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  • User-friendly interface
  • Timely notifications for bills
  • Poor customer service experience
  • Frequent payment processing issues Reviews

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    Page 3 Reviews 40 - 240

    Reviewed Feb. 13, 2015

    So I got sent to by Sam's Club to pay my first bill with them. I registered, received the Sam's Club bill, and my only option is to pay by checking account. Fine. Then, after getting all my banking information entered, they say they need my SSN so they can report to the credit "agency" they deal with. I assume they are talking about Equifax etc but it's not clear. If I leave SSN blank, I get a message saying it's required. Only other option is to Cancel, which I did, so I can't pay. I tried a chat with the service rep, but no luck there. If you don't want to give out your SSN, don't use this service. Especially when they don't explain why they need it. The CSR just said we need it to verify your identity. I thought that was illegal.

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    Reviewed Feb. 1, 2015

    I have used CheckFree for well over a decade without a single issue. I have never been charged a fee of any kind, nor received correspondence from them. FYI, CheckFree USED to accept CitiCard and CitiBank payments, but several years ago CitiCard (NOT CheckFree) chose to stop allowing CheckFree to process their payments, and I was forced to revert to paying bills directly through CitiBank's website. Several other credit cards will only allow electronic access to bill payment through one, and only one portal, meaning you can either choose to access your bank/credit card online directly, or choose to have CheckFree process payment, but NOT both.

    These decisions are on the part of the banks, not CheckFree, whether to allow CheckFree to process the payment. I suspect that several posters that complain of bills from CheckFree are either getting spam mail, or they bounced payments in some fashion. CheckFree has been perhaps the most hassle free online service I have ever had. I hope they stay around forever.

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    Reviewed Jan. 16, 2015

    Mycheckfree sent me a letter stating I owed them $15.00, and that if I didn't pay it, they would send me to collections. I had to pay a "convenience fee" of sorts in order to handle. Upon review I was reimbursed my $15.00, but not the processing fee.

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    Reviewed Jan. 5, 2015

    I am quite shocked with all the negative comments on MyCheckFree. I have used their service for well over 10 years without even the slightest issues. I normally schedule my payments for the due date and do this well in advance. I am pleased to say, that not once has a payment ever been received late or for the wrong amount. As you can imagine, over the course of 10+ years I have moved, changed bank accounts and billers, and never have had any issues updating my personal or biller info. Over the course of the years, I have had to cancel and even revise payment amounts, all without issue. The process is simple, the website is user friendly and I love the convenience of one-stop bill pay. I receive an emails when they received a bill and payment reminders too. I just wish that MyCheckFree had a more robust list of available bills... or at least a way to make a suggestion to add them.

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    Reviewed Dec. 27, 2014

    Never had a problem until last month they said they paid my cable bill but they never did. They said to stop payment on their check which cost me 25.00 and a late fee of 9.50. Done with this company.

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    Reviewed Dec. 16, 2014

    I have used this service since 2000. I've never had a problem. In fact, I'm with the guy from Philly. If I have a bill that's not on Check Free, I try to get rid of that Vendor, and find someone else.

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    Reviewed Dec. 14, 2014

    I have contacted Mycheckfree for the issue related to MISCELLANEOUS A fee. Each time, they gave me a different explanation. Obviously, they are lying and they never solve the problem for me. I would never use the service from Mycheckfree.

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    Reviewed Nov. 12, 2014

    Poor account user interface. Confusing account bill listing and payment management tools. Apathetic customer support. Customer Support quickly passes any billing faults/errors on to the e-tailer (Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic Group). It took many months for over payments to be reconciled and ONLY after I contacted them. The UI appears to be designed to fool the user into making over payments.

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    Reviewed Oct. 27, 2014

    I called customer service to setup my new bank account for continuing my monthly payments. They sent one correct payment, the following months they did it to the wrong account. Now I have months of overdraft charges. They has an horrible customer services, only lying about what happened. I spoke with several people and they all don't know what happened.

