Timeshares By Owner

Timeshares By Owner Reviews

About Timeshares By Owner

At Timeshares By Owner, we are proud to offer an extensive database to help you find the Timeshare Vacation Property of your dreams. Timeshares By Owner is not a timeshare resales broker, so you pay no commission when you purchase or rent your Timeshare Vacation Property. Our professional staff is totally committed to the success of our program! Put one of them to work for you and sell your timeshare quickly!

Timeshares By Owner Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40
    Customer ServicePricePunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed April 2, 2020

    I received a call from HGVC owners center, Michelle is who I specifically spoke to. When I asked what I thought was a realistic legitimate question, she laughed at me. HOW INSULTING! She does not deserve to be talking to people who have spent an abundant amount of money to purchase time share with the company that pays her salary. In addition to her rude reaction, HGVC has become more and more of a ripoff. There is never availability when you want it, they make you jump through hoops to get a reservation, and then they cancel it without an offer to reschedule anything. That company has become too big for what they offer. They are very expensive for what you get in return. I would not recommend HGVC to anyone that is thinking of a timeshare. Keep shopping before you sign on the dotted line.

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    Reviewed March 4, 2020

    This company makes all kinds of promises it never delivers on. They use a low amount to lure you in, and once they have you, do nothing. Then they get you to pay more money with promises of how much you will get. Nothing. I have received literally one rental offer from them that I could actually do. After spending over $3,000 with them. I have been passed around from one person to another in their company and all they ever do is try to get even more money out of me. This company is AWFUL. Steer clear!!

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsPunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed Feb. 9, 2020

    After contacting Marriott about any buyback program, I was told they do not buy back times shares even though the contract says they do. They said they would however let me give it up and walk away with nothing. Somehow, I got in contact with Timeshares by Owner. First mistake. They promised me the moon and then some. That was last July 2019.

    In October 2019 they came back wanting more money for their “Autumn Showcase”. Second mistake. In November 2019 they wanted still more money. I am embarrassed to say how much they have taken me for. To date I have received one rental offer which did not pan out. Every couple of months someone calls asking if I have had any offers. Why are you asking me? I thought that was what I was paying you for. Last Thursday they call to chit chat. They are going to do some checking and will call me back in 5 minutes. Two and a half hours later they finally call back. Of course, I am not there, and they won’t talk with my wife. Says they will call on Friday. Next morning, they do call and want to know if I am going to be around. I say yes and am told they will call me right back. Haven’t heard from them since. Don’t be a sucker. Run don’t walk away from these people.

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    Customer ServicePriceStaff

    Reviewed Sept. 11, 2019

    Have been contacted by Tom of their office since November 2018; promising to get top dollar to rent our condo in West Palm Beach. Have been toying with idea, but since we own free and clear there is no hurry to do so. Finally to take the bait, got price reduced substantially to under $400 to be a "lifetime" client. Was going to enroll today, and it went downhill from there.

    Was asked for my card; which I declined with no documentation or paperwork. Tom assured me he was honest and would lose his job if he wasn't; told him I was sure he was but I would not be giving my card information to him without documents. Claimed they could not generate documents without having card information; told him that was problematic for me. He put his "boss" on the line, and it really deteriorated! Boss tries to shame me by basically saying Tom has been messing around with me long enough, I've had plenty of time to make a decision, didn't I see literature they sent me? I told him the slick flyers did not give ME any guarantees!

    Then he said, "here's the bottom line: you've talked with Tom long enough". Told him my bottom line was I would not be providing my card and prepaying for anything without 1) documentation, and 2) my husband's approval. He said "you're not going to make demands to me on my company" and hung up. Huh? What?? Are you kidding? Is this the customer service one could expect in the future? No thank you! I will not be questioned or belittled because I insist on accountability! Wish I had checked this site sooner to save myself time and irritation!

