Coachmen RV

Coachmen RV Reviews

About Coachmen RV

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  • Spacious interior
  • Good value for the price
  • Reliable performance over time
  • Positive customer service experience
  • Frequent quality control issues
  • Poor durability of materials
  • Inadequate warranty support

Coachmen RV Reviews

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    Reviewed Sept. 24, 2022

    I have contacted Forest River/Coachmen with questions and issues with my brand new $145,000 motorhome. Despite stated assurances to contact you within 48 hours, I cannot get them to contact me. Do not buy one of their brands. You will be on your own as soon as you give them a check.

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & SpeedReliability

    Reviewed May 22, 2022

    We did not have this trailer for less than a month and we have a long list of defects, bad workmanship and worst customer service. I wish I had found this site before we traded our 2018 Mini Springdale by Keystone (which was a great RV/ never had an issue with this one and we traveled all the country over 3 yrs). The Coachman 2022 Northern Spirit Ultra light RV is a Lemon. No one Coachman/Forest River/Ron Hoover in Donna, Texas do not want to take responsibility for the Lemon we have. The black tank/ two grey tanks and the freshwater tank were not built correctly which recreated all the tanks to leak into each other. We had a converter that blew so we woke up in the cold and then we dealt with the heat since we had traveled from Texas to the northern area of LA, California.

    I spoke to the Forest River emergency service and the operator named Sharon called me a and my husband liars because I forgot to let her our one slide was out so the RV couldn’t be towed. She hang up on us and there was no record we spoke to her. I called back a total of six times and could not get any resolution to get someone to come out to repair the problem.

    Almost a week later of cold (40 degree) and hot day weather since we are near the mountains and desert we finally got a an RV dealer to make a mobile trip. Another week to wait for part to arrive and pay out of pocket almost 900.00. We got that repaired. Along with first waking up in the cold the first time we settled in we notice the black tank had been leaking. I put a small clear trash can under it and I completed a table treatment and all of it leaked out.

    So many other issues that I am sick we traded our Trusted Mini Springdale for this badly constructed RV. We are out so much money/ my husband and I have both become ill from the contaminated tanks and I had a headache every day until we dropped it off for repairs. The RV mechanics had to be rotated out when they were working on the black tank because the poop/pee had leaked all under the bottom belly creating a bulge. Some mechanics got sick and had to be sent home. David ** the general manager at Ron Hoover in Donna stated it must have been something we did to cause all the issues. They sold us a defective product and they don’t want to take any responsibility for it. Do not purchase any RV’s at any Ron Hoover dealership since they have several locations in Texas. Most of all do not purchase any Forest River products.

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    Reviewed Feb. 8, 2022

    We bought our 2020 Coachmen Adrenaline 21LT in October 2020. (This is our second Adrenaline.) In the 15+ months we've owned this unit, it has been in the shop or off the road waiting to get into the shop for 5 months now. Problems on this unit have included, but not limited to, exploding fittings on the water system, an internal door falling off -- causing further damage to other fittings, the brake assemblies on one axle failing completely, failed welds, and a host of other more minor issues.

    I will say that the Coachmen Warranty department has been for the most part terrific in dealing with these issues, as has the dealer I purchased it from. The bad news is that they have had to be. I didn't buy this unit so it would not be of use to me 33% of the time, and if ever there was a "lemon" in the RV world, this unit would have to be it. If you're looking to purchase a toyhauler, the Adrenaline is I think a decent choice. I'd be very careful though.

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    Reviewed July 9, 2021

    We purchased a brand new 2019 Coachmen Catalina. I have to say that poor workmanship went into making this RV. First problem was I noticed water dripping inside from my air-conditioner when it was raining. Took it to the shop and they told me the air-conditioner was so loose on the roof, that they could turn it sideways. Got that fixed. They also noticed that nobody bothered to caulk the one side of the RV with any caulk. They caulked that for me. Next problem was the sink faucet was loose. I tightened that myself. I thought that was the end of my problems. Nope, not at all. We had a torrential rain that lasted for about 2 hours. A couple of days later, I went into my RV and noticed my bed was wet.

    The top of the cabinet had an 1/8" of water standing in it. I went up on the roof and the caulk at the seam was split. I had to buy 2 tubes of caulk and repair it myself. We had another heavy rain and I went in the RV to make sure my repair worked and it did. But while inside during the rainstorm, I noticed water dripping inside my living room window. After it quit raining, I took a step ladder and checked out where it could be leaking from. Again, nobody at the factory bothered to caulk the top of the window. I had to do that. I have to say that I most likely will never buy another Coachmen product again. I had a Jayco and it was made a lot better. If you buy one of these Coachmen's, go around to every window and check all seams. You will most likely find that you are missing caulk.

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & SetupPriceStaffEase of Use

    Reviewed March 9, 2021

    We bought our very first BRAND NEW 2018 Coachmen Orion In April of 2018. The TROUBLES began the day we left the dealership with it. Please let me back up a bit to let you know that only 3 months prior to making this purchase from Coachmen we bought another BRAND NEW 2018 coachmen Orion..YES at inside of 3 months.??? The First one the side broke and got wedged in the RV which in turn broke all the tracking under the slide. We were packing this RV to get ready to take a 8 week long adventure and the night before the BRAND NEW RV takes a big dump on us. So we get the slide put back in the best we can and take it back to the dealership. They attempt to fix it but tell us the parts have to be ordered and could take up to 6 months. Again let me remind you we are already packed and ready to depart for our long adventure on the road with the new RV.

