Credit Squad

Credit Squad Reviews

About Credit Squad

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Credit Squad is a credit monitoring and ID theft protection service dedicated to providing superior customer service and consumer help. Credit Squad provides reports with a full seven-year history to help customers understand their credit score on a deeper level. FICO professionals are on staff to answer questions and help customers make wise credit decisions.

  • Alerts
  • Full-service restoration available
  • Credit score tracking
  • Must upgrade for full coverage

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Credit Squad services

The Federal Trade Commission estimates that around 9 million people are affected by ID theft every year. If you are a victim or worried about being a victim of ID theft, Credit Squad is a service that aims to cover all your credit monitoring and ID theft protection needs. Credit Squad offers the following services through its collection of plans:

  • Credit score tracking: Credit Squad's monthly ScoreTracker not only shows you credit score changes but provides insight into why these changes occurred.
  • Credit monitoring: Monitoring of your credit score, plus access to reports from all three reporting bureaus.
  • Light Watch: Credit Squad’s proprietary surveillance technology monitors internet activity for stolen identity credentials.
  • Change of Address: This reports and monitors if an enrolled person's mail has been redirected through the USPS. The match is based on first name, last name, address, city, zip code and DOB. This is monitored on a weekly basis.
  • Sex Offender: Leverages registries from all 50 states and Washington DC, Puerto Rico and Guam to ID and monitor registered sex offenders living in close proximity.
  • Non-Credit Loan: Provides alerts when a payday loan has been acquired using your SSN.
  • Early Warning System: Monitors activity on demand deposit accounts (like savings and checking accounts) for new account applications, new accounts opened, personal information changes on accounts and new signers added to account.
  • SSN Trace: Social Security Number Trace provides users with a report of all names and aliases associated with their SSN, and notifies them if a new one is added.
  • Lost Wallet Replacement: Lost Wallet Replacement assists consumers in quickly and effectively closing and replacing wallet contents.
  • Full-Service Restoration: This service includes a certified identity theft specialist to work on your behalf. The identity restoration specialist works on your behalf to investigate alerts, dispute fraud events and return the client to pre-theft status.

Credit Squad plans and pricing

Cost for Credit Squad ranges from $14 - $25 per month for individual protection, depending on which service plan you choose. Credit Squad also offers family protection.

3 Bureau Score Monitoring$14.99/month
1B monitoring and ID Theft$19.99/month
3B monitoring and ID Theft$24.99/month
Family ID Theft$17.99/month
1B monitoring and Family ID Theft$24.99/month
3B monitoring and Family ID Theft$49.99/month

3 Bureau Score Monitoring: The first package is the most basic monitoring plan from Credit Squad. It includes monitoring, reporting and credit scores from the three major credit bureaus, as well as a monthly ScoreTracker.

1B monitoring and ID Theft: The second package is a more robust plan. It offers ONE Bureau monitoring and scoring through Experian, plus Light Watch, change of address, sex offender, SSN trace, non-credit loan, early warning system, social media monitoring, insurance and full-service restoration.

3B monitoring and ID Theft: This package is the most comprehensive plan offered by Credit Squad. It offers THREE Bureau monitoring and scoring through Experian, plus Light Watch, change of address, sex offender, SSN trace, non-credit loan, early warning system, social media monitoring, insurance and full-service restoration.

Do we recommend Credit Squad?

If you’re looking for a credit monitoring service, Credit Squad offers many attractive features. What sets Credit Squad apart from the competition is its dedication to providing real human customer service, helping clients understand, protect and optimize their credit scores.

Credit Squad Reviews

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Aug. 13, 2021

    No real issues, just not comfortable enough with customer service support when I have contacted them. Phone system too complicated for me to follow up with someone human whom I could talk with.

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      Credit Squad