Ford F-150

Ford F-150 Reviews

About Ford F-150

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One of the most well-known trucks on the market, the Ford F-150 is a light-duty truck. Read more Ford reviews to learn about other models.

Ford F-150 Reviews

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    Page 3 Reviews 40 - 240

    Reviewed July 10, 2019

    2018 F150 5.0. The truck has been very disappointing since it hit 1000km when the noises started. I used to think people were looking at my shiny new truck when I was driving by until I opened the window. The engine rattles, whines, whistles, grinds. It gets old fast and I'm embarrassed to drive this thing already. The truck has 7000km and it's already getting an engine replacement. The replacement engines have the same issues and Ford seems to not care. I hope anyone looking to buy one of these does their research and realize what you're getting into. Look up YouTube videos on these 5.0 engines and save yourself the depreciation on a brand new truck that you have to get rid of 7 months later..

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    Reviewed June 8, 2019

    There are a couple a features that I believe the user should be able to turn on/off. The do-do-do noise when you leave the key in, is incredible annoying. If you want to listen to the radio with the truck off, you will listen to this noise over the radio non-stop. The other feature is the auto lock when you drive. If you stop just for a second to load something up, the tailgate will be locked unless you unlock it when you get out. I know, these are minor things, but for me...unless these are addressed by Ford, it will be a Chevy for me next time. And just in case you say, "These are safety features that shouldn't be shut off" consider this. Ford does allow you to shut off the seat belt alarm. Hard to believe they allow seat belt alarms to be shut off, but key in noise, or auto lock while driving is too important to be allowed to be shut off. Going crazy with my new Ford. Wish I didn't buy it!!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed May 28, 2019

    Purchased a brand new F-150 Powerstroke 2 months ago. Has now broken down twice going down the highway at 70 mph. Engine completely shuts off and won't re-start. We are out nearly $1000 out of pocket for a tow and rental. First break-down occurred after hours, second occurred on a holiday when we were three hours away from home. While the pickup was in the shop, they never even replaced anything. Blamed it on a faulty sensor, and only cleaned it out. Ford Roadside Assistance and Ford Customer Service continue to pass us off between departments, and no one has been able to get us reimbursed. We have a vacation coming up in a week, and not only do we not feel confident this brand new vehicle will get us there safely, we are also $1000 short on our vacation fund. We have been loyal Ford Customers: In the past 5 years, we have purchased 4 brand new vehicles. We will NEVER purchase another Ford vehicle after this experience.

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    Installation & SetupPunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed May 3, 2019

    Purchased my 2017 Platinum with 14k miles. Around the time for the first oil change I noticed a rattle or ticking noise. The advisor said it was normal when starting the truck. I let him listen to it while in the service bay and he said his does the same thing. The following week I returned to the dealer (due to this noise) same advisor was there and said yeah, that sounds odd and louder than last week. Another advisor listens and says no, that’s not normal. They determined that the cam phasers were bad and needed to be replaced.

    After having the truck 4 weeks they called and said it’s fixed so I went to pick it up. Signed the papers got in the truck and noticed the check engine light was on. Went back in, found the service advisor, they pulled the truck in and did a reset. Ok, I left with my truck. Headed out of town and about 250 miles later the check engine light was back on. Went back to Ford. They kept the truck, ordered new sensors, installed and gave me the truck back a week later. Got the truck home and the next morning I noticed oil in the driveway (it had been raining). Called the service advisor. He said it was residual oil and would just go away. Went to visit family in Augusta and noticed oil in their driveway. Went to Ford in Evans GA. They said it was leaking around the main seal. Safe to drive it back to Atlanta.

    Went back to the dealer, gave them the truck. They determined it was not the main seal. It was actually the seal(s) around the valve covers. Replaced and two weeks later I got the truck back. Started hearing a grinding noise from the rear and took the truck in for an oil change. The advisor recommended some other 30k items one being the transmission flush, which I had them do. As for the grinding noise I would need to leave it and it would be a week before they could look at it. Drove the truck 10-14 days and noticed it was skipping from 3-5 gears, which I never noticed before. Went to open the sunroof on the weekend before taking the truck in for the grinding noise and the skipping well, the sunroof glides broke.

    I took the truck in the next day (Monday), explained the sunroof, the grinding and the skipping. They have now had my truck 3 weeks. They have ordered parts and repaired the sunroof, ordered parts and repaired/replaced the rear ends pins and a rear axle. Guess what??? The noise is still there and they have ordered a from axle and another part (I don’t recall the name). Oh and as for the transmission. They have ordered a new floater valve mechanism to replace the current one with... I’ve contacted Ford to open a case, I’m trying to get some help from somewhere. I just don’t know what to do.

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    Reviewed April 29, 2019

    I had a 2013 Ford F-150 FX2 with all the accessories. I had the oil changed regularly and had it was changed a month before the engine went out. I stopped at a red light and the engine made a funny noise and died. I had to be pushed out of traffic. I had the truck towed in to the nearest for dealership. They kept it two days before telling me the oil pump went out which caused the engine to seize and fail. NO WARNING lights informed me of this even though the truck was supposed to be top of the line.

    The dealership informed me it would be $12,000.00 to replace the engine and turbos. I still owed about 23,000 on the truck so not something I can really walk away from. Ford was no help whatsoever stating my warranty expired at 69,000 miles. For this model of truck something should have informed me the oil pump was going out or the engine was having trouble. I did not have Ford replace the engine. Instead I had a local reputable company rebuild it (Texan Motor Co.). They rebuilt the engine for 8000.00 and gave me a 3 year warranty. I have switched to a Toyota since my Ford Fiasco. Should have never gone with Ford and never will again!

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    Customer ServicePriceReliability

    Reviewed April 17, 2019

    My experience with my used 2012 F150 is bit of a love hate relationship, I could talk about how it used to have a smooth ride and it was nice to have the extended bed when I had to haul my toolbox to my new job. But what I would like to talk to you about is the longevity of this engine is questionable at best. March 25, 2018 I got a used F150 3.5 Ecoboost with 71,000 miles on it for roughly 23,000.00 dollars in debt at a dealership (Lilliston Ford of Vineland NJ) that I now know them to be scum. I will tell you that I put on 88,000 miles (17k was from me driving it) within the 10 months of ownership and they where problem free miles until the unplanned happened January 27, 2019. Took it a mile to go to a local corner store, ate there for about 30 mins, proceed to take the truck out of the parking lot and gave it a little gas to get up to speed and it die about 50 yard form the parking lot that I just came out of.

    Was blasting music at the time, so I didn't hear it but I Felt the high rev when the truck went to failsafe mode (M Drive) and I looked down and saw the low oil pressure light came on, my hands reached for the key as fast as it could and Turned it off (if it wasn't already) the Cab smelled of oil but before I could think about that I hit my flashers and try and push the truck fully off the road and I manage to get help to push this truck to the side in manner of few seconds after I started to try.

    Once to the side I immediately checked the oil and it wasn't too low it dropped just below the hash marks (so the pickup tube still had oil) and the oil that was lost was from this catastrophic fail that left oil coming from the sides of the engine, on to skidplate, small trail on trans and small puddle oil on the ground, so after checking the oil I try to bump the starter and when that fail I already began to think the worse that my engine is locked up. Got it confirmed by the closest Ford dealer (since I was kind of hoping that it was some sort of safety that was stopping me from bumping the engine over but forgot I could just try to bar it over by hand to circumvent the electronics) that happened to be Holmen Ford.

    January 29 they manage to get it in and try to bar over the the crank over, it failed to move and they quoted me 10k to put a new engine in, got an independent shop and they wanted 9k and that's when I began to look at other avenues as mechanic that lack the equipment to take out an engine out and the proper ground to do it on, I began the dance to find a way forward.

    Try talking to my tech school. I want to to see if I could bring it there and do the work, that was no go, try to see if I could take it to work and that wasn't going to fly, looked at a few used engines that where going for 3k and they where out of my price range since I wasn't able to save more than 1,500 dollars when this fail occurred and let's be honest I had no reason to keep more than 3k since the engine was at relatively low mileage in my eyes, looked in to new engine (with discount from work) and found it to be just 1000 dollars more (after I return the core charge) and it's not worth the risk putting in a used engine that might need all of the TSB updates to make engine reliable.

    February 7, 1987 after feeling defeated I came back to Lilliston Ford hoping they would buy back the defective truck they sold me, what I got at first is "we would look into it. He would call me." A week passed and I had to call them to basically be told I was boned (this is paraphrasing). I was honestly ready to handle anything but a Powertrain issue but sadly I got something I never bargained for and now SOL. Long story short just stay away from Ford and buy something reliable like a Toyota with a manual or automatic transmission and you might be set for life. (Don't get CVT with your Toyota.)

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    Reviewed April 4, 2019

    I took by used (30,000 miles) 2017 F150 Platinum to my local dealer for its first oil change after purchasing the vehicle. The oil and filter was changed prior to taking delivery and I drove approx. 6,500 miles before going to the Ford dealer for the first oil change I would have performed on the truck. The truck has a powertrain warranty to 60,000 miles. Approx. 600 miles after this oil change I started dealing with "check engine" light issues, reduced power and poor running condition. After numerous 5+ (all documented with Ford paperwork) visits for service the issue is unable to be fixed. The dealership says they have found non-metallic debris in the oil of the engine. They have cleaned and replaced solenoid and changed oil twice. The conditions return approx 300 - 150 miles after an oil change.

