Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium Reviews

About Coral Calcium

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  • No serious health issues reported
  • Alleviates acid reflux
  • Concerns about future regulations
  • Limited availability in some areas

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40

    Reviewed Aug. 9, 2003

    i started taking barefoot coral calcium in april, 2003. approx. 6 weeks after starting the calcium, i started noticing body aches, not joint but muscle aches.the pain grew more severe on an accelerated basis until friday, 8/1/03, at which time i ran out of my supply of calcium. at this time, i could barely stand upright-the pain was so intense. ibuprofin was absolutely useless. this caused work related issues as well.

    by this past monday, 8/4/03, i noticed a little less pain, and all of a sudden a light bulb went off!!! maybe there was a connection to the coral calcium, and since i ran out, it was taking a little time for my body to rid itself of the effects. by tues., 8/5 i again felt less pain, and by fri., 8/8/03 all the aches in my muscles had virtually disappeared. i visited my chiropractor, and ran the scenario by him, and he cautiously agreed that this could have been the cause of my severe level of discomfort.

    he of course advised that i make an appointment to visit my primary care physician and ask for various blood work to be performed to assure that all was well within my physical self. i feel that the coral calcium was detrimental to my well being, that i felt like an invalid for months with terrible muscle aches that greatly restricted my day to day life, both personally and work related. how can i proceed with this situation? please advise. thank you!

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    Reviewed July 11, 2003

    I purchased his calcium and the paper to test your saliva and my saliva has never been high, like the 7.6 or 8.0 it is suspose to be and I've called them many times and they just always make up some excuses, I paid over $350.00 for a 10 month supply and went off my medication that the doctor put me on for high colestrol. and now to find out about all this!!!

    I'm soooo mad!! what can I do to get my money back?

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    Reviewed July 7, 2003

    Being a woman in my early 40's, I started taking 1000 mg of OTC calcium supplements at age 40. I know how important calcium is for your body especially women over 40 so I was always looking for a calcium supplement that was as pure as possible.

    This year, I saw a commercial and also heard on my Christian stations that OTC calium supplements only provide approximately 10% uptaake of calcium in your body and that I was not actually getting the required aamount of Calciuim recommended by the physician. At that point Coral Calcium was introduced as being the purest form of calcium and that the body would absorb all the calcium in this form because it came from pure choral leaf. It also mentioned many other health benefits as well.

    Well, I had not seen or read or heard anything to the contraary until recently( This month in fact) My friend, who is a doctor of pharmacology called me today to inform me that he received literature that coral calcium has many toxins and lead as one. He and I had both started using coral callcium before this info came out. He started getting boils all over his body approx. 1-2 months ago. He did mention that the only thing he had done differnt was to start taking the coral calcium but we dismissed it at that time because there was no hard evidence to support that as a ditinct possiblity.

    His intake was 2-3 times more than mine. Shoortly after he started getting the boils, I got one in the genital area. Just recently I got an infection that spread to my genital lympphnodes.

    I am now on antibiotics and was seen at Georgetown University. Another boil started but was resorbed shortly thereafter. I only have one of the pills left from the bottle of coral calcium I was taking. This has been truly a nightmare for me and my colleague.

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    Reviewed June 25, 2003

    I was on the internet to find the website to cancel my order because they are charging me $39.95 for 90 tablets and as I was trying to find this contact ********* and the site was unknown I then went to keyword coral calcium and founded this site too.

    Thats why I'm writting you because I didn't find LAMETCO Internationals name and thought you should have it because I've been screwed too... Price wise and more..I'm trying to cancel this and can't find them...I'm out $39.95 that I charged on my American Express and I'm going to get another charge too...

    I'm sending this shipment back with a cancel on my order as of today 6?25/03..this would be my 2nd time only..Please make sure you contact these people .. they are ripping people off..

    your truly connie *******

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    Reviewed May 27, 2003

    I placed an order for Coral Calcium from an infomercial from Bob Bear Foot. They had other offers that they wanted me to buy, but I said no thanks. I told them all I wanted was the Coral Calcium. That was on 3/15/03.

    I haven't recieved it yet.

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    Reviewed April 25, 2003

    Just wanted to let you guys know that Bob Barefoot is appearing on an infomercial called Debbie and Kevin which aired on 4-25-03 at 6 a.m. CDT. On this infomercial he is now claiming that there are two types of coral calcium, a high grade and low grade. He also goes into detail as to the differences between the two.

    Thought you might find it interesting or would like to watch the infomercial to see how Coral Calcium is being represented since the release of information regarding the coral reefs and what is actually in the coral that is gathered to make products such as this.

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    Reviewed March 31, 2003

    They made an unauthorized charge against my credit card for $96.00. I have no idea what I's a "membership" organization? This charge happened a month after I purchased a product from an infomercial called "Coral Calcium Supreme" distributed by Shop America, LLC located in Chicago, IL (**********).

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    Coral Calcium