
Greenies Reviews

About Greenies

  • Variety of flavors available
  • Long-term use shows benefits
  • Can cause digestive issues
  • Some pets may refuse to eat

Greenies Reviews

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    How do I know I can trust these reviews about Greenies?
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    Page 3 Reviews 40 - 240

    Reviewed Nov. 26, 2019

    I used these things as a medical care provider of mine feeds the regular Greenies to his dog and I know him to be quite careful about everything. I stopped giving my puppy these things 3 weeks ago. I got her at 10 weeks and by 14 weeks, I already made the association of her diarrhea with the dental chews. She's now 17 weeks and I wanted to give her a treat, but I was out of treats except for the pill pockets. I took a bill pocket, split it in 4 and gave the treat to her. She had diarrhea soon after.

    I believe the problem is with glycerin in the product. I had my own issue with a sugar free syrup that was glycerin based. I didn't know it at the time I first started using it. Within 3 days, I had awful diarrhea. It occurred to me, "How did they make a sugar free chocolate syrup?" I look at the packaging and it was almost 100% glycerin (shy of the chocolate flavoring).

    I knew that glycerin should only be ingested in very small amounts for humans. I discontinued use of that product and threw it away. When my puppy was sick off the pill pockets, that's when I grabbed the Greenies dental chews and pill pockets. Both have glycerin in them as the 3rd ingredient. I am pretty sure this was what caused her bouts with diarrhea. Just say NO to pet foods and treats with glycerin in them. There is literally no reason for pet food manufacturers to use it!

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    Reviewed Oct. 24, 2019

    PLEASE do not EVER give your pets Greenies! We have an 8 month old kitten who is very ill. We took him to the vet twice within the last week to the tune of $700. Our little guy had been eating Greenies dental treats for his bad breath --last week he started vomiting, could not poop, stopped eating and was in a lot of pain. X-rays show that he has and enlarged colon, severe gas in his intestines and a huge stomach packed with food because he cannot digest anything.

    Greenies are sold at our veterinarian's office. They seemed to be a popular brand and it wasn't like we were feeding him something from the dollar store --we thought we were giving him something that was good for him. That was NOT the case! He absolutely loved the Greenies he would come running if he heard the package being opened--we are absolutely sick that we willingly gave him something that made him violently ill. He is still not eating or acting normal. We have no idea if any permanent damage was done to his organs or digestive system. Greenies should be put out of business and there should be a class action lawsuit for all the pet parents and fur babies that have had to go through all this pain and suffering..not to mention exorbitant vet bills because of their NEGLIGENCE!

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    Reviewed Sept. 20, 2019

    If your dog does not prefer these treats, but you accept that some dogs do, why would you not recognize that it is a "no-fault" situation. Why would you leave a 2 star review for something that clearly was no fault of the treat itself? My dog absolutely loves the Greenies Original, but that's just my dog. I did have a bag appear to go bad on me, but that may have been that the bag was not sealed shut properly, and only that one time. We've been using these more for the treat value than anything to do with cleaning. Vets tell me they're not "all that". Nonetheless, we like them and will continue buying them because it buys me a few minutes to my thoughts when I get home.

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    Reviewed July 23, 2019

    I needed to give my 12 year old beagle two pills three times a day for a urinary tract infection. I used Greenies pill pockets and I bought the 3.2 oz package that said it had "approx" 30 pills. I would be Ok with 28, or 29 or 31 - I get it approximately means not exactly 30 but it also means "near" 30. When I used them - it only had 20 pills in the package. This is grossly misleading the consumer and in my opinion leads me to distrust the manufacturer. It's hard enough in this day and age to know who to trust for the product content but to not even put the number you claim in the package leads me to grossly mistrust them. I will never buy them again. I guess I will use a good fresh piece of meat or actual peanut butter to persuade my beagle to eat pills in the future. Shame on you - Greenies! Joel ** Irvine, CA **

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    Reviewed June 29, 2019

    My Yokie loves the Teenie Greenies, all flavors. Great for her teeth. Great for her digestion. Great for her happiness. She has been eating them for over 8 years and always loves them. Say the word “Greenies” and she comes running.

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    Reviewed June 14, 2019

    After feeding our 4 year old lab a large breed dental chew shaped like a toothbrush she started vomiting within hours, 5 solid days of vomiting once a day and we were still seeing chunks of undigested orange pieces in her vomit. Why is this allowed on the market with so many reports of illness?

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    Reviewed May 31, 2019

    I bought the small Greenies for my Chihuahuas. One is 5.5 pounds and the other is 7 pounds, I gave them the Greenies that are meant for 5-15 pound dogs. While my dogs loved these treats, their bodies didn’t. After a few days of giving them Greenies, they both starting vomiting all over the house for two days straight, each throwing up about three times a day. My 7 pound chihuahua kept heaving and her eyes were tearing, and she was very shaky. I stopped giving them the treats after that and now they’re back to normal. I looked into the treats and I read that many dogs have died from eating these treats. If your dog doesn’t chew them, they can apparently expand in their stomachs and kill your dog. However, I’m not entirely sure this is true, but what I do know for a fact is that these made my dogs very sick. I would recommend just brushing your dog's teeth.

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    Reviewed April 30, 2019

    As others noted on this site, Greenies dental seafood flavored treats made my cat very ill! The diarrhea was the worse! Other issues were throwing up and weeping eyes. I had extensive blood work & other test done which all came back normal. I then found posts here which described his issues exactly. I Removed the 6-8 treats he was given per day and all the issues stopped! Note my cat is 15 yrs old and has been raised strictly indoors. Never in contact with other animals (except his brother who died 2 yrs ago). He has had a strict diet of Hills M/D since 2011. Food is measured amount AM and PM. He's Never given any people food.

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    Reviewed April 27, 2019

    I wanted to find something to help keep my cat's teeth clean. I started giving these to her a couple months ago. At first my 1 1/2 year old indoor female cat loved these. I gave her only about 2 or three until a month later I read where you can give her up to 11 in a day so I thought why not? From the start she was almost displaying addictive behavior as she excitedly went to the fridge where I keep them, so I cut back because I did not want her to think she could replace her meals with these. For about a week now she has displayed a lack of appetite not feeling well and has thrown up a small amount of water/bile once. I have decided that there are ingredients in these that are disrupting her GI tract. I am giving the rest away to farm cats I know. They are a bit more resilient. I hate to waste the $. I won't but these anymore. I'll continue to brush her teeth with a baby toothbrush. She's fine with that.

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    Reviewed April 9, 2019

    My cats went CRAZY over these treats. They seem to have something in them that is extremely tasty... I suspected MSG but I’m really not sure... Whatever it is, it is addictive and they would climb me to get to the packet. I didn’t notice any vomiting but one cat became quite aggressive after eating them and another cat developed a weeping eye around the same time we started giving them these treats. She still has a weeping eye that comes and goes on a weekly basis. I suspect it’s viral and will get this confirmed by a vet.

    I have read that these viruses flair when the immune system is down, and now I strongly suspect these Greenies have caused her to be run-down. Could just be from the gluten in them... Of course I don’t know but she’s 7 yrs old and never had a health issue until now, and Greenies are the only recent addition to her diet. The last packet I used was a week ago. I have now read these reviews and am quite shocked they are still on the market.

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    Reviewed April 5, 2019

    My vet recommended Greenies for tartar buildup and bad breath. I only gave these a few times a week for about a month. Suddenly, very suddenly, one of my dogs exhibited signs of kidney disease and I immediately took him to the vet, and he is testing at the low end, but the Greenies are gone forever. In the track. I feel guilty about ever giving these to him.

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    Reviewed March 20, 2019

    I board dogs in my home. These treats are great for some dogs who will chew on them. My own dog swallows them whole. They are good for the teeth. The cost is too high even on sale. I spend $80 a 25 pound bag of dog food (that’s high end) and care greatly about my dog's health and diet. I buy my dog a bark box of toys and treats for $20 a month. I only bought my dog some pumpkin Greenies because they were clearanced. Nothing can take the place of a toothbrush and dental cleanings.

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    Reviewed March 18, 2019

    My dogs loves Greenies. I would let everyone know it's good for their dogs. It's good for the bad breath and good for their health. I have 3 dogs and it could be very pricey to buy all the time. So I don't buy them very often.

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    Reviewed March 17, 2019

    I have used these treats to try to help with dental problems but they are not a help at all. I have started to switch to raw bones and that seems much better for them. The teeth seem to get cleaned by the chewing and I don't see the brown build up on their teeth near the gum line. The vet said that the dry dog foods and treats like Greenies are not that great for your dog. I have started with the freeze dried treats and they like them and it really takes some time of chewing for them to eat them. Not like the Greenies that are gone in a minute.

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    Reviewed March 8, 2019

    Greenies is an adequate treat but like most pet products, overpriced. I don't think there is anything outstanding about the treats. My dog likes them, but he's a dog. He likes most things. The nutritional value is adequate.

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    Reviewed March 7, 2019

    I give my German Shepherd/Doberman mix the Grain-Free Greenies. She loves them even more than her other treats. They have a rather disagreeable odor, but the bag seals tightly, so it's a minor inconvenience. My only objection to this brand is that the cost is so high. If it were more affordable, I'd give her extra treats every day, but even purchasing at, she can only have one a day.

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    Reviewed March 6, 2019

    As of now my dogs are doing very well with Greenies. I have two dogs and both get Greenies because brushing their teeth is a hassle! They are well and really love these. They actually work to remove plaque in the experience I have had with both of my doggies. They had some pretty bad plaque build up and Greenies got rid of it. As of the reviews I'm reading here, Greenies are recommended for adult dogs, and they only just came out with a puppy and senior recipe. Be mindful of that when purchasing. Some dogs are sensitive to certain ingredients that they might not know about and when introducing a new food to your dogs ALWAYS in moderation because a new food will almost always cause an upset belly if too much is given. (I worked at Petco and you learn there that TRANSITION is KEY.)