    Bottom line: the course of action now is for me to pay for oil changes that "may" gradually remove the "debris" from the oil. I tried this and the conditions returned 125 miles after paying for an oil change. If the oil change idea does not work (they have no idea how many changes it may take $$$), Ford recommends a new engine that will not be covered under warranty! It won't be covered under warranty because the debris is not metallic. The debris in the oil that started this whole situation was identified 600 miles after Ford performed the oil change on the truck.

    There was an "aftermarket" Carquest oil filter on the truck when it came to Ford and they are now blaming that filter that was on the truck for 6,500 miles. This seems to be illegal if there is no evidence to prove the "aftermarket" part caused the issue. Keep in mind, there were 6,500 miles of trouble free driving on that filter. This issue started 600 miles AFTER the Ford oil change. They have no evidence that the previous filter had anything to do with this issue. The Ford Hotline notes even say that if the dealership suspected an aftermarket filter, the filter should have been kept and cut open. Nothing was done with the aftermarket filter and the use of one on the truck was never even mentioned to me, as there was no problem.

    I have now started a case with Ford Customer Care who said they will review the notes from the dealership. I asked how I can submit my notes and explanation and they said they do not have a way for me to submit information... I do hope that someone within Ford reads the Ford notes carefully, which will illustrate everything stated above is true and accurate and stands behind either the engine, the oil filter or their service work. I will update this review accordingly based upon their decision. Thank you, Chris.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed April 3, 2019

    I wanted to make a complaint about Ford Motor Co. On yesterday, April 2, 2019 my Ford F150 truck exploded into fire without a cause, the engine wasn't on nor the keys in the ignition. The fire generated under the hood and completed destroyed the vehicle. It also caught my grass in my front yard on fire. If I had walked out to go to work 5 minutes earlier I would have lost my life.

    The cause of the fire started from some unknown source from under the hood!!! My request from Ford is to compensate my family with another vehicle because this was my only means for transportation to go to work! This request is very reasonable due to the fact that no one lost their lives. I have pictures as well as a video that I can submit as evidence.

    Please let me know how I submit this evidence to you and I will get it done expeditiously. Traumatized and disappointed of my vehicle situation, I have a wife and 8 children, 2 grandchildren, and a niece that I care for and I'm graceful to God that no one was in the truck because it would have been nearly impossible to get everyone out of the car in time without losing lives!!!

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    Ease of Use

    Reviewed April 1, 2019

    2011 F-150 EcoBoost. Good truck for the first 30k miles.

    1st - front tires wear in a weird pattern and constantly... been to 2 tire shops and a dealer, all of which can't figure out why. Never been wrecked.
    2nd - rear window defrost quit working at around 60k. Dealer said I need a whole new rear window.
    3rd - both rear door latches broke and wouldn't open.
    4th - when heater is on high it makes a loud knocking noise under the dashboard.
    5th - tailgate latch needed replaced.
    6th - at about 132k miles, I had to replace the engine due to timing chain and cam phaser issues.
    7th - catalytic converter is needed replaced.

    8th - now I have a turbo that went bad!

    All this on a 40 thousand dollar truck! NEVER again Ford... promise!

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    Reviewed March 9, 2019

    I should have done my own walk-around inspection. I noticed the check engine light on as I drove it home for the first time at 80 miles. The service department was closed so I took it in the next day and they "couldn't figure out what the problem is." I am in a small loaner SUV indefinitely.

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    Reviewed March 2, 2019

    So, we bought a new 2017 2.7 liter EcoBoost, with a 6 speed transmission. Great truck. Then around 10,000 kms it starts to blow white smoke upon start up. As most people know, white smoke usually means, you're blowing antifreeze. The dealer says they can't find a problem. Eventually they offer me a 2018 F-150 for the same payment per month, sounds good right? I get my 2018 F-150 but this one I wanted a V8 5.0 liter with the ten speed transmission. Big mistake, long story short. I checked the oil between oil changes, before 12,000 kms to find out on the dipstick I was almost out of oil. By the way, I park in the same spot everyday at work, and have zero oil leaks. Ford doesn't have any answers yet. Also, my 10 speed transmission downshifts very hard. Was told it's not showing any codes. Not happy with Ford.

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    Reviewed Feb. 17, 2019

    Updated on 05/18/2019: Bought a new F-150. Ford agrees with me that my F-150 is a lemon law buyback. I have been trying to negotiate, by the law in my state, with Ford. Ford refuses to apply the lemon law correctly to my situation. For example, I had 2 trade ins with zero negative equity, a large cash down payment, thousands of dollars made in payments, a large sum in Ford Customer Cash Rebates and somehow Ford says I need to pay several thousands of dollar more in order for Ford to complete the buyback process of their defective F-150. Ford knew prior to selling the f-150 that it has known defects Ford can’t fix. Ford is dishonest and fraudulent. Ford doesn’t care about consumers or the law. Buyer beware. Do not buy a ford product.

    Original review: Loud whining noise. Down 5-6 miles per gallon fuel economy. Clunking. Delays of power to wheels causing vehicle to jerk back and forth so bad my kids complain about it. Severe steering problems. Pulls left, pulls right. Steering wheel binds steering wheel constantly pulsating. Engine knocking. Engine rattles. Door latches have frozen shut in cold weather. Not safe to drive Ford. Corporate says they only go by what Dealership tells them and Dealership tells me that I am wasting their time on warranty work. Ford and the dealership are terrible. Absolute junk. Will never buy another Ford. Shame on Ford for expecting people to work hard to pay for 100% junk unsafe truck. Do not buy a new F-150. You will regret it.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Feb. 16, 2019

    I purchased a new Fx4 with the 3.5l ten speed transmission and have no complaints whatsoever. Shifting is smooth and quiet starting or stopping. This is my fifth new Ford pickup in about eighteen years. I have never had mechanical problems with any of the pickups. I also drive like a bat out of hell along with huge amounts of miles on every one of them. Love them.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Feb. 13, 2019

    I special order this truck. Put $5000.00 down and waited 3 months to receive it. It is a great truck except that the 10 speed transmission make you hate this truck.

    80% of the gear shift happens out of time causing a bump/slam on the transmission. Downshifting to a stop is the worst for it really hard shift every time you come to a stop. It has being at the dealer 4 times and every time the response is "it is normal". It is not. It is a piece of junk. To make it worst the so called adaptation, which is supposed to learn your drive style and make the shifting better, do the opposite to the point I need to erase its memory every 500 miles... It is irritating.

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Feb. 11, 2019

    I have owned a 2016 Ford F150 since new, now with 50k miles. Thus far my transmission slams, windshield wipers won't turn off, and my phone never connects to the sync system. To me, these trucks are slapped so quickly together and everything is built as cheaply as possible. It doesn't ride well, and with the aluminum frame, a breeze flexes the body panels.

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    Installation & Setup

    Reviewed Feb. 10, 2019

    I've owned both from new... Ford F-150 52k and had to install a catch can and have to drain it frequently. Bad pinion bearings in rear end 1k. Replace the wheel bearings front and back, all brake rotors, both front wheel lockers, 2 Piece drive shaft, still have something grinding like a wheel bearing noise with vibration so I'm waiting for the transfer case or transmission to fail. 122k on it. Never tow or haul heavy, just a Motorcycle and a ATV. Toyota has my vote. Had a 2004 for 200k miles worry free Toyota.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Feb. 8, 2019

    I wish I would have never bought this 2018 F150 5.0! The engine rattles every time I let off the gas when it is cold and the rattle only just gets quieter when the engine is warm but is still there. The transmission shifts weird when cold. There is a strange turkey call type noise coming from somewhere in the rear end under acceleration in 2nd and 3rd gear. The dash is warped and bowed up and dumb looking. I am so unhappy with this truck. I paid a for me an extremely large amount of money for this vehicle and Ford isn't making any attempts to fix anything. I had the TSB computer reflash done for the engine rattle and it does absolutely nothing for it. And Ford will not authorize any repairs for the warped dash. What a joke. I will never buy a Ford junk product again I hope they go bankrupt and out of business!

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Feb. 6, 2019

    Updated on 02/08/2019: So Ford Motor finally responded to my trucks erratic 10 speed transmission issue. (I had the truck into the dealership for the 4th time, this last time they had it for 4 days). Ford's official response to me through dealership: "Yes after we reset the transmission software, the truck will drive much better for few weeks, but the AI software then learns my driving habits and it will change accordingly” - there is nothing wrong with it! So Ford is telling me that I chose to have the transmission hang out of gear when braking from 50 mph until I am almost stopped and then it drops in with a thunderous noise and the back of the truck almost leaving the pavement! Not to mention very rough upshifts with gears 1-5. Ford has a very big problem on its hands with this buggy transmission. I am dumping my 2018 F 150 and buying a GMC with their proven 8 speed transmission.

    Original Review: 10 speed transmission performance is very erratic. My 2018 with 13K miles is back to dealer. 4th time. They reloaded transmission software 2x. The transmission realized a very positive improvement for a couple of weeks. Thereafter the erratic shifting returns. The dealer has had it all week now with no known solution identified to resolve problem. At times very rough up and downshifting. Sometimes when breaking from 40-60 mph, transmission hangs up out of gear without typical downshifts as I break. On a few occasions it shows it is in 7th-8th gear as I brake to 10 mph and then all of a sudden it drops several gears with a very loud and truck shaking experience. All other experiences with truck has been good; simply put a very buggy/faulty transmission.