    We have zero other options so we trade this only 3 month old RV in for another one. This time we get one with zero slides but it does have this neat Euro Bed that comes down from the ceiling - Neat so we think! Well with shelling out way more money that we ever wanted to we bought another BRAND NEW RV. We load up the new RV at the dealership transferring all the items we had already loaded for our trip into the new RV which has ¼ of the storage space the first one did.

    We leave Arizona and Head New Mexico Way. When I arrived in NM we discovered our 12 volt power was not working. We had no idea because the generator was running the entire time we were looking at the RV and LET ME ADD we paid the dealership an additional $500 to make sure this RV was completely road ready and they gave us the thumbs up all was good. Well after finding out our 12 volt power wasn't working I called back to the dealership. They instructed us to come back with the RV for repairs they could make at a later date. I was enraged, still am, we ended up taking our BRAND NEW RV to Camping world where they did indeed help us out at our own expense (WHICH WAS NEVER REIMBURSED TO US).

    Camping World found that the cut off switch for the battery was Never hooked up by the manufacturer, the connection cables still were wrapped from the factory. So good thing we paid $500 for a thumbs up your are good to go wall through..right!! Well during our 8 week trip I swear to ** we had to stop every so many miles and put cabinet doors back on, molding started to fall off, The drawers on the sink side and the fridge side all fell in because the framework holding the drawer slides fell apart and could no longer hold he drawers.

    We got to Fargo ND for a few days to visit family and while there I had to make all kinds of structural repairs to get the camper put back together again and this included needed a new toilet which broke off at the floor mount. (AGAIN WE WERE NEVER CREDITED FOR THESE REPAIRS) When we got home from our 8 week trip the RV was looking pretty sad, just about everything with a screw got new screws because they used such short screws they vibrated right out and would no longer hold tight.

    We noticed that the Euro bed seemed to be coming off the wall mounting brackets, we tried tightening them and then the bed completely fell off the wall and pinned me under it to the floor of the RV, Thank goodness my neighbor was home and heard the commotion and help me free myself. The bed was then bent and wedged in the RV. There was no way of getting the bed back on the track so we had to take it out piece by piece. THIS LEFT US WITH A NEW RV WITH NO BED.

    After talking to Coachmen and they insisting we drive this RV to Indian so they could do all the repairs there we just did not have anymore available time to make this trip. Coachmen wasn't willing at all to give other options, so for weeks I heard nothing from them. Finally I got in touch with a guy who considered sending us another jack life sofa to add to the RV which meant taking out the 2 chairs and table to fit this second sofa in which would then open up with the jack knife sofa that came with the RV. SO NOW WE HAVE A MAKE SHIFT VERY UNCOMFORTABLE BED AND NO TABLE TO EAT FROM.

    We use our new RV very minimal for a year because it is just not user friendly anymore as when the 2 jack knife sofas are opened up it takes up more than half of the RV. So this year we decided to just get a different RV one that works for us...after looking at what we would have to spend again to just get an RV with a bed we decided that it was our only and best option's just to completely rebuild the Rv we have.

    In the process to rebuild we have been introduced first hand to the poor and horrible workmanship Coachmen provides. The pantry cabinet bottom had broken out because they used the thinnest sheathing they could find and the canned food items book through YES WITH ONLY A FEW CANS SITTING IN IT, so we took out all the crap materials in the RV. I put 2 twin beds in the RV which are designed to also work as a sofa, we had to have the mattresses custom made (2 of them $450 each) the building materials were ordered from Lowes ($1485) and a list of items from amazon ($2150). We decided after seeing the poor workmanship we would just replace everything..and we have. We paid close attention to not adding anymore weight to the Rv that we took out.

    The best part of the rebuild is the wall in the rear where are the controls are for the mechanical part of the RV was not even attached to the outer wall. IT was loose and moving around as we drove with caused all these control devices to pop out of the wall. Once I got all the CHEAPO wall board off the wall to my SURPRISE I found in a 33" area they used a 1x1 down the center only. This was not even enough support bracing to hold the sheathing up not to mention the heavy control units. And then we noticed that there was a 1.5 inch gap from the framing to the wall where the wall should have been attached. And inside this wall once the CHEAPO wall board came down EVERY SINGLE SCREW that was used to install the bathroom cabinets was only driven into that CHEAPO wall sheathing nothing we looked at the bathroom cabinet and SURE ENOUGH,,,that too was FALLING OFF THE WALL....

    It has taken me almost 2 months of working on our RV but I am done to a point we can use it again and enjoy it. We added a great deal of things in our rebuild that Coachmen would never add to this model but our thoughts were its at this time we should do all the upgrades, Solar, RO water system, new flooring so on and so on. The money and time that has gone into this rebuild is painful for us. Because at the end of the day Coachmen sold us a HUGE PIECE OF JUNK! We love the size of this RV it travels so well but the interior build from Coachmen is disgusting.

    So buyers beware, I have had many RVs and they are all build in this fashion some a bit better than others but all way below anything you can call quality. Our Rv is perfect now, I am lucky I am fluent in construction because the time and detail it took to configure each area of this RV was crazy. SHAME ON YOU COACHMEN for being such ** to us. You took our money LOTS OF IT and gave us not one but 2 ** for RVS.

    For all you first time RV buyers out there. Hands down the best Travel trailer you can buy is an Airstream, yes they are expensive but they last forever because they were actually made by people who weren't out to screw you over, and if you're going to buy a motorhome buy a PREVOST. If you can afford to buy an RV you will certainly be buying another one in a year or best 2 years because all your interior will have fallen off. When you buy an RV KICK THE TIRES so to speak. Don't get caught up in the what you think are beautiful interior finishings...That ** is gonna fall off REAL SOON...Maybe even on your way home with it...YEAH THAT HAPPENED TO US AS WELL.

