
Splenda Reviews

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Splenda Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40

    Reviewed Feb. 25, 2019

    I have just switched from Truvia to Splenda and have only USED 70 to 100 packets of the 120 Packet and so far 10 were empty and a number were only half full. I looked in the box and there was a number of granules in the box and also a number of them on the shelf where I keep the box. I am not saving any money or getting any satisfaction so far from using this product. Please advise if this is the exception or you need to improve your quality control.

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    Reviewed Feb. 5, 2019

    I have horrific reactions to Splenda/sucralose in the slightest amounts. Here is a list of the reactions I experience: Heart palpitations, anxious, flushing, nausea, diarrhea, tightness in my throat, bad taste in my mouth, ears ringing and can hear my heartbeat, scalp feels tight. About 5 years ago, through the process of elimination, I figured out that artificial sweeteners of any kind adversely affect me and I eliminated them from my diet. Today a friend made tea sweetened with Great Value Peach Belinni Cocktail mixer which contains sugar AND 2% sucralose. It almost did me in...all of the symptoms/side effects listed above. This was 4 hours ago and I still feel awful! This stuff is POISON!

    I am 63 and can hardly imagine how a baby or young baby might react to this. And think of this...Sucralose is in infant **, **, cold medicines and more! CHILDREN CANNOT USE THE POWER OF DEDUCTION TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS AFFECTING THEIR HEALTH AND/OR THEIR BEHAVIOR. They cannot tell you what they are experiencing! How many of our children are being treated for conditions that cannot be diagnosed or are the result of an ingredient that has been “researched and approved” and is considered “safe” for consumption? Please PLEASE PLEASE educate yourself and watch the ingredients in what you and/or your family is consuming.

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    Reviewed Jan. 17, 2019

    I started drinking Fairlife milk since it was lactose-free. I thought I was drinking something that was organic and healthy. I drank at least a glass or two per day to get my calcium intake instead of taking calcium pills. I began to have horrible headaches, neck pain, joint pain and a chest pain that I thought was a heart attack. My entire torso felt like I had been hit by a door. My legs hurt and were swollen, and I'm an active person! I couldn't sleep and was afraid to sleep because I was in so much pain. I had just had a regular physical and knew that I was healthy, but I couldn't figure out why I ached so badly. I stopped drinking milk for two days just because I felt so bad, and I started to feel better. Thinking that I had a virus, I went back to the milk and felt worse every time I drank it.

    By that time, I knew that there was something wrong with the milk, and when I researched the ingredients, I was shocked that Fairlife uses sucralose as an ingredient. I knew that I couldn't tolerate sucralose/Splenda because it gave me such terrible headaches and caused bloating. I would feel fine until I drank the milk, and it's the only thing I consume that has Splenda in it. I've poured the milk down the drain and am trying to flush this toxin out of my body with lots of water and exercise. It's horrible that the FDA allows Splenda in food. No wonder people are so sick! I am furious that it's in MILK. There isn't anything organic about milk or anything else toted as being organic when Splenda is an ingredient!

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    Reviewed Dec. 27, 2018

    I know from previous experience that Splenda gives me headaches, so I know I can attribute the following experience to Splenda's disruptive effect on human biology. I bought a Whitman's chocolate sampler on sale not noticing the very subtle "Sugar-Free" label and the even more inconspicuous "Made with Splenda" logo. I ate a few pieces and I got a headache. A week later I binged on 3 pieces. The next day I was in such a state that I was under severe distress. I experienced sharp pains and numbness in my head and even felt my face begin to numb. The symptoms made me worry, as they were an unfamiliar experience. After calming down I recalled that I had eaten the Splenda-laced sweets. My best explanation is that these symptoms were caused by the intense dose of Splenda (three chocolate pieces), a level which I have never subjected myself to before.

    I had previously established Splenda's adverse effects on me when I tried Splenda solution for my coffee and tea. Note that I would only consume the recommended dose for a cup of beverage once per day. After a week or two of suffering headaches I realized it was the Splenda. They are a very particular headache, too. If it were my field of study, I would certainly commit some resources into investigating this curious result so many experience from an allegedly harmless molecule.

