Pregnancy Week 27

What to expect when you’re 27 weeks pregnant

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Written by Jill Brines
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Edited by Justin Martino

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    Baby development at 27 weeks pregnant

    Twenty-seven weeks pregnant is the last week in your second trimester! You have reached the home stretch! At the end of this week, you will be in your final trimester of pregnancy.

    Your 27 week baby now measures just under 14 inches long (355 millimeters). Your baby is now the size of a head of broccoli.

    During the 27th week of pregnancy, your baby is developing even more neural connections and strengthening the muscles needed to move, breathe and swallow after birth. Their tiny lungs are growing rapidly and continuing to mature so they can breathe on their own outside of the womb.

    Week 27 pregnant belly

    During your second trimester, you should be gaining around 1 to 2 pounds per week, meaning your belly is growing more rapidly than it did during your first trimester. You are probably learning how to adjust to your ever-changing body and continuing to deal with new or existing mild aches and pains.

    As you near the final weeks of your pregnancy, you may be dealing with new fears or anxiety. Try to calm yourself and find activities that help keep you even-keeled during this time. Yoga, napping or checking tasks off your pre-birth to-do list may help ease your fears and lighten your mental load.

    Common pregnancy symptoms at 27 weeks

    Pregnancy symptoms just aren’t going away at this point. You may be used to them now or have found relief through some coping methods. However you’re feeling, take comfort in knowing you’re in your final months of pregnancy and will get to meet your baby soon. You got this!

    • Itchy belly: As your baby and body grow, your skin is stretching thinner. This makes it more sensitive. Find a good cream to relieve the itch and make sure you have soft, nonirritating fabrics in your maternity wardrobe.
    • Braxton Hicks: As you draw closer to the finish line, your body has already started practicing for labor. You may feel an occasional tightening in your belly, which is known as a Braxton Hicks contraction.
    • Trouble sleeping: Feeling tired but unable to get a full night of rest? This is common with many women approaching their due dates. A pregnancy pillow may help you get more comfortable.
    • Heartburn and indigestion: Your body has made special accommodations for your baby, and your muscles are beginning to relax to prepare for birth. The relaxing of your stomach muscles may cause excess acid to leak into your throat, causing heartburn. Keep those antacids handy!
    • Urinary tract Infections: As baby puts added pressure on your bladder, urine can leak and bacteria become trapped making you more prone to UTIs.

    Pregnancy checklist at 27 weeks pregnant

    Between 26 and 28 weeks pregnant, you will likely have just one prenatal checkup. At this appointment, you may be scheduled to receive the RhoGam shot if you have an Rh-negative blood type.

    Reminders for
    Week 27
    • Look into infant CPR. If you’re not up to date on CPR and first-aid certifications, now is a good time to take a refresher course. Infant first aid and CPR differ slightly from traditional CPR and first aid performed on adults. These classes will prepare you for an emergency.
    • Research car seats. On the day you leave the hospital, you will need to bring your little one home in an appropriate infant carrier. Choosing the right car seat requires a bit of research. Check in on the current safety guidelines, read reviews, get recommendations and make sure to purchase an infant car seat that fits in your vehicle.
    • Count those kicks. Kick counts are exactly what they sound like: counting your baby’s kicks or number of movements in a given period. During the last trimester of pregnancy, it’s especially important to keep track of those movements. A change or sharp decrease in activity could indicate a problem. Call your health care provider if this happens.

    Explore pregnancy by week
    Week 26 | Week 28

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