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    Reviewed Feb. 1, 2019

    I purchased a 2018 F-150 EcoBoost with a 2.7L and ten speed transmission. With the exception of some goofy shifting it has been good up to about 19k miles. First problem was noise from the wheel ends. Brought it in and was found to have a massive oil leak. Those things were fixed and a thousand miles later I had to have the front differential rebuilt, then about 300 miles later I’m having the front diff rebuilt again along with a wonky transfer case addressed that skips and grabs.

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    Customer ServiceCoveragePunctuality & SpeedOnline & AppStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 25, 2019

    We just purchased a brand new 2018 Ford F150 XLT. While the experience at the dealership was horrendous, I'm also having issues with the truck as well. This is my second F150. The first was a 2013 and I'm still kicking myself for letting it go. The new 2018 is a mess. With 700 miles on it it got to face snow. My 2013 had automatic all wheel drive. This truck just slides down my street that doesn't get plowed. If I put it in 4H, I cannot turn! At all. Not even out of the driveway and onto the street. I've tried locking and unlocking and 4L. Unless I am in 2H, it won't turn. This severely limits where I can drive in this weather. The difference between the 2018 and the 2017 in 4WD makes me sick that I have the 2018.

    I absolutely HATE the auto off function! While you can turn it off on your steering column and dash settings, you still have to push the center console button every single freaking time. And if I forget to turn it off, I can say goodbye to a full tank of gas. With it on I have to refill 3 weeks sooner than if its off. I was really sold on this 10 speed business. What that means is 3rd gear is what used to be 2nd gear and so on. So speeding up is choppy but not nearly as bad as slowing down. I have never driven anything like this. If you are looking for a smooth ride, this isn't it. My 2013 was like butter. This is like sliding down stairs on your face.

    I can't plug my phone in! I should have brought a charger with me on the test drive. As soon as I plug in my phone, it goes to Android Auto. While you can exit out of that on your screen, it still causes issues. If I want to use the steering column to call someone in my phone, I have to unplug the phone or it brings up a Google search instead of the car's system. If I want to use Google Maps, I have to unplug the phone and start the directions before I can plug it back in. If I'm using my phone in the car when it's on I have to turn off Bluetooth or I have no sound. Unless it's plugged in. This is my fifth Ford. I've never experienced anything like this. I obviously made assumptions about charging my phone instead of checking it. I now have a long cord so o can plug my phone in from the back seat. You're sol if you don't have the cab.

    My one star goes here. My Note 8 fits PERFECTLY in the center console. Snug as a bug. I believe Ford had to have coordinated with Samsung for this feature. It's the only thing I love about this truck. I also have the Android Auto app to unlock and remote start the truck. I was adamant that I needed remote start and accepted this as an option. The app occasionally works. If I hold down "unlock", leave my house, lock my front door and walk to the truck, I'm lucky if it's done and the door is actually unlocked. A few snowy cold days it didn't work at all. Which is why I wanted the remote start in the first place.

    The tailgate lock is a new feature. I don't love it. I walked out to my locked truck with my hands full and no keys or phone, only to find out I couldn't put the tailgate down. As a woman, I don't like the all-or-nothing locking feature. There are so many times that I just want one thing unlocked at a time. This seems like a safety concern to me. And unless you have a cover of some kind, pointless. The passenger side back seat doesn't lock up. Not sure why. Driver's side does. That's the seat where the tools are stored so perhaps this is poor planning.

    Dear Ford, if you're reading this, we need to fix the cup holders up front with the middle seating. It used to be that the floor set would slide in and out. Now it's a cheap piece of plastic that is locked in place either in or out by the seat. This is an extremely poor design for such small storage space down there I'll never use. It's far more likely that the seat will either be up or down for the majority of a driver's use. And flipping that seat up or down is nearly impossible from the driver's side anyhow. Unless I face the bed on my knees, I can't do it from that side.

    I'm short. I never considered myself short until this truck. The seatbelt doesn't lower enough to cross my chest. It slices my neck while I drive. I don't want a ticket but I'll likely be decapitated in any accident. My husband and I have always loved "the extra wipe" as we call it. When you hit the washer fluid and the wipers go and then pause and go again. This has always been a Ford feature that we've loved. (Ford family). Not on this truck. No bonus wipe. I could keep going. Maybe in another post. But my advice is to thoroughly test drive and consider skipping this truck altogether. I cannot wait to get rid of it. No more Fords for this family.

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    Reviewed Jan. 25, 2019

    I just recently purchased a brand new Ford F150 2018. Already the check engine light has came on twice for cylinder misfire. There's a recall on the rear doors for freezing shut. I have a rim that the coating is peeling off on and the paint is about the worst paint I have ever seen on a car - scratches when you look at. I also have a leaking radiator that has to be replaced and this is all on a brand new F-150 with 4000 miles on it. I have called World Headquarters and let them know that this will be the last Ford I purchase and that their name was built on their reputation and now they're letting it slip away with cheap products, paint and interior makeup. Why do we pay more and more for cars with less quality and craftsmanship? I hope Ford sees my review and the multiple other ones about how the quality of the product has went down exponentially.

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    Reviewed Jan. 18, 2019

    I have been buying Ford trucks for more than 30 years. Their trucks are starting to have lots of problems. I have repaired the same thing on multiple trucks as I have a fleet and find it hard to believe that each truck in the same year failed at same mileage with exact same problem and that particular part was recalled in other models. But not defective by their standards. With no help from Ford or problem take several busy days to get answers. I after buying more than 30 Fords over the years will be switching to another brand as I have nothing to lose by the change as Ford does not stand behind their poorly built product.

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    Reviewed Jan. 6, 2019

    Seems as if Ford is not recalling these trucks. Spoke to a Ford mechanic and says this is a common problem (blown out spark plug 4.6 engine) with the Triton v/8s. I think Ford should be responsible for paying for this as it is not fair to the consumer.

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    Reviewed Jan. 6, 2019

    I have a 2016 F150. 4 times now the auto breaking system engaged for no reason. 3 of the times I was driving in cruise control down a straight section of highway, highway 80 going to Lake Tahoe, the auto breaking system engaged for no reason while passing a semi truck. The latest auto breaking episode almost killed us. We were driving back from Lake Tahoe on Highway 80, (cruise control was not on), when we were passing a semi truck on a curve in the two lane highway going about 70 miles per hours when the auto breaking system engaged for NO REASON and slowed our truck down from 70 to about 35 miles per hour in just 1-2 seconds... I was not able to override by flooring the accelerator for at least 2-4 seconds... A semi truck behind us came within inches from rear ending us!! This issue NEEDS to be address by Ford, it's a huge safety issue!!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 28, 2018

    I purchased a new F-150. Before it had about 100,000 miles on it I had it in the shop to replace transmission twice plus other numerous repairs. After a while dealer wouldn't even return my calls. Now after all of these problems I was told I need a engine. It has been more trouble then it was worth. If someone gives me a Ford I would sell. What is really upsetting is that I thought if I let the dealer service it would be better. It didn't do any good.

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    Reviewed Dec. 26, 2018

    It was my intent to buy after the lease expires. I purchased my 2018 F150 Lariat from Damerow Ford, Portland OR, in March. It has been 9 months. Multiple recalls, leak in roof, & now door won’t close.

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    Reviewed Dec. 11, 2018

    This is second post on my 2018 Ford F-150. Bought it May. Since my last review I have had to have both fog lights replaced because they were cracked on the inside of the housing, both seatbelts in the front replaced, 110 plug replaced and they can't stop the water leaking in from the firewall. Said that they fixed it 3 different times. Trailer warning lights come on and off while driving with no trailer, and the radio and heater works half hearted. Plus no word on fixing the dashboard. I have video and pictures of all.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Dec. 5, 2018

    My 2018 F-150 is the most problematic vehicle I have ever owned. In less than a year I've had several electrical and mechanical problems that have resulted in 6 trips to the dealership for repairs. I don't think I'm alone in this as each time I need service it takes at least 2 weeks for the local dealership to get me in. My first issue was mostly a minor annoyance at only 3k miles when all of my USB plugs stopped working. No it didn't affect the mechanical ability of the truck but it’s disappointing when your new $55k vehicles great new features don't work.

    Shortly later around 5k miles I started having a terrible noise in the front of the vehicle that came and went- it can be described as a rattling soda can. It ended up being an issue with the 4x4 vacuum system than was partially engaging the 4x4 hubs. Again this must be a common issue because the parts were on backorder, and a quick google search reveals this has been happening for years on multiple F150 generations. Other issues I'm still dealing with include warning lights for trailer connecting and disconnecting while not towing, and check rear park aid warnings. The power of the engine is great (3.5 ecoboost) for towing, and the 10 speed transmission shifts smoothly. Would be a good truck if it wasn't for constant issues (thankfully mostly minor for now). Really glad I leased this and will be giving it back in 2 more years.

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    Reviewed Dec. 1, 2018

    My F150 2002 is only 6 years old and I've put in $5000 in repairs. It's started breaking down right at the 50000 mile mark, literally about 150 miles after so nothing was under warranty. I'm still paying it off. This was my first Ford and will be my last. How can it be legal to sell cars that break down literally right after the warranty is up?