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    Reviewed Feb. 28, 2019

    Greenies made my dog violently sick within days of first giving it to him. Within 24 hours of giving him his first two treats, he had diarrhea. The next day, he threw up what seemed to be his entire stomach. On the third day, he couldn't control his bowels. For the first time since house training him, he proceeded have the most foul-smelling diarrhea all over the bed he was sleeping on as he couldn't make it to the door. Hours later, he pooped raspberry jam-looking blood and that's when I decided he has to go to the vet. After thorough questioning and examination, our vet told us that it could have been something in the Greenies that caused irritation in his stomach. She prescribed us a week's worth of antibiotics. He's had a rough week as the medication has made him more tired than usual but he's back to his own ways now.

    After expressing my frustrations online, Greenies replied back to direct message them. I did so and they actually did not even open my message until 5 days later. Finally, a Greenies rep finally contacted me over the phone an entire week later. She asked about the symptoms and what our vet had told us. She also asked for the bag's item code, which I could not provide her as we had obviously thrown the bag out a week prior. The rep on the phone told me they cannot do a thorough investigation without that and all she could offer me was a coupon for alternative dental sticks.

    My frustration is that Greenies will most likely never publicly addresses this issue. There are over 200 complaints on Consumer Affairs alone and the rep could not even comment about that. For anyone reading this because their pet is experiencing something similar, I urge you to hang on to the package and contact Greenies yourself. If I see someone at the store hanging onto a Greenies pack, I'm not going to hesitate to tell them what happened to my dog.

    This isn't a matter of 'quality control' as the company proclaims they do extensive testing. It wasn't a 'bad batch' that my dog and 200 other people's pets consumed that led to very similar experiences. Complaints like mine go back to 2005. The company needs to hold thorough tests on the ingredients that are used in their products, and at the very least, address the issues that so many consumers have been having for years.

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    Reviewed Feb. 12, 2019

    Got the pill pockets from my vet. Convenient and the dogs like them. Have been using them for a while. My Austrian Shepherd developed nagging diarrhea. Similar to Reviewer "Janet of Sun City West, AZ", I narrowed the problem to the Pill Pockets. "Janet of Sun City West, AZ - reviewed Oct 28, 2018" suggested to file a class action suit. I am totally for that idea. I wish she can get the owners of the poor dog victims together and go for that. Nothing for monies, but to warn dog owners to avoid the pain of those little souls. If "Janet of Sun City West, AZ" can provide a channel, I will join in. She does need to provide us with an email address.

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    Reviewed Jan. 20, 2019

    My cat suffers from constipation. As directed from my vet I can provide **. I usually soak with cat treats in water. Guess what? Feline Greenies would not dissolve in water. This lead me to believe the same reaction in his digestive system. It does not break down, and could create blockage and constipation. Will limit his treats. But still want to clean his teeth.

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    Reviewed Jan. 13, 2019

    I adopted a Catahoula Mix puppy about two months ago and as a first time pup mom, I went above and beyond with bedding, food, clothes and even dental hygiene. A few days into the adoption, I notice she has diarrhea with blood and mucus. So I take her to the vet, they prescribe antibiotics and send us on our way. However, the diarrhea did not seem to fully go away so I try mixing white rice with her high quality dog food, I also take away all treats and even her toys. I then begin to think maybe she is still trying to adjust to her new home and her stomach needs more time.

    After weeks of cooking white rice and mixing it with her high quality dog food, the diarrhea finally went away and her poop was normal again. Up until this morning when I hear her crying at 12 am in her crate to go outside. As soon as she steps outside, there was an explosion of diarrhea. So much so that she even began wiping her bottom on the grass. The only thing I've done differently since ridding her of diarrhea the first time was give her a Greenie treat yesterday. Never again will I put her through this. She had already gone outside three times this morning to poop diarrhea. Now I have to put her back on the white rice and Blue Buffalo diet until her symptoms improve.

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    Reviewed Jan. 9, 2019

    Not sure why, but the tuna flavor made my cat violently ill. The treats made her vomit. She did so every 2 hours, eventually throwing up even water, bile and dry heaving. She also had diarrhea. She lost significant weight and needed to go on IV because of dehydration. Greenies' suggestion was that she doesn’t do well with tuna flavouring and to stop feeding them to her. Well already did that. If your pet gets sick, consider the treats. Your pet could be allergic to the ingredients, or something in the product may not agree with it. This almost cost me my cat, and did cost me hundreds of dollars.

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    Reviewed Dec. 29, 2018

    I have two Yorkshire Terriers, one male and the other is female. My girl didn’t like the taste of her vitamin and I thought I would try giving them to her in a Pill Pocket. Using a very small piece of the peanut butter flavored Pill Pocket each morning with her vitamin for eight days straight nearly KILLED my baby girl. Vomiting and diarrhea that was full of blood everywhere. Emergency Vet trip where she was placed on IVs, antibiotic injections, nausea medication, xrays of her abdomen along with blood work showing Pancreatitis. Prognosis was grim. All of this because of a Pill Pocket that’s supposed to aide in giving medication. After four weeks of antibiotics, Rx food and fluids she has slowly recovered and seems back to her usual loving, playful self. NEVER will I EVER give another Greenies product to my babies. And yes, they are loved and pampered as if they were my very own children. GREENIES - You should be OUT OF BUSINESS!

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    Reviewed Dec. 23, 2018

    Our dog is now 9 years old and we’ve used Greenies for several years without issue. Earlier this year, she got very ill and started to rapidly lose weight. After two visits to the vet, we still had no idea what was causing this issue and were preparing for the worst. We never suspected these treats were the cause until we eliminated every other option by process of elimination. We were devastated that we ever gave her these treats. Since we stopped giving her the treats she has steadily improved. We will never trust any product from this company ever again. I implore anyone reading this message to never use this product as it poses a serious (and apparently undetectable by a veterinarian) risk to your pet.

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    Reviewed Dec. 10, 2018

    Never again, Greenies. NEVER. My two-year-old lab shepherd mix has been sick with diarrhea for three days after her first dental chew from Greenies. I didn't make the connection until I gave her a second one and soon after, she was crying at the door with an explosive bloody bottom. I'm so furious. I hope other pet owners see these reviews before they subject their dogs to that ** poison.

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    Reviewed Nov. 16, 2018

    Our 5 lb. chihuahua has never had a stomach issue in the 2 years we have had her, she has an iron stomach. I purchased some Greenies Teenies, to help with her dental care. After a couple treats, spread out over several days, she began to get lethargic, was whining and not acting herself. The next day she refused food and had diarrhea with blood and mucus. After several hundred dollars of tests and medication, the vet could not come up with a determination. I started researching her symptoms online and was astounded to find sooo many reviews and complaints of pet owners who have had the same experience! I don’t know if it is cause by the type of wheat that they now make them with or what, but they are obviously toxic to a LARGE number of dogs and cats. Do not give these to your babies. I feel terrible for not researching these better before giving them to her.

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    Reviewed Nov. 12, 2018

    After two of our dogs became ill, we had to figure out what was the cause. After process of elimination, we realized we were still giving both of them their daily Greenies dental chew. Both continued to have severe diarrhea. As soon as we took them off the Greenies, their stool was normal & they were much better. I will never give my dogs these treats again. These treats are very expensive & I assumed safe since they are for dental purposes.

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    Reviewed Oct. 31, 2018

    Gave these to my 5 month old puppy and he had blood in his stool then it progressed to very bad diarrhea, I had no clue these would make him so sick. Hopefully he will be okay. I'm very nervous considering what I've read with the other reviews of dogs getting very sick. The vet sells these which is ** insane to me. Very pissed at this company for providing such a toxic product for dogs.

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    Reviewed Oct. 28, 2018

    I have been using Greenies Pill Pockets for the past few years for treats in the evening (one every evening). My Westie has had intermittent bloody diarrhea during that period and the Vet did not know what was causing it. It was really quite frightening and it took days and days of just chicken and rice and probiotics to get him over it each time. I now know without a doubt that Greenies Pill Pockets have been causing this reaction!!! I feed him nothing but whole cooked chicken and vegetables and no other treats!!! I will be complaining to Greenies Company and the FDA. If anyone would like to pursue a class action suit, please let me know. Thank you.

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    Reviewed Oct. 7, 2018

    My dog eats no table scraps. She only eats prescription dog food and is given no other treats. After getting Greenies in the mail, I decided to try them every now and then for her dental help. After a few days; my dog became very sick. I took her immediately to the doctor, pancreatitis. She was very ill and then only connection was Greenies. Don’t feed your dogs these treats!

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    Reviewed Oct. 1, 2018

    Starting giving my dog these treats daily to help his teeth about 3 months ago, He loves them haven’t noticed any bloody stool. However he has two tumors now under his right armpit. The vet says they’re lymphomas (fatty not cancerous) and I should cut down on processed food junk food. He doesn’t eat table scraps and he also is on Orijen (high protein) diet. The only change is this product clearly filled with toxins fillers and no good for daily consumption.

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    Reviewed Aug. 30, 2018

    My cat has to take 2-3 pills a day. We bought Greenies salmon-flavor pill pockets and he LOVED them. No problem getting him to take his pills. However, about halfway through the $7.99 pack of 45 pockets, he started refusing to eat them. So we tried the chicken flavor. He LOVED them. But again, about halfway through the bag, he began refusing them again. After the same thing with 2 more bags, it appears that once the bag is opened, they have a shelf-life of about 2-3 weeks. Wasting money. I wish they would sell them in bags of 20 for half the price! We are still using them since otherwise we would have to fight with Puma every day to get him to take the pills, but not happy about the wasted money. The leftovers that Puma won't eat get put out for the possum.

