MetLife Disability Insurance

MetLife Disability Insurance Reviews

About MetLife Disability Insurance

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MetLife provides home, auto and health insurance to clients in the United States.

MetLife Disability Insurance Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40

    Reviewed Aug. 14, 2024

    I have been waiting 2.5 months now and have not been paid. I have been denied 2x and am now appealing which can take another 45 days. I have just completed therapy and I am now having to have back surgery.

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    Reviewed Aug. 12, 2024

    They make arbitrary decisions and then ignore you completely! They are robotic in speech and in the end do whatever they want. I will be suing them in small claims court and I advise everyone screwed by them to do the same. Please folks sue and make them accountable or they will never change their incompetency or scorn for the customer.

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    Customer ServiceReliability

    Reviewed Aug. 7, 2024

    I filed a short term disability with Met Life for surgery disability from my time in VietNam as a combat veteran. The Surgery was on June 21, 2024. I did not receive my first check from Met Life until six weeks later. Now I am going through rehabilitation and have requested a continuance of short term disability. I have been back and forth with Met Life short term disability now for over a month, trying them to state exactly what information they require and they still have not got it resolved. This is a terrible company for any short term disability. Secondly, to speak to one of their Case Managers you have to go through a call center and they have 48 hours to act upon your message..if in fact they return your call, I have left three messages with their call center and as of to date received Zero call back. Very unreliable company. This is why I gave them a one-star.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Aug. 1, 2024

    Disability Representatives are incompetent and lazy. They lose information sent to them almost every time it’s sent. Medical offices have to send the exact same information to MetLife repeatedly. Patients in recovery are expected to be on the phone with Metlife close to every day providing the same information repeatedly. The representatives call never leaving any information concerning what they need or what department they work for. On top of this, they’ll send confusing faxes to the medical offices then expect patients in recovery to spend their recovery time going back and forth between MetLife and the medical offices explaining to the medical offices what MetLife wants. You’re better off with an alternative:

    Lincoln Financial Group

    The Hartford

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed July 29, 2024

    LTD is a scam. The fine print includes a payback policy. They impede on what you get if approved for by Social Security if you become disabled. The justification on their end is unethical and they call it double dipping. It's ridiculous. Your pay is cut in half with LTD and if you are hoping Social Security will make up the difference, you are wrong and they don't care.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed July 25, 2024

    One of the most incompetent people and businesses I have ever dealt with. Had to call daily with repeating same questions/procedures with exact "no resolution". Every call ended with them not having the paperwork they needed from my dr, which I provided every single time. I would almost suck it up and use PTO vs disability claims with them, they are completely worthless and wish the benefit was removed from my job and reimbursed in some other way. I absolutely hate how lazy and incompetent these people are. It sucks being at a 9 level of post surgery pain and people pretending to be doing their job.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed July 25, 2024

    I’ve been waiting 5 weeks to receive my benefits even though I've made SEVERAL calls to them regarding my claim no one has any answer for me… I wish my employer would’ve stayed with the standard, MetLife is the WORST. I’m so happy I didn't get a life insurance plan with them, my family would be behind on everything. Would HIGHLY NOT RECOMMEND.

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    Customer ServiceCoveragePunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed July 15, 2024

    I'm covered under my employer's benefits. I broke all 5 bones in my left foot and was unable to work. It took 4 weeks for MetLife to approve my short term disability claim. It was only approved for 6 weeks despite my Dr's information that recovery time would be over 2 months. I applied for an extension right after returning home from my 6 week followup. That was 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting on a reply. GrandMa was slow, but MetLife is like molasses in January. They show ABSOLUTELY NO urgency in anything they do.

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    Reviewed June 27, 2024

    They are no help whatsoever. I have been out of work for 6 weeks and nothing at all denied 3 times for medical records. Faxed 2 times, emailed once. I uploaded them myself and still nothing. All they care about is getting their payment of $65 a week

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    Reviewed June 25, 2024

    I needed a 12 month leave for mental health issues that my doctor deemed medically necessary. I was granted the first 6 weeks without issue. I was denied my extension for the full 12 weeks with the message that there wasn't enough info on why I needed it. My psychiatrist was visibly irate and mentioned that she hadn't seen this happen before. My psychologist penned the appeal and made it very clear that the extension was medically necessary and my appeal was denied with the message again, that there wasn't enough information.