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsSales & Marketing

    Reviewed Aug. 14, 2019

    I was first contacted about how many sales they have and how sure they were in getting my vacation ownership sold that I simply wasn't using. Then you follow up, no action has been done per the contract. I asked for them to show me proof my ad was actually online, I took screenshots and nothing was there after paying their fee. I was subsequently reached out by the SAME company, apparently another 'branch' and they do not communicate with each other. Same pitch. The third time someone called from 'corporate' office after multiple written emails and they ASKED for another fee to sell once again. I don't think this company actually markets ANYTHING. I would tell everyone to not waste your time on this, or if you do pick up, ask the sales associate what kind of benefits they receive that would make them want to work for a scam company. If anyone has already started a formal complaint, I will happily support with my experience and documentation.

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    Sales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 13, 2019

    This is the most blatant SCAM system I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. After their sales pitch of how great they are and how they will sell your timeshare in no time at all, they come back after a few months of inactivity and try to get more money from you. They try to get you to upgrade to their "Elite" status where they can do more to sell your property. They are Rude!!! The use profanity! They are the most scandalous company I've ever dealt with. How are they even allowed to remain in business.

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingPriceStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 9, 2019

    My husband and I had been trying to sell our timeshare and had been burnt by another company making false promises about results. When we received the call from this company we were reluctant at first because of our prior experience of laying out 1000. and having gotten no results. Well needless to say, we were convinced by one of the slick representatives that our timeshare in Key West would be very easy to sell and that we should put money upfront so they could get the process going. They talk a really good game and are VERY persistent, making repeated calls until you respond.

    When we called to ask if anyone had inquired about our timeshare, we were told to lower the price to 4,000. from 10,000. which was their initial suggestion. Needless to say, we've heard nothing from them in months except for a recent call from one of the reps telling us that for additional money they could list it in their publication instead of solely on the internet. Now why would anyone fall for this line?! My husband promptly told them they were scammers like all the rest and they weren't getting another dime out of us. I cannot believe that this company is still allowed to operate with SCAM written all over it. At this point I will take my business to a certified attorney and go through the proper channels (although more expensive) to sell my timeshare. So my parting words to anyone considering using this company - DON'T!!! It's a total SCAM!!! **

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsStaff

    Reviewed June 20, 2019

    This company may help some people, but I have received no offers and have been treated with much rudeness and unprofessionalism. I've had 4 different salespersons try and get results. They interrupt me almost every sentence I speak, and that is no exaggeration. Therefore, they do not care what I have to say, and I'm not cursing them or being ugly. They interrupt me more than any business I've ever dealt with.

    Not one offer has come my way, although one of the 4 salespersons mentioned that I had received a couple of offers. She was mistaken or was she? They may have received a bite, but I never have. The wrong photo was used once, but they alleged that I must have looked at the wrong ad. I began asking for a refund many months ago, and I have stated I am not putting out any more money on this. Yet, they ask for more money to help bring about results. And now, it's well past the time-frame for any refund. I have been open to their ideas and solutions about lowering the prices. We've already lowered the prices at least twice. Still, no activity. And my timeshare is the newest and most modern timeshare being built in Branson.

    Many things don't add up. I should have known from the beginning when there were mistakes and grammatical errors in the 'contract' or document emailed to me when I first joined. So, yesterday, I leave a voice mail that I do not want a call from an associate. Rather, I'd like a call from a supervisor or owner. I just received it, and she interrupted me as much as the other salespersons that have taken the time to have a conversation (ha) with me.

    I believed (wrongly) that the "higher up," or supervisor would want to know of the things that have happened or not happened that put them in a negative light. But she basically defended her employees, not caring what I was saying. She referred to my comments about past events, some of which I have stated above, as "ramblings". When she was done rambling herself about a 'solution' I calmly and softly pointed out that part of my frustration is how she referred to my comments as "ramblings". She offered no apology or seemed the slightest bit regretful. At least they only got $500 from me instead of $1000. STAY AWAY!

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed June 15, 2019

    I was approached by TBO initially due to my web searches for a property rental in San Diego for my son's Graduation from the Marines. I was told that I would be able to rent out my timeshare in Kissimmee FL easily and would have a great chance of big $ offers to sell as well as their programs to rent other timeshares at a 70% discount anywhere in the continent US. After little response and no available vacation rentals in San Diego we found a place through Airbnb. 2 months later I started receiving phone calls from my sales representatives manager wanting to get me on track as I was not getting traction coming in on offers.

