Pregnancy Week 30
What to expect when you’re 30 weeks pregnant

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Baby development at 30 weeks pregnant
At 30 weeks pregnant, your little one is causing all kinds of crowding, heartburn and even mood swings. You can thank the baby's rapid growth and increased size for these side effects!
Your 30 week baby now measures 15.15 inches long (385 millimeters). Your baby is now the size of a head of cabbage.
By week 30, your baby’s major body systems are all formed and continuing to mature. At this point, your baby will now start putting on pounds — and rapidly! At 30 weeks pregnant, your baby’s brain is starting to change from a smooth surface to a grooved surface that allows room for increased brain tissue.
Now that your baby is gaining fat and their brain is responsible for controlling body temperature, the lanugo your baby grew is starting to disappear. It may not all go away, though — when your baby is born, you may still see a little left on their skin.
Week 30 pregnant belly
At 30 weeks pregnant, you’re feeling the weight of your baby — literally. The pounds your baby has put on may be causing you some discomfort. Hang in there! Baby will be here before you know it. During your third trimester, you should gain roughly 5 pounds. Keep in mind that everyone is different, and your starting BMI affects how much weight you need to gain to have a healthy pregnancy.
Common pregnancy symptoms at 30 weeks
Only 10 more weeks to go before you get to meet your baby! And just when you thought the symptoms of early pregnancy were in the past, they may now have made a comeback. Some of those early pregnancy symptoms that you may have experienced — frequent urination, fatigue and tender breasts — could start to reappear.
- Braxton Hicks: Often described as a tightening sensation in the stomach, Braxton Hicks contractions are practice labor for your body. They’re not dangerous and are rather common. As long as they stay irregular, they shouldn’t be of any concern. If they become more regular, or the pain becomes worse, inform your health care provider.
- Varicose veins: Increasing your fluid intake may reduce the likelihood of varicose veins, which are actually swollen blood vessels.
- Pregnancy brain: Often attributed to a hormonal increase, “pregnancy brain” is not an official medical term, but mothers-to-be will tell you it’s real. You may find yourself a little more forgetful throughout your pregnancy.
- Leaking breasts: You may already be producing a food supply for your baby, but what’s coming out isn’t actually milk. Your baby’s first food (if you are nursing) is a yellow, nutrient-dense substance called colostrum.
- Heartburn and indigestion: The more your baby grows, the worse your heartburn and indigestion may be. Staying away from spicy or acidic food and taking over-the-counter antacids can help. The American Pregnancy Association gives TUMS the seal of approval for pregnant women, but it’s a good idea to check any new medications with your doctor.
- Swollen feet and ankles: Starting to see some puffiness in your feet and ankles? Take a load off and rest your feet! Standing for long periods or engaging in too much activity can make this problem worse. Get some light exercise and elevate your feet when you can.

Pregnancy checklist at 30 weeks pregnant
At 30 weeks, you’ll begin heading to the doctor every two weeks for routine prenatal checkups. You’re most likely finished with ultrasounds and testing, but your doctor may order more tests after 32 weeks if you have a high-risk pregnancy.
It’s time to ride out those last 10 weeks until your baby arrives. If you’re feeling prepared, good for you! Sit back and count those kicks. If you’re still getting your to-do list taken care of, make sure to check these items off your list.
Reminders for
Week 30
- Ask about episiotomies. An episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum during childbirth. While episiotomies used to be routine, they are no longer used in every situation. Ask your doctor for more information and if/when they would perform one.
- Sneak in some naps. You may not be sleeping well at night, and chances are sleep will be hard to get once your baby comes. Get as much rest as you can and squeeze in those extra naps.
- Finalize your maternity leave. If you haven’t already, finalize your plans for maternity leave. Confirm you are set with your employer, insurance provider and state.
Explore pregnancy by week
Week 29 | Week 31