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    Reviewed Sept. 8, 2014

    I noticed a ACH on My checking account today. TRANSACTION INFORMATION Debit: Preauthorized Payment to CHECKFREE: POSTED Amount-$15.00.

    Date: September 8, 2014 @ 4:13 PM, Category: ACH Debit. When I called checkfree, they say this is for no sufficient funds. The bill they are referring to had been paid in full.

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    Reviewed Aug. 28, 2014

    Yesterday my husband was checking our bank account and PECO, the local electric company that uses had gone into our checking account without our approval and pulled out $206.38. We called, furious, and they claimed my husband had scheduled the payment on August 8th. We do not use automatic bill pay for any of our accounts and my husband NEVER schedules payments almost three weeks ahead. He pays a day or so before the due date or on the due date. We are filing a complaint with our US Senator's office to investigate, we hadn't realized that in the United States companies could go into your bank account without your knowledge and take out your money. The PECO representative also on the line claiming no responsibility, saying was responsible for the action, said we should notify the police and report identity fraud and criminal action. We will be doing that as well.

    I would recommend to all that you never use this company. They will take your money without your permission and then try to tell you, you approved this. This is dangerous stuff going on here. We are eager to see how our Senator's office will handle this.

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    Reviewed Aug. 26, 2014

    I LOVE I'm disappointed when one of my bills isn't on there. My payments are on time to the day. I used to use my banks bill paying service but you never knew how long it would take to estimate when to put the payment through and I had several late payments. So sorry that you all had bad experiences but that hasn't been my experience at all.

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    Reviewed Aug. 15, 2014

    In order to set up automatic payments with EBMUD, I gave them my bank account information, and then they asked for my SSN. I gave it to them, but got an error message saying that they could not verify my identity and that I had to mail a copy of my ID (e.g., driver's license), a voided check, and a signed form with my information. The whole purpose of using their services was to avoid dealing with paper, yet here we are: I need to do even more paperwork than with setting up a check payment. Good thing you can delete your account online, which I happily did.

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    Reviewed July 9, 2014

    Have been trying to cancel my account with Mycheckfree, but the instructions that I have been given to use don't even show up on the page the way they tell you it will. I just want to close my account and get the remaining balance out. I can't get anyone on the live chat.

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    Reviewed July 3, 2014

    I received a bill in June 2014 from Macy's saying I was late paying my bill and that I owed interest and fees. I went through all of my bills and the last bill I received was in November of 2013 and it was paid in full. I called Macy's Customer Service, so rude but that's another story, and they told me I had signed up for check free. I assured them I had not. I was then asked if I had received any bills from I have never heard of before this. I don't know how this occurred and of course there is no way to contact them.

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    Reviewed May 6, 2014

    My local water company (EBMUD) uses this company in order to process online payments and allow my to go paperless. I went through the sign-up process and then hit a brick wall when they tried to verify my identity. I'm now feeling like an idiot for providing them with my SSN and DOB, when they came back with an auto response indicating they can't verify my contact information and now need me to mail in a signed document with a copy of my driver's license and a voided check or bank authorization letter.

    When I called customer service, I ended up on a terrible connection with a gentleman who insisted that I must have provided the wrong information (I verified everything carefully before submitting and resubmitting before their system locked me out). Eventually it became clear that he couldn't help me and when I asked for a manager he told me they don't have anyone like that to talk to and offered to transfer me to the customer satisfaction survey. I agreed, having a pretty good feeling as to what would happen and he didn't disappoint by immediately disconnecting me. Now I'm trying to cancel my account online and keep getting an error message. I'm really not comfortable with the fact that this company now has my address, DOB, SSN and bank account information.

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    Reviewed March 28, 2014

    Do not ever use MyCheckFree to pay your bills online. I had three vendors who refused to accept checks from them because of late payments. In addition, when I closed my bank account to transfer to another bank, MyCheckFree paid a bill that had been discontinued and billed my closed checking account, even after they had been informed that the account was not active. I was then nagged until I agreed to "make their debt good." Stay away from this company!