    We played phone tag for 2 weeks then he handed my account of to a sales specialist who after almost 45 minutes on the phone telling me how good he was and how much knowledge he had and how honest he was, basically saying nothing about the point of the business of the conversation, I stopped him to explain I wasn't interested in selling but just renting my unit. This started another long dissertation on why I not being a professional salesman should leave everything up to him and trust him because he knew best.

    I called his bluff and he finally got to the point and offered me another marketing level plan for an additional $3000 which after more direct skepticism he was willing to discount of course with no guarantee of sale or rental or my property. They are a huge scam, as I pointed out that I was catching on to the pitch they got angry and spoke down to me trying to intimidate me into the program even more.... This company should be sued for millions of dollars because they have stolen millions from poor unsuspecting families and elderly people for years! Product or Service Mentioned: Timeshares By Owner Timeshare Selling.

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed May 12, 2019

    Well they got our $1,000 and we got (poor) lip service. Their strongest sales point was deafening silence followed closely by nothing. As an alternative, Easy Timeshare Relief performed EXACTLY as Steve said they would. Check out https://easytimesharerelief.com/.

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed March 7, 2019

    I fell for the scam just like the others have posted. It's been almost a year now and not 1 single offer for a rental or sale. I forked out enough money that I could have paid my timeshare fee for a year. Whatever you do, run as fast as you can in the other direction from these guys. Everything they told me is a lie. I have never made a mistake like this before and consider myself pretty street smart and fiscally sensible. They tried to get me to buy into their "special" upgraded program about 6 months ago and thank goodness I didn't. Too bad there's not a class action suit that I can join against them. Any good lawyers out there interested in a case?

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingPriceStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 23, 2019

    We got involved with Timeshare By Owner when we were interested in selling or at least renting our timeshare. Initially, after paying about $1,000 for their program, we received several rental requests but what they were asking for were ridiculous such as renting a week for next to nothing at a time where nothing was available. After several rental requests, they dried up and then comes the phone calls saying they can sell our timeshare but would cost us to get into their top selling marketing program.

    Unfortunately, we fell for it and after several thousand dollars later and 6 months later not one sales offer. We knew we had been scammed. Now, just today after 3 months of no contact we get this bubbly person calling and my husband returned the call and as soon as she said they had a new program, my husband said we were not paying another dollar and she said she hoped we had a better day and hung up. Good grief, I should say we will since we will be keeping money out of their hands. We spent over a year dealing with these scammers with always a better deal to get a rental or sales offer. Expensive lesson, please, please, don't get roped into their fast talking sales pitch and lose your shirt to these scammers.

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 16, 2019

    The biggest problem I have is the sales force. I have not been roped into their scam due to a discussion with one of their sales force almost a year ago when they called. I told the person it was a scam at that time and requested removal from all communication. Since then I am still getting calls on my office and company emergency cell number. Every time I answer I again tell them to remove me. Not sure how they got my numbers? Every time they leave messages I contact them, telling them the same thing. REMOVED MY NUMBERS, IT IS HARASSMENT, yet it still goes on with the calls, just a different person calling one of the 2 numbers. Some agency needs to shut them down and find the Owners Majorly. In a sense I feel sorry for the employees, they are just doing their jobs and most likely being misled.

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed Oct. 24, 2018

    TSBO is a complete scam...they notified my elderly mom in December 2017 and got her for $1000, making promises that they could easily sell her timeshare. She is on a fixed income and I was really upset that this company can sleep at night knowing that they are professionally taken advantage of people and taking their hard earned money claiming that they can help them. Fast forward to September 2018, they called her again and got her for $1500 this time. We haven't heard from anyone for an update or anything. I called to follow up with our sales rep and ironically enough, he no longer works there. No one contacted us and now it's too late to cancel the contract to get our money back.

