MSN Reviews

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  • User-friendly interface
  • Variety of news sources
  • Quick overview of current events
  • Poor customer support experience
  • Excessive advertising
  • Technical issues with access

MSN Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40

    Reviewed Jan. 9, 2022

    Worst fake news station ever created. It's a liberal news company. I would not even let anyone I know on their stupid site. They hide the truth when I post it. Never join this site. I wish I could give them a 0.

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    Reviewed Nov. 14, 2021

    When I comment on any of their articles, they take it dow. I can highlight exactly what they printed and they still take it down saying it goes against their policies. How can it go against their policies when it was them who wrote it to begin with? They are bias and I have commented have a nice a day and they took it down too. This is harassment at its best, they should be barred from being on the internet for violation of freedom of speech laws.

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    Sales & MarketingPrice

    Reviewed Oct. 6, 2021

    I do not like how nosey this and other ISPs. Advertising runs amok. Sometimes I think it would be better to charge a fee and forget the "sponsorships". That said, it is my opinion that there is considerable political weighting of new and articles published on MSN. Clearly Democratic, leftish, progressive (in the worse sense of the word).

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    Reviewed Aug. 2, 2021

    When you pull up MSN on a new tab they post news articles so you can scroll through, open them up, and react or comment on them. They have very Vague Community Guidelines, meaning if they want to delete your comment containing next to no negative context, they can delete it without giving a reason.

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    Reviewed March 5, 2021

    Please get real news. Anything is better than what you have been running. It's not accurate and recycled and recycled and recycled. In today's world with news changing instantly, to recycle story after story makes me want to watch CNN. A ditto company slanted to left.

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    Reviewed Feb. 8, 2021

    MSN WEATHER has had correct predictions at an average of 2 times a month. I have been tracking and evaluating them for over 2 years and on average they are correct ONLY TWICE A MONTH!! This weather service has gotten me into really bad life and death situations because of the inaccuracy of there service. I am a nomad, bad forecasts can kill ANYONE!! DO NOT TRUST MSN WEATHER.

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    Reviewed Jan. 19, 2021

    MSN doesn’t report the news. What happened to sharing a story neutrally and allowing the people to form an opinion. Now MSN regurgitates leftist, Liberal twists and connotations on whatever doesn’t fall in line with their “handlers” philosophy. It’s sad that when my children watch the news I need to remind them that there are at least two sides to every story. That MSN, CNN, ETC weaponize the airtime to attack their political enemies. A “news” station that twists, makes conjectures, and tells outright lies to try to sway people to their philosophy. Brian Williams lost his job on NBC nightly news for lying. Now it just seems to be the norm and condoned by the Owners of these organizations. Shame on you.

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    Reviewed July 20, 2020

    I usually review the news each day but found myself really turned off by the disgusting garbage MSN calls news. 4 out of 5 news items are from left wing entities like CNN, ABC, New York Times and NBC. They twist the news into anything that puts Trump in a bad light and makes people like Biden look competent to run this country. I've been around long enough to notice the difference between real news and total garbage. MSN is a waste of time when it comes to reading the news. I now go to my outlook account and then go someplace else.

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    Reviewed Feb. 17, 2020

    I travel and pay $20 a month for a MSN Account. At home MSN works great, but traveling it does not. They say it is a MAC thing, MAC says it is a MSN thing. Since it works at home and not on the road it has to a MSN problem and they will not help. Nice to be a big company like MSN and not care.

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    Reviewed Dec. 21, 2019

    After Impeachment, Pelosi Ends Year With Strong Hold On Party. This and other topics are meant to mislead viewers and to infer negative topics which are misleading. I am tired of fake news from not only MSN but all of the other news outlets. I believe most people feel the same way. It is allowed because of The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be available within the United States. Contact your Congressmen to repeal the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act so we can get back to hearing only the true news articles.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 11, 2019

    I have used for my email for the most of 25 years. When I upgraded to Windows 10 I also went to Office 365, both products of MSN. I discovered in my business emails Outlook was screening my mail and very important emails were marked as Junk causing me to lose a very important client. I have now moved my important emails to Google where I can keep control. MSN tries to make too many decisions for you and leads to a lot of heart ache. I am now looking at Linux as a possible solution. I am truly fed up with MSN and their corrupt politics.