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    Reviewed March 12, 2018

    March 3rd, 2018 is a date that I will never forget. It was the first time in my life that I dialed 911. It was the first time in my life that I was sure that I was going to die. I had been feeling very weak all day. When I'm feeling sick I drink as much water as I can. I went to the kitchen and for water and it hit me. I started breathing heavy. I could not get enough air. I became terrified. I had extreme anxiety. I knew that I was going to die. I called 911, went to the living room, got down on the floor and tried to talk to the 911 operator. I was almost to the point of not being able to talk but she wanted to keep me on the line. I ended up in an ambulance on my way to the E.R. begging for the EMTs to not let me die. When I got to the E.R. no doctor came to see me. At that point my vitals were normal and they told me that I had had a panic attack. Well, I have had many panic attacks in the past but they were NOTHING like this.

    I went home without being seen. Three days later I went to a doctor and had blood work done as well as a urine sample. Today is March 12th and I'm supposed to get the results. I am still sick. Last night, for some reason, I watched a very long video about health. The bottom line, though, was that Splenda was poison. The doctor said that it destroyed all the good bacteria in the gut like antibiotics do and that it was slowly killing people off everywhere. And then it hit me like a truck. My father had accidentally purchased some sugar free chocolate pudding. We stay away from anything sugar free. My mother had to go to the doctor years ago after making a pie with Splenda. She was sure that she had cancer of the mouth. Her entire mouth started blistering after eating some of the pie. So, as I said, we don't buy anything sugar free.

    Anyway, I had a late night binge before I got sick. I ate a whole package of the pudding. Before that I had been eating them on and off. I had forgotten about my mother's experience with Splenda. So last night, after watching the video, I started doing research. I could not find anyone who said they had such an adverse effect on them as I did. But I felt dead sure that what had happened to me was the result of consuming the Splenda. And today I found this site and was so relieved that two people had mentioned panic attacks and anxiety.

    Well, it's been nine days now and I'm still sick. I have ordered some prebiotics to undo the damage that was done to my gut. I'm so angry though. I'm angry with Splenda and I'm angry with the FDA! Splenda is poison. Why is it still available? Why are they putting it in everything? And why isn't there a warning? I am going to tell everyone I know about this. And please research this stuff and tell your friends who may be using it. Splenda not only affects a person physically, it affects the brain as well.

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    Reviewed Aug. 11, 2017

    I used Splenda daily in multiple cups of coffee for several years. Over time, I noticed that my legs would hurt so badly that I practically had to crawl up the stairs. Someone told a friend of mine that her doctor had told her that if she wanted her legs to stop hurting she should stop using Splenda. That message was meant for me! I stopped using Splenda and within a week my legs stopped hurting.

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    Reviewed Nov. 14, 2016

    I thought I had severe Rheumatoid arthritis. I was in such pain that I couldn't even do the basics of sitting and standing without tears in my eyes and breaking a sweat! I didn't know about the danger of this product until my cousin informed me of the health issues this caused. It took 3 months for me to be able to sleep without the pain being so severe that I may pass out from it. That's just the joint pain. Let's talk about the skin rashes that I thought was genetic. No, it was a reaction to SPLENDA. The stomach pains along with gas.

    I changed everything in my diet to help and I never thought about removing SPLENDA from my diet until my cousin saved me. I was swollen and sick. Now I have to look at EVERYTHING I buy because sucralose is in 75% of the products out there. Something needs to be done about this. My 4-year-old son has a behavioral reaction to SPLENDA/sucralose. I ALSO HAVE TO CHECK EVERY SINGLE LABEL ON WHAT I BUY FOR HIM TOO!!! This is killing us slowly!!!

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    Reviewed Oct. 25, 2016

    Wow! Thank you for somewhere that I can come and read the same symptoms I am having. I have used Splenda for over 2 years now and today is the first day I haven't used it, and now I know for certain that my headaches, blurred vision, head pressure, dizziness, confusion, and bloating comes from. Today is the first day in a long time that I have felt normal. I had a headache for over a week that I couldn't get rid of and had to go to the ER to get a shot to get rid of it, and I have a appt set up with a neurologist in a couple weeks but now I FINALLY know what the problem is!

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    Reviewed Feb. 22, 2016

    In October of 2015 at my routine eye doctor appointment my doctor noticed nystagmus in my left eye. She referred me back to my primary physician for further testing. He couldn't really find anything wrong and he put me on a course of prednisone because I was also having other debilitating symptoms of lightheadedness and a weepy left eye. I was scared to death I was having a stroke or some kind of neurological disease. He said it was probably just a clogged ear.