    Our 2018 Coachmen Orion is now BUILT LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN and I do not think I will ever entertain the idea of buying another one because I know that Zero of them new or used are built as well as our is now. I wrote the BBB about Coachmen and never heard a PEEP back, so typical! The RV dealership we bought from was Scottsdale RV which Ironically went out of business before we even returned back home from our 8 week trip. No one returns our calls or anything. NICE RIGHT!

    You are really better off just buying a used RV and if your able fix it up. The older ones are heavier and way more sturdy. LIVE AND LEARN for us but we are just said this lesson with Coachmen didn't come at a cost of $89,000 for the RV, Over $6000 invested in repair materials. THANKS COACHMEN FOR MAKING SUCH A GREAT PRODUCT!! I would love to see the person working in the manufacturing plant who operated the nail advice to him would be.....EVEN IF YOU SHOOT 6000 nails in one spot it you are not connecting with a framing material it will fall off.

    I have had many of my neighbors get involved with watching the rebuild process of our RV many want to buy it now...GO FIGURE! I will tell people about this for the rest of my life because I feel for what Coachmen provides for a product paired with the stimulated energy they put you in with camping and hitting the open road speech I believe it is one of the LARGEST RACITS that has not been held accountable. The Rv manufacturers rely on things falling apart...SO YOU BUY A NEW ONE! But after a while you will go broke... it's like hanging out in Vegas too long after you have won a handful of'll go home poor. Your best bet is to build your own RV...honestly!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Sept. 18, 2020

    I've attempted to contact Coachman directly on 3 occasions regarding a simple warranty part replacement since August 2020. I also contacted RV Value Mart regarding the same issue. I know Coachman replies to general inquiries since I received a response regarding a question on my trailer. But, crickets when they have to provide warranty assistance. The part is a LED strip on the front of the trailer. Since purchasing in June, it has become yellow so the left side shows distorted and the right side is bright white. Probably <$10 fix at most. On top of that, I had to repair the PEX plumbing for the bathroom area of the trailer. I could not wait for Coachman or RV Value Mart (regarding a simple LED) to reply since the leak would have damaged the trailer further. Disappointing. You're on your own when you purchase Coachman!

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & SetupPunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 16, 2020

    Whatever you do, do not waste your time or money purchasing a Coachmen or Forest River product. It will be in the shop more than you can use it. And the customer service is absolutely horrible. We purchased new to have a warranty, but let me tell you it is not worth it. They will lie lie and tell you they are sending items and never do. This is the absolute worst company to deal with.

    My husband and I purchased our BRAND NEW 2019 Coachmen Chaparral 391 QSMB on January 26, 2020, from our local RV dealer, Northgate RV in Ringgold, Georgia. Since the first week of purchase, we have taken it back for repairs seven times. This doesn't include the current issues that still need to be addressed.

    The following is a list of repairs made by our local dealer (I have a copy of the service repairs from them): 1. Master bedroom AC did not cool. 2. Sliding door over the washer, insert panels were constructed poorly with nails that stick out and scratched the finished wood every time it passes. 3. On our first camping trip, our FIRST stove caught fire while cooking due to the front burner pipe coming apart and it melted the gasket and wires. 4. We had sewage leaking due to a faulty closing door on the black tank. 5. The radio was faulty and the knob fell off. 6. We had a bent bracket on the main slide in the living area.

    7. The freestanding residential refrigerator was not properly installed and fell forward into the counter during transit causing damage to refrigerator doors (they added a bracket but the fridge is still dented). 8. The main slide in the living room had a severe bow in the roof due to a bad seal and bad decking resulting in water damage inside our cabinets. They had to replace the roof and decking on this slide. 9. The kitchen faucet is a terrible design and the button gets stuck every time you bump it and it sprays you. (The second one still does the same thing. It is a terrible design.) 10. We had water leaking around shower and kitchen sink (water poured into our cabinet under our sink because the caulking was missing). Neither the factory nor the dealership caught that it was missing caulking.

    We recently just had our third stove installed because the first one caught fire on our first trip. Then the second had a propane leak. This occurred on 4/25/20 and was reported to the dealership of 4/27/20. The stove did not arrive until 9/10. We have not had a working stove since April and were only able to use it a few days. The C02 censors malfunctioned and did not detect the leak. Our bunkroom would fill up with the smell of propane. We could even smell it back in our master bedroom. We were staying at a park and they had a water leak, so we needed to use our water pump and fill our freshwater tank. We found out that it didn’t work. We just had it replaced 9/1 and it still doesn’t work. The valves are wrong and just sucks air.

    The wall paneling over the couch will not stay attached to the cabinet and falls during transport. EVERY TIME. Warranty said they would send a new piece of paneling but it never came. The dealership shot 15 nails into it to “fix” it. When we got home from the dealership having it repaired again the paneling had already fallen back out. The shower is pulling away from the wall in the bathroom. Warranty said they were sending a new shower surround too, but they didn’t. The dealership put rivets in to hold the shower in place. But it is still not fixed. And the rivets look terrible. If I wanted a camper with a tacky shower, I would have bought a used one that already had them.

    The bunk wardrobe doors were not properly installed, it was missing screws in the hinges (holes were not even drilled for them) resulting in it falling during transit denting the floor. Water pipes in the basement were not properly sealed and leaked causing water in the basement. Our black and grey tank sensors do not work and haven’t since the first trip they consistently read 3/4 full.