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    Reviewed Aug. 24, 2018

    Caused vomiting and extreme bleeding in the stomach for DAYS of my Shih Tzu. Made my dog extremely ill. After reading similar experiences, I can't believe they are still on the market. $850 in vet bills.

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    Reviewed Aug. 17, 2018

    What a horrid experience. Like so many others my cat became addicted to Greenies Catnip Dental Treats as if it was **, from the first morsel she was completely hooked and would howl like a banshee begging for as many treats as she could pry out of me. She also experienced a manic burst of energy after her very first treat like other cats whose stories appear here. After two days of treats having consumed about 25 or so in total she began producing torrents of completely liquified diarrhea. She also seemed to be experiencing abdominal discomfort which is no surprise with that kind of diarrhea. I immediately googled her situation and found this website with page after page of pet owners detailing their horrible, costly and sometimes even FATAL experiences with Greenies treats for both dogs and cats.

    I was beside myself with anguish that I may have unwittingly poisoned my beloved kitty and prayed that my mistake would not cause my cat needless pain and suffering, thousands of dollars in medical care and God forbid possibly her premature death! I immediately threw out the remaining Greenies. She still has diarrhea but less than before and she is eating bland cat food, holding it down and not vomiting, and is acting mostly normal so my hope is this will be out of her system in a few days without lasting negative effects. Please learn from my experience and those of so many others, do not purchase these products for your beloved pet, my cat’s crazed response to the first treat offered followed by massive intestinal distress speaks to serious quality control problems at best!

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    Reviewed Aug. 9, 2018

    I really wish I had read all of the negative reviews about this product before I ordered two bags from Amazon. The amount recommended by the manufacturer was about 12 treats per day. For about 4 days I gave my cat this amount. He started vomiting on the first day about two hours after ingesting. Cats vomit; I didn't think it was remarkable, though it was very rare for him to do so. There have been many fires, soaring temperatures and lots of smoke in the air in California, so I thought perhaps that was the problem. I continued giving the treats. My cat was also behaving strangely- he acted as if the Greenies were heroin; he would frantically yowl and lunge and climb the cupboards trying to get at them. He'd never rated that way to any good or treats. He lost interest in his food and pestered me for the Greenies, but I wouldn't give him more than the recommended amount, and eventually I began to suspect that the continued vomiting was associated.

    He did continue to eat his regular food but seemed to have little appetite for it, and ate less. On day 4 I caught him vomiting within 2 minutes of ingesting the Greenies. It finally clicked for me that just because he craved them did NOT mean that they were good for him! Junkies like crack too. I immediately stopped giving them to him. It's now been several days since he's had any Greenies, and he hasn't booked since the last time he had them. We still have fires and smoke and temperatures in the triple digits. Nothing else in his food, environment, or circumstances has changed. After going back and reading all the reviews, there is just too much empirical evidence for this to be coincidental. This company needs to do some serious investigation if this many cats have such similar adverse reactions. And perhaps a recall is in order until such time as the investigation is concluded.

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    Reviewed Aug. 1, 2018

    I was told by a friend that my dog's teeth are white as can be. I said are used to Greenies and she said, “They are very dangerous for your dog.” I now went on website and Consumer Affairs and realize that my two dogs which are Maltese mixes both get diarrhea once in a while and I couldn't figure out what the problem is. I realize sometimes they must be getting it from the Greenies I give them what I think is the best food and never any table food really. But I realize now it probably is the Greenies. I'm going to stop them even though they do make the teeth really white. I have to look into what is good for their teeth and not bad for their digestive system.

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    Reviewed July 22, 2018

    I am dealing with my 6 yr old 12 pound Havanase. She is sick and shaking. She has a bloody stool like raspberry jelly and bright red blood coming out of her rectum. I gave her one Greenie a day for 3 days but yesterday gave her two. She is not doing well. I’m hoping and praying from all the other reviews that she will be ok. No more Greenies! I would be on board for a lawsuit with the rest of you. Scared and mad.

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    Reviewed June 27, 2018

    All my cats go crazy for Greenies. I wish they were larger because my one cat swallows them whole! You cannot shake the box or they will hear it and come running. I often use the shake to find them when they are hiding.

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    Reviewed June 23, 2018

    I only purchased Greenies once. I wanted something to clean the tartar on my cat's teeth. The cats - all 9 of them - liked the Greenies, no questions asked, and that was enough for me. I would buy Greenies again.

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    Reviewed May 27, 2018

    My dog's favorite treat ever was Greenies and when she passed away a month ago, I adopted a rescue kitty. While getting things for Charlie, I noticed Greenies for cats so, of course, I bought some. He absolutely loves them too!!! Thanks so much for a healthy treat my babies actually love! The vet told me that Zoe (my dog) had the cleanest teeth he had ever seen on a Chihuahua and her breath didn't smell bad at all. I can't wait to see how great they work for Charlie. Thanks so much for your time and fantastic fur baby treats!!

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    Reviewed April 25, 2018

    I have been giving our 10 year old dachshund Greenies Teenies for a few years now with no issues. He absolutely loves them. However recently, beginning of this year 2018, he started having some digestive issues. Diarrhea, blood in stool, loose stool, mucus in stool, vomiting and skipping meals. After a few trips to the vet, blood and stool test, he came up normal. Otherwise active, happy, playful and drinking water fine. Our vet said sometimes they just have flare ups in the intestine, but because his test and physical exams were all good, he didn't think further work up was needed. I mean our dog is healthy. So I started becoming suspect of his food and other factors around the house. After playing around with portions, adding probiotic and giving rice and chicken, I began to think maybe his age was a factor. Some days poops were good and other days not so good.

    He was on and off having diarrhea and loose stool for a few months. THEN we ran out of Greenies last week, as Amazon wasn't able to deliver his order of Greenies for almost a 7 days. Louie, the dog, 14 lbs, gets one or two teenies a day after his walks. Since he never turned one down, even when he was feeling his lousiest, I didn't suspect them at first. However after going on a week without a Greenies, his poops were at all time great. Solid, great color, easy to pick up and no straining. I thought the probiotic were helping, the organic chicken in his homemade chicken and rice or maybe his senior gut was having a good week! But... then Amazon delivered the Greenies and in the past two days Louie has enjoyed one Greenie teenie a day after his walks... and guess what. His diarrhea is back, he didn't eat breakfast today and looks pretty droopy overall. He had a loose stool in the am, then watery diarrhea this afternoon with lots of straining.

    So I would highly suspect the Greenies and as of this post am done with this treat. I'm not saying Greenies is bad, but somewhere along the years either the formula doesn't agree with him or he created an allergy against them. All I know is that the week without them, his poops were great. The general consensus is that Greenies changed their formula as many dogs were having issues digesting the treat, in some cases Greenies becoming lodged in throats. Especially when dogs who love the treat inhale them lol. So I guess to fix that issue, they made a new formula to better dissolve the treat and that may be our issue, the newer formula does not agree with our little Louie. Oh well Greenies, we had a good run. On to find a kinder treat for my pup.

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    Reviewed April 24, 2018

    We have an 8 year old German Shepherd. We started to give him Greenies approx. 2 years ago. He has a sensitive stomach, so it took some time for us to realize the vomiting was being caused by the Greenies. This is an assumption, not something our vet told us. We looked into his food, the amount of food we were feeding. Enough/not enough. Like many of the other reviewers, we are very selective when it comes to our dog's diet. Our dog gobbles the treat down so quickly then soon after will throw up. I have noticed that the pieces are whole, even if he throws up the next day. Again, this is our observation. We cut the Greenies from his diet one week ago, and he hasn't thrown up once.

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    Reviewed March 29, 2018

    I have been feeding my 3 year old Chi 1 Greenie a day for 3 months. She LOVES them, and she has not yet had any issues. Two weeks ago I adopted an 8 month old Chi, so I began giving him a Greenie when his sister gets her treat. I noticed right away that he didn't gobble them up the way his sister does, but I thought it might be because he is so young. I give both my dogs the best food I know of, and they drink lots of water. My baby began have loose stools, then diarrhea. This morning I found loose stool all over my house and my puppy is scratching his skin everywhere. His Vet can't see him for 2 more days, so my only option, if this gets worse, is the Emergency Vet, which is horribly expensive.

    Obviously I'm tossing the bag of Greenies and hopefully the sickness will subside very soon. I am kicking myself for being so stupid as to give him these treats. A simple little treat seemed so harmless, but his symptoms are exactly like those described by countless others here. This can't be a coincidence. I am just sick that I trusted what it said on the label of these treats (that I purchased at my Vet!) and didn't even think twice about using them.

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    Reviewed March 18, 2018

    My dog, a five year old Doberman, has a very bad reaction to these treats (Greenies Dental Treats Grain Free). I cook all his food and he has no other food, so I know nothing else is the cause. I introduced one of the treats two weeks ago and he had vomiting (moderate) and a rash that covered his body and inflamed his gums. He was mad with the itches. He scratched so much that he has ripped a chunk out of his neck. He never normally scratches and he does have fleas or anything. I must be really stupid because I thought yesterday, let's just be sure that that was really the cause and I gave him another one. Same reaction. My poor boy. He really can't tolerate these. I'm throwing the rest in the bin now. The packet says all the right things, they are good for him, vet recommended, delicious, nutritious, easy to digest - well, this just isn't true for my dog. The rash, vomiting and dry reaching lasts for 2-3 days. I'm just sorry I fed it to him twice.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed March 8, 2018

    My 8 pound chihuahua pug mix Molly was given a teeny Greenie one morning recently and was crying in pain a few hours later. Two vet visits later and $500 dollars spent, the treat wasn't digesting properly. She was miserable for almost a week and had to take medication and constantly watched for symptoms. I will never buy this product again, I hope no one else has to go through this with their dog.