    There is no clarification on what information is needed. My claims specialist, Alysa, is impossible to get ahold of and unresponsive. I would highly recommend employers not purchase MetLife Disability and am providing this feedback to our PeopleOps team so that they can investigate other solutions. I am disgusted to read the other reviews here. MetLife is clearly giving sick people the runaround to make a buck. This is reprehensible.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed June 19, 2024

    You keep getting the runaround for your claim. They either "don't have the information" even though it was sent in or they tell you there's nothing else you need to do for several weeks then they turn around and tell you that they do need more paperwork. The case manager doesn't return your calls, and that further delays. This is messing with peoples' ability to pay their bills when they are sick or injured. The customer service needs to be better. It's almost as though they don't want to pay people, and that's not okay!!!

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    Customer ServiceCoverageStaff

    Reviewed June 3, 2024

    I obtained this sham of an insurance via my employer. I am. first responder in New York City. I purchased the most expensive package in efforts to keep up with my bills if I ever fall ill or injure myself. Imagine my surprise when I do injure my back and need to collect on my disability policy, and I'm told that I do not have coverage! Turns out it was a coding issue on their end. By the time I got paid I had been out of work for nearly three months. This company totally relies upon you to do their clerical work despite making you sign HIPAA release forms to access your medical records. Apparently that’s not enough! You have to hunt your doctor down to obtain a final graduate school thesis entitled “why this person deserves to collect their benefits”. I am utterly disgusted with my experience.

    I would give this company zero stars if I could. I will be warning every single employee of my agency to steer clear and not admitting agents into my station to sell this product. My claims adjuster LIES and claimed that she tried to call my phone. My communication preferences clearly indicate “email” as a preferred method. Also, she claims she called and could not leave a message. Yet, everyone else can. I tried canceling my policy and they lied and said I cannot do that as well. They are dishonest, and unethical. Do yourself a favor and head over to AFLAC or a similar company.

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    Reviewed May 31, 2024

    They are the worst when it comes to evaluating claims. They prolong the process knowing all along they are going to deny the claim. Their clinical review specialist and case managers definitely need more training on understanding how to process and rate disability claims. HORRIBLE!!!!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed May 28, 2024

    Where do I even start. Dealing with MetLife goes beyond frustrating and infuriating. After countless weekly calls to check on my short term disability claim...over the course of 2 months: I was told on different occasions that 1) my claim was never filed, 2) my claim ppwk was sent to the wrong address, 3) my 2nd request for claim ppwk never came, 4) I was told claim ppwk was sent to my dr and that was not true, 5) other various lies told to me by a number of different reps (they're all so nice, but every time another lie). This company absolutely needs to be investigated. How they're still in business is beyond my scope of understanding.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed May 25, 2024

    I was approved for short-term disability for a major neurological condition. Then my neurologist suggested going on long-term disability, which MetLife DENIED because I had a pre-existing condition. Awful insurance company to work with and customer service is terrible. Parameds is AWFUL AS WELL.

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    Reviewed May 24, 2024

    I've just read all the comments and I am wondering how and why this have gone well for me. I've had unsustainable pain at the hip that lead to a hip replacement decision. The pain was so high that I could not work. I've MetLife Disability Insurance through my Employer. So I've filed a STD claim through Metlife website on April 26th, the surgery is scheduled on May 9th. I am supposed to be out of work for 6 weeks, including pre and post surgery. I monitored the website and it was showing that the decision was pending documentations, so I called Metlife and got a very proactive woman who told me the forms where faxed to my doctor, and she immediately sent a copy of these forms to my email box.

    I had no experience of all these forms and the rules and so on. I struggled a little bit to understand about both FMLA documentation on one side, and medical STD documentations on the other side. The doctor had to complete both forms, one to have my job secured and the other to go through the decision for my disability. Once I got the documentation completed from the doctor, around May 6th, I took care to scan everything and send that to Metlife by email. Then I went through the surgery, and returned home on May 10th. I immediately called Metlife to know the status of my claim.