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    Customer ServiceContract & TermsPrice

    Reviewed May 29, 2013

    I have paid my electric company using MCF for years. I have never had an issue. I inadvertently scheduled a payment using the wrong bank account. I tried to cancel the payment and cannot. It has been processed through my bank 3 times now, costing me $12 each. MCF also charged me $15. I called and spent more than 50 minutes on the phone, only to be told that they cannot cancel the payment and it will continue to be sent to my bank. I had to file a stop payment with my bank, which cost me another $8. I am also VERY irritated because when I logged on to the site, there was a link to click which read that one agreed with the terms and conditions. I do NOT agree. I want to cancel the account. I am now at their mercy.

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    Reviewed May 15, 2013

    I started to set up an auto pay for my Rumpke trash service in Northern KY area. After they asked me for my address, birth date, and then banking account, I thought I had finished and was waiting for my confirmation when I was prompted for my social security number! Of course I cancelled at that point. I should not have provided them with other information! Please do yourself and your identity a favor and do not use this company. Something is not right here!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed April 17, 2013

    I just moved to Louisiana and started service with a small power company, Cleco. They do not have their own web interface for paying bills online and they suggested as a third party payment service. I went to register and was immediately taken aback that they needed to know my name, address, cell phone, place of birth, date of birth, and social security number ... just to set up an online account! After reluctantly entering the information, I got a message saying they couldn't verify my identity and asked me to mail them a photocopy of my driver's license or passport, and birth certificate as well as a voided check. They must be crazy. What else is there?

    I called the service number and now they wanted me to provide all of this information over the phone to someone who was obviously in India. I said, "Look, I just want to pay a power bill. All you need is my credit card and expiration date." The woman on the phone said they needed this to help prevent fraud. I told her that the best way to prevent fraud was not to provide personal information to people who do not need it, and they don't need it. They are a payment processing center, not the FBI. PayPal handles far more transactions with none of the privacy issues. This company is holding vast amounts of personal information without reason. They should be investigated.

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    Reviewed March 18, 2013

    Our energy company signed my husband up for MyCheckFree. We have not received any information on how to pay a bill for 2 years now. We have called Xcel Energy and every time we call them, they tell us it will be removed on the next pay cycle. Today, I finally received the phone number to cancel the service we never signed up for in the first place, and I was asked to have my husband call to cancel it. If we are stuck with another late charge or any charge for that matter, I am going to switch to another energy company or move out of this state.

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    Reviewed Feb. 1, 2013

    I just moved and started service with my local water company who uses When I enrolled to pay my bill, my identity could not be verified because I just moved. asked me to fill out a form that includes my SSN, along with a photocopy of my driver's license or passport. They much have lost their mind if they think I'm going to send this via US Mail with today's identity theft. It's easier to mail a check snail mail directly to the water company. This is terrible in today's electronic times.

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    Customer ServicePriceStaff

    Reviewed Jan. 25, 2013

    I submitted a payment for Lowe's in the incorrect amount. I forgot the decimal point and it resulted in a scheduled payment of $6,860 instead of $68.60. As soon as I saw it, I cancelled the payment and submitted it for the correct amount. It showed on my screen as cancelled. A week later, the original $6,860 payment appeared on my bank statement. I went to the bank and they were unable to help me. I called and told them what happened. They said they had no record of cancellation and I would have to pay an NSF fee of $50! So not only did they submit a payment of 100 times the amount, they are charging me an NSF fee. If I hadn't waited until my cancellation confirmation appeared on the screen, I would not have been annoyed. I would never leave that amount up to chance and they are claiming I never cancelled it. Customer service rep is a bit snarky to boot. This will be my last transaction with these people.

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    Reviewed Jan. 12, 2013

    I set up automatic bill payer and MyCheckFree paid my electric bill for 3 years on time every month. I had no issue until 1/12/13. I received a disconnection letter in the mail from my electric company and it stated I was 3 months behind. With it being set up as an automated payment, I didn't check it regularly so I had no idea what the issue was. Apparently, my account was set up only to pay up to $150. Well, my electric bill was $186 in October 2012. They claimed they sent me an email letting me know but it bounced back. Since it bounced back, I would think a phone call would be made. Apparently, that's not common sense.

