LG Dryers

LG Dryers Reviews

About LG Dryers

LG is an electronics company that offers a variety of innovative and state-of-the-art products for the entire home. The company's refrigerators feature advanced technology and innovative features like wireless internet and app accessibility, LG makes fridges for every budget.

LG Dryers Reviews

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    Page 4 Reviews 240 - 440

    Reviewed Dec. 27, 2012

    We bought this LG gas dryer (model DLG 2141w) back in October 2011. We have kept the lint filter clean and washed. It was under normal use and now we have a circuit board problem. The dryer is just 50 days past the warranty. LG product sale presentations say they're strong but what cheap circuits they must have. Plus the customer services for our tech that researches it was poor. I took a lot of time on hold and the part availability is almost impossible. I will never by a LG product again and hope you turn your head away so you don't experience the nightmare of "live good" products.

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    Customer ServicePriceReliability

    Reviewed Dec. 14, 2012

    My wife and I spent $2,000 on LG Dryer and Washer. Like someone mentioned earlier, washer does what it is supposed to do. Dryer, on the other hand, worked well for only 6 months. Now, it has stopped drying 2 times in the last 4 weeks, and LG reps struggle to support what is an inherent issue. They subcontract local repair companies that do not have parts, and each failure takes 10 days for a fix while your clothes pile up. We had a $350 (another cheapie name brand) dryer that worked flawlessly for 8 years. LG's customer service is subpar. Their structure for repair with subcontractors is subpar. Their parts delivery and stocking is questionable. And when you call their 800 # and ask for a supervisor, they simply switch you from one line to the next.

    There is no hierarchy, and no one gives a crap that your expensive dryer is crap. Run as far as you can from LG if you are looking. We are hoping our machine is running by next week so we can catch up on 10 loads of laundry while we wait for 10 days for parts. Very poor communication between LG and subcontractors as well. It’s so frustrating. We are going to talk to the Home Depot as well where we purchased as well. They should know they are selling inferior, defective products right? LG, step it up. If you own one, buy that extended warranty. You will need it!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 6, 2012

    We purchased our washer and dryer in July of 2012. So far, the washing machine is doing what it's supposed to. The dryer, that's another subject! It has stopped drying clothes now twice. We had it serviced in late October 2012 and was working fine. Then on December 4th, 2012, it stopped drying again! I called LG, who was absolutely no help! I purchased the extended warranty and it's not worth it. My advice is to run. Do not look at any LG products. I even wrote the company and haven't heard back as of today.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 2, 2012

    It has been just 2.5 years since I got my new washer and dryer, and now the dryer drum is cracked and making thumping noise. We just ran out of warranty. I have seen several complaints related to this. Is LG doing anything about this? I had recommended LG to my friends, but I am going to call them and let them know to not buy LG washer/dryer.

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    Reviewed Oct. 24, 2012

    I started noticing small holes in my clothes, which baffled me. I’m worried that maybe we had moths, so I took out all of my clothes, emptied the closets, re-washed, and dried them. Now, all of my clothes had holes in it. I did some research online to discover that cracked drums in LG are fairly common :( I looked inside my dryer, and lo and behold, there was in fact a crack, and the crack was what was ripping all my clothes. LG was bought at Home Depot. I had to wait over a week to get someone in to fix it. All my clothes are ruined. I will never buy LG again. Also, the washer gets stuck on 9 minutes any time you wash towels, and it routinely overflows with soap even if I use HE detergent and fill it to well below the "normal" level indicated in the soap receptacle.

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    Reviewed Oct. 22, 2012

    We also purchased LG washer/dryer (high-end stainless steel). Washer is ok, but we have experienced same problems as many others. The dryer LG Tromm DLE2501 never dried clothes correctly. It takes 90 minutes to dry an average load of clothes. An "energy star" product it is not. The repair guy gave us the same ** about the vent being dirty or clogged. Never was the case. Actually it sounds like the repair guy was reading off a script. The second time to the house, the repair guy stated that the dryer was operating as designed. The real problem is that Home Depot is selling this stuff. Home Depot's reps are promoting this stuff, and LG doesn't stand behind their product. Drum is cracked, and the lint stays trapped.

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    Installation & SetupContract & TermsStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 12, 2012

    LG stackable washer/dryer, apartment size, high end - I thought! Two years later, a bunch of drywall have been replaced due to a bad washer install (Best Buy) and 5 visits later from the service team for the dryer, I am tired. No more LG anything ever. The dryer is so poorly designed (it's the vent less model - don't buy one) that it takes a team of techs to pull the unit out of the area it's in just to press a button to reset the thermostat. It's had three new computer boards in 2 years. The techs pulled the dryer all apart last visit and replaced the entire thermostat rather than just reset it. That was a couple of months ago and it just went south again today. It overheated then stopped dead. I am lucky I bought a service contract from Sears. They have been great, but I hope they just replace the unit soon. It's costing them a fortune to repair. Cheaply made appliances are keeping many techs employed these days it seems. LG? No, never again. And yes, their help desk was useless when I had the 1-year warranty. Now poor Sears has to come out and visit more often than I want them to come. I don't understand why any appliance store would stock items that repeatedly fail.

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    Reviewed Oct. 8, 2012

    I have had my LG Front Load Dryer DLG5988W for some time now and never had any problems. Well then one day, it started getting loud as though it was out of balance. I looked at it and noticed that the drum had cracked. I find this ironic because I did a web search on this and I found so many pictures of this same exact crack. Mine look identical to all the others I found on the web. With so many complaints and cases of this happening, this should be a recall. It is right at the weld. I have contacted them and they have told me it only has a one year warranty on the drum, so I would be responsible for replacing the drum.

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    Reviewed Sept. 3, 2012

    There is a serious quality issue with the LG drums. My drum cracked after 6 months of very lights use. I removed the drum and found out that it is extremely thin metal. This is a common problem, in which the drums are cracking at the seams. I think it's a couple of hundred dollars to have it fixed. I'm staying clear of all LG products in the future.

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    Customer ServiceSales & Marketing

    Reviewed Aug. 28, 2012

    The dryer scorched 3 loads of laundry and smoked. I could not get anyone to answer the phones. I called and called and at times let the phone ring 5 minutes. Then, it would be busy for an hour at the time… What kind of scam are they pulling at LG?

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    Customer ServiceCoverageStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 9, 2012

    Do not ever buy an LG washer or dryer. Within two years, both my front-loading machines stopped working and LG will cover none of the repairs. Save the money and buy something that is worthwhile. I was on hold for hours with customer service, and each agent I spoke to had a different response, always ending with "We will be back to you within 48 hours," which never happened. I spoke to management, who put me on hold for another hour and ended with "Sorry, we can't help you." I still have a dryer that won't work!

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    Customer ServicePriceStaff

    Reviewed July 24, 2012

    Recently, our DLG6988s dryer (part of a combo) stopped heating. Everything seemed to be working, but no heat! We called the point of purchase (POP) company. We had purchased a 4-year extended warranty program with them. The company provided a work order for repair. The repair diagnosis, full replacement as there had been a fire because the lint was not leaving the dryer but instead, getting in around the drum and the harness was damaged. There was no lint in the tube, none in the lint catch area. It was around the drum instead. No repair could be done. According to the repairman, who has seen this before, this is apparently is a problem with LG gas dryers of this model, which they no longer make, and a report was sent to LG.

    LG informed us that since we had purchased an extended warranty, the POP company would look after us. We went back to the POP company and their extended warranty department told us that the dryer credit would be prorated and we would be given in-store credit to spend on a new dryer. We looked at dryers and to purchase a comparable dryer to the one we have now. The total cost, including extended warranty, is now another $706.00 over and above the credit we were given. We contacted LG regarding the dryer and the customer service rep told us they would not replace it since the LG warranty was up. The POP company will not replace it, but would give us the credit, take it or leave it.