    I got a very nice and helpful case manager who told me this was ok, and accepted, and payments will start from day 8 and will be managed through my Employer as usual biweekly paychecks, MetLife would pay directly my Employer, who would take in charge the money recovery from Metlife. As of today, I have received my biweekly first paycheck, supposed to include one week of STD, without any concern. Is that easier due to this process? I don't know, I will get this review updated if I has some coming concerns. My experience as of today is so very fluid for everything concerning Metlife. I place this review so to give hope to some that are going through health issues. Sometimes, it seems that things can go well. As of today.

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    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed May 3, 2024

    I filed my claim in January, well before my medical procedure. I waited for some sort of confirmation from Metlife, I was also working with my HR representative, as we had just changed to Metlife in December. We tried reaching out with no satisfaction. My surgery came and went. Still nothing. Not even a claim number was sent. I resubmitted the paperwork in March. I received a letter at that time stating that my claim had been filed twice, one claim was being canceled and that I would receive a decision within 10 business days. So, they received my paperwork in January. They just chose not to respond. They denied my claim, stating that because I had an initial meeting with the doctor in October to establish myself as a patient, the condition was preexisting.

    If I had known that, as I should have before my procedure due to filing early, I may have made alternative arrangements for my time away from work. It's also garbage that an visit to establish care is considered treatment of a disability. I appealed, naturally. I received zero response to my appeal and subsequent emails. I phoned yesterday. Let's see if they call back. Absolutely horrible communication from this company. I am really frustrated with my employer for offering us such crap insurance when we had great coverage from someone else. Do not pay for this insurance. Go private pay if your company offers this joke of a company to you.

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed March 30, 2024

    I had a rough 2nd pregnancy. Before I left work I called MetLife and asked what I needed before I left. My ob wanted me to stop working since I couldn't climb the stairs. Nothing but problems since. Submitted my claim on February 12, 2024 (as soon as my mandatory 2 week waiting period started and was promised a payout on February 28th. I didn't get any money until the day I was giving birth to my daughter on March 14. I was sick!!! I was living off dollars and eating beans and rice basically waiting for my money. So some time passes and I get my second check which I thought okay cool. My case worker would call periodically and let me know it's still pending. I submitted all paperwork and everything on time and it would take longer than 5days for review for no reason. My case worker would only call me when I left call back after call back. I've probably spoken to her 3 times and that's all.

    Fast forward to the payment of March 26th, I had checked my account and not received it only to find out that my account is on overpayment and they aren't sure when my next payment will be given to me because my case is under review but I wasn't happy with the answer the escalation team gave me so I complained. The only answers I received were I don't know and no notes of why my account was on overpayment. In the meantime, I am 3 weeks postpartum c-section and having to go see my Ob-gyn and get cleared so I may return to work. I've cried my eyes out already.

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    Reviewed March 20, 2024

    MetLife makes is almost impossible to get approved for short term disability. I filed a claim through my employer but was denied because they didn’t receive visit notes from my specialist but the form they required to be filled out was completed and sent back to them. For people dealing with mental health, they make it impossible. If they truly cared about helping people they would not find ways to deny claims and instead would advocate and do everything they can to approve claims for mental health. MetLife should feel ashamed of their business ethics.

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed March 7, 2024

    I recently had surgery mid last month and was told my short-term disability was approved and beginning on the 5th of March. So today I called to confirm my disability status and scheduled date I will receive my disability check. As well as inform them of my new start date for work, since it is going to be two weeks earlier than expected. The customer representative was uninformed about my disability, she told me it was not approved, and pending. I questioned her about that due to receiving information stating that it was approved for the 5th of March. She was not answering my questions, ignoring my questions, placing me on mute, laughing, I asked to speak with her supervisor. She told me not today and hung up on me.

    I called back and asked for a supervisor I was given to a customer service resolution specialist instead that was informative and professional but she had difficulty finding a supervisor that could assist with my concerns. When she finally found a supervisor that was able to assist me when she switched me to him he never answered his phone and currently has not responded back. I will continue to call and advocate for myself everyday if need be until this is resolved. I have also reached out to my HR department with my concerns. I hope we switch back to Hartford.