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    Customer ServiceSales & Marketing

    Reviewed Oct. 23, 2018

    Timeshares By Owner plays a game making you lots of promises and sales, but they got my husband the first time for $1500.00, we got nothing, then they got ME and I too paid $1500.00. So, now $3,000.00 out of our pocket. Then, they call me tonight 10/23/2018 trying to sell me another bag of crap that supposedly regularly sells for $6,00.00, but LUCKY ME I can buy more advertising for only $1500.00 more? Crazy. Stay far away from this hard sales scam just like Westgate timeshares hard sales. Save your money and try to friend who has time to travel & utilize the cruise & travel for $29.00 a year and you get free weeks. That’s the best you can do or book your timeshare then offer it to a Non profit organization auction and get a nice tax write off. That’s the best survival, but DO NOT GIVE TIMESHARES BY OWNER ANY OF YOUR MONEY!!! It’s a TOTAL SCAM!

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    Customer ServiceSales & Marketing

    Reviewed Oct. 19, 2018

    This company promises all sorts of advertising and promotion but delivers nothing then passes you on to another associate who asked for more money for advertising and promotion before "talking to their manager" to discount the new fee by 50%. They have a bullying strategy trying to make the seller feel stupid for not giving them more money. They won't end the conversation and if you hang up on them after telling them you are hanging up they call back and are offered at you! Just horrible!

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 16, 2018

    Like most of you, I'm not using the unit as much. I was contacted and fully was hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray. Lesson learned. Unless you have two grand laying around, please hang up the phone when they call. After you sign, you will be placed on the sucker list and get calls all the time asking for more money to sell your unit. It's annoying. A constant reminder that you were duped. So please take my advice, take the vacation you deserve and use your timeshare to get your money's worth. Do not trust these people to undo your bad decision. This will be your second bad decision concerning timeshares.

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingStaffProcess

    Reviewed May 15, 2018

    This company is a total fraud. They ask for money upfront saying how they can sell your timeshare no problem. You give them the money and you don’t hear from that person again even though they say they will represent you throughout the process. Then months later you get a phone call from the corporate office asking for more money to put you in a special program that guarantees the sale of your property. It’s all a scam!!! Better Business Bureau please help us get our money back from these thieves!!! And close them down before they steal money from more innocent people!!! DO NOT give this company a dime. They’re a scam!!! I would give them zero stars but it won’t let me submit this without giving them 1.

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsSales & MarketingPunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed April 13, 2018

    Signed up with Timeshares By Owner (TSBO) in September of 2016. I took the bait and sales pitch of how they are a top rated company and for a ($1500) fee they would sell my timeshare quickly. Then in December I was contacted again offering a “rare” opportunity to get into a even better program “the elite” package that would seal the deal and ensure the sale of my timeshare. They hit you fast with a well rehearsed and believable pitch. Shame on me for not checking this company out better before I have them another $1300, not to mention the original $1500! Time is of the essence is the pitch to sign up now, which now I know why, they don’t want you checking the customer reviews!

    Yes I did receive some rental offers that were never viable but no sale offers. I want to sell the timeshare not jump through hoops, burn up points for a few bucks here and there. During this time I received 3 calls from the staff asking basic information about the timeshare that already have. When reviewing they were not even aware of the two packages I purchased! So I get another call from their staff saying she found the issue and she was going to personally merge the two packages on my account and I should see an offer in no time! Great right? Wrong!!! No offers at all to date!

    So now 4/11/2018 I get a call from a so called “higher up” saying he has reviewed my account stating he has identified the problem and is going to give me a huge discount on the “elite package” that will ensure a sale of my timeshare with their exclusive marketing target of the industry. He went on for 40 minutes with his pitch and stats. So I mention “again” I have already purchased an elite package and received no offers. He insisted he only saw the one agreement, sound familiar Once again time is of the essence and this great discounted offer from $6000 to $3000 will only be offered once & never again, so I need to act now! So I play along but delay pulling the trigger so I have time to review this elite contract. Of course he tried everything to review it with me on the phone and get me to sign up, however I did not. He then said he can keep the offer open until 1:00 pm his time the next day then it is gone forever.

    I then review the document they send over with DocuSign laughing as I notice 3 amounts totaling over $4500! At this point I go online to review customer reviews of this company which (shame on me) I should have done before I EVER signed up with them only to find nothing but horrible reviews very similar to my story! I mean literally page after page 1 star reviews! So I reply to the email not interested. This guy then calls me an hour before the deadline telling me to call him back so we can seal the deal on this great opportunity! Of course I do not call back.