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    Reviewed March 1, 2018

    My 8 lb chihuahua loved Greenies tiny size. Teeth were clean and breath fresh. Never a problem until it went from original shape to the toothbrush shape!! I have tried at least 6 flavors. Hates them all!!! They are expensive had to give them away. So very disappointed!!! My dog still looks for this treat!! Why couldn't they make the original shape and the toothbrush shape, sad. SHAME. Lost a good customer!!

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    Reviewed Feb. 28, 2018

    I would of rated this 2 stars if it didn't work in the past, but when I had a dog (corgi), he loved Greenies and never got sick. However, I now have a 2 year old cat, and so I bought her these treats, the chicken flavored ones, thinking I'd have the same experience with her as I did with my dog. She ended up vomiting blood and parts of the treat everywhere! At first I thought it was the water since I put her back on tap water instead of bottled, but once I took her off the treats as well, she was fine. A few weeks later, she had bottled water, same food, just her typical diet, so I decided to feed her a treat. The next day, same bloody vomit. I will not be buying these anymore for my cat, or any future pet after I read the reviews.

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    Reviewed Feb. 24, 2018

    My dog took Greenies pill pockets and started having diarrhea and vomit. This morning she had blood in her stools. We brought her to the vet and she was very dehydrated, they have to give her anti nausea and anti diarrhea medication. They had to give her some fluids in her skin. We will have to give her frequent meals of rice and chicken for several days and add two additional medications. This was very disturbing to me as I thought we had to put her down. Will never use this product again.

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    Reviewed Dec. 19, 2017

    We purchased Greenies for our Pug and French bulldog in hopes to care for their teeth long term. The first evening one was throwing up and had violent diarrhea, and continued then after each daily treat. Thinking it was just the French Bulldog's system, I continued with the Pug only to have the same reactions, and getting worse each day after. Violent diarrhea, nausea and sick pets!!!

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    Reviewed Nov. 5, 2017

    I have been giving my two lil dogs Teenie Greenies as an occasional treat for over ten years and they absolutely love them! Last ones were Pumpkin Spice and they were ecstatic about the flavor. I have NEVER had an issue with bugs or moths so people please always check your dates and product packaging. I have however found bugs in human cereal, now that truly is disgusting! But I contribute that that employees not rotating stock or checking expired dates. I will however say that if offered or eaten too frequently; Greenies can cause loose stools as is true of anything consumed too quickly, but we've never really had this issue. Greenies meet AAFCO and VOHC standards and offer satisfaction guarantee.

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed Oct. 7, 2017

    My dog's favorite treat is a Greenie but I am not sure I will ever buy them again. They grow maggots that turn into little moths that will eat your clothes. GROSS!! I thought it was a fluke but after 3 bags I am convinced it is not how or where I keep them but the treats themselves. I have ordered them online from Petco and Dr. Fosters and always the Teenie Weight Management Greenie. My last order was from

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    Reviewed Sept. 8, 2017

    I'm one of those cat owners that believed my cat was throwing up due to aging. This was happening 2 - 3 times per month but he was healthy in every other regard. He can be a fussy eater and refused to eat his wet food. I started giving him more Greenies because he always loved them. Recently he was in distress and I brought him to the emergency vet. He was having trouble urinating. There was no blockage or crystals. Antibiotics were finished and he seemed great. Then another sudden attack and back to the vet. Once again, he had x-rays and testing with no determined reason for his reactions. He started throwing up daily, now 4 - 5 times per day.

    I've been terrified and was told he would have to go back for even more tests. I started to do a lot of research online and finally realized that the Greenies might be hurting him. His symptoms seemed to indicate either Irritable Bowel Disease or Cancer. Greenies are full of gluten. I've cut him off of the Greenies. No more throwing up. He is now doing very well. While I can't say that the Greenies caused the other issues with any certainty it does have me wondering. Reading all the other reviews has really opened up my eyes.

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    Reviewed Sept. 3, 2017

    I just read the reviews on Greenies products after starting to search for answers for what was going on with both my poor dogs. We added the Pill Pockets to their routine after trying to get them to take their regular pills with cheese or bread and having to redo a few of the attempts each day. Sadly within a week our 3.5 year old Shar Pei became very ill. She spiked a fever, became lethargic, was visibly having difficulty. Her kidney levels and glucose had crashed. Her liver was enlarged and presented with pancreatitis.

    Unfortunately, she didn't make it. I didn't put this together with the Pill Pockets until our second dog began to present with the same symptoms; lethargy, soft stool, high fever, lowered appetite, and mild unresponsiveness. Thankfully we were able to turn the symptoms around much faster and he seems to be doing much better. I can't think of a single other item that would link these two different dogs' bizarre symptoms together other than the Pill Pockets. I really warn people not to use these at all!

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    Reviewed Aug. 4, 2017

    I just purchased a 12oz bag of Bursting Blueberry Greenies in Petite for my two dogs. As I pulled one out of the bag to give to my 11 month old puppy I noticed there were little maggots crawling all over it. I'm shocked and disgusted. I purchased this bag from my local Petco store where I always buy their treats. I will never be buying this brand of treats again!

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    Reviewed July 27, 2017

    I gave my Jack-Chi, a 3 month old puppy a Greenies as a treat. When at Petco, they recommended I buy it and I had no idea it is indigestible. Why would anyone sell or recommend buying a product that causes your pet to get sick? It's shameful! Her vomit is green and pasty and she is in the hospital and the bill is going to be upwards of $830.

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    Reviewed July 26, 2017

    Our healthy indoor Maine Coon cat became extremely ill in just a matter of weeks and was diagnosed with liver disease jaundice. The only change to his diet was the addition of Feline Greenies. In doing our research we have found hundreds of other pet owners who have had similar health issues with their dogs and cats by feeding your Company's poison to our pets. We have over $1000 in vet bills with more on the way and our cat has a 50% chance that he will recover. We have all intentions in filing a complaint against your Company and starting litigation. We are aware that your Company has had multiple recalls on your products regarding health concerns but you continue to push your poison for the sake of profits. You should be ashamed.

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    Reviewed May 21, 2017

    This week I received 4 free Greenies with $4.00 coupon. I have a Boston, Frenchie and Chihuahua. Gave the Boston and Frenchie half a small Greenie and Chihuahua a pinch. Diarrhea everywhere! Been giving them Pepto every time they have a watery mess. If not better tomorrow they will be going to vet. I don't have extra money to spend but they are my babies. I will not ever use their products again. My Boston is 14 1/2 yrs old and could easily die from this. Don't support this business. I immediately got online and read the bad reviews. Should have read it before I gave them to the pups. They should be taken off the market.

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    Reviewed May 16, 2017

    My dad has been giving his 6-year-old Shih Tzu the Greenies treats and she has been having stomach problems on and off since they started them. Two days ago she began to vomit repeatedly. After a day of the vomiting, thinking she just had a tummy bug, she began to vomit blood and had blood in her stool. She is now in the vet hospital and has had testing, is on IV fluids, ** for pain and antibiotics. She is set to have exploratory surgery later today because the barium test showed that she has a blockage. My dad was informed it is likely these treats as she does not get anything else that would form a blockage of that sort.

    I am very disappointed that a treat that is supposed to be good for them can cause such harm. I have read many reviews where it has caused problems from stomach issues to even death. I will be looking further into the complaints and making reports to the agencies who are in charge of these treats being on the shelves. If there is anything I can do to prevent anyone else experiencing what my mom and dad are going through right now with their baby girl, I will certainly do it. Please do not give your pets these treats! Recalled once and put back on the shelves should be a sign!

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    Reviewed May 9, 2017

    We've been giving these "dental" treats (Greenies dog mints) to our dog for over a year. 2 months ago she started throwing up and having diarrhea. We took her to the vet, had blood work, X-rays etc ($400). Nothing conclusive from Xray or blood work. Changed her diet to a different dog food, same problem. The vet suggested cooked chicken breast and rice only. So any treats, including the Greenies were removed from her diet. After a day or two, she started getting her energy back and appetite. Not vomiting or diarrhea. We continued this diet for 12 days then introduced Greenies. That night she started vomiting again, wouldn't eat and would only take water.

    Today she is going back to the vet ($???). We're taking this list to the Vet to get her thoughts on it. If she concurs that this is the most likely cause, then she may be able to spread the word to her clients and the veterinarian association. We'll probably send our remaining Greenies to the University for analysis. Results will be posted on this site.

    Bottomline, it is apparent our dog is being poisoned. The source of the poison seems fairly solid. If our dog survives this, we'll NOT be using this product again, nor any from the company that produces this product. If you decide to risk your pet with this product, please watch for personality changes. If the pet has diarrhea and vomiting after you started giving this product to your pet, stop immediately. And I suggest you post your experience in this venue.

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    Reviewed May 9, 2017

    I have one of these dental treats to my puppy who immediately had diarrhea with black stools!!! He is very lethargic today also. If we know this product has caused so many issues, why is it still on the market!!! I wish I had read reviews before buying this crap! My 13 week puppy is sick due to this crap! I am disgusted by the website still selling it and company still making it!!!

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    Reviewed April 9, 2017

    Our min pin had plaque on his teeth, and Greenies helped to clean it off. He has been eating one per day for many months and has no adverse effect from them. In fact, I used it as a prompt to get him in the house if he does not want to come in. Greenies affect every dog differently just like certain foods affect humans differently. When our cocker spaniel was alive, she was given one per day also and did very well with them. All I can say is that our pets did and do well on Greenies.

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    Reviewed April 3, 2017

    This product is a good example of how companies rely on the trust of the pet owning public, who generally do not know enough about nutrition for their cats and dogs. That lack of information allows companies to tell blatant lies about their cheaply made, overpriced products that negatively affect our pets. I went to the Greenies website because I had heard about the dental treats for cats. Can hardly believe how the many lies they tell about just one product.