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    CoveragePunctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Feb. 19, 2024

    Just like most other folks who have unfortunately had to deal with this (in my opinion) morally and legally corrupt SCAM company... I too have been denied my claim... Over and over again... I have an employer supplied health care plan with Met... I have COPD confirmed by both my Pulmonary doctor AND my Primary Health Care Provider... I am no longer able to perform my work duties... I had to retire early because they made it nearly impossible for weeks to even get STD... I did eventually get it but then they tried to cancel it twice which caused an aggravating delay in payments... Currently my Pulmonary doctor has me on 3 different prescription inhalers... I am currently on 7 different meds in all... Went to the pharmacy over the weekend and discovered that Met no longer covers any of my meds... No warning... had to pay out of pocket... I hope good folks read this... DON'T WALK. RUN AWAY!!!

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    Customer ServiceCoveragePunctuality & SpeedStaffProcess

    Reviewed Feb. 6, 2024

    I am appealing my denied LTD decision and have reviewed the Medical Report. The Physician has never met with me and has determined that I can return to work with PTSD, because I am not climbing the walls, psychotic and not hospitalized. I was almost catatonic and unable to function, but that wasn't included. My hippocampus is impacted by all the trauma and my reactions are in a constant state of fight or flight, but it is ok for me to go back (no!). If I keep getting activated, the adrenal system overload nearly paralyzed me, this Physician, left this out! PTSD can take up to 20 years off of your life expectancy and there is not known cure. This person, who has never been a marketer, bullied, discriminated against, surrounded by chaos in a Hostile work environment that caused the PTSD, says can go back to work in the environment that broke her brain!

    MetLife thinks it is ok for a person with PTSD to go back to the toxicity and to become retraumatized. Meanwhile, For the first report, they pulled a random sentence form my therapist’s notes and embellished it and reported that she said I was ok to return to work, when that was not what was said and called it her “Behavioral Assessment”! The Physician report does not include a "return to work plan". No one would recommended that a person with PTSD, complex PTSD, return to high stress and high-pressure jobs that are ambiguous, that involves working with a lot of people.

    I knew it was going to be hard and we hear all the time how these process are so hard, well, it is worse than that. It is like swimming upstream and trying to swim up a waterfall. Holding this team accountable is impossible. Regarding the process, MetLife and Genex, the vendor who is responsible for these reports, gaslights. They do not follow up, or follow through and my Physician's assessment, was cherry picked from her therapy notes and edited to say, she thinks I can return to work! They didn't get her actual recommendation in the final report, because their lack of basic meeting scheduling skills, it took a month, that the meeting didn't take place, with the physician.

    I was on top of this. They don't use Zoom or Teams, or put meeting on Calendar via outlook. They set up call windows and then don't call and leave a late message, call the wrong number, and claim my physician wasn't available. She made herself available at 8:00 and has full day, a full patient list and this sleight of hand made me worse. They still use voicemail and call and leave messages and then call late and say the Physician couldn't make it. The physician in the report leaves out a "return to work" plan.

    For the appeal, they play the same ambiguous communication game. I had to call 6x to confirm receipt of documents, the appeals email box is not monitored and no one replies when confirmation is requested. They call with critical information so there is no paper trail. They mentioned the report went out and when I called my therapist, they didn't receive it, again for the appeal. The first round caused me to become retraumatized with all the gaslighting. If I ever didn't follow up, or follow through, at this level, and if I was unable to schedule a meeting for a month, and used vm, I would be fired.

    This dysfunction and lack of a paper trail and confusion is by design and this the game they play with my mental health and all the sick people that need their help and have paid for this insurance, should be illegal! It is a disgusting company and they are dangerous. I wonder how many people end up homeless, suicidal or who have mental breaks, as I did, from these corrupt practices. If it is not illegal, they will find a corrupt leader to activate them. God will give me justice.

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    Customer ServiceCoverageStaffProcess

    Reviewed Feb. 2, 2024

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I found out from urinating blood. I went through surgery to have the tumors removed. Since then I've been going through chemotherapy. Through work I noticed that I signed up for MetLife critical illness insurance. Well I initiated a claim and submitted all of my proper documentation at the very beginning of submitting the claim. I went round and round probably 12 times with customer service agents trying to figure out what the hold up was or if they needed more documentation or if there was anything needed from myself or my urologist. They kept telling me that I needed to submit documentation that was already submitted day one. It was a long waiting game for the whole process.