    Anyway, after the prednisone, I was still having the lightheaded spells. (A few while driving, how scary!) I decided to immediately go off of my low carb diet which included a fair amount of Splenda/Sucralose laced foods on a daily basis. After about 2 weeks the weepy eye and lightheadedness were gone and have not returned. The nystagmus is also gone according to both my primary and the eye doctor.

    I am 100% certain this is due to the Splenda. After gaining 20 lbs back from not being on the low carb diet I have once again cut out sugar but I also do not consume any splenda/sucralose. I instead opt for Stevia and I have not had a recurrence of these strange and horrible symptoms. I only hope I didn't cause permanent damage to my body. I will never again consume Splenda and I recommend to anyone reading this to NEVER put that poison in your body.

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    Reviewed Aug. 30, 2015

    I have been using artificial sweeteners for about 40 years including Sweet'N Low, Equal, and Stevia product without problems... Now enter Splenda (Sucralose). I am not able to tolerate this and some other artificial sweeteners as they cause gastrointestinal bloating and cramping with associated diarrhea. Many have warning labels which tell of this. I need to relate that I am as well "Lactose" intolerant and that the associated symptoms with are comparable. My problem is not so much with the manufacturing of these products (I am not forced to use them). I have been drinking Diet Pepsi for about thirty years 1-2 daily. As well I have been following the science related to the supposed "Horrible" side effects of Saccharine and Aspartame. Mostly Anecdotal... as is mine.

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    Reviewed July 15, 2015

    My fiance was diagnosed over 10 years ago with type 2 diabetes. At the time, he drank decaffeinated sweet tea, 1 to 2 gallons a day. We asked his doctor if he could use Splenda as an alternative to sugar and were told that would be a good choice. So we started using Splenda and, when they became available, the store brands of sucralose. After a period of approximately 2 years, I started to notice a slight tremor in his left hand on occasion which started to become progressively worse. I took him to a neurologist and we were told that he had Parkinson's Disease. The neurologist said because he was at the beginning stages of Parkinson's, he did not recommend starting any medications and to return in one year to be re-evaluated.

    He started to get rashes on his face that would pop up for no reason, remain for a few weeks, and then go away. For several years his symptoms remained the same until the summer of 2013 when our world started to turn upside down. He started to have periods of extreme fatigue and the tremors went from the left hand to all over. By the fall of 2013, I had to start helping him bathe because it was too difficult for him to stand long enough to take a shower, and sometimes his tremors were so severe, the food would shake off of his fork. He would have dizzy spells and then his legs and feet started swelling.

    I took him to a new neurologist in the spring of 2014 and then after his initial examination, he stated that he was not sure what was causing my fiance's symptoms, but he definitely did not have Parkinson's Disease. After a year of countless blood tests, MRI's, ultrasounds, and x-rays, we were no closer to an answer. At one point his health got so bad, the doctor had home health nurses and physical therapists come to our home for a few weeks, but there was nothing they could do to help him improve until a diagnosis could be made and they stopped coming. There were days his health was so bad I wasn't sure if he would make it.

    Then one day out of the blue my fiance said, "The doctor has done thousands of dollars worth of test and we still don't know what is wrong with me. The only thing that I have been doing differently is using Splenda. I am not going to use it anymore." That was about 4 months ago. After approximately 6 weeks, we noticed a great reduction in his tremors. After 8 weeks the tremors were gone as well as the fatigue. No more dizzy spells, face rashes, and his legs and feet no longer swell. I am happy to say that he is now feeling well and has started to do activities he used to enjoy but was unable to for so long. Who would think someone would appreciate being able to take out the trash? He does now. Unfortunately I do not have a receipt for proof of purchase but I still have the last bag of sucralose that I purchased. It is the Food Lion Brand called Sweet Choice and the UPC number is 3582606204.

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    Punctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed June 15, 2015

    My story started 6 years ago, I was using Splenda and no name Splenda for 7 years prior with no side effects. The 7th year I started getting muscle cramping in my legs, feet & knees. It was increasingly getting worse as time went on to the point I thought I might have MS, Lupus or Lyme Disease. I had all test done by doctors to only find out I had major inflammation. Started getting cortisone shots in my feet and knees for some relief. It became worse to the point I could not get out of bed or walk a distance from my bed to the bathroom.