    We did not cause the fire. We cleaned our machine diligently of lint. There was no lint anywhere other than in the drum area. They are removing the dryer tomorrow, however, I would like to prove to LG that this defect is their responsibility and the dryer, which is less than 5 years old, should be replaced. The downside would be it would be another LG product. We will never buy another LG product and I urge you to do the same. Because of the offshore parts problem with LG, any repairs that can be made can take more than 5 weeks and their customer service is unsatisfactory to put it mildly. Do your homework before purchasing anything from this company!

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    Reviewed July 23, 2012

    LG dryer electrical connection holder - The screws were torqued so hard I could not loosen them without using a nut driver crescent wrench and channel locks. Then, of course, the holder broke. Now all I want is a one time courtesy replacement of the part and was told it's my problem because I chose to change the plug. Of course, the LG video on changing the part makes it look like a 6 years old could do it.

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    Reviewed June 27, 2012

    2 year old LG dryer, electrical problems inside the unit. It is sickening to read about so many problems with LG and service. I don’t plan to pay for more than this first repair. It will be on the curb. Get me Hecho En Mexico products, not China.

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & SetupStaff

    Reviewed May 18, 2012

    The dryer stopped drying and it’s just a few weeks out of the manufacturer’s warranty. I called the extended warranty that I purchased and they sent a tech out. He said the heating unit needed to be replaced and ordered a new one; but in the meantime, he did something to get it heating and the dryer worked fine for the week. He came yesterday to replace the heating unit, but now he claims that the power cord is fried and I need to call an electrician. This dryer worked perfectly fine with the power cord and the outlet up until yesterday when he attempted to replace the heating unit.

    LG insists that they cannot give me any information because it’s out of warranty and that I must instead deal with the extended warranty company. So I guess it’s okay to take my money when I have a dryer that does not work one year later and have to pay an electrician? Does it seem reasonable that a dryer works properly and is kept in good working order and used in the manner in which it is intended and immediately after a tech attempts to install a new heating mechanism, it suddenly blows and the power cord is melted? Everyone is passing it back to me that I have to get an electrician. No, I think LG has a problem with heating mechanisms and the tech did something incorrectly.

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & SetupStaff

    Reviewed April 26, 2012

    We purchased our LG front loading washer and dryer in 2009 from Sears. The dryer model is DLE5955W and it worked beautifully for the first year. Then, all of a sudden, the machine began to cut off mid-cycle and will not dry the clothes completely - particularly on permanent press. We called Sears tech support since we had purchased a 5-year extended warranty on the machine. The technician came out and replaced the ETC board and sensor for moisture. The machine seemed to work for a while, and then the same problem occurred again. This time, they replaced the central board and PLB assembly. A few weeks later, they diagnosed the machine had a sensor failure. Each time, the technicians appeared puzzled and were on the phone throughout the service. While they were very nice, they were unable to fix the problem which continues to persist.

    This past week, the tech said it’s another sensor and control panel. But when he arrived to replace it, he was told by their technology support team that he didn't have the authorization to install the received part. That phone technician indicated that our ceilings in our home were too high and that the cause of the problem was a venting issue. What we soon discovered was that Sears has a policy that if their technicians aren't able to repair the machine after 4 visits, we are entitled to a new machine under the lemon law. This would have been the 4th visit. My husband spent 2 hours on the phone and was passed through every employee in Sears, including their department that determines if the product is a lemon. We've been buying our home appliances from Sears for nearly 40 years - what a crock of **.

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed April 25, 2012

    I purchased my LG Steam Washer and Dryer on 11/26/10 from Home Depot. Thankfully, I purchased a 4 year extended warranty. Now a little over a year later, my dryer all of the sudden stops heating. I made a phone call to Home Depot on March 23rd and they contracted the work out to Appliance Solutions of Utah. When they came to do repairs, they said the dryer needed a new thermostat, the part needed to be ordered and they would be back in 3 days to do the repair. Two weeks go by and never heard from the repair guy and he never showed up on the day he said he would (I took the day off work so I could make sure I was here). Finally after 3 weeks, he showed up claiming they got sent the wrong part he replaced the thermostat and was on his way. Five days later (3/28/12), the heating on my dryer went out.

    I once again called Home Depot. They got the same company out. The very next day, the guy replaces the same part, the thermostat and then tells me that there is nothing wrong with the dryer. He said that I need to get my ducts cleaned out and that I can just use my dryer unhooked from the wall until I get that done. I used my dryer unhooked from the wall and once again, a week later, the heating goes out on the dryer. So, I gave Home Depot a call. Three days later, the same company shows up. Now he's claiming my dryer is out because it's not hooked up to the wall but he needs to order a new thermostat again so it can once again get replaced.

    The repair man said he would be back in 3 days. Over two weeks have passed since he said that, I haven't even received a call from the company and he just left my dryer in pieces in my laundry room. I can barely get in there. I am completely fed up with this worthless dryer, Home Depot, and Appliance Solutions of Utah. I don't think LG should be able to get away with selling these fraudulent dryers to people anymore and apparently no one knows how to repair the dumb things so they don't continue to have these problems.

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    Customer ServiceInstallation & SetupPunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed April 18, 2012

    The LG gas dryer that I purchased from Best Buy on 11/26/2011 and didn't receive until 12/1/2011, has been out of service since 4/3/2012, because the dryer is not igniting. I called Best Buy and because I didn't purchase "their" black tie warranty and it has been past their 30 day exchange period, Best Buy will not exchange my dryer.

    I called LG. They referred me to A-Reliable Appliance Service out of Chattanooga, TN. I called A-Reliable (what a joke) on 4/3/12, scheduled appointment for 4/5/12 and they ended up coming on 4/4/12 to see what was wrong with my dryer. A-Reliable ordered parts and replaced on 4/10/12. I work Mon-Fri 8-5, 30 minutes from home. I have to arrange for someone to meet them at my home for repairs. My mother-in-law met the service tech for them to repair my dryer.

    The service tech replaced sensor and thermostat valve, the dryer was still not heating after 15 min. of running and the tech left my home without dryer working saying that it was fixed. I'm no genius but I can figure out that if a gas dryer is not hot after 15 min. of running, that obviously it's not fixed. I called A-Reliable on 4/11/12. I was advised by Larry that his service tech was going back and forth with LG trying to figure out what is wrong with my dryer. I called Larry on 4/12/12, still same response. I called Larry on 4/13/12, still same response.

    I called LG. I was advised that A-Reliable Service had not been in contact with them since 4/10/12. I was told that they were supposed to have replaced an electronic control panel which was not done by A-Reliable. I asked about the manufacturer's exchange and was informed that the service provider had to do what they were informed to do before that would even be considered. A-Reliable was to call me on 4/16/12, to advise when they would be out to fix my dryer. Guess what, no call. I gave them benefit of the doubt. I called Larry at A-Reliable on 4/17/12. Part was still not in, it should be there today. They will call me back to let me know, no call. Morning of 4/18/12, I called Larry at A-Reliable and part still not in should be there today. I called LG customer service and spoke with a representative. They called Larry at A-Reliable Appliance Service and found out that the part has not even been ordered.

    I have been lied to by Larry at A-Reliable Appliance Service since 4/11/12. This is ridiculous. A-Reliable is causing LG to lose customers because of the simple fact that they are not responsible or knowledgeable in repairing appliances. I filed a formal complaint with LG. I spoke with an executive service representative to advise the situation. She advises me that she will address this problem and get back with me and resolve the problem with the dryer that is not working!

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    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed March 6, 2012

    I bought an LG dryer 4 years ago and have already had it repaired twice. Only once was it under warranty. Now, my dryer was making large clunky sounds as it turned. I called the repair company that was used under the warranty and they came out to look at it. They found the drum to be cracked at the weld. I looked that up on the internet and found several other complaints for the same problem. Well, I immediately called customer service and talked with them. The gentleman I talked to said that he would email me the paperwork so that I could make a claim. Well, the email came in without a claim number which I needed to attach the pictures and original purchase receipt. Well, the email came without a claim number.