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    Reviewed Nov. 29, 2018

    I have a 2016 F150. 30k miles. Bought it New. Got up at 3am this morning to leave on a trip for my son's graduation. Truck won't start. Get an error "Battery Shut Down". Spent 1 1/2 hours online so I can get the truck started. There is no fix. No reset. No way to start the car because of this system Ford's genius engineers put into their vehicles. If you buy a Ford, you will be stuck with no way to start your car. Go on the internet and find out for yourself. You spend $50k for a car and it should start.

    Buy a Ford and you will be sitting in the middle of nowhere waiting for a tow truck to come get you and there is nothing you can do about it. This is a design flaw and countless people have posted articles about it. Unless you carry around an extra "jump box" and battery cables, you are going to get stuck and nothing you can do about it. Not a matter of if, just when. I am missing my son's graduation because I have no way to get there, I can't get to a store to buy a jump box and I am stuck with nothing to do except warn you about buying a Ford with a battery shut down system in it.

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    Reviewed Nov. 26, 2018

    I purchased a new Ford 150, 2017, King Ranch, with the eco-boost engine at the end of 2017. My first issue occurred when the tailgate open when I was towing a trailer. The key is poorly designed and I constantly set off the alarm, or automatically open the tailgate when I put the key in my pocket or when I am holding it. The trail broke off the back handle with the camera, though the camera still functioned. I was given a price of $680 for the part, but I would have to find my own body shop to complete the repair. They told me that we could not utilize the existing camera. I took it to a body shop and they did the whole repair, had no problem utilizing the existing camera and did the whole repair for less than Ford was going to charge for just the part. At 24,000 miles I started to have issues when I started the vehicle. I left it with Ford for 6 days and all they were able to tell me was that it was an engine issue and they would need at least a week.

    As it was obviously a warranty repair I asked for a loaner as I am 90 minutes from the dealership. They refused to commit to providing a loaner even though they include it in the warranty. I received the same answer from 4 other dealerships. I contacted Ford and spoke with a rep there and they said they would talk to the shop. They told it was taken care of, but when I brought the vehicle in I was told again that they wouldn't guarantee a loaner and that Ford was wrong.

    I can not be without a vehicle and I am so frustrated that I am going to trade if my Ford after 30,000 miles, even though I have an extended warranty for 125,000 miles, and purchase a Ram. Ford has never cared about their customers. In the 90's I bought an Explorer that required 5 transmissions in 3 years with less than 25,000 miles. Ford refused to give me a 5 year extended warranty on the transmission so I lemon-lawed the vehicle and vowed never to buy a Ford again. I should have stuck with that plan. It will never happen again.

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    Reviewed Oct. 30, 2018

    I bought my Ford used but I also know that the company has had many complaints on the same issues I feel like should have been addressed. I bought a 2010 Ford F150. The day I drove it off the lot I had to take it to shop to have rear end replaced because of the clutches which I got fixed then turned around and here we are exactly a year later my truck not only needs the rear end fixed again but also four wheel drive as well as cam phasers less than 100,000 miles and the truck not only looks like crap with paint peeling but you can't drive it. Not to mention the fact that due to Ford's negligence of not taking care of certain complaints I can't even get into my truck due to health issues.

    Most every single thing I've posted on here including what is causing me to have health issues has been complained about multiple times and has been looked over. I do not recommend getting a Ford to anyone and I will never own another one and this is my second Ford F150. The first one had some issues but nothing like the 2010 or later and my first one was an 02 which its main issues was throwing spark plugs and breaking coil packs.

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    Reviewed Sept. 25, 2018

    I ordered my 2015 Ford F-150 from the factory March 2015. Day one: driver seat leather had a crease. Diagnosis: tighten the leather. Returned to dealership as that failed. Solution: new leather with new cushion. The seat now squeaks and has two permanent tracks in it as the metal frame is now embedded in the leather. Transmission from gear 4 to 5 started to abruptly shift as anticipated after reading Consumer Reports. Windshield wiper stopped working. Ford diagnosed the wiper motor-fried. They wanted $400 for the part alone. Researched and tested the motor myself and the motor worked fine but the wiper linkage was seized. After being only 3 years old, are you kidding me! Told them to pound sand and did the work myself? Part $98 and one hour of my time - thanks YouTube. Ford still stuck me with the initial $60 diagnosis fee and would not refund the misdiagnosis on their part.

    The large console storage box between driver and passenger seat; the spring went in the lid so it's now like a Gelatine. Upper ball joint, passenger front, had to be replaced and not by Ford, yup by me. I am at 140,000 highway kilometers now and the alternator just went. Of course you cannot get an aftermarket one. $390 for the alternator and $180 for the labor = $570. Thanks again Ford. Truck has great curb appeal and free of any dents and visually in pristine condition. FORD and the aluminum body: it's much lighter than most trucks and therefore easier to push off the road or home.

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    Reviewed Aug. 9, 2018

    My F150 XLT super cab Flex Fuel Vehicle was ordered with a CNG capable option meaning it has hardened valve seats. I ordered the 3:31 rear axle ratio and like the electronic fuel monitoring displays. It got 18MPG around town and 22MPG highway. At 500 miles I added a compressed natural gas conversion kit and now get 30MPG around town and 35+MPG on highway. The engine has 16 gasoline injectors which are not shut off when CNG is added. The engine computer thinks it has a tailwind going downhill and reduces gasoline flow to make room for the CNG supplement. The Ford ECM and oxygen sensor system controls the air/fuel ratio. I can switch to 100% gasoline if CNG runs out but the FFV learns to like the CNG+gasoline mixture. So far it has been a beautiful truck for me.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 6, 2018

    I have a well taken care of 2013 Ford F-150 with 45,000 miles on it. I have noticed paint bubbling with rust forming underneath the paint on the drivers side rear quarter panel. I have contacted Ford corporation which put me in contact with Mat a regional manager at Ford. I explained my situation to him and he had told me to get an estimate at a Ford body shop to see what they can do. I wound up getting the estimate where I have my Ford dealership, and the supervisor of the paint and body shop looked at my truck. He seen the paint bubbling and told me that there is nothing that I could have done to prevent this. He said he seen it before and sometimes from the factory. Ford misses spots with the rust Inhibitor.

    So with that thinking it's definitely not my fault and it was an oversight from the factory. I figured for sure Ford would either pay for or pay something towards my repairs which totaled $740.00 dollars. Mat calls me back and tells me Ford will not pay for or give me anything towards the repairs. So now I speak with another manager Peter who tells me, "Well let's see what we can do", and he calls back and tells me the same thing. I have two Ford vehicles. Ford demonstrated to me how much they care for their customers. I'm so disgusted by them.

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    Reviewed July 17, 2018

    In early 2016 had 95000km on truck (2011 F150 3.5 L EcoBoost). Complained to dealership service rep at that time about no pick up in the truck. Had the extended warranty up to Aug 2016. Service rep started to get irate and stated, "This EcoBoost engine is great and there have never been problems." Now 2018 with only 119,000 km on the truck and the timing chain needs to be replaced. Ford will not pay but dealership is paying for some of the cost to replace timing chain. Had a Ford Focus station wagon with 120,000km from 2005 to 2011 with no problems. I traded it in for the EcoBoost F150. Bad decision.

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    Reviewed June 28, 2018

    2012 F150 Lariat: Worst experience ever. First I had electrical issues at 60,000 km. The truck turned off while I was driving, I lost all breaking and steering. It was the scariest moment of my life while driving. I was lucky not to die or crash the vehicle. $3500.00 later no warranty. Next at 120,000km, my timing chain broke, $4000.00 to get that fixed and the shop said, "Oh yeah that happens all the time." Also the truck has cold break issues, what I mean is the breaks don't work when you first start to drive, also super scary when you live in the mountains, I almost went off a cliff 3 times (would have died if I didn't get lucky with a down tree to stop me. DO NOT GET A FORD TRUCK.

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    Reviewed June 28, 2018

    Thanks to the electric adjustments of the steering wheel, seat and pedals, it is very easy to find the ideal position and the one that best suits you to drive. The large windows and the already characteristic cut of the Wolf (F-150) in the window of the driver and passenger work very well to have a panoramic view in any direction, something very necessary in a vehicle of its dimensions. Finally, it is not that you need it, but the panoramic awning gives you a feeling of greater interior spaciousness.

    Obviously one of the biggest and most representative changes of this new generation of Lobo is the aluminum body, but the revolution does not stop there because although we still find versions with the 5.0L V8 engine called "Coyote", the big bet of the brand is the replacement of the same by the 3.5L EcoBoost V6 that relies on a pair of turbos to increase the torque figure and match the delivery curve, two things that are indispensable in a vehicle load and/or drag. I like that my car is an off-road vehicle, which due to work and travel conditions allows me to travel comfortably and be able to carry my work implements all the time, which allows it to be more profitable for the company.

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    Reviewed June 27, 2018

    45 days ago my Ford F-150 Platinum had an issue with the air conditioner going off, radio stuck on, blind spot malfunctions, tire pressure malfunctions, key detector malfunction, running boards won’t come out, windows won’t roll down, door locks won’t work, and many more issues. Brought it to dealership and it still sits there broken. They changed a module and a sensor and now they say it needs a different module that’s on a National back order. No estimated time of when it will be fixed. Truck just made a year old and only has 15,000 miles. Very dissatisfied and this has turned me completely off of Ford vehicles.

