappointed with the brand. If there is a company that could help us we would welcome the help! Thanks.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Nov. 10, 2017

    I am a RN certified case manager. It is so important to have great hearing on the phone, at the doctor's office and meeting your patients. I did my research on obtaining my first hearing aids in 2014. I was really impressed how the Rexton made a big difference for me. I did go back to Costco to have them fine tuned without difficulties a few times. Now 3 years later got another hearing test. No changes to my hearing. Since technology has improved I was more. I have trialed the Resound hearing aids. Getting them this week.

    I was really impressed when the hearing specialist had me turn my back to him, as he asked me questions. He said turn around. The man was so far down the store's aisle, I was shocked! I was sold. I have scheduled my sister to have her hearing checked, she is in denial over her hearing loss... I will be able to have my old Rexton hearing aids reprogram for her to use. I will update everyone on how the Resound hearing aids are with all that Bluetooth.

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    Rexton Hearing Aids Company Information

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    Rexton Hearing Aids
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    United States

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