    I emailed them back and was told I needed to call customer service. Two days later, I get a phone call telling me that they wouldn’t cover the cost of a new drum because I already had it replaced. Mind you, this was two weeks after the initial call. Well, needless to say, they refused to reimburse me because I didn’t want to wait for them to send one of their repair people out to look at it so they could charge me another $80.00 just to look at it on top of the $50.00 already paid to another company to find the problem. For supposed to be top-of-the-line appliances, they are nothing but problems. I would not recommend buying any LG appliances whatsoever.

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    Reviewed March 6, 2012

    We purchased our set (LG Tromm DLG8388NM Washer and Dryer) in 2006 and for the first two years, everything seemed to work well. But now, the washer leaks, the drum is corroded with black disgusting gunk that is difficult to get to let alone clean. The clothes stink even after washing them twice, with bleach and fabric softener. The dryer spins but there aren’t any heat. We spent over $2,500 on the set from Home Depot and have been disappointed to say the least.

    We also had a bad experience with an LG dishwasher and refrigerator. Both had to be replaced a year after purchase. We spent a total of $6,500 on LG products and they have not lived up to their Life's Good name. My suggestion is not to roll the dice with any of their products because you will be angry and frustrated.

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    Reviewed March 3, 2012

    My drum cracked like a lot of others did along the front seam. I ignored it for awhile until the noise got too loud. I took the drum out. If you do this, keep track of the sequence that the parts came off and what screws go where. It's not that hard to do. I cut a thin piece of sheet metal to cover the crack and along the outer rim of the drum, drilled 5/32 holes and pop riveted in place. I ground down the pop rivets so they wouldn't catch on the clothes. The dryer is back in service and the total cost for the repair was $2.75. But have no doubt about it, LG products are nothing but cheap overpriced junk. Do not buy!

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    Reviewed March 1, 2012

    LG Dryer: Very disappointing. It's less than 7 years old, and it requires a new motor. There are only two of us, so it doesn't get hard use. I thought I was buying quality and dependability. I was wrong.

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    Reviewed Feb. 24, 2012

    I also bought a pair of LG appliances (washer and dryer). What a mistake, to say the least. I cannot even find service for these appliances in my area, due to the low quality of this product. It takes 3 cycles of 1:10 minutes to dry a normal load of clothes. I have to add vinegar to a load of sweats, to help with the smell. That is on top of a fabric softener. My towels also smell horrible, after washing and drying. My units are less tan 5 years old, and I have wasted over $2,000 on these low performance items. My life Is not good with these LG appliances.

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    Reviewed Feb. 20, 2012

    My LG TROMM gas dryer I bought 2005, just burned up last night. It was a fire that started where the gas line connector is. The dryer had only been running for about 20-30 minutes. Luckily, I happened to go into the laundry room and stop it! We could have lost everything. Also, the dryer never worked very well. It took 90 minutes to dry a regular load of towels.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Feb. 15, 2012

    I purchased the item on May 28, 2010. Now, when I use it, I smell gas. I made a call to the Gas Company to check the line. It turns out the dryer is malfunctioning. This product isn't even two years old yet. I spent $600 on this appliance. What a waste of money! On top of it, the first customer service representative wasted a week of my time. They had me fax (to the wrong number) a form from the Gas Company confirming that it is an appliance malfunction. I called back only to find out that I need to either have an LG certified appliance repair shop fix it, or requested an extended warranty from LG. I will never buy a product from this company again. $600 did not even reached two years worth of use. Unacceptable and horrible customer service on top of it!

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    Reviewed Feb. 12, 2012

    My LG dryer will not spin, it just hums when 'start' is pushed. It turns out that LG poorly designed the motor. The switch on the motor is not being made because some idiot put hard springs on soft aluminum and they wore through and fell off. The only thing can be done is replace the motor at a cost of $350. Also, the thing does not dry that well either when it is working. Don't by LG-- piece of junk.

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    Reviewed Jan. 27, 2012

    When a sheet is drying in the dryer, it wraps itself into a big tube and rolls around the drum that way. The outside becomes bone-dry; the inside remains wet. LG says that's the way the dryer works. To improve the situation, I should go to the dryer when it happens, open the door, pull out and shake out the sheet, put it back in and begin drying again. Within a very few minutes, the sheet becomes a tube again! Do not buy an LG dryer!

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    Reviewed Jan. 25, 2012

    We also purchased LG washer/dryer, high end stainless steel. Washer is ok but we have experienced same problems as many others. The dryer LG Tromm DLE3777W never dried clothes correctly. It takes 90 minutes to dry an average load of clothes. An "energy star" product it is not. The repair guy gave us the same ** about the vent being dirty or clogged. Never was the case. Actually sounds like the repair guy was reading off a script. The second time to the house, the repair guy stated that the dryer was operating as designed. The real problem is that Home Depot is selling this stuff. Home Depot's reps are promoting this stuff and LG doesn't stand behind their product. Two options: contact the Better Business Bureau in your state (they are usually really good) and the second option is contact your state Attorney General. LG is selling a defective product and that, in every state, is fraud.

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    Reviewed Dec. 30, 2011

    LG finally did it! I will never buy anything that says LG on it. My LG Tromm DLE5977S bought at Home Depot and a crake in the stainless steel seam appears to get bigger and noisy. Please help.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 21, 2011

    I bought LG WM3988HWA washer/dryer combo in 10/2/08, from Overstock.com. It stopped drying and showing FE Error. I paid $89 to diagnose and $960 for changing the bad control board. After many calls, LG now says they cannot extend warranty only because the purchase was from an unauthorized source!

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    Reviewed Dec. 13, 2011

    My dryer is only 2 years old, but the drum has a big crack and I can't use it any more. I call to request for service, but they said I have to pay for a replacement of a new drum. What? My question is why do I have to pay for a defective product? That's ridiculous.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 5, 2011

    Zero stars would be more like it! I have had an LG Steam Dryer for 2.5 years. It has never worked. I fortunately did purchase the Extended Service Plan from Home Depot. I have had it repaired 6 times and that's 12 service calls. It will heat a little for a few weeks and then stop working all together. The 6th repair, it didn't even heat the day the repair was done. Since then, I've called numerous times and Assurant (the provided for Home Depot's service plan) won't get back to me, won't send anyone to fix it, won't start a claim. I see it falls into the Lemon Law but if they can drag their feet for another month, one of the repairs falls off and then it isn't the Lemon Law any more.

    They refuse to do anything to help. I've called Home Depot Corporate to see if they would do anything to help and was told "no, you need to work with Assurant". I have also called the Gas Company to look at it to make sure it was hooked up correctly to begin with. It is hooked up correctly but they said the flame is so huge that it's a total fire hazard and is now completely unhooked. So I'm left with a $1200+ piece of junk and no way to dry any clothes. I will never shop at Home Depot nor will I buy LG anything again. Don't believe reviews that say LG is in the top for dryers because believe me, they are all junk!

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    Reviewed Dec. 4, 2011

    After a couple years of normal household use, the stainless drum in the dryer has developed a crack in the weld seam. Considering the cost of the appliance, I find this defect in materials and workmanship unsatisfactory and I advise people against purchasing LG products.

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    Reviewed Nov. 29, 2011

    I have a 3 year old washer and dryer, which is nothing but pure junk! Fortunately, I have the 5-year bumper to bumper warranty. I replaced the drum in the dryer 3 times (split twice), and they are coming again to try to correct the heating problem. It takes more than 90 minutes to dry a normal load. The minute it is out of warranty, we are going to buy Maytag.