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    Reviewed June 23, 2018

    Ford F-150 - This has been one of the best trucks I have ever owned. The EcoBoost motor is fantastic with the 3.5 liter engine. I have the max tow package of 12,200 lbs in a short bed and pull a 12,000 lb 5th wheel and on open ground. It is effortless for it to pull. I would highly recommend this truck over a Dodge or Chevrolet as it is far ahead of both in new technology.

    Now for a problem. Ford has found it necessary to use cheap chrome capped lug nuts on their chrome rims. Meaning it is a steel lug nut with a cap that remains on even while removing them from the wheel. What this does is the cap takes damage every time your wheels are rotated and after about 5 to 8 wheel rotations the lug nuts are no good anymore. If you put them back on and have a flat on the side of the road you may not be able to remove them. Ford wants over $175 for a set of 24. Come on FORD you can't use regular all steel chrome plated lug nuts!!!

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    Reviewed June 21, 2018

    My Ford F-150 is a good reliable vehicle with an overall appealing look. It has a lot of amenities that are nice and it's a quiet smooth ride. It's comfortable and the interior is spacious with plenty of room for our family. The folding center front seat/console is convenient for my large family. But has some issues with door locks. The key fob replacements are expensive and when the body control module went out it was not fun to replace. Still, it was definitely worth taking to the dealer for this specific problem. I have traded vehicles many times but I don't want to trade this one.

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    Reviewed June 21, 2018

    My husband needs something we are able to haul his boat and when he cuts wood he needs something that he can use to throw wood in the back of the truck. I like the car for the most part and I like that it will fit all three of my kids car seats. It can haul things because the other 2 vehicles we have we are not able to haul. wood with. We bought it from a used car dealership and the guy said that he had drove it for a few weeks and didn't have any problems with the truck. But the radio does not work and it stopped working soon after we bought it. Only had it for 15 days before it stopped working.

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    Reviewed June 20, 2018

    Ford is a wonderful brand and the Ford F-150 is a very well made truck. It's sturdy, and the year model has some pretty good features. There's a lot of room as well. I love the colors of the truck. It's two tone. However, this truck must of been in a car accident. It has had many issues. We have had to do a lot of work to this truck. I also wish this truck had a longer bed and that it had a touchscreen and heated seats as well. But other than that, it's a wonderful truck.

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    Reviewed June 19, 2018

    My husband and I are thrilled with our F150. We love its towing capability as well and the spacious interior. The truck is comfortable to ride in and feels very safe in all weather conditions. We feel we have gotten a good bang for our buck with the technology in this truck. We feel that other brands charge you for upgrades that come as standard features in Ford vehicles. Some of these features include Apple CarPlay, a large touchscreen and backup camera, and an awesome GPS feature.

    However, this truck does not have Sirius Radio capability which we would strongly prefer. We also would most likely pick a more upgraded interior in our next truck. This truck has rubber floor which is awesome for cleaning purposes but it always looks dirty. It would be great if they found a way to make these floors from showing all the dust and dirt between cleans. But other than that, our decision to purchase a Ford F-150 is our loyalty to the Ford brand. In addition we truly feel that Ford trucks are the best available.

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    Reviewed June 18, 2018

    I would not give my F-150 (2007 FX4) a good rating for longevity and repair. I have a 5.4 liter V-8 and tune up at 90k was over $800.00 because spark plug design is such that the plugs break off into the cylinder head more times than not. One steering problem after another. I like to keep my vehicles for a long time but this Ford is making me go broke. Next truck will be a Chevy or Toyota!! Ford quality stinks!!

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    Reviewed June 18, 2018

    Have owned several vehicles of this model (Ford F-150) and have always had good experiences with this model. I feel safe in this truck and it is easy to see out and this makes it easier to drive. I like the GPS and running boards that fold in when doors are closed. Leather seats and a sliding glass roof made this model one of my top picks. I also like the color combination of interior and exterior. However, I dislike having to reset everything when the battery goes dead. The manual could be more user-friendly too. Could find what I needed in manual after searching for hours and finally called the dealership.

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    Reviewed June 17, 2018

    We are very happy with the Ford F-150 truck. In our business, we need a reliable vehicle and this car shots all our needs. It gets great gas mileage too. It is roomy in the front and back for all of us to sit comfortable as well. We could not be happier with our choice of vehicles. However, if we were to get another model, it will be a bigger model for the work we do. We seem to outgrow each model quicker than I thought that we would.

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    Reviewed June 16, 2018

    My cousin gave it to me. So I liked that it was free and also how high up it sits which gives me a greater field of vision and makes me feel safer than being in a smaller, shorter vehicle in this massive Denver Metro traffic. However, the seatbelts go across the front of my neck no matter how I adjust them and I'm 5'8"! I find myself having to twist it around twice by the buckle before buckling in or taking the shoulder belt and pulling it over my head and across the back of my seat and only driving with the lap belt for protection. It's a scary proposition in the traffic I have to drive in every day. Other than that, I love this truck!! It's very dependable and provides the income necessary to afford the high cost of living in the Denver Metropolitan area. I drive 200 miles a day and my truck now has over 380,000 miles on it and is still going strong.

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    Reviewed June 15, 2018

    I have personally owned this make model of vehicle in the past and it has always met my every need. I live in an area that four wheel drive is needed so that makes this vehicle perfect. The options available for this vehicle are as wonderful as the vehicle itself. There are many features that I like about the Ford F-150 including the four wheel drive. Also the fact that I was able to get four doors and seating for five is wonderful. It's difficult to think of improving an already perfect vehicle without ruining it.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed June 14, 2018

    We purchased a Ford F-150 with the intent in using it for hauling large items and pulling a trailer. We have had it for 4 years and has been a great old truck for its age. We even bought a new windshield and it looks great again. Needs a paint job though. Overall, I am very impressed by this truck. It's old but it's tough and can last longer than a time. It has certainly earned its use. It's bittersweet because I love to hate that truck and I hate that I love it too.

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    Reviewed June 13, 2018

    I am very happy with my Ford F-150 Super Cab and it lives up to all the standards that I expect from the Fords. I am happy with the motor power and pulling ability. It is very good work truck. It has great towing power and can hold bigger loads. It has also been great for family time out and has a lot of room for the whole family. We go for outings a lot more now that we have enough room for everyone. This truck was made for a bigger family. It has become the best truck so far that I have owned. I also believe my next truck will also be a Ford series.

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    Reviewed June 13, 2018

    I just leased the Ford F-150 about 6 months ago. I absolutely love it! It is a little bigger than I expected, but it is so easy to drive! It is a really great truck. I also have a Ford Taurus and my Ford dealer has been great to me, so I continue to go back to them when I am looking for a vehicle. I love the look of the Ford trucks. But they are a little expensive, so maybe if they were a little cheaper it would be nice.

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    Reviewed June 12, 2018

    F-150 XL Ford is my new model from the Ford brand. I knew this brand so powerful from my coworker, he know what the best car ever exist in this year. Then I try to make some research first to see which model fit me the most. This model I choose because it got all the features I need in one place, more efficient and more potent. They include some co boost, and features like 10 speed, automatic transmission and auto start-stop tech. But it's too big which I more prefer medium. Sometimes this new model got something I dont like, it does not have some seat that feel more comfortable like the previous model. But this new car looks so perfect when driving thru.

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    Reviewed June 11, 2018

    The truck was great on gas and provided a comfortable ride. It made traveling out of town a great experience. Its short bed was exactly what I liked. It also had eco boost which helped with the gas that the truck used. The traction control helped when the weather is bad too. The short wheelbase was the right look for the vehicle that I prefer. In my opinion, it was a fantastic truck and I would recommend this model to people looking for a great vehicle.

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    Reviewed June 10, 2018

    My Ford F150 truck has been a great vehicle. One of the best I have owned. Very little maintenance and when it does need repairs so far it has been very affordable. I like the extended cab, body style and color. I wanted to try a Ford after driving GM and Chevy models for years. I remember the phrase "found on road dead", that was what Ford meant to the haters out there. But not true at all. Great vehicle to have and be proud to say you own one. But the back window started leaking water when it rains though. The bed detached about two inches from the cab for no reason at all. I should take it to the dealership and question what is going on with that situation. But I enjoy Ford products overall.

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    Reviewed June 9, 2018

    I bought it from my roommate's brother whose dad owned it and I got it as a work truck for my lawn care company. I chose this vehicle because it was a good work truck. It's a great, reliable and tough truck. It's very cheap and it was exactly what I needed. This vehicle had an extended cab with a third door and have a really powerful engine. It also had a back row. It was very affordable with power windows and a third door. However, the car windows stopped working and the air conditioner died on it. I would fix those and add a fourth door instead of just three.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed June 8, 2018

    I have been driving Fords for over 40 years. Ford has always had issues with 2 things brakes on large vehicles and transmissions. I recently purchased a 2018 F-150 Platinum and the transmission went out. It scared the crap out of me when it happened. Dropped it off at the closest ford dealer and they said the valve shift body needed replacing so they did and still doesn't work so corporate had them tear transmission apart and said to replace more parts, Corporate again, not a new transmission. So I asked what guarantee this will fix and the reply is we hope it does. This is day 8 without my truck which is only 3 months old. Parts won't be at dealership until next week so 2 weeks minimum with no guarantee it will work. Ford customer service is no better they say we can only do what the repair engineers tell us to do. Don't buy Ford products because they, Ford, do not stand behind their products.