    When my husband did his 6-month check on seals and caulking, he noticed the decking on top of our mid-bunk was soft, and when it was replaced by the dealership, we were told it was completely rotted. Why on earth would the decking be rotted on 2 slides????? On a new camper? We have rotted wood in our outdoor kitchen. The dealership replaced the ceiling piece but not the bottom piece. We were later told it was because of the type of seal that is used on this style of camper and water pools at the screw and goes in underneath the seal, every time it rains. The back window leaked water in.

    We made contact with Kristi **, Customer Service Manager at Coachman, and she was very kind and helpful at our first conversation. She was going to overnight us the stove and the water pump if they were in stock, and have a mobile unit install the parts. After a few days and no response, she informed me she had a family member pass away and was out of the office. I gave her a week and contacted her again asking about the progress, and she said would check. I contacted her again the next day with no response, again the next day, no response. I have left voicemail and text messages on her work and personal number.

    I finally spoke with Tim, CSR, and he said he would check on the status and call me back before the end of business today, and I received no response. I have been more than kind and allowed time for a solution from a business that says they care about customer satisfaction. WE ARE NOT SATISFIED. These are not all normal "breaking in a new camper" problems you expect to encounter. This is a DEFECTIVE camper, a lemon, and we do not feel safe in it or that we have been taken seriously.

    There are too many issues to overlook, especially when we are always finding new problems. This has become a safety issue. I have small children. With all the water damage in the slide deckings, how do we know it didn’t make it down in the walls? Don’t waste your time or money on a Forest River or Coachman product. It will be a nightmare. We still are waiting for an acceptable solution. We have owned this camper 7 ½ months and this is what we have dealt with. We can’t even use it….

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & Setup

    Reviewed Aug. 5, 2020

    We purchased a 2019 Leprechaun Class C motor-home brand new from the local Coachmen dealer in October 2018. To date it has 4400 miles on it and had 6 outings with 6 major system failures and has spent more time at the dealer than with us. Here are some brief highlights: 1st outing 800 miles from home- Push outs will not operate. Dealer unable to help. 3.5 hours on the phone to remove and reset the control for the push outs. 2nd outing 100 miles from home - Captains Chairs rotated into living space incorrectly installed at the factory won't return to forward locked position. Kitchen sink drain fell apart and leaked inside the cabinet. Dealer not responding. Returned from trip in an unsafe condition of drivers seat not able to lock in place and left at the dealer (3 weeks). 3rd outing 100 miles from home - Automatic leveling system fails to retract, used "Emergency Retract" in order to be able to return home. Left with dealer (2 weeks) stated it was repaired.

    4th outing 400 miles from home - Automatic leveling system fails to operate, push outs not operating correctly, wall in bedroom push wallboard never attached. Dealer unresponsive. Called Quadra (leveling system manufacturer) to diagnose the problem. Reset the system and still not working. Left with the dealer (3 weeks) "no problem found".

    5th outing 100 miles from home. - After receiving back from the dealer the leveling system was still not working consistently. Troubleshot with Quadra and replaced sensor and control panel then reprogrammed the system with Quadra on the phone. Traveled to vacation and the system failed to retract and used the Emergency retract again.

    6th outing - 100 miles from home - After replacement/repair of the wiring harness to the leveling system the system worked on arrival to the campsite. The AC wiring to the interior dinette below and above, as well as the TV bay outside has failed (not a fuse or circuit breaker) part of the GFCI circuit failed. The sink drain once again has fallen apart, and upon departure the Leveling system has failed to retract and took an hour of multiple tries to retract the leveling legs. This unit seems plagued with multiple failures, and is of POOR QUALITY MANUFACTURE and QC. The DEALER (Campers Inn) does not care about servicing in a timely manner they only care about selling you another unit. This is the worst RV (10th RV I've owned) I have ever purchased, bar none! If you are thinking about purchasing a Coachmen product, RUN, DON'T DO IT!!

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    Reviewed July 4, 2020

    We got a Coachmen Prism 2200LE for a 2 week trip in the summer of 2020 “The Summer Of RVs”. 24/25 feet was fine for 6 people, but it was a bit cramped. The RV was plagued with problems from the start. During the first FEW MINUTES the part holding one of the drawers under the U-Dinette seating area broke. The right latch holding the door on the drawer broke off a few days later because of screws missing on it. During our first few drives we noticed that the RV had HORRIBLE handling if it wasn’t on a smooth paved highway. On residential streets even one crack in the road would shake the RV a TON. Also, we realized that every turn, slight or sharp would cause every drawer to pop out, most prominently the drawer holding utensils and eating supplies. There were constant kitchen sink leaks during our drives so we had to put a bowl under it.

    Moving on to the door, it would shake with the RVs slightest bump, and there’s about a centimeter gap from the door to the indoor steps, so you could even see a sliver of the ground rushing beneath you. There are a few slightly important nitpick flaws I noticed. The bedside table on the bed near the back is EXTREMELY hard to extend and put back. The hooks on the upstairs bunk bed can fall out randomly, collapsing the net and creating a dangerous situation where people sleeping can fall out. The door slide on the screen door always slides out of the slide area, misaligning it and making it unable to slide and rendering it useless. There are also a lot of places where people can hit their heads.

    Some examples are the cabinet under the individual seat and the cabinets over the kitchen sink (there are areas where wood on the sides extends almost 2 inches outwards, or should I point out that it’s fake wood), the ladder holding clips on the bunk bed, and the raised area making up the majority of the driver’s area roof. Also, the TV and radio systems barely worked, with the indoor TV not even working and the outdoor TV only working when radio was on. Now on to a huge issue that nearly cost us the trip. The slide out area for 2 of the 3 beds broke a few days into the trip.