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    Reviewed Nov. 28, 2011

    I would give my LG dryer a zero! I have had my LG washer/dryer for about 5 years now and the dryer drum has cracked. This is crazy. These appliances should last at least 10 to 15 years! I paid over $2200.00 for the pair and I would expect it to last longer! LG should do a recall on these units and replace the dryers stainless steel drum! I will never buy another LG product again! People, you are crazy if you would ever consider buying an LG product. They are junk! I'm not happy!

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    Reviewed Nov. 16, 2011

    This morning, my wife started a load of clothes in my 2002 LG Trom front load dryer. I was in the backyard with the dogs. I noticed an electrical burning smell. I ran in the house to see if there was a fire! The dryer was smoking! I turned off the gas and unplugged it. I repair all types of equipment for a living. Upon disassembly, I found that the wires going to the safety temperature switch, on the top of the burner tube, had shorted out where they were rubbing on the gas line.

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    Reviewed Nov. 9, 2011

    I bought the LG washer/dryer combo from home depot 2 years ago (DLG2051w,WM2050C). I noticed the clothes were still wet, with a puddle of water on the floor under the washer. The next day, I put a load in the dryer to notice it was not heating at all. $2,000, 2 years, wow! I will never buy anything LG again!

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    Installation & SetupStaff

    Reviewed Nov. 4, 2011

    I purchased LG Dryer from Home Depot's stackable option package, yet when service needed on dryer, LG stated that I needed to unstack. Their representatives installed when we purchased, why would I need to unstack. What you pay for is not what you get from the LG product or from the LG Company. They should stand behind what they sell. I wish I had never ever purchased this product.

    To anyone considering purchasing, I hope you'll look at the reviews. Do not buy and do not waste your money or time on this product. Look elsewhere for a quality product. I have purchased many items from Home Depot. They need to reconsider offering the LG product in their store. Reputation of products sold by Home Depot is important to customers like myself. Sure it's a LG product, but I bought it from Home Depot. Who get's the bad reputation? They both do, LG and Home Depot.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaffReliability

    Reviewed Nov. 4, 2011

    When I purchased a new home, the LG dryer and washer came with it. I have had numerous problems with the dryer and after each repair, the dryer will work for a while. Slowly, the dryer begins not getting hot enough. I end up having to bring my clothes to a laundromat. I have spent at least $500.00 trying to repair this dryer. The service technicians have come back several times to repair it but each time they fix, something different and then it doesn't work after a few months.

    I have come to the conclusion that I need to buy a new dryer. This company needs to be held responsible for a defective dryer. Too many people have hand similar problems. Does anyone know if anything is being done?

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    Reviewed Nov. 1, 2011

    Our LG washer/dryer is less than 5 years old. We bought these top of the line machines since we are getting older and wanted to be trouble-free for the foreseeable future. This year, we had to replace both circuit boards on the dryer. Then after that, the drum would not turn and the motor just buzzed. So we had to replace the motor too. A little reading on the internet and it seems that many people have had the same problem with the centrifugal switch on the motor, circuit boards needing replacement is common as well. Now, the washing machine has started to make a loud, squeaking sound when it runs. My old washer/dryer combo was purchased in 1986 and was still working perfectly in 2007 when we bought the LG units. We paid a premium for a top of the line, but we sure didn't get a top of the line reliability.

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    Reviewed Oct. 27, 2011

    I purchased the front loader LG laundry and gas dryer DLG2702V from Home Depot. I also purchased the 4-year extended warranty. Both worked fine for almost two years now. Two weeks ago the dryer destroyed a load of shirts, my "office" shirts probably a $300 replacement cost. When I opened the door a strong smell of burned electric wires come out. The shirts are full of holes, as if burned at random, and the steel drum is covered in a grey-colored film.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Oct. 19, 2011

    I purchased an LG washer/dryer 6 years ago. I had problems with the washer from the first week. Six service calls were made within the first year to correct the problem of the washer stopping during the spin cycle. They kept coming to fix it until the warranty ran out. Then, they told me that it's “too bad". They refused to take it back, although I asked for 2 years! I finally kicked it to the curb, and bought a Maytag. There are no bells and whistles, but it works fine. The dryer stopped drying completely during cycles after 3 years of owning it. No repair corrected the problem. I had to run a dryer cycle 2-3 times to dry the clothes. Now that doesn't even work. I cannot find an LG repairman since nobody wants to deal with this company. I'm kicking it to the curb today, and going to buy a Maytag.

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    Customer ServicePrice

    Reviewed Oct. 17, 2011

    I own an LG dryer (Model: DLG5988W) just over five years now. This past summer, I noticed a noise and the felt along the rim inside the drum was coming out. I notified the service company and they ridiculously removed the felt--had to scrape glue from the unit. This took about three hours--the service person was outside in heat applying the new glue and the new felt to the drum. Keep in the mind that the entire unit needs to be taken apart to do this. When he was finished, he said that they could have ordered an entirely new drum and not have to remove and reapply the felt--but they chose to do it this way.

    Three months later, I noticed some markings on my clothing, sheets, blankets, and white clothing. The felt is coming out again and the noise has returned. We have contacted the service company who says that our warranty was just up about two months ago. They originally charged us approximately $300+ and now, they say that the drum needs to be replaced and it would cost about $600+.

    We want it replaced and the original cost be deducted, since the problem was a temporary fix. Now, they won't even return our calls. So I continue to put aside all the ruined clothing, blankets, etc. I will never ever give LG my business. I also own the frontload washer, which, by the way, smells all the time. I remember growing up and the washer and dryer lasted 15+ years. LG sucks!

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    Reviewed Oct. 13, 2011

    We just past the 5-year mark on our DLE3777W and got the diagnosis that the drum would need to be replaced. I asked why the weld would give out. The repairman said, "The heat." The heat? It's a dryer! We should expect more out of the premium price we paid for this unit. We spent $360 for the repair fee and had a week without the dryer while we're waiting for parts.

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    Reviewed Sept. 14, 2011

    I purchased an LG front load washer and dryer from Best Buy. I have been using the product since 2006. I have to say that these are the worst products I have ever purchased! All of my clothes smell like someone vomited on me! Every ** time I put on a colored shirt, especially cotton--if I sweat a bit, I began to smell like everyone around me took a ** and all threw them at me at once! It is ridiculous that such an expensive product ($2,400.00) for the set would be so **! I will never buy LG products again.

    I have had customer service out on three occasions. All of them tell me that lame ** about cleaning the gasket between loads. ** that! I paid quadruple the money for this so-called new, state-of-the art technology so I wouldn't have to clean gaskets! I never had to clean the ** gaskets on my piece of ** top load set that I purchased from a thrift store prior to buying this! Now, I regret giving my old washer and dryer away to Goodwill. Well, I am out of warranty now and I have to endure funky ** clothes. I am limited to whites, non-cotton, and clothes that I can dry clean. LG, ** you and kiss my **!

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    Reviewed Aug. 25, 2011

    Just like the many others on this site, I purchased a match set of LG laundry appliances from Home Depot just over four years ago. I also purchased a four-year "bumper to bumper" warranty and thank goodness I did.

    Shortly after we had them, the dryer drum had to be replaced because it split. Drum number 3 was installed 3/1/11 because of the same issue. Now, it has split and I need yet another drum (#4). But of course, the "bumper to bumper" warranty is no longer in place so I am going to see if my home warranty will cover it. I called the company that did the last warranty repair and they quoted me $368 to repair again with guarantee that it won't happen in another few months. They said it happens all the time. I noticed someone on this site said the stainless steel drums should have a five-year warranty but not sure that is correct.

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    Reviewed Aug. 9, 2011

    I have a LG dryer that is a little over a year old and it is the worst dryer I've owned in 30 years. It won't dry the clothes. I need more than an hour to dry even the smallest load. A very poor product. Wish I could send it back. I am going back to Whirlpool.