    First, Greenies do not, cannot clean teeth. Most cats swallow this kind of treat whole; in the same way that they eat dry food for cats. If cats do chew them; the mush that is made from chewing these treats sticks to their teeth and does the opposite of "maintain good dental care" which is the exact wording of the ad. And worst still it also says: "Our #1 vet-recommended feline dental treat* is the only V.O.H.C.-accepted feline treat for tartar reduction."

    Second, the contents of these treats certainly do not "offer complete nutrition", which is the exact wording of the ad. Four of the first five ingredients should never be fed to cats: rice flour, wheat flour, corn meal gluten and oat fibre. They are all carbs. As we know, cats are obligate carnivores and have no nutritional need for any of those ingredients. They make cats fat. Before I learned a bit about reading labels, I would have seen this ad and brought home Greenies to my cats, because the marketing is so very good.a

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    Reviewed March 6, 2017

    I have two Malteses. 9lb boy and 5lb female. After a dental cleaning at the vet it was recommended to get a dental chew. Teenie Greenies, which both dogs loved. However, my boy, got sick and had diarrhea on the bed the morning after the greenies. I waited two weeks and last night repeated the greenies trial and this morning the bed was covered in diarrhea. This product absolutely caused the boy Maltese to have stomach issues. At the very least put a warning on the product that it may cause stomach problems. I'm glad I did some online research and hope to warn others about this product.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Feb. 15, 2017

    The package of the feline dental treats says 24 treats per day based on my cat's weight. As confirmed by the company this is the absolute maximum amount to provide, but label does not say that. They are clearly trying to have you give your pet as many as possible as a marketing ploy so you have to buy more. My vet said this amount is a meal, not a treat and that they too are confounded by the misleading and dangerous label. I called the company and they indeed said it is a max amount but again it's not on the label.

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    Reviewed Feb. 14, 2017

    First off I would like to say not every treat works the same with every dog. I do believe that animals may be sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in treats so the outcome may be different for someone else with their pet. However I have never had an issue with the Greenies dental treats. I prefer the fresh mint for my English bulldog Mocha. She has had them since we brought her home as a puppy and she is now 2. We don't give them to her daily or weekly but every now and then we will get them for her cause they are pricey and she loves them. I would recommend to start off with a piece of one if you're gonna try them with your pet to make sure they don't get diarrhea like the other reviews say to make sure they don't bother your pet. That goes for any treat that you try new. And to also get the right size for your pet. We got a size smaller, Good luck.

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    Reviewed Feb. 5, 2017

    I am very upset with the company of Greenies. I am convinced that product gave my 1 year old teddy bear vomiting and diarrhea which also led to a GI bleed! It's so upsetting knowing that a product designed as a treat--that is also said to "help" your dog ends up causing so much pain and distress---not to mention cost a fortune! I will never buy another Greenies product and will warn others of the dangers.

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    Reviewed Jan. 21, 2017

    After reading the horrible reviews on Greenies Dog Treats I felt compelled to share my experience. My pup will be 2 in April and we have given him Greenies since he was 6 months old without a single problem. First I would like to point out that I have never tried the pill pockets or any cat treats. We have used the original Greenies for dogs, grain free, blueberry and fresh mint. They have been nothing but wonderful. Every time we take our dog to the vet they tell us his teeth look perfect and have no plaque buildup after 2 years. I would also like to mention, there are size guidelines on which Greenies you should give to your dog based on size. They recommend not giving them more than one per day but I would introduce them slowly if your dog has never had them before.

    I would also recommend if your dog has grain free food or any allergies to get them the grain free version because our dog is also grain free and if we aren't able to find the grain free version we will get the regular. It doesn't hurt him since it's not his actual food but he does get some gas from it. Overall a wonderful product and has never caused our dog any problems. They're a bit pricey but they are worth it considering I can still let my pup lick me without holding my breath.

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    Reviewed Dec. 26, 2016

    Here's my Greenies story. I decided to try Greenies duck & pea pill pockets. My dog takes pills four times a day for her heart. What a mistake! Day two of pure diarrhea! She feels horrible. This is the only thing that I added different in her diet for the past 8 years. I feel sure this is the problem. This will be the last time I will use Greenies anything! Looks like a vet visit is in our near future!

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    Reviewed Dec. 25, 2016

    I bought the Greenies dental treats for my two cats. They both have been throwing up for 5 days!! Green slime and blood in puke. These treats went straight in the garbage. This company disgusts me!

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    Reviewed Dec. 20, 2016

    I gave Tanner, my 3-year old lab mix one little Greenies today, regretfully. He's lying on me now, stomach making all kinds of ruckus. I pray he's okay! Never Again and I'll advise everyone I know to Never, Never, Never give this product to their animals!!!

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    Reviewed Dec. 19, 2016

    I recently decided to step up my dog's dental care. Thought Greenies would help. Gave him his first one last night. He gobbled it up. He is very small, 5 pounds, and uses a wee wee pad. I have spent all morning today cleaning up after a lot of diarrhea, some with blood in it. Then I went online and saw all the negative reviews. NEVER AGAIN. Very ticked that his health was put at risk over this clearly dubious product.

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    Reviewed Dec. 13, 2016

    First time giving my dog (lab) this Greenies pill pocket and 3 days later she will not stop drooling!! Laying on the couch sleeping and there's a pool under her. NEVER happened before until I gave her leaves!! EFFF them never again! DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!! Make your own. It's healthier and it will help you and your pet in the long run (vet bills)... which I did. I threw the bag away after this and started making my own. Up to you guys. Take my advice or leave it. I already went through my vet bills. Guess I really love my dog!!!

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    Reviewed Dec. 2, 2016

    I have a beautiful healthy active Pomeranian a few years ago. When she was 3, in the afternoon I fed her one of the teenie greenies, that night she seemed off. I could tell she wasn't feeling well. First thing the next morning she threw up. It was full of undigested bits of the greenie. Then she pooped green slim and then she started crying and circling and laying down and getting up to circle some more. Fearing impaction I took her straight to the vet. They did an Xray and thank God there was no impaction but her whole stomach and digestive tract was inflamed! She cried and was in horrible pain!

    I had a $250 vet bill and my sweet puppy kept looking at me desperate for me to stop her pain! I felt so helpless! She threw up and pooped green for most of the day. And even when that stopped she kept crying and was obviously hurting! It took several days for her to pull through that and then she began acting like she was going into kidney failure!! I nursed her through that with some herbal help and lots of prayers! Thank God she pulled through!

    I am furious with this company because as I began researching to see if anyone else has had this problem I'm finding that many people have lost their pets after feeding this product! Not just impaction but Kidney failure and liver failure! Dogs who like mine were perfectly healthy before being given this "treat" I know they are aware of it (it seems to be primarily small dogs that are having these issues) because they have had to pay for some of the vet bills yet they continue to market to them! I tried to Pursue getting them to pay my vet bill and they tried to say it was because she was in heat! She had never done it before or since!! This was clearly due to the greenie! This is company irresponsible and criminal! I want to warn people about the product and this company's Complete lack of reasonable care for the danger their product presents to our pets!!

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    Reviewed Nov. 3, 2016

    I've been trying to figure out why my dog got immediate diarrhea the other night after eating a Greenie and has been sick ever since. I didn't connect it to the Greenie, but finally decided to start googling. We just thought it'd be a tasty treat when we were perusing the health food pet store on Sunday night while waiting for a table at a nearby restaurant, so we bought one and gave it to him. He devoured it immediately. And almost as immediately as the last crumb had been eaten off the floor, he had terrible diarrhea. That was Sunday night. It's now Wednesday night. We have awoken every morning to him and his crate covered in **. He has probably had six baths since then, as it gets in his hair. Poor baby goes out to the lawn and strains and strains and strains for fifteen minutes at a time.

    Finally tonight I followed him out and picked through the diarrhea and found a rubber looking bit. I brought it in and rinsed it off and played with it. Sure enough, it was a Greenie bit. Now, he ate a big Greenie. So good Lord how much more of that is stuck in his digestive tract?? :( :( :( This morning, we awoke to him yelping and shrieking. So it's causing him a lot of pain. Tonight when I picked the Greenie bit out, I'm pretty sure he had more stuck in his rectum because he started scooting and barking a little.

    My poor sweet baby. He is the cutest. He is a red sable border collie puppy - so fluffy and cute and playful. He is extra fluffy now with all the baths. Still playful, so it's not killing him yet. But now I'm freaking out because I know there is a LOT of Greenie in him, and we're going on four days of straining for 20 mins at a time, barely anything coming out. BUYER BEWARE! Only give your dog a little bit to see how he/she handles it -- or just skip it all together. Why do they even need freaking Greenies??

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    Reviewed Oct. 15, 2016

    My 11 year old chihuahua had a greenie and immediately after he was having really bad diarrhea and he wouldn't lie down or sit. It is the second time this happens after he's had a greenie. I will not buy these anymore and I don't recommend anyone buy them either. After two days my chi is still acting weird and having trouble sleeping and he doesn't want to drink water. I am super scared and hope this passes soon. Hate to see him like this. I don't want anyone to contact me and I'm not placing a complaint at this time. I am just providing a review.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 13, 2016

    So we never before bought these treats. However one of our dogs got into some really nasty smelling stuff and we wanted to get her breath fresher. The treats were bought for a 12 year old lab mix but since our 12 year old Australian Cattle dog was with her at the time he got one as well. This is the only thing he was given that can account for what happened next (no rat poison in the house, no spoiled anything around and no he did not get into that nasty smelling stuff with the other dog). This treat was given to him around 7:00 PM, the next morning we found him in the fenced in back yard, that is open to him through a hatch in the house wall, very unresponsive and it was highly unusual for him to be in the back yard by himself.