    I was believing the doc test were wrong. I was speaking to a friend of mine who is a medical professional and she told me to stop using Splenda and ALL artificial sweeteners for two weeks and see if the pain goes away. Well to my SURPRISE she was right! A week later I was pain free and have been for the last 6 years. My family and I have removed all artificial sweeteners from our diet. I encourage everyone who is using this product and others like to to STOP NOW!

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed April 13, 2015

    About two years ago, my blood sugar was a bit elevated so I decided to give up sugar. I started to use Splenda instead. Now when I look back, few things happened that I could not explain. My blood pressure that throughout my life remained 110/70 started to increase and in a regular medical checkup, I was prescribed BP lowering drugs. I also started to get a protruding belly. I thought that it could be a normal aging issue. Worse thing was the cough that I developed. A common cold became a nightmare as it just lasted and coughing never ended. At times I wondered if I had tuberculosis but X-ray showed clear lungs. Why this chronic cough then, I just could not find an answer to this question. My suspicion somehow never went to Splenda.

    My sleep was disturbed though I had always slept soundly before. Post nasal drip and phlegm made sleeping hours miserable. While attending meetings I coughed and that was embarrassing to say the least. One day my wife brought tea in which she already had put Splenda but I did not know so I put another two tablets. That night was miserable and in the morning I suddenly realized that maybe Splenda was doing all this. I stopped it and suddenly the phlegm disappeared within a couple of days and the coughing stopped altogether. I read about side effects of Splenda and found that high blood pressure is also a consequence of Splenda. Now I kick myself in not having researched about Splenda before and feel very bad for inadvertently poisoning myself slowly for two years. I wish this fact should be communicated to all users of Splenda to save a good deal of misery. Where are the regulating bodies?

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    Reviewed April 7, 2015

    Marked increase in blood pressure. I used Splenda in health muffin recipe for about a month and began to have high blood pressure with severe head, neck and joint aches. My blood pressure meds were doubled and pain persisted and became intolerable. I was not sleeping and began to search meds and supplements for a cause and then the change from sugar to splenda occurred to me and I googled blood pressure and Splenda. I threw out thirty six muffins I had frozen and two large bags of Splenda two days ago. The pain is decreasing. Last night a long hot bath with epsoms salts seemed to help. I wish I knew of an antidote and I wish Splenda would put a warning on their packaging. I can count the headaches I have had in my life on one hand before this now these will not go away.

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    Reviewed Feb. 5, 2015

    I am a type 2 diabetic and have been for 11 years. I had to drastically reduce my sugar vintage but still used put cane sugar to make a gallon of tea. A few months ago, I decided to give Splenda a try. I started getting use to it but within the last month or so, my BP has steadily going up. I have also been having trouble sleeping and really bad headaches. For the last 3 days, I have cut out Splenda with the exception of diet mountain dew. No headaches, my BP is going down, and I gave sleeping like a baby. Take my word for it: DO NOT USE SPLENDA!!! NOT THE BRAND NAME, NOT THE GREAT VALUE BRAND BY WALMART, NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!

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    Reviewed Aug. 19, 2014

    Oh my goodness, I've been drinking Splenda in my coffee and eating it in god only knows what, for about a year. The last several months, I've felt depressed for no reason, severe debilitating migraines, severe neck and back pain, with all of these things. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Was I dying? No... I was poisoning myself with Splenda. As soon as a friend told me about this pesticide sweetener, I immediately stopped using all products containing it. The next day, my migraines were gone. Other side effects are slowly disappearing. However so many things have this in it!! So if you use this stuff, you really should stop. It really is pesticide. Like Sweet'N Low, it is a good ant killer!!

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    Reviewed March 26, 2014

    Every once in a while I cannot hold my urine. I hardly have to go, but it runs down my legs. I have finally found out that this happens whenever I use a drink that has Splenda in it. This is why I don't have it a lot as I rarely drink anything but water and have finally connected this with sucralose.

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    Reviewed March 25, 2014

    Splenda makes claims that it's "made from sugar so it tastes like sugar." Although it's best for me to avoid excess amounts of sugar due to the fact that I have diabetes, sugar has certainly never done to me the things that Splenda does. Splenda raises my blood pressure and it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I'm already taking medication for hypertension, I certainly don't need elevated blood pressure. I also don't need my life to be hampered by feeling queasy. I question the actual safety of Splenda if it causes problems like this. In doing searches on the Internet, I've discovered that I'm far from the only one that this happens to.