    A METAL part broke off and the slide out started moving out while driving, endangering 3 people who were sitting in the U-Dinette. We soon figured out that we needed to push the slide out in if it wanted to retract. It’s a gigantic bulky slide out and with all the weight dependent on 2 small modules, it’s easy to break like it did on our trip. But on the positive, it drives and has working good electrical systems. Overall this RV is plagued with issues, and I recommend it if you want to have a hard time with everything about it.

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & SetupStaff

    Reviewed June 26, 2020

    Purchased May 2020. (Now a one month old unit). Design is amazing. Solar/Battery system is innovative. However, The whole power system was wired incorrectly. We have had it back to dealership twice (5 days so far). 2nd trip they found the problem had to replace and rewire much of the system. Service tech did a good job, but he had to wait a whole day just to get Coachmen Engineering to work with him. System is now working. It is great. This problem should have never passed QC to leave manufacturing.

    There have been many examples of shoddy craftsmanship. We have rebuilt all of the drawers and associated cabinets. One cabinet had a bunch of screws to attempt to hold together split-out wood. In another cabinet the staples vibrated loose on first trip. On the same trip the water heater quit working from one day to the next. We were 1000 miles from dealership, they didn't know what to tell us over the phone. We attempted to call Coachmen Customer Service. They don't answer the phone or return calls. (Now 2000 miles from dealer) I tried to call the number for Forest River (Parent Company) they answer the phone but don't talk to Coachmen customers.

    In desperation I called Dometic. They gave me 3 name/numbers for service near my campsite. 1 closed, 1 out of business (Covid-19) one answered but it would have been a week before service could see us. Their Service person called us and talked us through what to check, then how to test, then what part to purchase and where to go get it (again we paid for part). Amazing BEST Customer service from a small RV dealer in Tonganoxie Kansas. Other ridiculous problems, Shower doors not sealed, shower drain leaking, WATER on a camper floor is a big problem. Fuses were missing we had to pay Ford to find and install fuses. We purchased new so we would not have to deal with problems. We have worked on issues almost daily! It's a Love/Hate relationship. Love the concept and design. Hate the poor craftsmanship, No quality control, NO Customer Service directly from Coachmen.

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    Reviewed May 9, 2020

    I own a 2019 Coachmen Catalina. When new it had holes in roof. Took it to keystone rv in pennsylvania. They caulked the holes. Now the roof fabric is loose. Coachmen extended the warranty. But if they would not repair it correctly under the original warranty what good is that? Biggest piece of junk I have owned. Wish I never purchased it. If you are thinking of purchasing a camper stay away from coachman!!!!

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    Customer ServiceCoverageEase of Use

    Reviewed March 7, 2020

    The outside: Our 27 QB was delivered to us from Indiana from Total Value RV. This was our third Motor home in 10 years. It has been 1 1/2 years of repairs to make it right. Well as others said the windows are noisy and will not stay shut. These are the two large ones, Coachmen sent replacements and they leaked!! They sent another batch of replacements, different with dual locks on them but they do not leak and are quiet. The tail light are on their third set because they always leak or fail because of water damage that gets inside of them.

    The front cab over running lights on their second set. I’m sorry I live in a place where it rains a lot!! The door latch had to be shimmed so you could close the door without slamming it. Also it needed some pretty good bending to make the bottom of the door stop rubbing. The bumper was put on crooked and had to be really adjusted. The decals in several places had to be pocked with a pin to remove air bubbles. The 20’ awning is getting stuck all the time and has to be pulled and pushed on to stay reasonable straight. And if you get in any wind past 5mph put it in cause it will get out of alignment!!

    The Inside: Sawdust everywhere. Had to clean everything especially under cushions!! Screws and staples left around on the floor and under things!! The water heater leaked, and failed!! This turned into a big thing with leaky hoses and a bad control board. Along with the constant rattle noise that I finally found that it was not mounted properly. The bathroom smelled like pee all the time and guess what. The toilet was leaking where the top and bottom go together!!

    Cabinets not aligned up well, along with the end pieces on the dinette that were put on with more than one inch difference. The finish cover tape on walls where the panels come together put on uneven. Staples are coming out all over the cabinets and need to be carefully pushed in all the time!! They are the same color as the wood so I guess that made it OK to them. The Serta mattress upgrade is a joke and goes flat all the time, but it is slightly better than a stock one. Power plugs that like to fall out, and the best thing a big ¼” slot on the bottom of the fuse box, hole cut to big that’s OK pass it along!! And the fuse box door keep falling open all the time, had to put Velcro in to solve that, now you pull the edge to get it open but it works. Window blinds and coverings put on badly and not straight. The repairs go on and probably will never stop we always find something every time we go out.

    Who paid for all of this: Well after calls and email over the course from when it was delivered to now they did pay for the repairs. And sent all the parts, not an easy task to get your money back from Coachmen but they do eventually send you your repair cost. So the moral of the story do not buy a new Coachmen Motor home, get used something that somebody has had all the factory problems fixed. Why do I say buy Coachmen. Well we have a lot of experience and well better than most other brands. We just went to a large RV dealer and looked at many brands and types and were surprised that Coachmen was on top in the garbage can, I mean really surprised.

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    Reviewed Oct. 25, 2019

    New 2020 trailer and find a dent in right front corner. Turned it in for warranty. Said we were the ones that put dent in roof. Which we didn't. 2 cupboard doors came off. Screws pulled out of the press board. (Cheap) Don't even use real wood. Rejected warranty. These trailers are cheaply made. Buyer BEWARE.