    We had to go to work but when we came home that day he was still in the exact same spot and was now completely lethargic and drooling slightly. He was taken to the vet at that point, he had to be carried in, during the exam it was found that he had blood in his stool (he soiled himself) and they put him on an IV and started him on fluids. The next morning he still had blood in his stool and he was vomiting blood. Good thing he was in the Animal Hospital or I think he would have died. He fortunately improved and he could come home that late afternoon. He never ever had Greenies before and most definitively will never get them again. Now the other dog they were originally bought for was just fine and yes her breath was a lot better. It seems to me by reading the other reviews that giving your dog or cat Greenies is like playing Russian roulette with your pets live.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 11, 2016

    The only reason I didn't write this product as a one star, is because it actually worked the first time I used it. Like many other reviewers, I have several pets (cats). Last night, I tried to give one of my cats Pepcid inside the pill pocket. She refused to eat it. So, I removed the pill and gave it to her, then attempted to give the empty pocket as a treat to one of my other cats. He ate it before we all went to bed around 9:30 in the evening. By about 5:45 this morning, I awoke to hearing him throwing up. He threw up approximately seven times in about a half hour timeframe. It started with his partially digested dinner, and he kept throwing up until it was just brown bile. I was mortified! Shortly thereafter, he used the litter box, and drank some water. Fortunately, he has been fine ever since. (He's otherwise healthy, and only almost two years old. I think this factored greatly into his speedy recovery.)

    As this all occurred before regular hours for my local vet, I tried looking up a prognosis online. I quickly found all of these reviews, which confirmed my suspicion that the pill pocket had made him sick. The only reason I thought it was safe to give to him in the first place, was because I saw my vet give an empty pocket to one of my cats on a recent visit. And, it was a pill pocket for dogs no less! As mentioned, I am very fortunate that my baby boy is okay. However, I believe Greenies can avoid a lot of these issues, if they would simply put an extra warning label on the package: only use when administering medication. Please exercise caution when using this product. As for me, I will be returning the leftovers, and will not be using it again in the future. Consumer beware!

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    Reviewed Sept. 27, 2016

    My little Blue Chi had very bad breath but his teeth were fine. Vet could not find anything that was causing it! My neighbor brought him a Greenies and he loves them and it's the only treat he will touch. I have wasted so much money on all the other name brands and he would not touch them. But oh he loves his Greenies and his breath smells great now and he has not been sick or lost any weight while being on them! I am on a fixed income but my little man will have his Greenies regardless! Oh and my neighbor's little Chi loves them too, both are 8 years old and very healthy!

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    Reviewed Sept. 21, 2016

    Saw numerous mixed reviews, wanted to add my two cents... I have a 3 year old rescue dog, and give him a Petite Greenies chew (1 a day); he loves them, breath is fresh, retards tartar. Also have needed to give him medications, so has been receiving them in Hickory Smoked flavor Pill Pockets (pill size), I fit both small pills in one pocket, and he takes it readily with no problem. I limit his treats because he was overweight when I adopted him; I noticed that a number of the other reviews mention giving numerous treats (4-8) a day; I wonder if that's part of their problem. So far, we've had none; my previous dog (died at age 14) also loved her Greenies chew.

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    Reviewed Sept. 10, 2016

    Our local veterinary clinic recommended the Greenies treats for my cats and dog. It became a fun ritual to watch my kitties run downstairs to my room each night at bedtime for the much anticipated and readily consumed greenies treat - they LOVED these, BUT, feeding them (recently mostly the hairball and skin and fur aid varieties) to my precious babies came with a cost - perhaps the greatest one of all. As I write this my 8 year old pixiebob kitty is fighting for her life. I have been giving these treats for over a year and never before connected the frequent vomiting that my Abyssinian (whose breed presents commonly with digestive issues) to the treats.

    Recently the vomiting worsened and then my pixiebob started in expelling green sometimes frothy bilious fluid - then both cats developed severe diarrhea. Finally desperate for answers I stopped the greenies cold turkey. This week my Abyssinian had constant diarrhea for 3 days and is just now able to go 3 hours or more without running to the litter box in attempt to eliminate. I realize now he was wanting to eat so frequently before because he was most likely experiencing cramping. I treated him with homeopathic arsenicum (commonly used when there has been poisoning) and he is doing much better now. My pixiebob however has become bloated and lethargic. This is really scary and I feel very stupid for not having made the connection between the treats and all the vomiting and diarrhea before now.

    Add my name to the long list below exhibiting same/similar patterns. BUYER BEWARE! In hindsight on an intuitive level I was suspicious of something that was so addictive and conveniently "nutritious". I know better now. If I had the funds and good health myself I'd look into organizing a class action lawsuit. I approached the local feed store that sells them and the vet clinic and they both turned a blind eye seemingly willing to accept the commonplace poisons present in most commercial pet foods.

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    Reviewed Aug. 23, 2016

    I suspect Greenies has been causing diarrhea, lack of appetite, and vomiting in my white German Shepherd, a healthy 2 year old male. He was on Greenies (one single large one every day) for about two weeks before we stopped giving it to him. This is not a dog who wolfs down food or treats. He is picky, eats daintily and pretty slow compared to most other dogs, so I know he wasn't swallowing whole chunks of Greenies.

    There was no other change in his strict diet (eating same brand of high quality dog food for 2 months), and he is up to date on all his vaccinations and is on Heartgard and Comfortis and has been for years (so parasites and other preventive illnesses are not the issue). Once we stopped the Greenies, he was back to eating. No more diarrhea and throwing up. We will just have to just stick with the yearly dental cleanings at the vet.

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed July 18, 2016

    Angel, our domestic shorthair, just LOVED her Greenies, but only three given to her each morning (more recommended on company container) turned her into a hog cat! After purchasing Greenies for the second time, I couldn't help but notice that Angel was rapidly gaining weight so I stopped feeding them to her. Feline Greenies to the dumpster!!! Given a little time off the stuff, I'm happy to report that Angel is eating much less and is loosing weight. We will NEVER purchase Greenies again.

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    Reviewed July 12, 2016

    I decided to add my thoughts here. Buddy, my 12 year old Bengal cat suddenly over the last week started acting strange. He would just lay down and salivate, eyes glazed over. Then he started vomiting and finally had a real bad episode where he vomited, urinated in place and then fell over breathing heavy and just laid there. Took him to the vet $$$ and his physical checked out fine and we are waiting on blood work. Talking to my wife about it we realized that the only thing that changed was his cat treats and each time he threw up there was green foam and sometimes most of the greenie treat. We threw out the treats needless to say. I'll mention to my vet this new information. Will never buy this stuff again. We have another Bengal who wouldn't touch the treats and he is just fine (smart cat!). Everything else they share the same, water, food etc. Terrible product! I never thought to Google this product before giving it to him. Feel terrible for what I put him through.

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    Reviewed June 20, 2016

    I actually came here looking for a cheaper alternative for the Pill Pockets but felt compelled to give a good review when I saw all the horror stories. My cat loves these (he's missing most of his teeth so it's probably related to them being soft) so we've ended up using them as treats. He's never had any adverse reactions to them, so I have to wonder if the other reviewers have really sensitive pets or are making correlation into causation incorrectly. So, I recommend them. Maybe get a smaller packet when first trying them to see if your pet is allergic/whatever.

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    Reviewed June 18, 2016

    OK so seems it's scare mommy week... Yesterday I once again went to a pet food store to find some chews that are GOOD and healthy for Maggy. The girl there did say stay away from white rawhide coz bleached so gave me confidence she knew what she was talking about. She suggested Greenies and a natural Deer antler piece... went for both. Last night she chewed on the antler. All was fine. This afternoon, after her lunch and since it says it helps clean teeth, I gave her the Greenie and THANK GOD since she has really powerful back teeth, I was holding it so she didn't choke on any pieces. As I suspected, she chewed off within 5 minutes a couple chunks size of peas which she gulped down. So I took it away... Sandy even licked the stuff!

    About 15 minutes later, Maggy jumps off the bed (what a sweetheart) and throws up her food AND the 4-5 pea size pieces of Greenies :/ Regular regurgitation with no foam or nothing but I came here right away to google those things and what do I find? THIS series of posts and scary stories. Needless to say it is in the GARBAGE (she had only gone through maybe a 10th of the medium size bone) and I'm sharing this in case some use those. Can't believe they sell them. And no they aren't made in China (I checked for that); made in the US :/ Which usually is safe... Ugh... Now she after the throwing up she was not like all those stories here (lethargic and all probably because unlike them, she didn't eat many or for long time). She even ran and played in the yard, drank water and played with her toys and is now sleeping soundly by my side... Fingers crossed this was all... Please do NOT buy those people. :(

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    Reviewed June 16, 2016

    I took my 3 month old German Shepherd puppy to the vet for her vaccinations yesterday. They use the greenies pill pockets and smoosh them on the counter so she'll be distracted while they check her and give her shots. They used like 4 or 5. About 40 mins later she vomited a huge amount. We were in the car so I passed it off as car sickness since we were driving around. We got home and about an hour later she vomited again. My poor baby had bouts of vomiting and diarrhea the rest of the day and night. The diarrhea was like a greenish slime. Poor baby was uncomfortable all night. She would not eat or drink anything. I would put water on my fingers to get her to lick it off.

    Thank God she seems to be doing better today. No more vomiting or diarrhea and she did drink some water and ate some food. I'm going to call my vet and let them know about her experience and give them this website so they can read all the comments. They use these during their exams and they sell them in their lobby area. I will NEVER give these to her again. I just hope there's no long term damage.

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    Reviewed June 11, 2016

    My cat apparently discovered a Greenies cat treat that the previous tenants left behind. He was extremely lethargic, had a fever, puking food then foam, and had diarrhea like water for a day. He improved over the next 6 days then started acting lethargic again, vomited lots of food, then vomited a Greenies followed by more foam. He immediately went in front of his litter box and had watery diarrhea that stunk up the entire house. I would not have made much of a connection if it had not been for everyone else also reporting the adverse effects it had on their animals so thank you! He had to be given fluids but is feeling much better after getting that thing out of his system!! I'd still like to know where he found it!