    So the deadline comes and goes and an hour later he calls me again and send me another contract!! Wait. I thought he said after 1:00 pm the offer could not be extended. This time I check the decline to sign tab and send with a message that I do not want to enter this agreement and that this company TSBO should not be allowed to be in business. Certainly that message will make it clear right? Wrong! He calls me 2 more timeshare with the urgent message that I need to sign and return the contract for this once in a lifetime discount!

    Again I do not return his call. So Brent ** calls and leaves yet another voicemail. This time he is rude stating after reviewing his notes, he left me 3 messages and that obviously this was not the priority I expressed the night before even after he spent the time and dedication on this for me. He then goes on to say he just wanted to let me know that I will never hear this again and to have a nice life! For the life of me I do not understand how this company is still in business ripping off thousand upon thousands of dollars from people trying to sell their timeshare.

    I am now going to reach out to another company “Mobile Solutions” who represents people like me to get our money back from these crooks. They ask for nothing up front but the only downside is they take 45% of whatever they recover. So huge lesson learned here but I hope to get some of the $3000 back I already paid out to these crooks.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed April 4, 2018

    This company is a fraud. All they do is ask for more money every time we have spoke with them which hasn't been more than 5 times. They continue to say they have sent offers to rent, but we have only had 3 calls about renting. No calls about a sale! My suggestion is that everyone should stay away from them. This company needs to be put out of business. They are a disgrace to other legitimate companies. So disappointed, they got over a $1000 from us with no results.

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    Reviewed March 24, 2018

    These heartless people have taken my retired father for thousands. First they took him for $800 to "rent out" his Timeshare. They even knew my mom had pancreatic cancer. Later they took him for way more money to "sell" his Timeshare. And that was after they found out my mother had passed away from cancer. My parents spent most of their life savings for my mom's treatment. I know my father is in mourning and knew he was not going to travel anymore with his wife anymore. He was also in debt from so many medical bills. Wish I could have stopped this from taking place. Timeshares By Owner will steal from anyone, they don't care about people at all. There is a "special" place for people like that.

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    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed Feb. 21, 2018

    SCAM SCAM SCAM... My father a senior citizen (in his 70's) heard about this company through a friend who heard it on a radio broadcast. This woman Debra called my father with a great sales pitch to sell his timeshare for a small fee of $900.00. My father is retired and on a fixed income so $900.00 is a lot of money from his budget. He took the bait she was flying around and gave her his credit card over the phone and told her that his daughter (me) takes care of all his finances so any further information or calls should filter through her. He gave her my contact information.

    She called me now a total of 10 times... Not realizing it, but THANKFULLY my father was a few numbers off when giving her his credit card information. With that, she has called harassing me as well as my father for the right credit card information. Giving me this song and a dance about NASCA being in town and she can for sure sell my father’s timeshare. I told her repeatedly that I would not give her any information until I did my research on her company… and she continues to call. It’s just absurd. She’s fast talking and preys on people and I want to say she preys on senior citizens as she promises them candy and rainbows and they take her word for it. Please stay away from this company.

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    Verified purchase
    Customer ServiceSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 26, 2018

    On July 2017 (Timeshares By Owner), I paid $499.99 for rental/sales for my timeshare located at Westgate Lake Resort in Orlando Florida. I spoke with Steve and he stated that they had renters and renting my timeshare would not be a problem. He stated that I could make money renting while he was selling my timeshare... that it would not be on the market long. I shared with Steve my concerns with dealing with other timeshare companies and that we lost money in the past but he assured me that they have been in business over 20 years and have an A ratings at the BBB and the State of Florida Department of Consumer Services.

    Bottom Line - during the six months, Steve called me twice (not including initial sales call and phone calls to get my credit card info). During the two calls, Steve was short and stated that he was working on the rental and sale. He offered no additional information when I pressed for more. I never heard from Steve again. I received a call five months later from another representative trying to sale me another six months; He was very aggressive and rude. Please close this company down so other people will not get scam.