    I did come across one customer service agent that was amazing in helping me with this claim. Nonetheless I ended up getting denied for my claim. That's not the biggest deal. The biggest deal was that it took me calling probably 12 times, going back and forth with agents and playing the waiting game. This claim would have been nice to have seeing as I've had to take just over 2 months off of work and these bills are piling up. It would have even been a better process had one of the claim agents bothered reaching out to me whether it be email or call and tell me what was needed. Instead, they just kept the same note in the system for over 2 weeks and denied the claim. So I'd you don't think you'll have an absolutely debilitating disability or you're healthy through your 40s, I suggest you never get this insurance.

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    Reviewed Jan. 26, 2024

    I have an undetermined auto immune disease. I'm not on treatment until it is determined. Per my doctor I can't work. MetLife had someone review my file and determine I could work (they only referenced basic blood work and, based on their analysis, only reviewed my most recent doctor visit). They waited a month after the analysis before informing me, and I was dropped from benefits about a week after being informed this was happening. I was dropped with no notice but they get 45 days to review my appeal? That literally leaves me with no income for over 2 months. MetLife has worked very hard to not pay and get out of paying from day 1 and are currently trying to force me into working. I've been asking for plan documents, from MetLife and my employer. They both say the other is supposed to supply it. MetLife keeps quoting it but I've never seen it. I've been asking for a year.

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    Customer ServiceCoverageStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 10, 2024

    They will prevent you from submitting a claim. They couldn’t spell my email address which is my last name they have on their certificate. Claimed there was a typo each time. Claim form unavailable online (coverages lapsed Dec 31, incident Dec 21, tried to file Jan 2, but any access was removed). It’s been hours and hours trying to get a claim form. Unethical practices taking advantage of people in difficult circumstances. I’m glad my employer dropped them. I recommend you report to your state department of insurance and BBB.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 29, 2023

    This company ask for all this information. When you call in you have to verify address and everything but they still sent 4 checks total over $2000 to the wrong address and it’s been a pain to get this resolved. You can’t even be sick from stressing so much dealing with them. I did everything right, paperwork, everything and still no money. It’s been 2 months and I’m sinking in bills

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    Customer ServiceStaff

    Reviewed Dec. 28, 2023

    This is one of the worst insurance companies I dealt with to date. I would give them negative 5 stars if that was an option!!!! Submitted claim on November 16, 2023. Had surgery on December 4th. My medical provider, faxed EVERYTHING within a matter of 2-3 days, because they value patients. My employer's HR dep was nice enough to follow up. It is now Dec. 28 and my claim is still "pending", SO AS MY BILLS!!!! I spoke to their customer reps at least 8-10 times by now. Their customer service knows NOTHING EVER! You cannot speak to their claims dep to get any clarification. Basically, they are trying to delay this as much as possible or that is the impression I got from them. UNLESS IT'S YOUR ONLY OPTION THROUGH AN EMPLOYER, DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! THEY ARE AWFUL!!!!

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    Sales & Marketing

    Reviewed Dec. 28, 2023

    I’ve been paying into my hospital indemnity through my employer for years. The one time, I actually end up in ICU/hospital for a couple of days and METLIFE has yet to pay me for that time (Of my money which I’ve paid into). Their claims department is horrible and their corporate office did nothing but put a note in my file to escalate. How can you escalate my issue when all you need to do is pay me my money. I’ve submitted necessary proof of hospital stay and required 6 page documentation and still nothing. I just want this scam of a corporation to pay me what’s owed to me and I will NEVER do business with them again. Simple.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 22, 2023

    Absolutely awful experience dealing with this company. From their claim specialists to their customer service reps it's impossible to get a phone call back from anyone. You better pray to whatever god you believe in that you are available when they call; because if you're not, you won't hear back for at least a week or two. I am genuinely impressed by their lack of response and effort. I usually don't post reviews but had to make an account just by the sheer atrociousness of their service. Whoever decides on picking them for any service is obviously doing it to save a buck.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed Dec. 20, 2023

    After reading quite a few reviews on this company it is obvious that they are folks that no other company will hire. My better half has been through hell with these goons. Rude, uneducated, zero phone etiquette, thieves denying folks what they have earned on their paychecks. Merry Christmas to you. May you and your fam members do what a vegetable does sitting on the counter for too long, below.

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