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    Reviewed Sept. 30, 2019

    381RD 2019 fifth wheel RV. It's extremely unfortunate to have post such a negative experience that my wife and I have experienced in our new RV. We researched and visited numerous RV shows and came to the decision in buying a brand new Chaparral 381RD. Since our purchase and delivered to our Lot in the spring of 2019, we have had to have our slide out lights re-wired to work, our DVD/Radio replaced, hot water tank board replaced, refrigerator not working for 6 weeks. We just finished our last week of vacation at the end of September and both the hot water tank and refrigerator once again cease to work!

    We are the laughingstock of our campground because of our experience. It's really sad that we decided to purchase our very first RV and share the experience with our families only to constantly explain why we can't get hot water or not live out of a cooler in a $50,0000 tent! We purchased this disappointment at Avalon RV in Medina, Ohio. Don & Tammy **, Lorain Ohio

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 26, 2019

    I am a Proud Owner of a 2015 Prism 24J. I have had several issues over the years and when I call Coachmen, I always get a return call and advice on how to resolve my issue. Lately, I had a crack develop in the Front Tinted Skylight. I called Coachmen Customer Service and spoke with Coachmen rep, Daniel **. I told him my issue and he immediately went to work looking for a replacement. He noted that the shells and skylight were not made at Coachmen, but at Altec. Daniel followed through and found me the correct skylight and had it sent directly to me. I received the skylight and had it replaced within 2 weeks from my call. Thank you Daniel and thanks to Coachmen for standing by me! - Happy Coachmen Owner!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Sept. 12, 2019

    We purchased a new Coachmen motorhome in 2018 and have had nothing but trouble with it and the dealership that sold it to us. Neither the dealership nor Coachmen have been helpful or responsible in any way. Coachmen sent me a survey to see how satisfied we were with our purchase. I responded with the list of issues and received no further contact from them to assist in any way.

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    Reviewed Aug. 24, 2019

    We bought a brand new 27' freedom express travel trailer in 2017. We have only had it out 3 times. I have already had to replace 2 electrical receptacles and numerous other little things that should have to be repaired this quick. The receptacles they use are a joke. They break the first or second time you use them. Very inferior materials. Frustrating because I thought by buying a new unit I would not have to do repairs right away. Not a happy camper!!!

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & SpeedStaffProcess

    Reviewed Aug. 16, 2019

    I need to rant‼️ So my 246 RKS has been in Indiana since July 25th for warranty work too large for the dealer to undertake. I was told by Steve ** of Coachmen that they would need to drop the floor most likely. Ok, that’s fine (though the massive leaks shouldn’t have occurred in the first place). Now, 22 days later, I know very little about what’s being done, where they are in the process, etc. Perhaps a picture, an email... Something!

    My calls have gone mostly unreturned by Steve, who is the FE representative. When he did call, I was told they had started and most likely could be done in a week and a half, which would have been today, but I, the owner, know nothing after trying to contact him since Wednesday. I get the feeling I cannot get off the phone fast enough for him. He doesn’t volunteer anything specific, and it’s an effort to extract anything from him. Email goes unanswered as well. I’m a reasonable guy, but geez! Perhaps there’s still a lot to do?? Perhaps it’s on its way back?? I have no idea what’s going on with my unit, and it’s frustrating, to say the least.

    Coachmen, at this point you have MY property, and my request is simply - let me know what’s going on.

    Most of us will look to upgrade at some point, and guess what... We don’t have to come back to you for your products. There’s plenty of others to go to. I don’t mind if the job is taking longer than anticipated, but as the customer, I feel like I am entitled to an update on my unit. Coach has black mold, rotted floor, rotted slide floor and cabinet holding fridge is rotted. I just want my money back. Horrible customer service and horrible product.

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    Reviewed Aug. 15, 2019

    We have owned this RV for less than 2 years and the list of problems and items breaking just keeps going. Very disappointing!!! Everything from poor quality control to items that just keep breaking. Every vacation we have gone on there is something that broke!!

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    Installation & SetupPunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Aug. 14, 2019

    After about 2000 miles and 5 times of use. Hello all. So this is my first time owning a RV. We've had it since March 2019, and used it as much as we can since owning it. Overall, it has been a good experience except for a couple things. For example, the bed mattress that come with this RVs, just throw them out and get a new mattress. Thank me later. The wall mounted sofa/bed bench conversion setup was a joke. It's held onto the wall with three small screws in each mount, two mounts in each bench.

    We didn't know, but the front side of both benches were not held into the wall via the 1" aluminum frame like it should have been, but just being held into by the thin wall. The manufacture missed the frame by over an 1"?!?! Wow?!?! How they stayed up with 20lbs benches is beyond me. First time it came out of the wall, was in transit to Indianapolis from Chicago. Thank God since I had a previous incident where the bench folded out and hit my motorcycling while in transit because the stupid floor to wall strap they expect to hold the bench up against the wall does NOT work.

    So to fix the issue I've used two tie downs for each bench to hold it against the wall via the legs of the bench to the arms of the Happy Jack bed above it. In turn, when the mounts gave out after, this saved the bench from falling down one side, hitting my motorcycle again. However, it would have caused a lot more damage because would have been able to swing back and forth freely, and probably ripping out the other mount, metal hardware allowed to rub on the bike for hours.

    Same trip, two days later, my parents on are sitting on the other side, with the `good` bench, and 5 mins later, they collapsed down to the ground with the front-running mount ripped from the wall. So at that moment, I made the decision to remove the benches all together. I think this is why they made the decision to incorporate the benches into the Happy Jack system on the later models. The rest of the RV seems solid overall, so far. But paying tens of thousands of dollars on a trailer RV, and having these stupid episodes isn't really making me happy. This is a called out to you Coachmen. You think applying a little bit of basic/common sense QA to your trailers would medicate a lot of these issues. At this point, I don't know if I'd buy a Coachmen again.

