Potandon Produce LLC is recalling its Green Gian Fresh whole yellow onions in 2 lb. bags, 3 lb. bags, and 5 lb. bags; whole white onions in 2 lb. bags; and whole red onions in 2 lb. bags due to possible salmonella contamination.
The company said it initiated the recall after being informed by its supplier of the potential contamination. Although the company is not aware of any of the products testing positive for salmonella, it stated that it is recalling them out of an abundance of caution.
The recalled onions were delivered to three UNFI retail distribution centers in Frago, N.D., Bismarck, N.D., and Hopkins, Minn., between July 9 and Aug. 6.
To see a full list of the recalled onions -- along with packaging information, descriptions, delivery dates, UPCs, lot numbers, and Julian dates -- visit the FDA’s website here.