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    Reviewed Nov. 6, 2013

    Splenda has been on the shelves for too many years and nothing has been done to eliminate it. In fact, it is continually spreading into our food supply without our knowledge. I've been getting adverse allergic reactions from food items that contain this chemical, and through experience, know immediately that the item contains sucralose. Are we guinea pigs or what? Why hasn't this item been taken off the shelves and still flourishing in 2013? With the countless complaints from zillions of people, something fishy is going on!

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    Reviewed May 15, 2013

    I was recently found to have an elevated blood pressure after years of having normal to low pressure. I was told to reduce my salt intake which I did promptly. My pressures started to go down, not yet normal but less than when I was first diagnosed. It kept going down slowly but surely. One day after lunch that included lots of lemonade sweetened with Splenda, I felt swollen and edematous. The rings on my fingers were tight. I felt miserable. I checked my blood pressure and it was high. I wondered what could have done that so quickly.

    The rest of the lunch was no added salt and fairly salt free (salad, no dressing). I went to look online to see if Splenda could be the culprit. I could only find anecdotal reports about the relationship between Splenda and blood pressure, no clinical studies. So I stopped the Splenda immediately (which I had been using daily). Within a few days, my pressures went back to normal and have stayed that way. Now granted, I have also eliminated salt and caffeine and increased my exercise, all proven things for reducing the pressure. But it was only after I stopped the Splenda that I finally got normal pressures again.

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    Reviewed May 7, 2012

    Splenda made me sick! A few months ago, I started using Splenda in my coffee every morning. I then started having stomach pain, acid reflux symptoms, anxiety attacks and dizziness. My friend told me to stop the Splenda. A friend of hers had the same thing happen and once she stopped, the symptoms went away. And after not using it for a few days, I was better too. I now use sugar. The pain in my stomach was so bad sometimes that all I could do was lay down and rock back and forth. I missed work many times. Now, I have all these bills in the thousands coming for all the tests I had done and I can't afford to pay them. This is not right!

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    Reviewed April 23, 2012

    My blood pressure had always been normal (120/80) or even a bit lower. I am in excellent health and am not a diabetic, but used Splenda quite often in cereal and tea, and drank pop made with Splenda. For over a year, I have not been able to understand why my blood pressure has been rising. I thought it was from eating too much salt or drinking too many beverages with caffeine. So, I drastically reduced my salt and caffeine intake and ate relatively healthy but my blood pressure was still higher than normal for me. Then I decided to take a closer look into Splenda, as I was using it a lot every day. I read many reviews online about Splenda raising blood pressure. I immediately stopped eating and drinking anything with Splenda in it, and within 2 days my blood pressure dropped to where it always was before I started using Splenda. So, no more Splenda for me!

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Dec. 6, 2011

    I have had very normal, stable blood pressure for several years. I ordered an ice tea from McDonald's and requested a Splenda as I typically only use one packet. The tea apparently already had Splenda as it was very sweet. I drank about half the ice tea. I immediately felt different and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Approximately one hour later, I began to feel extremely dizzy and light-headed. I took my blood pressure and it was 206/109! My husband rushed me to the hospital.

    After numerous tests that all came out negative, I was sent home. My BP remained elevated for about 8 hours. I have had no other BP problems since then. This was a dangerous situation that could have caused me great harm. There was nothing else that I ate or drank that could have caused this high spike of blood pressure. More tests must be done to see if this is really a safe product!

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    Reviewed May 16, 2011

    I received an email from Splenda inviting me to join a weight loss program. I was to receive three newsletters from HealthMedia Balance and HealthMedia Move. I was never able to log in to read the newsletters and could not sign up because I did not have an access code. I called the number on the email and spoke to Desiree. I was given this number for assistance, I called only to find it was a number for foot fetish and they give you a 900 sex line number! When I called HealthMedia, they said they are an insurance company and have nothing to do with Splenda.

    I was promised $50 for filling out a survey, but I can not access the site to fill out the form. They discontinued my account on March 28, 2011 but billed my credit card the monthly fee of $12.00 on April 27, 2011. Since Splenda discontinued my membership in March, I should not have been billed in April. As of May 13, 2011, no credit has been applied. The telephone number on my statement for the charge is **, this number has not been assigned. They have the following under my subscription plan: "You canceled this subscription on April 28, 2011. The expiration date for this subscription is December 31, 1969. You can purchase another subscription if this subscription has expired".

