Two brands of raw pet food withdrawn because of salmonella, listeria

Two raw pet foods may be contaminated with listeria or salmonella, FDA warns. Companies say the food still in circulation is safe. (c) ConsumerAffairs

The FDA says Darwin and Answers brand showed contamination

Raw pet food is growing in popularity but can present serious health issues to pets and their owners if it becomes contaminated. That's the case with two brand of cat and dog food that have been withdrawn because of salmonella and listeria contamination.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is asking pet owners not to purchase Darwin’s Natural Pet Products and Answers pet food.

The agency announced this month that it found salmonella in five samples of raw dog food made by Darwin’s Natural Pet Products and in samples of Answers Pet Food products.

“As part of our outreach, we specifically communicated with customers who had already received product lots that were included in the FDA’s notice — about 3% of our customers nationwide,” a spokesperson for Gary Tashjian, founder and CEO of Darwin’s, told Today. “Only a limited amount of product had left our facilities, and the lots are not currently in distribution.

"Per our protocols, we had preemptively stopped shipping any potentially affected product lots earlier in the month, as soon as the FDA let us know it had taken samples for testing,” a Darwin's official said. Only 3% of the potentially affected lots actually reached customers. he added. 

“Darwin’s is confident our meals are safe. As we’ve also shared with our customers, we commissioned independent, third-party testing using conventional methods, which found that all lots tested negative for listeria,” the spokesperson said. 

The FDA has urged Arrow Alliance to issue an official recall of its pet food products but the company declined to do so. No illnesses have been confirmed.

Answers Pet Food

Additionally, as previously reported, the FDA found salmonella and listeria contamination in samples of Answers Pet Food products. The brand voluntarily withdrew three of its dog food products following the positive tests, the company said in an announcement. Again, no illnesses have been confirmed.

Pets who are infected with salmonella or listeria do not often show symptoms, but they can spread the infection to humans via their feces or saliva.

The FDA said that anyone who has purchased the products should dispose of them safely and should wash their hands thoroughly after handling the pet food.

People can become sick by handling contaminated food or touching surfaces that have been exposed to listeria or salmonella. Symptoms of listeria in humans may include fever, headache, muscle aches, stiff neck, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions. Symptoms of salmonella include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever.

About raw pet food

While some pet owners believe raw food provides benefits like improved coat health or digestion, these claims are not backed by scientific evidence. In fact, most veterinary organizations recommend against feeding pets raw food due to the potential health risks.

Raw pet food can present a number of problems, including:

  • Bacterial Contamination: Raw meat can harbor harmful bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli. These bacteria can cause serious illness in both pets and humans, especially those with weakened immune systems.  

  • Nutritional Imbalance: It can be challenging to ensure a raw diet provides all the necessary nutrients for a pet's health. Imbalances can lead to deficiencies or excesses that negatively impact the pet's well-being.  

  • Physical Hazards: Bones in raw food can splinter, causing choking, intestinal punctures, or damage to teeth.  

  • Risk of Cross-Contamination: Handling raw meat can increase the risk of spreading bacteria to other surfaces and foods in the kitchen, potentially infecting humans.  

If you're considering a raw food diet for your pet, it's important to consult your veterinarian to discuss the potential risks and benefits and ensure you're providing a safe and balanced diet.