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    Reviewed July 18, 2011

    LG DLE5977SM dryer built to last 5 years or less. Like most people with stainless steel LG dryers, the drum cracked near the front of the weld seam. It is not thumping and scraping on every turn. This is a chronic problem that LG should address. That is why they have a 5 year warranty on their drums for both the dryers and washers...they don't expect them to last more than 5 years. I'm going back to german built appliances. Thanks LG, you've just lost another customer who will never buy LG again.!!

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    Reviewed May 25, 2011

    My washer/dryer unit stopped drying since the vent was plugged with lint. I have had a repair person come out 4 times under the warranty. He came to look at why the unit was not allowed to wash/dry. I tried to get the warranty company to replace it. The reason that the machine is not drying is due to a design flaw. But the LG Company sent me a statement stating that they are aware of the design but they could not do anything about it and would not replace the unit with a washer and dryer.

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    Reviewed May 16, 2011

    I have owned a LG gas dryer for several years. I had problems from the start which LG has no records of, then I moved on to my extended warranty phase. It has run out now, but the dryer still does not dry well. I was beginning to think that I was nuts after so much service and not enough heat. Then I read this site and went OMG, that's me and a bunch of others!

    To say LG had awful customer service is being kind. I can get no help from anyone. So in the meantime, I have to plan on two hours to dry a regular load of clothes. So much for saving energy with gas. I also have an LG TV. The poor performance with that appliance should have sent up red flags, but the stores told me that LG was top of the line. I am not in the position to replace this. I want my cheapo Frigidaire back! I never had a moment's trouble with it in 20 years!

    It was mainly aggravation and waste of time and all those $69.95 fees to walk in the door to do what the technical support tells them, but without fixing the machine.

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    Reviewed May 12, 2011

    I have had the LG DLE9577 Dryer for 4 years and the technician that came out to the house told me there was a problem with the dryers. My drum cracked! I asked him if it was common and he said yes, all the time. Because of the cracked drum, the wheels also have to be replaced.

    I decided to go online and look to see what I could find. Well, here are all the complaints! When I called LG about the product problem, they said they had no reports of the drum going bad. However, he did offer up the new dryers come with a drum warranty of their own and are made better, and are stainless steal. This tells me they do know about the problem!

    Needless to say I'm not happy with LG. I liked the set because it could stack. However, this defeats the reason in getting it if I have to buy a whole different dryer because I will not buy another LG product.

    I do agree with the one person about a class action lawsuit on the dryer. At least replace the failing part that goes bad. Let LG be out a boat load of money for the repairs, not us hard working people!

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    Reviewed May 12, 2011

    We purchased a matching LG Tromm washer and dryer (front loading), approximately three years ago. For at least the past two years we have had a terrible time with clothes smelling sour and mildewy after being washed. Subsequent researched turned up countless complaints about this same problem. We've tried many "fixes" some of which seemed to help a little, but the problem would always returned.

    The dryer unit started making a terrible thumping sound after about two years of use. I still do not know exactly why this is occurring. Some of what I read suggested it was the silicone wheels that get warped from the heat. Other posts indicate it is a problem with a crack in the barrel. My biggest issue at this point with the dryer is that it has never dried the clothes very well. I routinely have to run two or more cycles to get the clothes dry, especially things like jeans and towels. In addition, this morning I noticed that the dryer actually stops before the end of the cycle. I had it set for 1:43 "Anti-bacterial" setting (ironically to help with the smell from the washer), but the dryer cut off after only 30 minutes.

    Considering how much we paid for these items, it is very upsetting and frustrating. I have not contacted LG, in part because so many have done so to no avail and I don't have time to waste on such useless attempts.

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    Reviewed April 1, 2011

    I purchased an LG dryer 6 weeks ago. It started making a rumbling noise - apparently the dryer sheets were somehow escaping the inside of the dryer and jamming the internal gears of the dryer. It cost me $149 for a service call. The technician was at my house for merely 15 minutes and he knew immediately what the problem was. He said that he's done several repairs for this type of problem. He said that socks will get loose somehow too.

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    Reviewed March 10, 2011

    Had my LG Tromm dryer for about 4 years now and this is the second time in 6 months that I need the drum replaced do to the welding seems cracking. I don't understand how I pay big money for something that falls apart after only a few years. Never again will I buy LG products.

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    Reviewed Jan. 26, 2011

    I have an LG Dryer. As what many had already stated, the drum is thin and cracked, tearing many clothes before I figured it out. This is obviously a problem that LG needs to address and correct. I will not buy an LG product again.

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    Reviewed Jan. 10, 2011

    LG DLE 2150 Dryer, dead out of the box. I bought the dryer over a year ago, but only installed it a week ago due to construction delays as such has no warranty coverage.

    The door switch is defective. I managed to get the dryer to work by jamming a toothpick in the door switch. I’m less than impressed.

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    Reviewed Dec. 29, 2010

    LG Drum Dryer has failed again. Okay, this is what we have to do: Find an attorney (and I think I know one) that will file a class action suit against LG for the value of every dryer they have ever sold and return everyone a portion of their money.

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    Reviewed Oct. 7, 2010

    The LG Dryer Drum Weld is defective. They should recall these devices.

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    Reviewed Sept. 30, 2010

    I bought a new gas dryer. It did not work from the start. They sent a mechanic who has been out five times and he cannot fix it but says it is repairable. He has completely taken the dryer apart twice, down to parts. He even stuck a 2x4 piece of lumber in the bottom of the dryer and knocked it around. Still does not work.

    LG will not stand by their product and replace this new dryer. After eight weeks of having no clothes dryer, they are sending yet another mechanic out to try to fix the dryer. Life is not good!

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    Reviewed Sept. 27, 2010

    I have an LG front-loading gas dryer (Model DLG5932W) with a cracked tub. Dryer started making and odd clunking sound shortly before it was out of warranty, but could not determine what it was coming from. Finally as it got worse, the crack along the weld/seam became visible. Crack is continuing to get worse, and I'm torn between fixing it, and having it happen again, and just replacing it. I'm very disappointed to see so many people with this complaint and LG blatantly trying to brush this under the rug, rather than make things right. I sincerely hope someone is able to take legal action and make them answer for this.

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    Reviewed Sept. 23, 2010

    A few years ago, my wife and I purchased a high efficiency washer and drier. We love everything about the two units. But, just right after the extended warranty ran out, a crack had developed in the drum of the drier, a crack that got longer and bigger. And now the crack has disabled the drum and it does not work. If this crack was not there, it would work beautifully. Why wasn't this drum built better? Or did I pay dearly for a drier that was built with a flaw? Now I am shopping for a drier that wont match my nearly $2000 unit. And we have the fancy pedestals that go under the units which were a pain in the rear to install. I am also worried that I wont be able to buy a drier that will match our washer and one that will fit the pedestal.

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    Reviewed Sept. 11, 2010

    LG Tromm dryer drum cracked along the seam and ruined clothes. LG does not stand behind their product and I had to pay for a new LG drum plus installation. 6 months later and now, the new drum has cracked just like the original. Obviously, a manufacture defect, but LG does nothing and claims that they have had no cases like mine. Look online and you will see there hundreds of cases just like mine.

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    Reviewed Sept. 10, 2010

    My LG gas dryer has a cracked drum. The weld has split and the drum has to be replaced. It looks like this is a common defect with their dryers. Model # dlg0332w.

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    Reviewed Aug. 24, 2010

    This is a follow up to my post on 8/22/10 regarding the cracked drum on the LG dryer. I contacted LG today and was told there was absolutely nothing they could do. They did not even ask to come and inspect the dryer to see if it was possibly a manufacturing defect. I ask if there had been any similar complaints and was told that there had not. I can clearly see this is not the case when reading all of the complaints on this site. I feel that LG knows that there is a problem in the manufacturing of this dryer but are unwilling to stand behind their product or acknowledge that they have a problem. So as for now they will continue to crank this junk out on the Korean manufacturing line that they are so proud of until someone hits them with a class action suit. I will never buy an LG product again and will tell anyone who ask me to steer as far away from LG as possible.