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    Installation & SetupStaff

    Reviewed July 10, 2019

    We have 25000 mi on our mh. We like the layout and the Mercedes platform. Since our first use we have had problems like cabinets falling off, inoperative tank sensors, awning won't extend, lp tank installed in a way that most places can't connect to fill, etc. The most recent and dangerous problem was the front supports for the fresh water tank broke while going 60 mph. What a thrill. Fortunate that I stopped before the frame jammed into a road seam. I contacted Coachman rep Greg and he informed me that the problem was that you're not supposed to travel with a full tank of water. WOW...I'll bet no one knew that. He offered to provide a new tank and improved frame but no labor. All I want is a proper install of what I have. By the way, one bracket broke and the other had the drill tip screw come out. There are other problems but enough for now.

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    Installation & SetupCoveragePrice

    Reviewed July 9, 2019

    In 2017 we purchased a Coachmen Brookstone 325RL 5th wheel RV. From Funtown RV in Purcell, Okla. Little things began going wrong from the start and we pulled it back to the dealer for repairs.

    1. Bathroom floor was spongy & felt like going to fall through it. Remedy -- shower drain was never tightened & water saturated the floor and ruined it. Floor & flooring had to be replaced. (Done at dealer)
    2. Auto leveling has never worked & been to the dealer 2 times.
    3. A/C - 2 units for total of 30,000btu for 38ft RV and doesn't keep up. Lost 3-5 degrees this past weekend at 96 degrees & parked in the shade.
    4. Fireplace was not working properly. Remedy - dealer contacted company & new fireplace inserted by dealer.
    5. Under structure by hitch was falling down. Remedy - dealer fixed.
    6. Shower door handle loose - remedy - dealer fixed.
    7. 1 window shade not able to pull down. Remedy dealer said fixed, but never fixed.
    8. Plungers on bed to allow to get to storage under bed not installed properly and not able to use storage unless 2 people were available. Remedy - we took lose & installed them properly & 1 person able to utilize it.
    9. Clothes rod was only attached with short screws - remedy - we purchased longer screws & drilled holes & fixed it.
    10. Hot water heater went out. Remedy - had repairman to check it out & wiring was stretched too tight & caused to short out. Remedy - repairman fixed.
    11. Refrigerator went out & had to have new coil replaced. Have lost approx $300 in food. Remedy - Repairman dealt with warranty company & we had to pay additional $700 to have replaced & still not working properly & not trust it to leave things in to spoil again.

    12. Now this past weekend, the bed hinge supports came loose which were only attached with very short staples. Remedy - we went and bought screws and took bed frame apart and used clamps to hold up the boards and put long screws to hold in properly. This took approx 1 1/2-2hrs.

    We purchased the 7yr extended warranty, but it doesn't cover the full price of the repairs that we have encountered. This RV is "very poor quality" and would not recommend purchasing.

    Vickie ** in Oklahoma

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    Reviewed July 1, 2019

    I own a 2014 Coachmen Clipper 1285 SST pop up camper, and it's in the garage most of the time. This year we pulled it out and noticed the floor in the front is soft, and not sure how this happened beings I don't think it has ever been out in the rain and it's only been used about 4-6 times. Anyhow contacted my dealer and they said it's out of warranty and nothing they can do about it. We bought this camper because it had a special floor system in it that's not supposed to rot away. I believe this is a manufacturer's defect and when I contacted coachmen they told me to take it to my dealer. Nobody seems to want to help with this severe issue.

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    Reviewed May 26, 2019

    My Coachmen is a 2019, and it's 6mos. old. I bought it in AZ in Dec. 2018. My first trip was only 66 miles, and my furnace broke. Camping World fixed it and it worked for 3 days of my second 88 mile trip, and died in 22 degree weather. Camping World fixed it again. Then I left AZ to visit family in GA on March 29. Three days into my journey up on the continental divide in Texas the furnace died again. I woke up to see my breath at 19 degrees. When I got to New Orleans and settled in I found 2 latches laying on the floor. The screws vibrated out of the holes. When I got to GA the furnace died again, and Camping World fixed it again. On Easter Sunday it was only 80 degrees and my window shattered. Two days later the right front jack stand collapsed.

    The trailer went back to Camping World. Only Coachmen refused to stand behind the warranty. They refused to replace the window, jack stand, or the 4 bolts that snapped off of the collapsed jack and two other jacks. So it's costing me $700 to get it fixed, $400 for the hotel while Camping World submitted the paperwork, and another $800 for a second month at the RV Park. I have to stay another month in GA because it's taking Coachmen 3 weeks to ship my parts. The furnace Coleman paid to fix 4 times finally works. Camping world told me they only paid them less than a 1/2 hour, but it took them 1 and 1/2 hrs. to fix it. So Coleman won't pay $700 of repairs covered by warranty, but they'll stiff Camping World an hr. of labor to fix the furnace. Just thought folks should know how well the RV was built, and how Coachmen stands behind their warranty.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed May 3, 2019

    We purchased our Class A in Aug 2018, we'd owned it for 2 months when we started having some small problems. However, while on a trip the refrigerator completely stopped working, we lost all of our food. We completed the trip then headed back to the Ridgeland store to discuss the issue. After much back and forth we were told since it was a residential refrigerator then we'd have to go through the refrigerator manufacturer. There was only one repair person that could fix the problem but it would take a least a month and a half to get to it because there was only one service person that could repair an RV refrigerator.

