Public Health Alert issued for meat and poultry products from China

Photo source: USDA

The products are not eligible for import

The Agriculture Department's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing a public health alert for an undetermined amount of imported meat and poultry products from China.

The products are ineligible to import into the U.S., which makes them unfit for human consumption. The total amount of ineligible product is undetermined because the investigation is continuing.

A list of the products may be found here.

Because the FSIS has not been able to identify and contact the importers, a recall has not been requested. There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions

What to do

Consumers who purchased these products should not consume them. Instead, they should double-bag and discard them to reduce the possibility of animals accessing the products.

It's not been confirmed whether the products were properly heated to control pathogens that affect domestic livestock.

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