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    Reviewed Aug. 22, 2010

    I purchased an LG washer and dryer in Nov 2003. I purchased the extended warranty which was up in Nov 2008. Today when I opened the dryer there is a huge crack on the weld line in the stainless steel drum. I realize that normal wear and tear will happen but this is stainless steel. I feel that there is a quality and/or workmanship problem as I have read thru the complaints; it seems that there is a common thread of cracked drums in the dryer at the weld line.

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    Reviewed July 29, 2010

    I will never again buy an LG product of any kind. I have had the same problems with my so-called, state-of-the-art washer and dryer. The dryer does not dry the clothes, shuts off early even on the timed setting. The washer smells bad and doesn't get the clothes clean. Calling the company got me nowhere. I dislike the front-loader style as I need to either bend or squat down to get the clothes out. Personally, the whole "high efficiency" thing is a scam. You need water and plenty of it in order to properly clean your clothes. Thanks a lot to all the environmentalists who started this crazy scheme. It does not work. Environmentalism is a big scam too.

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    Reviewed July 13, 2010

    I bought an LG Tromm Dryer four years ago and have noticed a hole at the back of the dryer drum. The dryer wheel looks as if it has caused the hole but it can't be for sure. I have called LG to complain that I don't think I should be responsible for this, as it looks to be a manufacturer's problem. The hole is getting bigger by the day. I have holes in a lot of my clothes because of the hole in the dryer. I will never by LG again.

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    Reviewed July 1, 2010

    I have a front loading dryer. The circuit board fried after 1 year and 11 months. The repair man stated 2 years at best for the board which runs $125.00. I thought I was purchasing a quality product for $1,300. I should have bought the $400 dryer now. Also, I have the matching washer which he tells me the rear bearing goes out every 2 years to the tune of $450.00.

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    Reviewed June 28, 2010

    There is a large cracked-out chunk of stainless in the back of the drum. Paper-thin and sharp, it tore up the felt seal ring in the back. The Tromm Gas dryer is about 4 years old.

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    Reviewed June 25, 2010

    We've owned an LG dryer for 3 1/2 years. The other day, I noticed a hole in the drum. Has anyone else had trouble with this?

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    Reviewed June 15, 2010

    We purchased an LG Tromm washer and dryer, and we have had problems with the dryer tub cracking along the seam. After reading about the service problems, we ordered a new tub and rollers from Sears Direct in the beginning of February 2010. The dryer started getting noisy again, and when we checked, the new drum is cracked in several places on the front edge. It seems to be made of plastic and not stainless steel.

    When I called Sears tonight, I was passed to four different people to speak with. The first three said they would replace the part and that it should not have broken in such a short amount of time. But the last one, who was to send out the part, told me it only had a 90-day warranty; and I had mine for 134 days. So no replacement, but he could give me 10% off another new tub.

    I opted not to order another part from Sears Direct, as I can't afford to replace the parts every four months. I was told the only option I had was to fax or write to the complaint department to see if they would address my problem. He then asked if I owned a home and wanted to send Sears out to give me a free estimate on any home improvements I wanted to make. What a joke!

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    Reviewed June 3, 2010

    I called and have had no luck so far in getting my dryer warranted. This is all over the Internet about these LG dryers--about 3 or 4 years old purchased from Home Depot. The lady at the 1-800-243-0000 number indicated they would warrant the dryer drum. They should because it is obvious that this is a defect from the design of the stainless steel drum. I have an estimate of $350.00 after spending $99.00 twice now to find that I have to spend more. And this is an LG product failure which is less than 4 years old.

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    Reviewed May 13, 2010

    LG Tromm dryer is 4 years old. Crack in drum, only used for regular drying. LG had me fax in photos and receipts 2 times only to be told the warranty had ran out (I had already told them that on the phone). No one can fix it locally. It never dried well anyways, always took 200 minutes to dry a load! I will never buy LG again. I purchased it at Home Depot. The crack gets bigger over time and rips clothes.

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    Reviewed April 19, 2010

    Both my LG Dryer and Dishwasher have failed. They are 3 years old. I am getting the run around from LG and I can't find a repairman in my area who doesn't refuse to work on LG. There is one company, but they want $50 to look at the first appliance and 25$ to look at the second. This doesn't seem right to me. One charge per house call should suffice. I am unable to use my dishwasher or dryer. I am wasting my cell phone minutes and my valuable time.

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    Reviewed March 27, 2010

    I just got off the phone with an LG rep. The issue started in February 2010, about a month after we'd had the new steam washer and dryer. The dryer began to whistle. I called LG and made a claim. They gave me numbers of repair techs in the area to call. Ironically, the dryer didn't whistle when the tech came but he had experienced the issue before and stated that it was probably the way the unit was tied down for delivery.

    I called LG and told them I would like to have the unit replaced since replacing the door alone would not fix the issue of bent frame (technician's judgment). I called LG and said that they could try to replace the door and that I would prefer that they just replace the unit. I told them that I would let them make the decision on whether or not to attempt to replace the door first. I faxed the proof of purchase and was told I would be contacted in a week or two. That was almost a month ago.

    Today, Saturday, I get a phone call stating that the issue is a "control panel problem." I reminded him that it was not and was not reported as such on the original claim. He told me that this was an issue of the delivering company. Of course, I argued our case. He said that the paperwork would need to be resubmitted to a supervisor for a decision. I asked to talk to a supervisor and he refused saying that there was not one "near him" at the time. I asked him to go find one and he said that was not their policy but that one would contact me within 48 hours but that was not a guarantee!

    He refused to give me the paperwork from the original complaint and told me that I could get the technician's notes from the repairman. I asked for the originals, he refused. I am at a total loss. These are expensive units that are supposed to be backed by the company! The units were inspected and run at delivery with no problem. I'm afraid that we will be blamed for this issue because it was not reported at that time. But we didn't know! I will never buy another appliance from Home Depot or LG. I don't know what the outcome will be. I would love to talk to someone who had the same issue but I don't know who or how.

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    Reviewed March 24, 2010

    I just picked up an LG dryer from a nice lady in my area. It looked brand new and was on a pedestal. It was advertised on Craig's list as free.When I contacted her about it, she told me that it was about 2 years old and there was a crack in the drum and it would need a new drum installed, that would cost 125 dollars plus installation, but she was told that someone could do it themselves if they were handy. She also told me that just after the one year warranty expired, a control panel on the back of the dryer caught fire and she had to replace the control panel for almost 300 dollars and the reason she was giving it away was because she was not going to put any more money into it.

    When I got it to my place, I put my hand inside, trying to feel for the crack, and I could not believe how flimsy the stainless steel seemed to be on the back of the drum. There was a crack where a seam was separating but she warned against trying to use it in case it may get worse and ruin my clothes. I don't know if she ever lodged a complaint, so I am doing so on her behalf, and for myself for the fact that it belongs to me now, and I need to get it repaired.

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    Reviewed March 23, 2010

    Same as a lot of other customers, high-priced dryer seam in the drum came apart. No help from LG-faulty product.

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    Reviewed March 9, 2010

    I purchased an LG Tromm washer and gas dryer approximately 3 years ago from Home Depot. Immediately, the dryer gave us problems. It would not turn on, would turn off in the middle of a load. It would not heat. Just about anything that could go wrong, did. I contacted LG numerous times and jumped through all their hoops. They finally replaced my dryer with a new one about one year after my purchase. Well last month, the washer died! It was mid-cycle and it simply quit.

    Nothing can get it back on. I need to add that these units are at my lake home which we visit on weekends, mostly in the summer. They have had very minimal use, maybe 2-4 loads per month. Alas, since it is at the lake, the nearest service tech is about 60 miles away and will not go to my home to do a service call. They say we have to bring the washer to him!