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    Reviewed June 8, 2018

    Reliable truck and comfortable. It is sturdy and has many luxury features such as Siri's radio heated steering wheel. Heated seats are nice in the winter and cooled in summer heat. The leather seats are easy to adjust as well. The back is large enough for hauling and is capped for golf clubs or luggage when traveling. The top Keeps things dry. The ride is smooth too. Nice truck for travel. All in all it is a great truck but a step to access the back could be helpful for older people. It didn't have side mirror alerts for side passing car alert. I would also like lower gas mileage and a lower price.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed June 7, 2018

    We are pleased with the gas mileage and the ride. The seats are comfortable and there is plenty of room in both the front and back seats. It has a tonneau cover over the bed that keeps things really dry. The car cooled down quickly in the summer and heats up fast in winter. However, it has been a little high to get into so we have had to use a step stool sometimes for some passengers. But there are pull up handles on each side in the front so that also helps to get in. It has been a great truck so far.

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    Reviewed June 6, 2018

    I purchased a used model and still it has great power. I currently have 150000 miles and my truck is still strong and drives so smooth. I wouldn't be as happy if I had choose a different car. I love the spacious seats and the power going up hills and through the snow. It has been great and reliable. Better gas mileage and maybe more AWD options would be nice though especially with living in a state with lots of snow. It would just help it be a more reliable vehicle.

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    Reviewed May 31, 2018

    I just love the Mercury Mountaineer & Ford F150 Crew Cab. Both are dependable, easily managed. Seating is great. Easy to drive and park, both of the autos. Both are keep in the garage. Easy on long trips.

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    Reviewed May 23, 2018

    Lifelong Ford Owner - not happy - Just bought a Ford F-150, V8 Gas motor, Lariat, with 10-speed transmission. The transmission shifting is unsteady and causes the truck to lurch continuously. Also, the engine backfires from time to time. It has been in the shop at the dealer for nearly a week, but they can't find the problem. Technicians have driven it and confirm that my complaint is valid. They don't see anything on their computers, so they don't know what to fix. I foresee a Lemon Law complaint on the not-too-distant horizon. I traded a 2014 F-150 FX4 Lariat for this one. Now I wish I had my old truck back.

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    Reviewed May 20, 2018

    The 2017 F150 is by far the worst vehicle I’ve ever owned. The truck has a terrible vibration at 45 mph, I’ve had it in the shop 6 times now and all the mechanic can say is it’s normal. Unless the check engine light comes on they won’t work on it because they don’t get paid to troubleshoot anymore.

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    Reviewed May 9, 2018

    I love my Ford F-150 4x4 with eco boost. The F150 seems to be quickly becoming America’s family “car” and with good reason. It rides like a luxury Car, handles well, and provides all the functionality you need to haul things, transport people and pets and gets great gas mileage. There is reason there are more Fords trucks on the road today than any other vehicle. They are built Ford tough and a Ford truck owner can expect to get so much more mileage out of one than other vehicles. I plan to drive mine for the next 20 years.

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    Reviewed May 8, 2018

    My Ford F-150 Sport, XLT 4x4 is my 5th F-150. Only 1 had to go in for a window regulator. Each time I get a new one it's better than the last. I do have to say the prices on all vehicles are ridiculously too high. Personally I lease so my payment isn't the same or close to my mortgage payment.

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    Reviewed May 7, 2018

    I wish there was less chrome. I'm not really a fan of it and would rather the low gloss black look. I do however adore the not quite green, not quite blue paint!

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    Reviewed May 6, 2018

    You cannot beat the durability of a Ford. Tough and ready. With proper maintenance this vehicle will last a lifetime. The hauling capability is Amazing!

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    Reviewed May 5, 2018

    My Ford F-150 Limited's performance and looks are great. Fuel mileage is good as long as you don't push it, really good between 50 and 60 mph. No mechanical issues so far, only a broken bracket on the rear mount of the right running board and that occurred prior to me purchasing the truck used.

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    Reviewed May 4, 2018

    My Ford F-150 initially was a dynamite vehicle. My 3rd Ford truck. However there was a carbon monoxide leak and I didn't realize it until my 4th blackout driving that truck and it was totaled in an accident.

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    Reviewed May 3, 2018

    The Ford F-150 Triton has four doors and is dependable, comfortable and handles well. It is a little thirstier than I would like but that is the only problem I can find.

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    Reviewed May 1, 2018

    Ford F-150 2009 5.4 engine has $1500-$3000 cam phaser repair issue. NO RECALL and Ford knows about it. Mine happened at only 54,000 miles on the engine. Also transmission leak and other cam phaser oil related issues at 54,000 miles.

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    Reviewed April 29, 2018

    The Ford F-150 has lousy gas mileage. Sticker said 19 mpg. I never got better than 11-12. No help from Ford, I bought extended warranty and the gas cap broke right away. That wasn’t covered even though they broke on many trucks. Ford sucks.

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    Reviewed April 28, 2018

    I was involved in a car accident and I crashed into a pole going 35 miles an hour and the front axle rim tire and the center of the Ford F-150 2015 Limited was smashed in. No airbags deployed and the Seat belt didn’t hold me down. I fractured my arm in three different places, transported by paramedics from the scene to the hospital and ended up at UCLA medical, hospitalized for three days, and went through surgery. Two metal rods and 12 screws. Was in a cast for three months all because of Ford's safety features that didn’t provide **. By the way the truck was a total loss. It was only 30 days old on the road.

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    Reviewed April 27, 2018

    My Ford F-150 truck has been great with 20,000 mi. Love the suicide doors- can easily get things in back seat. 2.7 engine really flies and mileage ok (19) overall. Wish it didn't sit so high, hard to get in without running boards, lift heavy items into back of truck. (Old truck about 4 in. lower).

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed April 26, 2018

    We bought the 09 Ford F-150. Within 12 month the transmission went out. Here we are 16 months later we have to have the transmission done again. From my research this is a common problem that Ford is aware of. 2,400 that I don't know where it can come from. Now the truck sits until I can afford to fix it but it still insured and I'm paying the note every month. Beautiful truck with ugly parts. We are scared to drive it. It's become unpredictable and dangerous. This truck was bought to replace my husband truck that was lost in a rollover fire where 97% of his body was burn. He's so disappointed.

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    Reviewed April 25, 2018

    The Ford F-150 is beautiful, outstanding power with great gas mileage, and there are so many bells and whistles that I've had problems with them. I am leasing. Overall a fair to good truck.

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    Reviewed April 24, 2018

    This model truck is a true work horse. This is our 3rd F-150. The 1st had 300,000 miles upon trade in and the 2nd shy of 200,000. This 1 will not make that mileage, but it has served us very well since 2014. We highly recommend this model. My husband would keep buying this model if we did not now have different needs.

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    Reviewed April 11, 2018

    I have a 2016 Ford F150 Limited with 23,000 miles on it. I have had repeated electrical problems with it. Apparently the gateway module gets shorted out and causes the running boards to stop working, the HVAC to stop, the power windows to stop, the air bag lights to come on and tire pressure sensors to freak out. Those are the items that I know don't work.

    This has happened 7 times. The first time it happened was at 8000 miles and now it has happened 4 times in the last 4 months. At first the dealers kept telling me it was a problem with the plug on the Gateway Module, but all they were doing was resetting it and sending me on my way. Telling me I was lucky they didn't charge me because plugging in the module is not covered by warranty.

    Finally the 3rd dealer replaced the Gateway Module and 3 weeks later the electronics go out again. This time I opened a 4th ticket with Ford Dispute Resolution and they sent out an Engineer from Deerborn, MI. The engineer worked on it for 2 days and replaced the Gateway module again. 2 weeks later the electrical went out again. I finally started the Lemon Law proceeding with the State of Texas and now Ford is treating me like a criminal and have not contacted me in 2 weeks. My truck has been sitting at the dealer broken. I just want them to trade me into a new one or buy it back. Ford refused to do so and said we have to wait for Lemon Law hearing, as if they are going to fight it.

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    Installation & Setup

    Reviewed April 10, 2018

    KT 31 Motorcraft... Ford parts are trash. Caused 400 dollars damage to alternator destroyed from. $125... KT 31 part leaking... Plus installation for all the damage. Done with Ford, over the end... Toyota.

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    Reviewed April 10, 2018

    Ford F-150 throttle body failure at 46000 miles is not an exception at this mileage and I see Ford has had many problems with this part and has covered this part on other models for replacement and extended warranty. However Ford doesn’t want to acknowledge the problem on the F150 and rather charge 500 dollars to its F150 customers. This problem is so similar the tow truck driver told me the problem on pick up.

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    Reviewed March 19, 2018

    Ford F-150 2012 Ecoboost - This must be the worst truck I have ever driven, everything was relatively ok until I had about 70,000 km. Where do I start. There was the violent shake in low gear. It felt like being rear-ended at 60 km /hour. My heart skipped a beat everytime it happened. Then the truck would stall and PCM would shut off, I wait and start again, went to the dealer where I bought it from. They tried to reprogram thé PCM module but ended it up replacing it with a new one under warranty.