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    Reviewed Nov. 19, 2019

    Much like other reviews here, I find MSN's stories extremely and blatantly biased. I don't actually visit the page but unfortunately whenever I log out of my e-mail my page defaults to MSN! So I occasionally see a vomit inducing headline that makes me cringe. They don't even try to be neutral & I suppose the simple-minded Liberal groupies are just fine with that. There will come a time though when this divisive manipulation will cost dearly. Such opposing camps can never live peaceably for long.

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    Reviewed Nov. 5, 2019

    MSN news is too biased to be seen as credible. Its blatant left-winged perspective with its news and cultural reporting is both negligent and offensive to a solid number of American citizens - including myself. The news service especially has an agenda to influence the way people think and believe about issues on politics. It isn't fair or accurate.

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    Reviewed Nov. 3, 2019

    Microsoft is teaming up with MSN news. MSN news is hard left. So Microsoft is too. I admit I use Microsoft for my IT. I admire Bil Gates for his genius. I despise MSN for its biased news. I want to get Hotmail without MSN on my screen.

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    Reviewed Nov. 1, 2019

    They show a headline, after 50 screens you might get the story. The above states how I feel. I very seldom read one of their stories all the way thru. It's too long! I don't know the reason, maybe they think I'll look at the Ads.

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    Reviewed Aug. 31, 2019

    MSN news is so bias and unfair that it's hard to even put it into words. They even go as far as to suppress the opinions and comments of anyone who doesnt agree directly with them. I have removed edge from my pc simply because of this. I refuse to support such a hateful and backwards way of thinking, repressing anyone's freedom of speech is the exact thing MSN pretends to champion against, ironic that they themselves are the biggest culprits.

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    Reviewed July 22, 2019

    It’s too bad MSN suspended its online comments. News articles on MSN are not gospel. Just post community rules and ban those that advocate violence toward others, race baiting, etc., opinions are important. Leaving open ended news articles is a disservice.

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    Reviewed April 13, 2019

    MSN is so far left leaning, they often misrepresent situations and twist facts into unrecognizable versions of the truth (ie. lies). How are we ever going to unify as a country and people if a huge news network such as MSN spreads daily lies, half-truths, and liberal-opinionated "news" articles?

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed March 15, 2019

    I'm not even going to address the obvious problem of MSN leaning so far left that it's about to fall over. Looking at strictly non-political news and stories. (Good luck, there is political undertone in stories about cookies.) 1. Searching a topic just overloads you with non-related, non-relevant advertisements. 2. As I read the stories, write-ups, I find myself completely disagreeing with just about everything. 3. I click on "Autos" and am flooded with motorcycle garbage. I did not click on motorcycles, not do I have the slightest interest in them. Yeah, I am pretty much done with MSN.

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    CoverageOnline & App

    Reviewed Feb. 21, 2019

    The reviews I just read rated you low... because of your “negative” stories on Trump. If true I think I’m going to like it here! Actually I find the coverage right in the middle, not far left. The app is pleasing and the coverage gives me an overview of the news and what I would like to explore deeper. A small thing, but I like the “moving” pictures on my iPad. I will use this app.

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed Feb. 13, 2019

    I use MSN to get a quick overview of the news. It gives me a quick overview of what's happening so I feel somewhat "in the loop" with news. I recently took a "tell us what you think of MSN" poll but they didn't allow any way to tell them what I DIDN"T like. So I found this avenue to tell them. I very much dislike the large number of ads (seems like half the content). And the adds are presented as if they are content. So I can't tell news content from ads easily. In fact, I'm wondering if ALL news content is just ads. Is the New Yorker article really "news" or did New Yorker pay MSN to get their news publicized????

    Second, I HATE the features where you have to click through multiple screens to get the content. That's because ALMOST ALWAYS, the pages load slowly and I'm constantly wondering whether it's worth the wait to get the content. I know they get paid more for multiple clicks, but they get paid less when I choose not to click through.

