Coin IRA

Coin IRA Reviews

About Coin IRA

Coin IRA helps investors add cryptocurrency to their retirement plans. Investors are connected with a portfolio manager who can help walk them through investment options and create a personalized portfolio. To learn more, see reviews below or submit your own.

  • Low transaction costs
  • Offline storage wallets
  • Optimized security features
  • Limited information on website
  • Minimum IRA investment amounts

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Coin IRA products and services

Coin IRA specializes in helping customers purchase, sell and invest cryptocurrency. To help maximize your account's security, Coin IRA implements features such as a software wallet and secondary keys to help you protect your assets. Coin IRA’s two primary services are cryptocurrency IRAs and cash cryptocurrency purchases.

  • Cryptocurrency IRA: Cryptocurrency IRAs work much like traditional IRAs. Once your account is open, it is self-directed, which means you can freely trade cryptocurrencies to and from your account online. Your cryptocurrency is held in “cold storage” to eliminate any possibility of data breaches or hackers getting to your investments. Coin IRA works with a network of trusted custodians that comply with IRA laws and regulations.
  • Cryptocurrency cash purchases: Coin IRA makes it easy to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and XRP. Coin IRA has a dedicated staff of financial consultants that help you understand the details of the various types of cryptocurrency. There are no maximum purchase limits, and Coin IRA ensures that you're protected from any fraudulent activity on your cryptocurrency purchases.

What is Quickcoin by Coin IRA?

Quickcoin by Coin IRA is a licensed institution that helps facilitate buying, storing, selling and trading cryptocurrencies. Initially, Quickcoin was Facebook-integrated software designed to trade Bitcoins across a variety of social media platforms. Many cryptocurrency companies have adopted this business model and designed their software to make transferring cryptocurrency easier.


Does Coin IRA have a minimum investment amount?

Yes, Coin IRA’s minimum investment amount is $25,000.

Does Coin IRA sell rare or collectible coins?

No. Coin IRA is strictly in the business of cryptocurrency investments.

Does Coin IRA offer a free consultation?

Yes. You can request information and a comprehensive IRA resource guide on Coin IRA’s website.

Do I need a custodian for a cryptocurrency retirement account through Coin IRA?

Yes. All IRAs require a custodian.

Is Coin IRA worth it?

Purchasing cryptocurrency for your IRA account can be a detailed and risky process, which is why many people turn to companies like Coin IRA to help walk them through the process. The company has limited details available on its website but offers free consultations and resources. If you’re looking to invest in cryptocurrency, Coin IRA is worth considering.

Coin IRA Reviews

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    How do I know I can trust these reviews about CoinIRA?
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    Customer Service

    Reviewed July 29, 2023

    I went into it, trying to expose myself to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and I had an IRA Roth from an old company I was working for. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get this handled and found Coin IRA, call them up and they help me through everything, I have been investing in cryptocurrency’s with coin IRA for the past couple years and they’ve always answered my phone call. If I left a message they would call me back within J on holidays so to me that there really helped out when I needed it. It’s secure good business With bitcoin. Call them up. They have all the answers for you. Don’t miss out.

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