Pregnancy Week 19

What to expect when you’re 19 weeks pregnant

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    Baby development at 19 weeks pregnant

    At 19 weeks pregnant, you are preparing for your 20-week ultrasound, which is a big one! You'll be able to see your baby’s internal organs and learn its sex!

    Your baby now measures just under 7 inches long and may weigh as much as 8 ounces — they're now about the size of a mango.

    By week 19 of pregnancy, your baby has developed a majority of what they need to survive outside of the womb. Now, baby will focus on getting bigger and stronger as they prepare to make their grand debut.

    19 weeks pregnant belly

    Many women gain roughly 1 to 2 pounds per week during the second trimester. At 19 weeks pregnant, that is around 8 to 18 pounds. There is no right or wrong size belly as your baby develops. When it comes to bump size, a mom's height, current body weight, uterus position, pelvic position and genetics all play a role. Women who have been pregnant before also tend to show sooner than they did during their previous pregnancy.

    Common pregnancy symptoms at 19 weeks

    You are nearing the halfway mark of your pregnancy, which means you may want to start planning for some major events that are about to take place. Consider how you will want to deliver your baby and what classes you are going to sign up for. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to consider names and get started on the nursery.

    You are somewhere in your fifth month of pregnancy, with just four months to go! At this point in your pregnancy, you may be starting to feel some minor aches and pains and experience dizziness or nasal congestion. In more exciting developments, you’re finally able to feel your baby moving around!

    • Leg cramps: Added weight is putting pressure on your leg muscles. If you’re waking up with leg cramps or getting them throughout the day, remember to stretch regularly. Stay hydrated and don’t sit or stand in one position for too long.
    • Sleeping discomfort: You may have started to feel the weight of your baby. If you were previously a back sleeper and are now trying to sleep on your side, this can make sleeping extra uncomfortable.
    • Heartburn: As your baby gets bigger, your heartburn increases. The muscles in your body have relaxed, and digestive acid is now entering your esophagus, which causes the burning sensation.
    • Backaches: Back pain is common as your baby gets bigger. If you catch yourself slouching or feeling low back pain, remember to stand up straight and keep your pelvis tucked. Back supports, firm mattresses and a good desk chair are all items that can help alleviate back pain.
    • Fetal movement: You may now be feeling your baby moving around in your belly. If you haven’t felt anything yet, don’t worry! It may take a few more weeks before you are able to recognize these movements.

    pregnant woman writing

    Pregnancy checklist at 19 weeks pregnant

    With the halfway mark approaching, you may be thinking of all the things you need to take care of before the baby arrives. You may have your 20 week ultrasound this week or next.

    Between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, you will be offered the quad screen test. This test screens for genetic and spinal cord abnormalities. You may also be offered other optional diagnostics tests like amniocentesis, CVS, or cordocentesis.

    Reminders for
    Week 19
    • Determine how you want to deliver. All women have different needs and preferences during their pregnancy. That includes how and where you want to give birth. Now is a great time to research home births, water births, who should be there and what you need to ensure a safe delivery of your baby.
    • Look into a 3D ultrasound. A 3D ultrasound is a fun way to get an even better look at your baby and their features. Your health care provider will likely do this in their office, but some women choose to have a third party provide this service. Ask your health care provider for more information if you are considering seeking an ultrasound in a nonmedical setting.
    • Find a pediatrician. Choosing a doctor for your baby should be like choosing one for yourself. Find a pediatrician that has similar views and makes you feel comfortable. When it comes to your child and their health, it is important to trust the doctor you are seeing.

    Explore pregnancy by week
    Week 18 | Week 20

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