    My husband is a home builder so we have purchased a lot of appliances and are better informed than most. I have never heard of this many people having so many problems with a washer/dryer pair! If someone out there starts a suit, I am in! Not being able to wash clothes at lake home, having to haul laundry back and forth every trip. Embarrassing when we have guests and they have to bring home their dirty clothes. I pitched a fit to get these "state of the art", high-tech units that cost 3 times as much as a normal set. I will never hear the end of this from my husband!

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    Reviewed March 9, 2010

    After two years of owning this machine the drum has broken, it smells, we have not used it in a year simply out of frustration. It's just not working. I went online and thousands of people have complained.

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    Reviewed Feb. 21, 2010

    I purchased a new LG washer and dryer in October 2007. I was told that LG was top of the line. The dryer quit drying the clothes. When my wife called LG Customer Service, the first thing they asked us was, “Do you use dryer sheets?” Well, yes we do. They told us not to use them because they leave a residue on the two sensor bars that sense the humidity in the clothes.

    We were told to wipe the sensors off with a warm rag and mild soap and if that didn't work, we are to call them back. Well, it didn't work so we called them back and 3 different customer service representatives all asked if we used dryer sheets again! My wife asked to speak to the supervisor and he claims it isn't an issue. The appliance man says that the sensors will not send the right message to the control panel. We are in the process of replacing the control panel. We wish we would have stuck with our Maytag of 18 years and never once had to repair it!

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    Reviewed Feb. 19, 2010

    I bought a washer/dryer pair after my Whirlpool washer broke, and I was half-way to a new washer in price to fix it. I purchased it from my local Home Depot store and had heard good things about this brand. I am sorely disappointed and wish I had gone back to Whirlpool which lasted me 12 years. This dryer has stopped heating twice within 6 months of purchase. I will never buy another LG product and want my money back!

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    Reviewed Feb. 3, 2010

    In Nov. 2003, I bought an LG front load clothes washer & electric dryer set (dryer model # DLE2532W / washer model # WM1832CW). At the time, we were told that it was a good quality product; we purchased it at H.H. Gregg. The sales person told us that Europe had used LG washer/dryers for decades and they were the main brand used in Europe. Consumer Reports also listed them as being good machines. In Dec. 2009, my dryer drum cracked along the welding seam of the drum near the door of the dryer. The crack is approx. 2"-3" long and is very sharp. I believe it is a defect in manufacturing or poor quality construction. The dryer has only been used for regular household laundry and should never have cracked under the conditions it has been used.

    My dryer is no longer under its 1 year warranty and I am seriously debating the cost/value of having it repaired vs. purchasing a new dryer. I have since read many complaints about LG dryers and washers breaking down multiple times & I am not the only one to have this particular dryer with a cracked drum. I will not purchase LG again. The washer has never met my expectations either, but I wrote it off because I had never had a front loader before.

    Now I am thinking that this is just not a quality product. I was never able to wash my clothing as clean as my old upright Hotpoint washer. I usually have to do a pre-wash and an extra rinse, running all my loads on "heavy soiled". Many loads need running through twice to really get them clean despite following the manufacturer's directions and using "HE" detergent products. So much for saving water, electricity and money with a high efficiency machine.

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    Reviewed Feb. 1, 2010

    I purchased a matching pair of top of the line Washer & Dryer units from LG "Life's Good" Electronics in June 2006. I have had no issues whatsoever with my washer but the dryer has broken down 5 times in the last 2-1/2 years (LG model DLG8388NM). I have had their certified repairmen come to my house on each occasion to repair the dryer. They have replaced just about every part in the dryer. The problem is always the same - no heat. The dryer will start, run through its cycle, the drum will tumble, but it will not heat so the clothes do not dry. Every time this has been the issue. I called LG's customer service and was told that there is no recall on this model so as long as a repairman can fix it, it is my problem.

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    Reviewed Jan. 8, 2010

    LG assumes responsibility for the warranty on their appliances for 1 year. Regardless of the retail outlet, you are advised to call LG for warranty service.

    The appliance technician was competent and honest and prepared to tell me that my new dryer would be costly for LG repair in my home and would require me to make space available to perform a re-build. The technician submitted a report to his Research and Development Department at LG.

    It has taken 2 months of emails and phone calls to obtain a replacement. The dryer that did not function is no longer manufactured--a discontinued line. The replacement dryer has a manufacturer's list price substantially less than the replacement dryer. LG is not prepared to consider providing a 1-year warranty on the new replacement dryer.

    The stainless steel dryer has been returned to LG in little used condition with the parts that failed in the first hours of use. The Consumer Service Department(s) are either incompetent, deliberately avoiding legitimate consumer concerns or directed to switch requests for service to others to frustrate the customer and avoid making any written response to concerns and requests.

    I used an automatic telephone service that go unanswered, and I got switched to other departments and then disconnected. If anyone can find me someone at LG who cares, I will call them. In the meantime, good luck if you are ever requested to dial 1-800-2430000 for LG "Life is Good." Service. The Resolutions Department is ext 2091. Is there anyone there?

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    Reviewed Jan. 7, 2010

    I recently bought an LG WD14030RD washer dryer and struggled to work out how to use the thing. I wanted to replace my older washing machine and a separate dryer. I can not get this thing to simply dry clothes. Every time it tries to dry anything, it takes a long time. Then when I finally got the door open, everything is still damp. Why does it take so long for this machine to do what an older model does in half the time? I now have a $1600 washer dryer combo and still have a separate dryer. I highly recommend not purchasing one of these machines.

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    Reviewed Nov. 12, 2009

    Bought an LG Dryer three years ago at best buy. The motor just went out last week. Spoke to one rep last week who said the motor should be covered for at least five to eight years. Would not give a name called back today and spoke to a rep, who basiclly said after one year thats it, no warranty unless you buy the extended warranty. I would like to get a REAl straight answer. I would not expect such a highly rated product to have a major failure so quickly.,
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    Reviewed Nov. 9, 2009

    I paid a fortune for theses pieces of ---- vibrates all over the floor and after coming out of LG dryer feels like sandpaper shold have kept my old energy unefecient top loader
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    Reviewed Oct. 7, 2009

    LG Dryer Stainless Steel Tub Cracked along the seam and rollers failed in only 4 years on this very expensive dryer
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    Reviewed Oct. 2, 2009

    Purchase LG HE Dryer from Best Buy. One year and 2 months later, the dryer will not dry. Called LG Customer Service. They offered the names of 2 repair centers 1/2 hour away, neother of which will servie our area. No one locally services the dryer and it is out of warranty ( 1 yr warranty on a $1200 dryer???-shameful)
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    Reviewed Sept. 23, 2009

    MY LG dry does not dry clothes in a timely fashion. I takes 2-21/2 hours to dry a routine load. The service technician from the Geek Squad (Best Buy) gave me a lot of bull and not solutions to my problem
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    Reviewed April 2, 2009

    I have an LG Dryer DLG2526W and I have not been able to use it for a month because the product uses 3/8 N.P.T. gas Connector to connect the dryer to the gas line. Most stores do not carry the 3/8 N.P.T. gas Connector. They all carry 3/8 Universal gas Connector, which has a different thread. I called LG, but they don't know anything about gas connectors and this product. They transferred me to their parts distributor who had a complete lack of knowledge of their product, which makes them useless and frustrating. I spoke with multiple people, and each time I was told I needed a different part. The cost range of all these parts varied from $6 to $107, and all I kept saying was that I simply needed a 3/8 N.P.T gas Connector. But they didn't know what that is. I found it a bit troublesome and potentially dangerous too that they would randomly advise customers on parts relating to gas lines when they were so obviously unfamiliar with the dryers and their workings. Their customer service was absolutely incapable of being any help. Good luck to anyone who needs assistance with an LG product.

