If you are in the market for a used car that you want to last for years, wouldn’t it be helpful to know what used cars your fellow consumers have owned for at least 15 years, liking them enough not to trade them in?
When an original owner keeps a vehicle for more than 15 years, it’s safe to assume they’re pretty happy with their ride. In a new study, automotive website iSeeCars identified the 13 cars that original owners keep for at least 15 years more than all other cars.
The average time for a consumer to hold onto a new car is eight years. Keeping it for 15 years suggests there’s not an issue prompting the owner to want something new. Among the top 13 models, Toyota accounts for seven – three of which are hybrids.
“Most consumers can’t commit to a single vehicle for more than a decade, but those that do save a lot of money on their vehicle costs,” said iSeeCars Executive Analyst Karl Brauer.
“Keeping a car for 15 years means no loan payment for most of that time, along with falling insurance and registration costs. Those reduced expenses can counter higher maintenance costs as a car ages, especially in durable models that hold up well over time.”
The average percent of 15 year old cars kept by their owner was 3.7% among the vechicles.
Toyota models hold down the top five slots with 7% of Toyota Highlander Hybrids still with the original owners at least 15 years after being driven off the lot.
“The functional, high-value nature of these models aligns with long-term ownership,” said Brauer. “If you’re keeping a car for 15 or more years you want reliability, practicality, and fuel efficiency, traits all of these cars offer.”