Snacks and Super Bowl parties go hand in hand, but not all football fare is safe for four-legged fans. Pet owners planning to host a Super Bowl party this year should be mindful of the snacks that can be harmful to pets.
With the television netting the majority of the attention, pets may find it easier than ever to help themselves to a game day snack. But the thrill of acquiring a treat meant for humans may be short-lived if pets sneak a snack that isn’t good for them.
Before putting out your Super Bowl spread, be aware that some snacks might be best kept far from your favorite companions.
Snacks to avoid
To keep pets safe on game day, pet insurance providerPetplan recommends thinking carefully before serving the following:
- Beer. Some pets have a taste for beer, but fatal respiratory depression may await if they imbibe even a small amount, says Petplan. Party hosts with brew-loving pets may want to ask guests to watch their drinks. Or better yet, consider hosting a “Sober Bowl” party.
- Chicken wings. The fine bones in chicken wings can splinter easily and puncture the GI tract. Additionally, the sauces that often accompany chicken wings are almost guaranteed to cause an upset stomach.
- Onion rings. While onions in any form are poisonous to pets, onion rings pose a double danger since fried foods can cause diarrhea.
- Toothpicks. Toothpicks may be handy skewers for cheese cubes and appetizers, but these pointed sticks can cause severe and potentially fatal damage to pets’ GI tracts if swallowed.
- Nuts. Many nut varieties have a negative effect on dogs’ nervous systems. Walnuts and macadamias are especially toxic and can cause vomiting, paralysis, and even death.
Hosting a pet-safe party
While keeping your pet safe is likely a top priority, hosting a Super Bowl without food may not sound particularly appetizing. Luckily, there are other ways for pet owners to incorporate game day snacks while also making sure pets stay out of trouble.
If you know your pet isn’t one to resist temptation when faced with a selection of snacks at eye-level, consider making other arrangements before hosting. Pet parents could also kindly ask guests to sit at a table or use snack trays to minimize the risk of fallen food ending up in Fido’s tummy.
Additionally, revelers can avoid pet-related mishaps by keeping an eye on unattended plates and cups and making sure to clean up promptly. To keep furry fans happy, consider keeping a few pet-friendly snacks around.