    I don't think the news is very biased and appreciate the multiple news sources. I keep using MSN because it gives me a quick overview of what's the latest and that's needed in our quick news cycle. And they don't provide too many items in the click-through section to get the top news. Also, that section DOES load quickly, so I can get a complete review of the top stories quickly and conveniently even tho I have to put up with half ads.Thank you so much for offering this outlet for giving me real feedback after taking the MSN questionnaire which didn't let me say anything helpful. I hope MSN reads this!

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    Reviewed Feb. 13, 2019

    I finally got to the point where I couldn't even tolerate just looking at the MSN page long enough to access my Outlook. The articles are biased, poorly written with grammatical and spelling errors, and loaded with garbage. I actually changed search engines to get away from MSN. Plus all it does is freeze and crash and when it searches for solutions, it never yields any results. It seems like they could care less if they have a viable product.

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    Reviewed Feb. 1, 2019

    I switched to Bing because of Google's ongoing troubles with privacy and bias. Bing, sadly, is no different. The only good thing is actual redeemable points for searches. The news headers from MSN are blatantly biased. It often takes a couple pages to find a conservative view on a subject. The anti Trump rhetoric is so bad, it actually makes me want to support the man.

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    Reviewed Dec. 30, 2018

    I use to like opening in the morning and reading the latest news. But now it's all Anti-Trump and it's obvious. Why cant it just be neutral and post the positive side as well so people can make a righteous decision. It's ok to disagree but we all need to get along and your contribution to the clashing is not helping. MSN it's obvious what side you're on. But try to be fair. It's for the good of all.

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    Reviewed Nov. 28, 2018

    Every morning I look at my homepage to see some current event news and all I see is leftist propaganda attacking the president. I'm not looking for pro-Trump news, I'm just looking for news without painfully obvious bias. It is not news, just garbage. It takes any sense of credibility away from any other stories reported. Do they think the American public is so naïve that they are really buying any of their crap?

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    Online & App

    Reviewed Oct. 11, 2018

    Do not care who see this review at MSN because I'm sick of them giving me every location than what I'm looking for even if I input my complete address; I live all over the U.S. according to them and move overnight from one location across the U.S. They need to correct their website or here's an idea hire tech that know what they are doing. Fed up. And I can't change it; talk about the fear of holding customers in fear that they would go out of business which sounds great to me. I really dislike MSN and will find a way to get them off my computer.

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed July 31, 2018

    The anti Trump agenda is bad enough, then add in advertising masked as a news story. I have ad block for a reason. Now MSN has resorted to insisting we turn off our ad blocker or we do not get to view any of the page images before selecting what to read. This has turned into "Mighty ** News".

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    Reviewed July 25, 2018

    In order to get to my e-mail box, having Microsoft software, I have to endure getting through an MSN newspage, which is no news at all. Secondly, I have to rely on Google for my search mechanism, except it has a bias against pro-Trump conservatives so I can't link up with pro-Trump conservative groups in my Astoria Queens community. Both these entities, Microsoft and Google, are limiting my freedom of access by impeding it!

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed June 27, 2018

    It is so obvious that MSN believes to paint extreme picture taking a little bit of truth and bending the truth in such a way as to discredit the Republican Party, they are impressing the Public or selling their news channel. It won't work in the long-run, maybe in the short-run. Any President deserves a fair and just perspective which I know is a pipe dream in today's world. I believe Pres. Trump isn't Republican or Democrat. For goodness sake, he was a media mogul and real estate tycoon. I have the same personality. I make mistakes but love people in general. He is who he is and I believe he gets irritated with slow moving business, but really cares about people. I know he can be rude, but we are such judgers, aren't we? WE can I believe Trump's nominees don't receive a fair shake. We need to view people as "people" who are not perfect!

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    Reviewed May 29, 2018

    How good is security when you dont have direct access to changes in the outlook forum. Outsourcing to unknowledgeable and unprofessional people and also trying to upsell you on items. Smh. Aside from that they also data-mine. Take your account elsewhere.

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