    3 months later same problem again, if I hit a pothole or rough road the computer goes berserk and if I drive in low gear in the underground parking the truck completely shuts down and I have no control of the truck, talking about Ford though. Yeah right. Then there is the fuel consumption. My city mileage was indicating 25 Liters on average and I was consuming 30% more fuel than before combined, indicating misfire in the engine. This truck was driving me nuts at 82000 km. I took a wise decision not to sink any more money into this, and traded it in for a Volvo XC90. I will never ever purchase another Ford again.

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed March 14, 2018

    2011 Ford F-150 3.5 EcoBoost at 40000 the rear axle went. Imlay City Ford repaired it under warranty. I didn't make it out of their lot and the check engine light came on. Took it back 2 weeks before warranty was up and it scanned a timing issue. Went back on last day of warranty and they had it 2 days and gave it back and said they found nothing wrong. At 54000 the timing chain went and bent valves. I had it towed to Imlay City Ford and they said $10,000 for a new engine.

    I complained to Ford and the dealer said Ford kicked in and it would be 5,640. The shop in my town quoted me 5,800. I have complained 4 times to Ford that I can't put 5,640 into a truck that has 54k on it. They don't customer care!!! Dealer tried to sell me a new one. Funny funny. Most of the bells and whistles on it only work when they want to. Drivetrain noises still happening that have to be dealt with after new engine. So when you buy a new Ford be sure to start saving money for when the warranty is up you have 5 or 10k for such repairs.

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    Reviewed March 13, 2018

    I bought a new 2018 Ford F150 3.5 Ecoboost from Camelback Ford in Phoenix Arizona. I took it back less than a week owning it. It was idling rough but my salesman said it was normal. A week and a half after this the truck started running bad on the freeway and I had it towed to the dealership. They found that it melted a spark plug, a couple valves and lost compression in a cylinder. It had 1400 miles. I spoke with the dealer and Ford Motors to get out of the truck or to get a new truck and my final answer today from Ford was "you bought it"!!!

    They fixed the truck and since I got it back less than a week ago it has stalled on me twice. The dealership said that since no engine codes were seen they are unable to give me a rental and to just drive the truck. I spoke with Ford and they are not willing to look any further into the truck until it actually breaks. I really think that I'm dealing with a safety issue and hope that if this happens again it doesn't cause an accident. I am very displeased with Ford and the dealership. They are so fast to take your money yet don't care about you as a customer when it comes to supposed Ford reliability. I was sooo excited to buy this truck. I will never give Ford my business again!!!

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsPunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Feb. 16, 2018

    I've been a loyal Ford owner all my life, until now. I have an F150 with 25,000 miles. I had an oil leak to be repaired, I had an appointment on 01/10/2018, I didn't get the pickup back until 01/17, during which time I was responsible for a rental car. Is this acceptable? I think not! Then, I was on my way to a class in San Antonio on 01/25 about 07:45 on I10 (rush hour traffic), when the steering system warning flashed on the dash I herded the pickup off the interstate, the school was right at the exit so I stopped there. I called the dealership where I'd gotten the oil leak repaired, they gave me the numbers for a tow and Enterprise for a rental.

    At noon I got in the truck and it worked fine, so at 4:30 I got in and headed home. About three quarters of the way home the warning flashed again. At 4:50 I called for a rental and a tow truck, I was assured that both were on their way. At 8:30 the tow truck finally showed up (Enterprise never did come, even though, through their admission have a contract with Ford). I rode with the tow truck driver to the dealer to see if I could rent or have the loan of a vehicle until the next day. I was treated as if was a vagrant not worth their time. The steering was repaired, but how far can I trust the vehicle? More importantly would this kind of treatment be alright if it was the CEO's father?? Probably not huh. Step up to the plate Ford!! Is this how you treat customers? Toyota is looking better all the time.

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    Reviewed Feb. 11, 2018

    While driving this past Tuesday, I smelled and saw smoke coming from my vents. The dash lights all lit up. I pulled over to look under the hood but when I went for the latch, I saw flames. I stepped back and fire engulfed the front of the vehicle, then burned to the ground. This is a 2016 still under factory warranty. When I called Ford to report what happened, they had nothing to contribute as to why this happened. This vehicle was well cared for, oil changes every 3,000 - maintained. I'm looking for answers - why this happened and what, if anything, Ford will do. Yes, my insurance will pay my loan off, but at the end of the day, I pay higher premiums. Ford should be held accountable.

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    Reviewed Jan. 31, 2018

    I have over 36,000 miles with a XLT with the 2.7 EcoBoost. This truck has been flawless!!! Love everything about the truck. I think I'll get the 3.0 power stroke next go around. I love that they switched to aluminum. Thank you Ford for building such a good truck! It's a 2016.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Jan. 29, 2018

    I’ve had Fords for as long as I can remember. Never had any problems with any of them. I put 300k miles on 1997 Taurus. I bought a leftover 2015 F-150 with the 5.0 and 4wd. Talk about junk! The doors drive me insane. It’s a Supercab and if I knew how much money I would have been spending every time they are out of alignment I would have bought a Supercrew. Brake lines needed to be replaced in the rear at 38k miles. Same mileage front caliper had to be replaced. Now I’m having a front end noise at 67k miles. Going to the shop tomorrow. My mom backed into me with her CRV and did no damage to her car but $1139 worth of damage to the F-150. I absolutely hate this truck. The seats are so uncomfortable. The windows are super slow going down and up. SYNC sucks, plain and simple. As soon as Toyota offers 0% financing this truck will be gone. I will never buy another Ford.

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    Reviewed Jan. 16, 2018

    I have owned 6 Ford F-150 trucks. The trucks are well built with dependability and appearance in mind when designing. Excellent service at Pompano Ford Quick Lube. Very professional and honest accurate quotes.

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    Reviewed Dec. 6, 2017

    Right at a year ago my wife and I purchased a 2010 Ford F150 XLT from Vic Bailey Ford in Spartanburg SC at a cost of $23,000. Less than a month later the rear end and transmission had to be rebuilt at a cost of $5100. Two months later the rear end went out again more money. Four months later rear end out a 3rd time. Now the transmission is going out again. Repairs costing so much I can't afford to pay the $480 a month payment. It's sad. I have been a Ford tough customer all my life but will never buy another and will tell everyone I talk to in daily life not to ever get one. Ford needs to step up and do something about this situation.

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    Reviewed Dec. 3, 2017

    A single clunk occurs after slowing down and then accelerating. This happens all the time at intersections where you come to almost a complete stop then press the gas pedal to accelerate. Just as you let off the brake and tap the gas pedal, a single clunk sound is felt and heard. I have had the Ford F-150 to the Ford garage several times and they dismiss it as a normal characteristic of the Ford transmission. I have driven trucks all my life, including Fords, and have never felt this kind of slack in the drive-train, and then to have it called normal.

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    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed Oct. 26, 2017

    I also have a 2014 F150 4 x 4 XLT. 40,000 miles. My booster pump failed coming down the mountains with my family. Scary crap. There was a noise coming from the brake pedal that I had brought in the day before I went camping too. Ford found nothing. Then I had issues with coverage for my warranty when one Ford dealership didn’t replace a pin during the repair that required me to bring it to a local Ford dealership a couple days later because of a message on my dash. They squabbled over who was going to pick up the $600 bill. I surely didn’t, but they want me to. I became the mediator of the two dealerships. How ridiculous is that? They called this customer service?

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 22, 2017

    I bought my 2007 F150 Lariat used at a Ford dealership (extremely rude people). It had 93000 mi on it, ran great for about 9 months maybe? Then the engine light came on bad intake manifold runner, then the famous ticking noise started. Very long story short I've replaced lifters, cam phasers VCT solenoids multiple times, alternator idle air control valve, rear pinion seal twice! Radio, window switches (still won't work!). Lower control arms, a/c compressor, steering rack, paint on both bumpers, rear axle is tweaked, more alignments than I can count, transmission overheated, wiring to the rear subwoofer is faulty, intake manifold runner again! Tension pulley, radiator, it's leaking power steering fluid and it's out of alignment again. I did the math. I've paid for this POS twice over just in repair costs. Its has 150000 mi on it now and I can’t sell it fast enough!... Oh and the entire engine when it blew up!!! Never ever ever again!!!

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed Sept. 12, 2017

    With only 94k miles, my engine threw a rod through the block? Even after a regular maintenance every 4 thousand miles for the last 6 years my engine blew itself up while going up a grade. Ford offered no explanation, just said those things happen. They wanted 10,500+tax to make repairs and only offered 2500.00 towards the repair cost? If I wanted to buy a new truck they offered me an x plan which was 200.00, yes 200.00 more off a new truck than anyone else would get. I have found that there is NO LOYALTY with the dealership or Ford Motor Corporation. Quality, not a chance. Will never buy another Ford product.

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    Reviewed Sept. 10, 2017

    I was driving about 70 mph on the freeway when my Ford F150 Truck suddenly lost serious power with a hard misfire & warning lights lighting up on the dash. I Dropped it off Friendly Ford Las Vegas Service Department & they said a cylinder has lost compression for "Unknown Reasons"?? & said it would be $2800 to tear down the engine to see what is happening. I declined & took it to a small repair shop who opened the hood & "By Hand", lifted a "BURNT, MELTED, FRIED & DESTROYED SPARK PLUG" from the #3 cylinder. No threads or bottom of spark plug was left. He said Fords newer modular engines began spitting spark plugs in their 4.6L/5.8L engines in the 1990s.