    On top of that, even though they were authorized to pay up to $150, they paid absolutely nothing at all and didn't contact me! Since I was never contacted, I had no idea anything was wrong until I received the disconnect letter from the electric company in January. By this time, the electric company kept adding what was due on top of what hadn't been paid. Once again, MyCheckFree made no payments at all. I am now required to pay 3 months of payments plus 3 late fees and MyCheckFree will not take any responsibility for the situation. I would not recommend this company/website for anyone, not even to my worst enemy.

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    PriceOnline & AppStaff

    Reviewed May 4, 2012

    I have used for several years with no problem. On April 26, 2012, I scheduled a payment for $185.85 to be paid to JCPenney on May 1, 2012. By May 4, it still hadn't cleared the bank, although all my other payments scheduled that same day at had cleared. I checked my JCPenney account and no payment had been made. I went to my account at and saw a comment that they had issued a paper check to JCPenney for the amount of $18,585.00. They were unwilling to accept any responsibility for this mistake even though they had the JCPenney bill showing that my total bill was $227.85 (I had already returned an item costing $42 leaving the balance which I paid). They also had all my contact info and I feel they should have contacted me prior to sending out that large of a check. They list no number on their website, but JCPenney gave me their phone number.

    As refused to help in any way, I was told by them that I would have to go to my bank and issue a stop payment, which I did. The bank representative even talked to MyCheckFree's representative, trying to get them to stop the check, but they still refused. I had to pay the stop payment fee of $35 which is a lot cheaper than all the overdraft fees that would be generated by this big of a mistake. JCPenney was helpful in every way. If you want a responsible company that will work with you, do not use

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed April 9, 2012

    I have impeccable credit. I switched my bank and my automatic payment through MyCheckFree bounced because I did not update it before closing my account. I set up a new account with my new bank and now I'm ineligible to use the automatic payment option because one of my payments was rejected. ** this service. It's **. I was not told that I was ineligible, so I thought my payments were going through. Now, I have multiple months due and late fees. All I want to do is set up an automatic payment.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed March 7, 2012

    When accessing MyCheckFree to pay a bill, I wanted to ask a question. I wanted to know whether they reported the activity to the credit bureau(s). I clicked on "contact us", entered my question and submitted. A couple days later, I was informed that the email was undeliverable. This was attempted several times with the same results. I want to be removed from this service and cannot do it. No phone number was offered.

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    Reviewed Jan. 18, 2012

    I closed MyCheckFree account I had been using to pay the electric company. They tried to auto process a payment and of course, it was denied so they charged me $15. After what seemed like an eternity, I got someone there to understand their mistake and credit me $15. Today, I found out they turned me over to a collection agency, a very poor company to do business with. It's been over a year and I moved so I have no idea where that credit went. Xcel should find a more reputable company to do business with. It is a poor reflection on Xcel.

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    Reviewed May 11, 2011

    This service is a joke. They take 5 or more days to post a payment to the electric company. It has just become easier to take the payment in person. My payment has been considered late two previous times by because My Check Free does not post in a timely manner. This is the electronic age! Why can't the payments post immediately? Not worth the hassle.

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    Reviewed April 20, 2011

    I made two payments; one in error to my power bill account # ** through on the 31st of March for $109 and another one on the 1st of April for $109. I thought I had canceled the one for the 31st of March, but both payments came out of my checking account on both days. When I saw this, I called MyCheckFree. They transferred the money to Dominion Virginia Power, so I was transferred to it. When I spoke with a rep, there he stated that I had to wait 10 business days to request a refund since it was a check. I had a problem with this as this was an electronic check transferred on the dates listed above, I did not present a physical check.