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    Reviewed Feb. 8, 2009

    Based on good reviews from Consumer Reports and a favorable impression when house-sitting for friends, we purchased an LG Steam Washer and matching dryer a little over a year ago when we bought a house. The washer has been just as good as promised. The dryer ... well ... dryer might not be quite the right term; maybe the 'kind-of-dry-er' or 'not-quite-as-wet-as-before-er" might be a better name.
    Sensor dry is touted as a green/energy-saving feature. The dryer decides how much is enough. You don't waste electricity drying when you don't need it. Unless, of course, it's almost always wrong. For the first many weeks, we thought we must be doing something wrong (the controls are somewhat complex). We experimented with different settings, but rarely had the correct results. After a few months, our neighbors were remodeling their house and came to ours to wash clothes. After a few times my neighbor asked what in the world was wrong with my dryer. She could never get clothes dry unless she switched to a timed cycle. That finally prompted us to get warranty service. LG was responsive and sent a repair technician. The technician confirmed that the unit was not drying properly, but told us the problem was probably a clogged venting system. The recommendation was to clean the vent system and to run the dryer disconnected from the venting in order to prove the theory. We did both. We cleaned the venting with forced air (it wasn't really dirty at all) and ran the dryer disconnected but got the same result). We called the repair technician and reported the result. He said that LG would have to reauthorize further repair. We waited. After several months of soggy clothes that needed to go through a dry cycle two or three times, we called LG again. They sent the same repair technician. This time he disconnected the vent hose himself and ran some wet towels through the dryer cycle. When the dryer shut itself off, the towels were still very wet. He reported this to LG and was authorized to replace some parts related to the sensor system (which had to be ordered). When the parts arrived, the technician came and installed them. We were looking forward to (finally) dry clothes on the first try from our $1k+ dryer (the one with twin sensors for extra high accuracy). Are you guessing ahead that the clothes didn't dry properly? Good guess. They didn't I called the technician. He said if the dryer wasn't drying that he didn't know what else to do to fix it. He suggested that it needed to be replaced. I called LG. They said the technician needed to return and call their technical support for additional assistance. The technician returned and retested the dryer with the same results. He actually sat and watched the entire cycle dry. With about 20 minutes left in the drying cycle, the dryer 'sensed' that the dry was complete and shut off. The clothes were still somewhere between damp and wet. The technician called LG support and (this is where it got REALLY good) the LG support rep said ... these dryers are designed for use in Europe where people don't want their clothes fully dry because they go hang them out to finish drying. We were on the border of laughing. The repair technician was on the border of rolling his eyes. Then it got ugly. The technician said that if LG said this was normal performance, then there was nothing more he could do. So I called LG quickly while he was finishing up. They asked to talk with him. I personally listened while he told them that the dryer was not working properly and, in his opinion, should be replaced. LG forwarded him back to the same rep who said, essentially, that leaving the clothes wet after a sensor dry was completely normal. So I asked the technician, is this normal? If it was normal, why would you have bothered coming out here several times, replacing parts, etc...? He told us that this was not the way other LG dryers (both similar and identical models) worked. He said that, in his estimation, based on the bizarre response, that LG must have something very wrong with this particular model and was, more or less, trying to cover it up. After that, LG said they would replace the dryer, but first wanted a second opinion from another repair servicer. They put us in contact with another company, who told us they did not work in our area. I called LG back and they said oh, okay, try this other company for your second opinion. I pointed out to them that they had just assigned the company who already serviced the unit multiple times and said that it needed replacement. LG said, oh, well then we'll have it replaced. That was when Cassandra first called us. She asked if our problem had been resolved. We said no and retold the story. She said she would turn the unit over to another department for replacement. She said we should expect a call within a week or two. She asked me to fax her a copy of the purchase receipt (which I did). The next day she called to say the fax was missing pages. I refaxed the document and called to to confirm receipt. After about 3 weeks, Cassandra called back to see if the issue had been resolved. Well, we had never been contacted by the (supposed) department that does replacements. She put us on hold awhile then came back and said that they wanted another technician to do an evaluation (???). My partner then called and asked to speak to a customer service supervisor. He got a representative who claimed to be a supervisor who said they needed another evaluation of the unit before it could be replaced. They assigned a service repair company (the same company they assigned the time before that didn't service our area). We called this company and they confirmed that they (still) didn't service our area. The company rep sounded very professional so I asked, "LG says that these dryers are designed not to fully dry the clothes when using the sensor cycle, is that your experience when servicing them?". He nearly laughed. Never heard any such thing. I called back LG and said this company doesn't service our area. LG replied that they would reassign the service to (yes, you guessed it) the same company that originally came 4 times and said the unit needed replacement. A few days later Cassandra called back and asked if the unit had been repaired (this was getting almost funny). We said no and Cassandra said she would submit the unit for replacement. I pointed out that she had (according to her) already done that. She said no, I never submitted it for replacement (???). She took information about the house, flights of stairs, etc..." Then she asked me to write up a full summary of everything that had happened and fax it to her. I did and that was the last I ever heard of anyone from LG.
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    Reviewed Feb. 1, 2009

    We purchased a front load LG washer and dryer set in Nov. 2005. We bought what we thought would be a great purchase to assist with doing large loads with minimal water use. We were willing to pay the $2000. for what we thought was a good investment for often used set of appliances.
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    Reviewed Dec. 31, 2008

    We purchased what we thought was a dream dryer the LG Dryer! It has been a nightmare, it does not dry clothes without restarting it two or three times, the clothes come out wrinkled and we gave up on getting service from LG or Best Buy long ago. It is going to be given away and we will go back to our old tried true brand. WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING MADE BY LG AGAIN!!! I HOPE THAT A CLASS ACTION SUIT WILL BE FILED I WANT MY MONEY BACK!
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    Reviewed Oct. 12, 2008

    LG dryer- had less than one month, went bad. Home Depot replaced. Less than 6 months later, the dryer not heating correctly. Service men come and can't ever seem to fix it. The service people say it's one of 3 things; igniter, motor, or gas valve.. but they don't know which, so I would have to replace all of them at a cost of above $500... Since when do service people not know how to fix appliances and since when should dryers only last 1 year or less? My suggestion is that no one buy LG products. And the washer shakes the entire house, so get a better brand, just not LG.

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    Reviewed Aug. 12, 2008

    I bought a LEG Gas Dryer DLG5932W in 6/3/05. Since the beginning of 2008 I have had a repairman here 4 times to reset the dryer. A motherboard had to be replaced and since then the overload heat sensor on the dryer housing trips for an unknown reason. Our repairman that has come every time says he is unable to get an answer out of LG and that he is aware of three other gas dryers that have this same issue.

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    Reviewed Jan. 2, 2008

    Purchase new LG frontloader washer/dryer set in 2007. Dryer burnt out thermostat within a few months. Part took 3 weeks to come. Dryer is designed to send most lint through the exhaust. We have one of the approved vent caps, however this outside vent has animal grates which trap the lint and causes a backup (even though this is the recommended vent cap). After new heating installed outside vent grate was clipped out and several of the cover flaps were removed. Design issue needs to be addressed by LG.

    Also you cannot use dryer sheets in LG front dryers, it confuses the sensor, leaves residue and voids warrentee.
    Washer got replacement seal for front door as it had a minor leak almost from the delivery date.

    There is a new product out, Affresh, that should be used once a month to clean out the soap residue from the washers and removes the musty smell. It can be purchased through Whirlpool.

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    Reviewed Feb. 9, 2007

    I purchased an LG dryer that broke (stopped heating) after 4 months. I have contacted LG customer service many times and they were extremely rude. I have had a local appliance repair company come out to my house 3 times and they have been unable to get the correct parts from LG to fix the dryer. I have been without a dryer for 2 months and counting. I am extremely upset by the poor quality of LG appliances and also by their customer service.

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    LG Dryers Company Information

    Company Name:
    LG Refrigerators
    Year Founded:
    201 James Record Road
    Postal Code:
    United States