Pregnancy Week 10
What to expect when you're 10 weeks pregnant
Baby development at 10 weeks pregnant
Now that your baby is officially a fetus, you can think of this as the next stage in their development. The embryonic phase focuses on the formation of the major organs, cartilage and bones. At ten weeks pregnant, your baby also has working arm joints. Fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too!
Your baby will measure between 1 to 1.02 inches (25.4 millimeters) and is about the size of a miniature snickers bar.
At ten weeks pregnant, you might be thinking your baby looks like they are all head, and you’re right! Your baby’s head is just about half the length of their entire body. The umbilical cord is starting to grow longer, and your little one is developing teeny-tiny fingernails and tooth buds. During the 10th week of your pregnancy, your baby’s lungs, intestines and stomach start to form.
Week 10 pregnant belly
Due to your baby’s rapid growth, your tummy might now begin protruding a little. Clothing may be starting to fit differently … or not. But whether you’re visibly pregnant or not quite big enough to show it, now is a good time to purchase a few articles of clothing that are soft and stretchy enough to fit your everchanging figure over the next seven months.
Common pregnancy symptoms at 10 weeks
If you’ve made it this far without severe pregnancy symptoms, you might be fortunate enough to wrap up your first trimester without experiencing any! If you are starting to tire of the nausea, fear not. You are entering your final weeks of the first trimester.
- Weight gain: Baby is getting bigger and so are you! Chances are you haven’t gained much weight, though. Minimal weight gain at ten weeks pregnant is totally normal. Women with a normal BMI should expect to gain about 3 to 5 pounds in the first trimester, but don't worry if you're not exactly within this range.
- Round ligament pain: This is a new one that you may not have yet experienced on your pregnancy journey. As your body quickly changes to accommodate your growing baby, round ligament pains can occur at any given time. These can feel like a cramping, jabbing or spasming sensation, and it’s the result of your uterus pushing upward during its expansion. If the pain is intense or lasts for long periods, it’s a good idea to contact your health care provider.
- Morning sickness: Despite the name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day or night and is marked by sudden nausea without a clear cause or as a reaction to stimuli, such as the smell of food or perfume that never bothered you before. You may vomit, or your stomach may just feel constantly unsettled.
- Mood swings: Remember, your hormones are going on quite the adventure during your pregnancy. Mood swings are to be expected as your body navigates the changes ahead.
- Constipation: Increasing your intake of fiber can help alleviate this common pregnancy symptom. Make sure you’re getting enough fluid, too!
- Increased vaginal discharge: Some women experience an increase in white discharge during pregnancy. While not every woman experiences the symptom, this is a normal reaction to your body's increased hormones.
- Frequent urination: The bigger your baby gets, the less room your bladder has and the more it gets pushed on. This internal crowding leads to increased urination in many pregnant women.
- Fatigue: A very common symptom, fatigue can be expected at some point in your pregnancy. Hormones, weight gain and emotional stress all play a factor.
Pregnancy checklist at 10 weeks pregnant
At ten weeks pregnant, you have most likely had your first prenatal visit with your healthcare provider. You have about a month before you go in for the next appointment! During weeks four through 28, appointments are typically once a month.
Reminders for
Week 10
- Use a cream. Varicose veins, stretch marks and other changes to your body may be on your mind as you start to see your body slowly change at the ten week pregnant mark. There are many stretch mark-fighting lotions available to pregnant women. Find one that has pregnancy-safe ingredients and a light smell so it doesn’t trigger nausea.
- Improve blood flow. Your body has already started pumping more blood, and this will continue during your entire pregnancy. To aid blood circulation and prevent varicose veins, you can take daily walks, elevate your feet while sitting and lie on your left side.
- Hit the gym. You don’t have to go all-out, but exercise throughout the entire pregnancy is good for you and your baby! Now is a great time to talk with your healthcare provider about what types of workouts are safe during pregnancy.
- Look into genetic testing. Between weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy, your health care provider will offer you the option of genetic testing. Do your due diligence to decide if this is a fit for your family.
Explore pregnancy by week
Week 9 | Week 11