    He put a small wire type camera into the cylinder & it showed extensive piston & cylinder wall damage. "No Tear Down was ever needed. He said to replace the engine with a new engine was about $8500 or for a used low mileage engine, it would be about $2500 to $3000. I swapped it out for a 28k used & traded my last ever Ford in on a Toyota Tundra Crew Cab. My family & I are forever done with all Ford Motor Company vehicles.

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    Contract & TermsStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 4, 2017

    I am a 100% Naval Disable Veteran with a power chair and leg braces. My wife and I are going through serious traumatic experience and trying to pick up the pieces after Hurricane Harvey ravished our home in Corpus Christi, Texas. Recently have had several compression shut downs on my 2012 F-150 Lariat as the Wrench signal light comes on. That has caused me to experience frightening serious near misses with other vehicles including commercial 18-wheelers on the highways.

    I made it clear to Ford reps in San Antonio Texas that it is a "Death Trap" waiting to happen!!! THE ASS.GM at McCombs Fords West immediately and for 7 hours thereafter made attempts to resolve the matter by selling me a new F-150. And said that any expenses to fix the problem would be on me as for the compression issue and any further issues as the warranty had allegedly expired, when I knew for a fact that it was still active since my truck only has 77656 miles on it and my warranty is good up to 100k miles.

    When I informed him that was going to pursue legal action against the warranty company for breach of contract he had a change of heart and apologized for giving me wrong information. Yet still failed to resolve the mechanical issue accordingly, and had me drive away in the "Death Trap". On my way back home to Corpus from San Antonio that night my truck shut down twice so I slept in the truck leg braces and all at a gas station in Karnes City, Tx... and finally made it home to my wife, dog, and damaged house. Fearful for my wife's and my safety and lives and those of the public I am besides myself to ever operate my truck until Ford honors its contractual agreement and resolve this serious issue accordingly.

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    Reviewed Aug. 30, 2017

    F-150 is a great truck. I rated Ford because I have a 1998 one of the last great F-150's out there, not even 100,000 mi and she still runs like new. However, models 99 to present reviews show horrible problems mostly due to mass production ie 2015 to present and poor service. Prices continue to climb, paying more for a vehicle than your mortgage is pretty stupid. I look for Ford to price itself right out the door, price for transportation today is going to affect all manufactures in the very near future, sad to say.

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    Reviewed Aug. 26, 2017

    The front driver seat broke and dropped 8 inches in an instant! There's a small bolt that attaches the rod that makes it tilt forward and tilt back that came out. My wife wasn't driving thank God, because she couldn't see over the dash. Eyes were level with Speedo and Tach and would have CRASHED if she were driving, but it broke as soon as she started adjusting the seat position! The seat when operating correctly could not go as low as it did when it broke! Someone is going to get hurt. I repaired the seat myself. I just had to bolt it back together and put a tack weld on the back side where the bolt attaches. The bolt was so small all it has is 4 threads that measured about 4mm long. VERY DANGEROUS!!!

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    Reviewed Aug. 24, 2017

    I LOVE MY TRUCK!!! It currently has 385,787 miles on its original engine. The only problem that I have with Big Red (truck) is that the window motors keep going out. I won't give it up until it falls apart. I LOVE MY 2005 FORD F150.

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    Reviewed Aug. 23, 2017

    This is our 4th New Ford F150 and everyone has been excellent from performance to looks. They have great safety features and are always reliable. If there is a warranty issue (rare like one total on all the pickups) they are quick to fix and do it right. We love our Fords. We also have a Taurus which is just as good!

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    Reviewed Aug. 22, 2017

    Owning a Ford truck FI50 has been a very bad experience. I have had to replace three transmissions since I owned it. It is currently leaking 2 1/2 gallons of oil a day and I have received no advice or help from them. This truck has been nothing but trouble for my company.

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    Installation & Setup

    Reviewed Aug. 5, 2017

    In December I purchased a 2016 F 150 2.7 EcoBoost, I had traded a 2014 F 150 that was a good truck, just didn't have all that I wanted. At 10,000 my nightmare begin. The truck would cut off at stop signs and red lights which it's designed to do, however, when I let off the brake it wouldn't start back up. I had to physically start it. I took a picture of the display to show dealer. This wasn't the only problem then it started making a rattling noise on a cold crank. Of course the dealer was awe struck and didn't have a clue. (big lie) The dealer talked in riddles. Anyway after 2 days shy of three weeks they tell me Ford wants to install new headers. New headers on a new vehicle. Ridiculous, should be new engine. Still fighting with them.

    After much research I find this problem is everywhere a 2.7 iceboats engine is. Others actually blew head gaskets and had horrible oil related problems from smoke to loosing tons of oil. Ford is highly aware of this problem and they should own it upfront and make their loyal customers whole. I still have lots of warranty left, but what about those who don't. It's unfair to stick a person with a factory defect. people depend on these trucks and livelihoods are at stake. A message to other Ford owners, please include your engine type so others can help you identify your problem.

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    Reviewed July 24, 2017

    I have owned many Ford cars and trucks over the years, right now is a 2013 Focus se, transmission issues big time. I put 30,000 miles on this car, trade in value 6,000, driving it off the lot 23,700. I have always wanted to buy American but this is just too much. I had a 1981 Ford f-150 that got 20 miles per gallon 36 years later, no improvements. With all their knowledge they can't improve MPG in 37 years?

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    Verified purchase
    Customer Service

    Reviewed July 13, 2017

    F150 5.4 Triton engine blew spark plugs, ate coil packs and devoured fuel injectors. I will NEVER own another POS Ford. From now on it's Chevrolet trucks for me. The worst part - FORD NEVER LISTENS TO THE ONES WHO SUPPORT THEIR COMPANY AND THEIR DEALERS ARE JUST PLAIN RUDE. Solution to the problem - never buy a Ford.

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    Reviewed July 12, 2017

    I was driving my 2016 Ford F-150 with 5500 miles on it up a hill and going about 70 MPH and the motor shut off then restarted by itself. This has happened 3 times in a week so I took it to the dealer and they ran a ton of tests and determined that the truck needed a new engine. Ford tells me they have never heard of this issue before. Talk about dangerous!!! Thankfully there wasn't a vehicle behind us or this would have been a completely different story. Hopefully this fixes the problem but I will have a very hard time trusting this truck after this. I will say that Ford and the dealership have been great so far and it is the first big issue I have ever had with a Ford truck.

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    Reviewed June 22, 2017

    F150 Aluminum Head Spark Plug — I have owned a 99 F150 5.4 liter since 2003. Only problem I have had is the infamous spark plug that blows out of the head. Orielly's Auto Parts and probably others have a fix for this or you can take it to a shop for a fairly inexpensive fix. Cost me 250 to get it fixed and have not had a problem since. I change my oil with Royal Purple Synthetic religiously. Tomorrow I am purchasing a Ford F150 XLT 4x4 with the 5.0. I hope I have as good luck with this one as I did with the other. You take care of your machine and your machine will take care of you.

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & Setup

    Reviewed May 6, 2017

    I purchased brand new 2017 F-150 3 months ago. Went to do my first oil change and found barely any oil in engine. Brought to Capital Ford Service Dept. in Raleigh, NC and was told oil pan was never installed properly at factory and had been leaking. They replaced oil pan and all was good. I have been driving the truck for 2 weeks since service was done and I have been smelling oil burning ever since. I assumed it was residual from the service work.

    I went to check oil 3 days ago and found the mechanic never reinstalled the oil dipstick. It was laying on my engine. For the last 2 weeks there has been oil blowing out of the dipstick tube all over my engine!!! My $45,000 truck is now contaminated with oil all over it. I called the Service Dept. back and they apologized and told me they would set up a time to clean the engine. My wires and entire engine is coated with oil and will eventually rust from this. At any rate it has been 3 days now and still no call back. I want my truck replaced!!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed April 23, 2017

    Trent ** bought a beautiful truck 2012 Ford F-150 silver loaded... to the gills. He's thinking of LONG term with this truck. It had the V-6 Ecoboost 3.5 liter motor. Trent was very proud of his new truck that was his first purchase from a Cross Chrysler in Louisville. Truck had 62,000 miles on it. Anyway, Trent drives off the lot a proud owner. This was in October 2016. Truck seemed solid... and I use the word seemed very lightly. Sunday Trent and Lindsey Nicole ** were driving to our house. Trent called me and said he was sitting on side of the road. Long story short... BLOWED MOTOR. TRUCK now has 68,000 miles on it. Yes that's 6000 miles on the truck since Trent had bought it.

    We towed it here and started the dreaded phone calls. Checked on warranty. It's a FORD. The warranty is 5year/100,000 km. Which in the USA, that's 62,000 miles. So we're good on the 5 year, but 6000 miles over Warranty. Here is the part that CHAPS MY **. Trent calls several different FORD DEALERSHIPS and they all read the same Queue Card. Sorry, you're 6000 miles over. So Trent calls the Cross Chrysler and talks to manager and manager said if this was a Dodge or Chrysler, they would get him an extension on warranty. So the Manager went to work for Trent, calling every Ford Dealer and manager he knew. To ask for an extension. But he came up empty. He called Trent the next day and told Trent that when the truck is fixed, send bill to him and he will pay $1000.00. My problem is a Chrysler Dealer is helping my son. A Dealer. A Manager. More than Ford Corporation. Pretty sad Ford.

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