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    Reviewed May 30, 2016

    After 3 days our 7-year-old Chow Chow is very sick, vomiting and diarrhea. This really is bad.

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    Reviewed May 12, 2016

    Currently trying to report the lack of use of the metal detector at Wild Flavors Erlanger, KY 41018. They make the dry ingredients which go into the product. I understand this is not for human consumption, but should be regulated somehow. Maybe explain all these animals getting sick. Went through chain of command at work. They are extremely retaliatory. Enough said.

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    Reviewed May 1, 2016

    I started noticing that every time my cat would eat the salmon flavored Greenies she would throw up about an hour later. After seeing all of the other reviews I am going to throw these out. Thank goodness it wasn't worse.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed April 25, 2016

    We have been giving our two dogs (a 12 yr. old Boxer and a 12 yr. old Pomchi) Greenies dog treats for about 5 years. However, recently after our dogs became sick the last 2 times we gave them Greenies, I'm sure that there is now a problem with an ingredient(s) in these dog treats. A couple of weeks ago both dogs became sick a day after eating a Greenies each. The symptoms were exactly as other reviewers stated (lethargy, vomiting, weakness, etc). At the time I didn't connect the symptoms to Greenies because they never had a bad reaction after eating them before... Until now.

    Just earlier this evening I gave them both a Greenies (the Large size for our 75 lb. Boxer and the Teenie size for our 4.5 lb. Pomchi). An hour after eating them our Boxer became lethargic and began breathing heavy. Suddenly he collapsed and then quickly got up again. Right now he seems alright but I'll be keeping a close watch on both dogs tonight and tomorrow. I don't think that my experience and that of other reviewers is a coincidence since the symptoms are all similar. Hopefully the manufacturer and/or the FDA, USDA, FTC will initiate an investigation to determine the cause of so many pets becoming sick after ingesting Greenies. Until then Buyer Beware!

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    Reviewed April 21, 2016

    My healthy 2.5 years old indoors only cat died this Monday after we tried to save her in the emergency hospital for three days and three nights. She started hiding from us one night which was very unusual, and then she threw up white foamy liquid. We took her to the hospital this night but they said she was ok. Next day she started having bloody stool. We took her to the hospital again where they did many tests of stool, blood and radiology testing but all results came back fine. The only thing they noted was that her blood did not clot. After that she started spiraling into very bad lethargic state and had bloody diarrhea. Her symptoms were similar to rat poison ingestion which was absolutely impossible because she is indoor only cat and we do not have it. All genetics disorders also highly unlikely because she did not have this problem earlier. She died later after three days and three nights of blood and plasma transfusions to stop her bleeding.

    After thinking about what might have caused it and researching internet I can say that Greenies her favorite treat might have caused it. We were given her Greenies but in small quantities about 6-8 treats a day for about a year because I thought it was the max. But then my son read the label again and said we can give her more up to 18 and we started to give her more just recently because she loved them so very much. This was the only thing we did differently with her last couple weeks. After reading about all the reaction on Greenies other animals had I am almost sure Greenies caused it. I just want people to know how dangerous it might be to their pets. Unfortunately Amazon has rave reviews of this product which might be deadly.

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    Reviewed April 18, 2016

    I have a seven year old Yorkie. I have been giving her Greenies daily for at least four years. She has frequent bouts of throwing up a yellow foam and occasional diarrhea but I didn't think much about it. Last week she got sick and it has continued. Won't eat or drink, lethargic, vomiting anything she does eat. But she would eat her Greenies. I did not give her one yesterday and today she is eating, seems more active but still appears uncomfortable. I decided to research Greenies and found all the review that are so similar to what I have experienced. I am not going to give her anymore Greenies and since I buy the large box, I am going to return them to PetSmart for a refund.

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    Reviewed March 18, 2016

    My cats absolutely love Greenies, and they've been eating them for six years. Never vomiting - and my boy has a sensitive stomach. He vomits up high quality food, so he only eats Wellness or Organix now - wet only. The only reason I didn't give them 5 stars is because they're sooo addictive. My cats cry for them as soon as they've finished dinner every night and every time I open the cabinet where they're kept, they come tearing into the kitchen like maniacs.

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    Reviewed March 11, 2016

    I have two cats and began giving these treats to them about a year ago. Yes, it's true... they did love them. HOWEVER, these treats are evil. My one cat had no problem but my other cat developed serious problems. It began with aggressive behavior toward my other cat and then I began noticing that she was licking herself to the point of being naked. It started slowly with the fur on her stomach and then she began licking all the fur off of her legs and tail. She acted like she was being bitten by hundreds of fleas. I spent hundreds of dollars at the vet and everything came back negative.

    I finally talked to a friend of mine who is a vet and she said it really did sound like allergies and to stop the Greenies. The itching is already subsiding and she is slowly getting better and her fur is coming back. I just want to warn everyone... this can take MONTHS to notice. My kitty started losing her fur about 6 months ago and it just got worse and worse. I would like to tell everyone to avoid these treats... there has to be something really terrible in them to cause this behavior and these allergies. Yikes!

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    Reviewed March 3, 2016

    All of these negative reviews are really scary! But I decided to share my experience to even things out a little. I have had my cat for about five months now and she is about 10-11 months old. For the last several months I have been feeding her Greenies treats of various flavors (catnip, salmon, chicken, and ocean fish) and she likes all of them. She is a very energetic kitty and has never had any of the symptoms mentioned by other reviewers here. She has chewed through the bag before, but she will do that with any food (or food-scented object, like a kitchen sponge--gross!). I don't think she has an unnaturally insatiable appetite for them because I put them in her Kong ball and while she enjoys it, she will often take a break from it and come back and get the rest of the treats out of it later. Next time I take her to the vet I WILL ask them about these treats, but so far after several months, my cat loves these and has had NO bad side effects.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed March 1, 2016

    I have given Greenies to my dog on occasion, since he was a puppy. He always acts crazy when I give them to him and starts growling if I try and come near. I usually end up chopping off a small piece for him to eat, because they are too tough to chew and I'm afraid he will choke. Recently, he threw up several hours after eating one, but I didn't put two and two together. Well, I gave him half a Greenies last night and sure enough, threw up a few hours later clockwork! Needless to say, I will be taking them back to PetSmart and my dog will never see Greenies again!

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    Reviewed Feb. 8, 2016

    I purchased these for my rotty. I only gave them to her occasionally due to the price. Last week we had crappy weather. Lots of freezing rain, sleet, etc. so she was in the house more than usual. So I gave her one 4 days in a row. She became very sick to the point I made an appointment to have her put down. My son and husband were devastated, so I told them I would give them the weekend to spend with her. Thank God. My husband and I helped her walk outside. We encouraged her to walk even though her back legs were shaking and she was hunched up like a cat. She finally peed. Then took a few more steps and started to poop. After that she was much better. She still couldn't navigate the steps alone as her back legs were trembling.

    A short time later she went out again and pooped. Seemed to be back to normal. Had 3 great days. Yesterday have her the last Greenies. Today she is whining, shaking, etc again. I finally just put 2 & 2 together. I will not be feeding her these anymore. I don't know what is in them but it isn't good. She was miserable. Couldn't eat, walk, get comfortable, she cried and whined. Almost cost her her life.

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    Reviewed Feb. 8, 2016

    Greenies hickory pill pockets - I've loved these. My 15 yo Italian greyhound takes 5 pills 2 a day. Easy no problems. My cairn terrier got into them & ate about a bag and 1/2. There were 15+ piles of puke. I hope she will be OK.

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    Reviewed Feb. 3, 2016

    When I started giving my dog Greenies I noticed an aggressive behavior in my dog after I gave it to him. He displayed one characteristic behavior with aggression and we joked around, and my family was saying that there must be catnip in the Greenies. In talking to other people that stopped giving the Greenies to their pet they express that their dog had the same behavior. I asked my vet if they were aware of any side effects. They said no. I would normally write the situation off to my dog being extra sensitive to that particular brand or ingredient that is relatively harmless in other dogs. However at the dog park that I take my dog to there seem to be a consensus that Greenies causes more than one side effect the aggression. I noticed that my dog started getting the described side effects -- scratching and itching uncontrollably, throwing up, and lethargy. I threw them out and I asked my veterinarian to please consider not carrying that brand.

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    Reviewed Feb. 2, 2016

    I have two dogs, a boxer-pit mix and a chihuahua, and they both don't have the best of luck when it comes to staying out of trouble. Here recently, my chihuahua fractured her ribs and had to have two different pain medications once every 12 hours. She's a little thing and is a bit picky when it comes to treats. She will only eat the soft ones and bite size. (She is small so her bite size is tiny.) When it was time for her medicine I would open the bag and her little ears would perk up. She looooved these things. And this has changed how my roommate and I give medicine to our dogs. These are a game changer!

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    Reviewed Jan. 13, 2016

    Firstly I want to thank all of the reviewers; if only I had listened more closely. My 11 year old cat was fine until I started feeding her these. Not believing it was the Greenies, I gave her just two a few days ago after waiting at least three weeks (she got sick for three days at that time but pulled through). She has now lost 1.5 pounds, quit purring and bites me when I pet her. She looks miserable. For the first two days she was so quiet and lethargic I thought that I would find her dead. She also quit grooming herself and you know how cats love to be clean! Since she was still eating 1/2 - 2/3 of what she normally eats, I didn't believe it was the treats at first, but I took her to the vet, did the $500 bloodwork and was told she has a very high temperature. Poor kitty.

    I bought mine at T.J. Maxx, but I had bought many other brands of treats there (the ones for urinary in the red bag are the best that she loved) and these do not have an expiry date for at least a year. It has been the biggest and costliest mistake I have made. The vet gave her a steroid injection, and she seems to be eating more, but to be down almost two pounds is alarming. I will never, ever give her these again. I don't see her drinking much water either. Only time will tell, but no more Greenies. I can't believe so few would be so life changing.

