Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium Reviews

About Coral Calcium

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  • No serious health issues reported
  • Alleviates acid reflux
  • Concerns about future regulations
  • Limited availability in some areas

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    Page 1 Reviews 0 - 10

    Reviewed Nov. 1, 2015

    Thank you for this space. YEP, that is FIVE BIG stars for a supplement I have been consuming for... wait for it...4,735 days as of NOV 1, 2015. Now that I have a few years (under my belt), let me help by stating these facts. NOPE, didn't die from a heart attack suffered on JAN 22, 2013. NOPE, haven't had any issues with buying VIA the www. NOPE, haven't missed any days, weeks or months during the thousands of days stated above. YEP, the heart DR knows that I use this supplement and hasn't told me to stop. YEP, it stopped my acid reflux symptoms after three days. YEP, I consume 667 mg per day, that's two pills. YEP, I am thankful it still is available to purchase. YEP, I believe the www has some good remaining before the bureaucrats regulate this format of speech.

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    Reviewed Dec. 11, 2009

    I took the Coral Calcium and my pains in my joints went away. Thank you Kevin, I can enjoy life again!

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      Reviewed Aug. 24, 2009

      I bought the Coral Calcium from the bogus claims they said and it never did anything for me. I'm out the money I spent and I believe it to have caused me kidney stones because no one in my family is known for that and I got one shortly after taking the product.

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      Reviewed Sept. 10, 2008

      You liars, did you even read these book! No I think not!! He does have cures for diseases because he says time and time again that colon cleansing is a natural cure, liver cleansing is a natural cure, coral calcium is a natural cure, and on chapter 6 he has all the requirements to cure and neverget diseases!!

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      Reviewed April 24, 2008

      I was told over the telephone by the company I purchase the Coral Calcium Supreme from that they would refund my money back in 2004 but after getting all 15 bottles boxed up the company no longer had any contact info. The phone number I had called days before said that they were no longer in business so I have been waiting to see if anything came of it on the news and recently saw that there had been a class action settlement but I was never contacted so how can I find out if I will be able to get my money back as the company had told me I could. I would appreciate any information you can give me.

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      Reviewed March 31, 2008

      Everything I have tried in his 1st and/or second book has worked for me. I have not been to a doctor or chiropractor, but maybe twice in the last four years since taking Coral Calcium. I can't remember the last time I needed an antibiotic for ANYTHING. This was not the case before Coral Calcium. I was sick all the time, especially winter and my back was out of place at least once a month. Although I'm sure this will never be included with your published complaints, I feel better just stating it. Kevin Trudeau is right on the mark as far as the remedies I've tried.

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      Reviewed Jan. 15, 2007

      Why is it that you are only asking for complaints instead of results. I have taken the coral calcium and let me tell you it works. I had fallen on a bowling alley and my hip hurt for about 1 year, until I finally her about the Bob Barefoot Calcium. I also had burning sensations in my ankles and that radiated up my legs. Once I started taking the coral calcium my pain went away and has stayed away, even since I have not taken it for a while. I feel sorry for the government and politics because they are killing the people with all the drugs they are wanting people to take. In reading Kevin Trudeus' I highly agree with him.

      See I worked in a doctors' office years ago and know exactly what goes on in them. I agree with alot about what he says. What I feel is sad that the pharmacuetical companies are making millions in killing people with their drugs. They talk about alcohol, smoking, and other illegal drugs harming people, but never really down their drugs. The side effects from taking the drugs from the pharmacuetical companies are just as bad as the alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs that is out there for people to take.

      So why don't you and everyone else leave him alone. All he is doing is similiar to what you are doing. Trying to steer people in the right direction not trying to ruin their lives with lies and deception.

      Open your eyes to what he is saying, money that's what this whole world is about. Any when someone can dip into hurting peoples funds, they go after them in different ways.

      Hope this doesn't offend you; however, I do believe it what I have read so far in his books. We all have our opinions and some have proof of what they say and believe.

      Have a great life.

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      Reviewed Nov. 11, 2004

      We were promised if we bought 10 bottles of coral calcium we would receive Kevins new book Natural Cures They dont want you to know abut. We never received the book,said it was on backorder. Now he is selling it on TV. I called,they said they would send a book. Never came. Called again said they couldnt send book the one promised was a mistake and they would be refunding the $1oo for the calcium. Made no sense, and have received neither. What can I do.

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      Reviewed July 8, 2004

      Also known as GPH Worldwide, Inc.

      P.O. Box 1353, Camp Hill, PA 17001

      In their Terms of Use, they claim that there will be no "misleading or deceptive" information.

      However, I ordered a free sample of the 30
      Day Coral Calcium, and apparently, at the time they had a membership for autoshipments checked off in small print (if at all) (I am an experience webmaster and did not see any membership information at that time). (March 2004).

      The web page has definitely changed since then, because the S&H prices are different.

      The confirmation I received only stated that I signed up for a free 30-day supply. Nothing about joining for autoshipments under a company called WellnessCEO.

      I found another article on the internet that also confirms this complaint;


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      Reviewed Jan. 31, 2004

      You performed an excellent article about the false claims of Coral Calcium and it's 'cures'.

      This web site has similar claims about it's ezorb calcium product.

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      Coral Calcium