    I was told that the bank could deny the check, which does not make a lot of sense to me since the funds were already taken out of my account. I was then told that if I had my bank submit a letter with a bank letterhead on it, my funds could be released. I had my bank do this and I never heard a thing from the Research Department, even through I faxed the letter to them. I was also told that after my request, my check would be processed the next business day. I called on Friday, April 15th, to request a refund. I've been checking my mailbox each day and no check had come. I called Dom VA Power today, Apr. 20th, and was told by a rep named Jaime that it will take up to 10 business days to get my check.

    I feel that this is unacceptable to have to wait this long for a wireless check when the funds were removed on April 1st. Can you please help me get my money back? And to add insult to injury, I was told on Friday that another bill had hit my account and do I want them to deduct the payment from my refund? Each time I spoke with a rep, I was left feeling helpless as I could get no satisfaction or empathy from any of them. Shame on them.

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    Reviewed Feb. 19, 2010

    I signed up for the service to pay a utility bill. They never paid the bill. They did contact the utility so that I would only receive email bills from them, which they failed to send for 60 days. I called for customer service which is in the Philippines and they do nothing for you, cannot answer questions or fix problems or explain why they did not follow through. Owned by Equifax, whom you also cannot call for customer service. A good way to ruin credit and get your utilities turned off!

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    Reviewed Nov. 20, 2009

    I paid my Capital 1 credit card (1yr no interest loan)off on 10/14/09. I notified Capital 1 via e-mail, reminding them the loan was paid in full and to make sure they did not take any more automatic payments from my checking account with TD bank. On 10/30/09 they took it out anyway. On 10/31/09 I contacted Capital 1(being a teacher and having no access to phone calls during the day and I gave them permission to deal with my father Bill Debes.So he has been dealing with everyone since then, trying to get my money back. Cap 1 informed him he had to contact my check because that is who they use and they took it out not Capital 1. My Dad, Jerry from Cap1 and Chris from had a 3 way conference call. He was assured the money would be refunded to the checking account within 10 days. On Tuesday November 19th my dad called Cap1speaking to Latesia. She called for a 3 way call. Chris answered again and told Latesia they still did not receive the 163 from Cap1 yet(even though it was paid from Cap1 back to mycheck electronically. They are now saying "when they receive the payment"(even though Cap1 told them it was done electronically)it would take at least another 5 days from the time they receive it. My dad called back to mycheckfree again Thursday night(Nov19)to see if the electronic transfer went through and they told him to call back on Monday if it was not put in the account by then. PLEASE HELP!!! Also, the number is my dad's cell because I'm a High School teacher and cannot accept calls during school. Thank You!
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    Reviewed July 2, 2009

    Do not use In January 2009, I posted an $85.64 payment to Macy's. MyCheckFree processed it as an $8,565.00 payment. A supervisor at MyCheckFree said they would reimburse me for the insufficient funds fees. When I called to get an address (albeit five months later), I was told by Jeff that this was my problem--without recourse. After $108.00 in phone bills, $99.00 in insufficient funds fees, much angst making phone calls to Macy's, my bank and MyCheckFree, plus not eating or driving anywhere for two weeks to avoid further insufficient funds, the funds were returned. I was out the $200 plus for the phone charges and insufficient funds fees.

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    Reviewed March 8, 2005

    I use this service to pay monthly bills. Two of the three credit card companies did not receive the electronic payments to my account.

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    Reviewed May 11, 2003

    I have been trying to acces my account for the last 5 days. There is no way:
    it won't recognize my User ID or my password. A couple of days ago the "log in" automatically entered my User ID, which is one that I haven't used in years. Under this ID I can enter my password and fo to "My Account", where I have nothing! There are no "payees" registered, even though I have 5 or 6 Credit Cards and Utilities registered making my monthly payments with an "e-bill".

    I tried to start a new account, entering again the payees I used to have. The anser was that I have already registered those payees. Where? Under the ID that thhey won't accept!

    I e-mailed them, but no response whatsoever.

    Today I found that they made a payment on May 5th, 2003, to MBNA of America to pay my Master Card last statement for $15.00 instead of $46.00 which was the amount that I entered. I have the reference number of that amount in my check book.

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