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    Reviewed Jan. 4, 2016

    I used to buy Feline Greenies but discontinued using them because they always made my cat vomit every time she ate them. I'm very strict about the food I give my pets and this obviously wasn't a good treat. Just two days ago my sister fed some Greenies to her cat, who started to vomit continuously, kept gagging, wouldn't eat or drink and appeared very ill. She rushed her cat to the emergency clinic, and two days later the vet bill is around $4,000! They had to put a scope down kitty's throat, do a biopsy, medicate her, and keep her for two days. I have heard reports in my area of dogs dying from eating Greenies! Why aren't they taken off the market!!! I'm going to ask my local pet food stores to stop stocking it. Someone needs to hold this company responsible!

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed Dec. 28, 2015

    This product is nothing more than a terribly hard dog treat. This will do absolutely nothing for your child (dog's) breath. I made an account just to say how horrible these green toothbrush shaped dog treats are. I also would love to know what vets stand behind this product which it clearly states #1 vet recommend dental care. These vets are obviously getting a cut of products profits. It's a scam. Brush your dog's teeth. These treats are a joke... Trust me, don't waste your time.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Dec. 27, 2015

    After giving a small 1/4" piece to our Bichon she hardly chewed it and swallowed it almost whole. A week and a half later she had diarrhea and throwing up. We took her to the vet and they took X-rays and found we believe this piece lodged in her intestine. Now after a huge vet bill she now has colitis but is slowly getting better with 4 different med and is now on Hill prescription Z/D canned food. So I cut off a piece of the Greenie and sit it in a small glass bowl and added water to see would happen. It got slightly soft on the outside but was still very hard throughout, which told me that this would probably not dissolve except over a long period of time if at all. She eventually passed it but not without going through a lot of agony and a huge vet bill.

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    Reviewed Dec. 26, 2015

    I have recently started purchasing the Catnip flavored Greenies for cats, to use in my cat-sized Kong toy. I have not purchased Greenies for my dog or 3 cats previously, mostly due to their cost. My cats like them, but I have a new kitten, now about 9 months old, who has had the worst smelling stools since I've had her, which is around the time I started using the Greenies. She's also had occasional loose stools. After reading online over the last several months, trying to remedy these issues, a couple of weeks ago someone online mentioned treats can cause these issues. So I have stopped them completely for about 2 weeks, & no more unusually smelly or loose stools.

    I was going to give a relatively new bag of them to a friend... When I went to get it out of the back of my kitchen cupboard, (it had been well sealed), the bag had been ripped to shreds & all the treats were gone! I have never had my cats get into any food items before; & now reading reviews of people concerned with how "addictive" they seem to be, it makes sense. I posted on FB with photos of the shredded bag, & a friend commented that Greenies had made his dog very sick, & to avoid them, & to read the reviews online. I am so glad to have found the info on this site. This appears to be a very toxic product for some cats & dogs, & people need to know about this!

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    Reviewed Dec. 12, 2015

    I was giving my two Yorkshire terriers Greenies for a few months and then heard about how they are a choking hazard and decided not to give it to them anymore. I noticed they became almost obsessed with them and seemed to want them all the time. At first I just thought they really liked them but the behavior was very persistent and strong... They loves lots of things but this just different. It just didn't seem right. They haven't had one in I'd say almost a year and they still beg very persistently. I have replaced Greenies with homemade milk and honey cookies which they like but they will not give up on begging for Greenies. I swear there is something very addictive in them. I would love to know each ingredient in them. I just don't trust it. I know my dogs. They are like my children and something is not right with these Greenies aside from the choking hazard. If I didn't know any better I'd say there was cocaine or something in them.

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    Reviewed Dec. 5, 2015

    My baby is 9 years old and she loves them. She is a Chiwinnie and has not got sick in nine years of feeding her Greenies as treats. I don't skimp on her food either. I only give the best for my little girl. The price is a bit steep but she really loves them. Overall Greenies has a loyal customers till the end.

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed Dec. 4, 2015

    Over the past two years, I purchased Greenies for my Sheltie and Terrier Mix to keep their teeth clean. Concurrently, the dogs began suffering from chronic diarrhea and allergies. I have spent hundreds of dollars on vet bills and medications, not to mention the cost of the Greenies themselves. After reading these reviews, I abruptly ended these treats, and their ailments ended as well. I will never purchase them again, and welcome a class-action lawsuit against this company.

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    Reviewed Nov. 25, 2015

    I had my 3-year-old dog's teeth cleaned and bought some grain-free Greenies to maintain them. About 1/2 hr after eating one, she started breathing heavy and acting strange, like she was in shock. She had not been playing or running to cause the panting. She finally fell asleep and woke up every hour or so panting. I was going to take her to the Vet because she also would not eat the next day. I tried everything to get her to eat and she wouldn't. She laid around, and that is not like her. Around noon, she ate some boiled chicken and rice and laid back down. After awhile, she started acting normal again. I swear if I had thought it was the Greenies I would not have given her another one a few days later. She had the same reaction, but worse. It has been 2 months and she has been herself. Never ever give these to your dog. My friends dog did the same thing. Why are they still on the market?

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Nov. 16, 2015

    I must apologize first off -- I'm actually responding to a post but darned if I can remember the name -- only that they purchased Greenies from and the treat was NOT green. That happened to me. I ordered two large boxes of the "Petite" size Greenies and three large boxes of the "Regular" size Greenies. All three boxes of the "Regular" size were discolored -- brownish -- and had a putrid smell. Not what I wanted my '40-lb. girl' snacking on.

    I called and they were extremely pleasant about it, sending me replacements for all three boxes. Problem is I had no idea this treat is made in China. If this proves out to be true, they're all headed for the trash. I absolutely will not eat, nor will I feed ANYTHING THAT COMES FROM CHINA OR IS MADE IN CHINA, TO MYSELF OR ANYONE I CARE ABOUT. I will not knowingly purchase anything from China. Does anyone know for sure these are made in China? Heck, it really doesn't matter -- just the possibility is enough for me -- they're gone!

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    Reviewed Nov. 12, 2015

    We have been giving our 13 year old dog Greenies Hip and Joint Care. After reading other reviews, I realized what I thought were old dog symptoms were actually caused by Greenies. Our dog experienced glazed over eyes, lethargic, not wanting to eat her food, sound sleep in a dark closet, bad breath, disoriented at times, and definitely addicted to them. Since we took her off of them she truly is a different dog. She is back to her happy and playful self chasing our other 2 dogs around. I don't know what's in them but it's as if we were drugging our dog. Please don't give these to your dog.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 17, 2015

    We started giving Lucas Greenies hairball cat treats on a Tuesday. Late that night, he had his first partial seizure: the limbs on his right side seemed to seize up and he couldn't move them, his pupils dilated, and he fell over. The only thing that had changed for him was having eaten Greenies, so I did a search on them, and found reviews like the ones here. We took him to the vet, who said it was likely the greenies, but there is no test for what causes a seizure beyond what they ruled out (any reason intrinsic to him, like a brain tumor). Since then, his seizures have slowly subsided. That was two months ago--he's had two very, very mild episodes since, but not enough to put him on phenobarbital meds, thank goodness. His breeder has no cats who've ever had seizures, and his sister (who had no greenies) is and has been just fine. Lucas was perfectly healthy before this! AVOID GREENIES!!!

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    Reviewed Oct. 3, 2015

    I have an 8 month old whoodle who has been struggling with colitis for the past few months. We have changed his diet and stopped feeding him anything with preservatives along with medication prescribed by the vet. He only eats home cooked meals that we cook specifically for him (no seasoning at all). To make sure he took his medication we bought Greenies pill pockets (purchased at his Vet's office btw) and was being given a Greenies brush a day to clean his teeth.

    He gets very lethargic after the bouts of diarrhea occur and will not eat out drink anything unless he's forced. Today he had diarrhea over 15 times. We took him in to his vet yet again and were told to stop giving him any treats. After hundreds of dollars spent we finally figured out the cause and I'm incredibly upset that my best friend has had to struggle as he has the past few months because of a piece of crap product being sold as a healthy version of regular treats. Thankfully he will recover. I URGE YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ANY GREENIES PRODUCT! THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY TOXIC TO DOGS.

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    Reviewed Sept. 19, 2015

    I took my dog Cookie for shots in Petco and the vet said she had bad tartar and needed something for her teeth. I asked him what he recommended and he said "Greenies are great." Well I started giving cookie Greenies and not even a week she started to scratch and shed like if she had fleas. I knew it was not fleas because I checked her and I have a cat. My cat didn't scratch at all. Cookie continue to scratch and shed all this fur and I knew it had something to do with the Greenies. I also notice she was breathing very hard too. So I immediately stop giving her those Greenies and the SCRATCHING STOPPED. ALSO she is breathing NORMAL again. I don't know WHY GREENIES is still in the market. This NEEDS TO BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET!!

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed Sept. 9, 2015

    I used to feed these to my little terrier every other day once she was feeling better from a tummy issue - no more. For some reason the last two times she tried to eat one they got stuck in the back of her throat and teeth - scared me to death. I just ordered a bag on amazon and am sending them back! Will start making her treats myself.

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    Reviewed Aug. 22, 2015

    I've never heard a bad thing about Greenies, only rave reviews. My Labradoodle loves them more than anything. Just received my 2nd 2-box shipment in a week from Chewy's. Started to buy through them at nearly half the price for the Value box than Petsmart. The Greenies I received this week are brown (not green) with an odd, not so fresh scent. Although there is no recall, there is something wrong here. Chewy's replaced my original order and Greenies/Nutro is sending me coupons. I will try Petsmart tomorrow to see if they've had any complaints. Hope the other comment about pancreatitis is not really due to this product. Will check with my vet before buying more. Has anyone else had this experience?