    After a month of going back and forth with different authorized repair companies, we decided to contact the Coachmen Manufacturer directly to get some resolve. Frigidaire decided they would just buy back the unit due to the length of time it would take to repair the unit, however we were required to purchase a new refrigerator and have it installed. We took that unsatisfactory answer back to Boat N RV and Coachmen Manufacturer. After a series of back and forth emails with the manufacturer and face to face with Boat N RV, the manufacturer agreed to take care of the replacement, removal and installation of a new refrigerator.

    After several months the refrigerator was delivered to the wrong store (Tennessee) and we had to wait an additional month for the dealership to retrieve it. We worked with Lauren **, who was very helpful when she was there but when she wasn't no one would dare speak on the issue. Tim ** of Coachmen finally agreed to resolve the issue but only after we had to have harsh conversations. This issue took a total of 6 months to resolve for a broken refrigerator. Bottom line of the 8 months we owned the RV we were only able to use it 2 months in the beginning. We told then since they have the worst QA/QC from the manufacturer, if we could buy a different RV we would. When we finally got the RV home, the slides didn't work and we were told it was because the batteries were dead. That was the last straw! They had the RV for 6 months and then tell us the battery was dead!

    We got the RV slides working, knowing we were significantly upside down, we worked with our bank to trade in and purchase a newer RV (from gas to diesel) with Camping World in Pooler, GA and have had the best experience thus far. Even the Manufacturer has reached out to us to welcome us to the RV family and provide us with the telephone numbers, links and email addresses. Boat N RV nor Coachmen has reached out to us after such an horrific ordeal to find out how everything is working out for us. This company only cares about the sale, after that, you're no longer important! I've also notice the Boat N RV owner will only respond to positive reviews, so I don't expect a response now. At least if there is a negative review with Camping World a response is provided with each review even it is just to give them the contact information to their higher headquarters!!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed April 30, 2019

    We purchased a brand new 2017 Viking 17BHS here in Alabama and now we have found out there’s a known defect in the slide which has caused massive water damage under the slide. Unless you crawl on the floor and feel under the slide you’ll have no idea water is coming in until your whole entire camper has to be ripped apart to be fixed. Back in Dec 2018 we took our camper to be fixed when we found this out. Of course our warranty was gone but our dealer stated this was a known defect and to contact Viking. It’s going on 6 months and we still have no camper that we’re still currently paying for.

    Viking agreed to take it back to the factory due to the extensive work it needed and return when fixed. We were satisfied they were going to fix this problem and hopeful there was still an honest Rv company. Well we have yet to get an email or call back from them and no response to my emails or calls. We have no idea where our camper is anymore. If your looking for a Rv manufacturer who will respond and stand behind their products this is not the company. We may be paying on a camper now we may never get back. No matter how nice the 17bhs is for a young family please stay away. Our dealer said this is a known defect and Viking has yet to do a recall on any campers.

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    Reviewed March 29, 2019

    From the dealer (Lazy Days RV in Johnstown CO) to the product, this has been a very good experience. This is our 5th camper and our very first new one. I was tired of repairing previous owner's hidden problems. We got this in June and camped locally a few times prior to going to the Boundary Waters in MN for a couple weeks from Wyoming. We opted for the 32 foot bumper pull with no slides to keep things simple. The pull was very good. We use backroads so high speed is not an issue. Every single thing on this unit worked well. We just got home from a month in AZ. We hauled our SXS. It again performed as expected. I have pulled this about 7500 miles and have zero complaints.

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    Reviewed March 16, 2019

    I traded in my travel trailer and upgraded to a 5th wheel since I got a new truck & purchased my 2019 Coachmen Chaparral 298RLS. I thought that I would really enjoy this model because of its compact layout that I could find- non bunkhouse- under 38ft in length. My first impression was it's awesome! However, after taking it out on my VERY FIRST camping trip last night, I had my slide out fail. It went out of alignment and had leaked water all inside of my unit. Now I have to go all the way back to my dealership to take in to MAYBE be covered under warranty work.

    If Coachmen didn't cheap out and used Schwintek slide out gears I was told I would have never had this issue! Now I'm noticing that the sealant around the windows has not been inspected and might leak as well. There are SEVERAL screws missing from the frame. I didn't do enough research about coachmen beforehand and since I've encountered these issues, I see that it's apparent I should have listened to my neighbor who told me to only buy a Jayco... I made an impulsive decision and now it looks like I'm going to be paying the price for it... I highly suggest taking a look at these other owners that also bought new and had similar coachmen issues.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed Feb. 25, 2019

    We bought a 2018 Crossfit and love it but there are a few items that can be better. The heater vents are plastic and in locations that can get kicked and broken. We replaced ours with metal vent covers from the hardware store. Also the cabinet latches didn't hold well so added magnetic ones to keep drawers closed. Finally the refrigerator gave out but a recall was issued and finally the final fix was done after 2 control boards were replaced. Coachmen did a great job on the design but being rather new, still can improve. But they have taken care of everything we needed quickly and our dealer is always helpful (Prosser in Wis). 1 year later from purchase everything is wonderful and we still love it. Also getting 16 mpg and Ford dealer takes care of the vehicle with no troubles.

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    Reviewed Feb. 11, 2019

    I love the looks of my 2012 Mirada 31 DF, but driving into a gas station has become a horrible experience. In just over three months, I bottomed out three times, ripping the passenger side back panel apart and knocking out the backup light. No matter how carefully I maneuver into a station the damage continues. My repairman says I need airbags or upgraded springs. If anyone has encountered the same issues and found solutions please let me know at **.

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