    I signed up in February 2011. I want credit on my Discover card for $12.00 Can you believe these people?

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    Reviewed Nov. 28, 2010

    Three weeks ago, I began putting Splenda on my morning oatmeal. This was a new regime for me. Starting off with a healthy breakfast, with a teaspoon of Splenda, was on my new diet plan. I also began putting Splenda in my iced coffee at lunch. I bought the big bag at Costco. Why not, it was zero calories, and very inexpensive.

    Over the last three weeks, I began to have panic attacks. There was nothing going on in my life to cause me to be in this state. Along with the panic attacks, I began to have heart palpitations. I assumed the heart was fluttering, and my blood pressure rising because I was panicking. This continued on and off for the last few weeks. Finally last Friday, while I was driving in the car, I had the mother of all panic attacks. I pointed the car in the direction of the ER, because I thought this was the end. After an EKG, heart xray, blood tests and the monitoring of my vital signs, I was sent home with the diagnosis of an Anxiety Disorder. This did not sit too well with me since I have been dealing with a chronically ill husband for the last 7 years, and a daughter with a seizure disorder for the last 15 years. I am accustomed to stress and have never been in a panic state. This new diagnosis was bewildering.

    On Monday, it hit me. Splenda is the only change I have made in my diet. It has been 4 full days since I have any Splenda and my health is back to normal. The anxiety, chest fluttering and the hot flashes are gone. I am shocked that this is still on the market. If I was a wealthy woman, I would take an ad out in every major newspaper and tell everyone about the potential dangers of Splenda. I have never been allergic to anything in my life so if this can effect me like this I can't even imagine what it would do to a person with a compromised system.

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    Reviewed April 24, 2010

    I read the Duke University report and agree that this product may interfere with the absorption of prescription drugs. I have tried using the product several times and after prolonged use began feeling odd. After having a heart attack recently, my doctors wanted me to lose weight and prescribed that I might try artificial sweeteners. I began using Splenda on a regular basis with no sugar at all in my diet and after a couple of months, my blood pressure had sky rocketed despite the use of Plavix, Losartin, and Cardvidilol and aspirin. As a result, my doctor increased my dosage of Losartin and only by accident I quit using Splenda. My blood pressure returned to mostly normal levels and at times was quite low, maybe because I really didn't need the extra meds.

    My doctor has recently reiterated a need for artificial sweeteners.This time specifically prescribing I try Splenda. After two weeks of use, my blood pressure again elevated. I quit using Splenda again and again, my blood pressure returned to near normal. I have a doctor's visit very soon and I am going to relay this info to him. I will not use Splenda again because I believe the Duke study is correct regarding Splenda's interference with the absorption of prescription drugs. I realize that this is not a controlled study but I am convinced because of my own experience. After realizing my blood pressure was elevating, I began taking my BP 6-8 times daily. It is now lower and I don't yet now whether the extra meds that were (a doubled dosgae of Losartin) prescribed will have the adverse effects of lowering my BP too much. Only time will tell.

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    Reviewed Jan. 27, 2010

    I have been using Splenda purchased here in Uruguay. It was extremely cheap. Try as I might, I cannot find online any information about recognizing counterfeit packaging. According to the company, counterfeiting of Splenda is going on. China has been named as a source. Reports are that these counterfeits have dangerous chemicals within them. I have expertise in printing/proofreading and could possibly recognize counterfeits if the company would draw a distinction between counterfeit packaging and the real genuine product. The company has a responsibility to inform consumers in vulnerable countries and to help them avoid what may be a potentially contaminated product and dangerous to human health. Can you help me please?

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    Reviewed Nov. 2, 2009

    I started using Splenda sweetner about 3e years ago, I then started developing symptoms, sick to my stomache, weak, pain in chest dizziness. My doctor tested me for everything under the sun including bone cancer. So after several years of medical bills and un
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    Reviewed Sept. 24, 2009

    I believe that this product has made me ill over the last 11 years.
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    Reviewed Sept. 6, 2009

    I started having burning and itching rashes on my hands and feet. Its been going on about 5 months now. I went to doctor and they did every test known possible. He asked me had anything changed in my diet and I realized the only thing that had changed was that I started using splenda. I just stopped using splenda and everything seemed to be back to normal I even able to sleep now.
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