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed Dec. 28, 2017

    I feel like a complete idiot for not looking at the reviews of this company! They are not A++ rated with BBB and they totally misrepresented themselves in order to get paid a large sum of money to sell my Timeshare. They listed my Timeshare incorrectly and in such a way as it will never sell!!!! I have the ability to use points in my timeshare to go to over 20 locations in the U.S. They put it down as Festiva Orlando with no explanation that my Timeshare is a Points system which can be used all over. (AT ALL FESTIVA LOCATIONS!) DO NOT FALL FOR THESE GUYS!!!!

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    Verified purchase

    Reviewed Dec. 8, 2017

    I wish I would have read all the reviews before I gave them money, unfortunately they hooked me for $884 dollars then tried to upsell me twice, all while never having any offers for 12 months. My experience so far is that the timeshare sellers prey on us and the timeshare re-sellers prey on us. What a racket... Stay away from any timeshares and just pay for your services as you use them.

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    Contract & TermsSales & Marketing

    Reviewed June 24, 2017

    Timeshares By Owner (TBO) made misrepresentations that induced us to enter into a contract with them to sell our timeshares. After paying them almost $2000 we have had one offer in three months and now they want us to pay an additional $4700 for the same services we were supposed to get for the initial $2000. They misrepresented they had a rating of "A" from the Better Business Bureau but that is a lie. We feel we have been defrauded and want to warn other people about their slick sales practices. We have filed complaints with the Florida Attorney General, the Better Business Bureau and we have posted on Yelp.

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsStaff

    Reviewed April 20, 2017

    I contracted with them to market and promote my timeshare by internet marketing 2012 & 2016. I was told that was the very best way to sell. Have had numerous calls from the "top guy", "Your contract crossed my desk. I am the person to get this done for you. We want your property sold asap." -Sound familiar? It always is more money to get the property out there into an "Elite Program". And now the sales people are getting rude when I don't buy in. How many complaints does it take to put a company out of business?

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    Verified purchase
    Contract & TermsSales & MarketingStaff

    Reviewed March 17, 2017

    I subscribed to this company after receiving a call from them. Of course a fee was involved. The scam is that they will market points from your timeshare and generate cash offers. After receiving NO OFFERS for over a year, a different division of their company contacted me to "assist" me in selling other properties I own. Of course, there would be an additional fee. After their performance thus far I declined the offer.

    A few months later, a different division of their company contacted me again, with another offer for another fee. When the sales cluck got nowhere I had the dubious pleasure of talking to their marketing director who discounted the fee, and referred to the guarantee in their contract. Of course, she would not make the language in the guarantee available to me until after I authorized payment via my credit card. Of course I decline this generous offer whereupon she became quite abusive. I strongly urge anyone contemplating selling or renting their timeshare to avoid this company at all costs.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 15, 2016

    I have used this Timeshares by Owner 3 time (STUPID ME). I can name everyone who sold me this farce of trying to sell my timeshare. And Yesterday I get a call from them. Now what makes you think I would use this service or your company again after I have spent $10,000 trying to sell my timeshare?? I told him that this company was a rip off and I wouldn't use this company if it was the last one. He actually hung up on me. THANK GOODNESS too. People DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. Is all they want is your money, and you will NOT get results. I also went thru a consumer advocate to get some of my monies back, and no such luck with them either. I'm stuck with the damn timeshare.

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    Reviewed Oct. 19, 2016

    I spoke with Clifford multiple times before making a decision. After review of the business I was very skeptical. Clifford is a smooth talker and that worried me a bit that he may just be telling me what I wanted to hear in order to get my money. However, I chose to give him a chance to sell my Diamond ownership as I cannot travel anymore due to health issues. After fighting with the resort for 3 years to take it back I just wanted it gone. I paid close to $5,000 to sell and rent this property and after a few months thought all was lost and that I had been doozled once again...

    I was wrong. After a few months, (which felt like forever) my property rented. It did not happen as fast as I would have liked or for as much as I wanted, but two months later I received and accepted my first offer. It was $5,000 less my listed value but I was not taking a chance on it not selling at all and quickly accepted the offer. I would recommend Clifford and Timeshares by Owner to anyone. Stressful experience, but overall he got the job done.

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    Timeshares By Owner Company Information

    Company Name:
    Timeshares By Owner
    Company Type:
    Year Founded:
    8810 Commodity Circle
    Postal Code:
    United States