United Healthcare Dental Insurance

United Healthcare Dental Insurance Reviews

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About United Healthcare Dental Insurance

  • Good coverage for routine services
  • Affordable insurance rates
  • Easy enrollment process
  • Frequent claim denials
  • Poor communication from reps
  • Limited provider network

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United Healthcare Dental Insurance Reviews

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    How do I know I can trust these reviews about United Healthcare Dental Insurance?
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    Page 1 Reviews 0 - 10
    Customer ServiceCoverage

    Reviewed Feb. 3, 2025

    Sure wish I had looked at these reviews as I do everything else. After 5 years of paying for a policy with these people and paying on time, the one time it didn't go through they wait an entire month to take both payments with supposedly one email notifying someone of the issue, not to mention I've never even used this insurance policy which was dental I canceled. After being upset due to the monies I had for something else in my account. Hoping to fix the issue days later when someone calls me back as I requested they can't do nothing about it 'cause I canceled being upset that most places ran it again the next day or two and unaware they would wait an entire month, not mentioning they'd wait, that had me beside myself after that many years of paying for something I'd waited to use, being you have to wait 2 years for any major dental, I'm now screwed and they could careless.

    All they care about is getting that money. I won't ever use Unitedhealthcare one for anything ever again. I suggest anyone looking doesn't stop here and goes to someone else. They aren't clear on how they take your money especially on autopay which everyone these days wants anyways. Most even offer a discount on autopay but not these guys. SHOP ELSEWHERE FOR YOUR DENTAL OR HEALTHCARE INSURANCE. Now I think well I'd probably of had issues with this insurance upon using it anyways. Hate I paid for 5 years on this crap.

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    Reviewed Jan. 3, 2025

    I wish I would have read reviews before paying $576.00( $48. x 12 months for premium) for $1,500 worth of dental care. I have been denied 3 x's for a crown that my dentist of 30 yrs. put in. Every time it's a different reason. My dentist is the most honest person. He would not recommend dental care that I did not need. It took 2 months just to pay for my cleaning and did not pay 100%. The crown is now under appeal.

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      Reviewed Oct. 23, 2024

      I have actually had them twice now for dental insurance and I couldn't have believed that they could have been worse the second time than they were the first but evidently it's possible. No company could be as incompetent as they pretend to be and still be in business so I have to assume they are just dishonest instead. They told me I had $3,000 worth of dental insurance I could use and in spite of needing a lot of dental care and treatment for basic things nothing cosmetic I have only ever been able to use a few hundred dollars.

      I have been waiting for them to reimburse me around $200 for 6 months now and that was such a small amount of what I had to pay. It was ridiculous to begin with. My dentist and myself have been on the phone, resubmitted claims, talk to people. Same story as before when I had them. No matter what they tell you about how much dental insurance you actually have the bottom line is you really don't have any with them. They lie. You will never be able to use it.

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      Reviewed Oct. 23, 2024

      I have a Chipped tooth, want to get a root canal and cap done, should be covered under the HMO.... Dentist informed me it takes 4 weeks to get an approval.... We live in the 21st century... Electronic approvals should be almost instantaneous....

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      Reviewed Sept. 29, 2024

      The lists of dentists that the company provides that accept this insurance are usually incorrect. The only remaining dentists who actually accept it often have Google reviews that say "stay away", "worst dentist I have ever visited" etc. The payout to decent dentists is embarrassingly low. How is this so so bad.

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      Customer ServiceStaff

      Reviewed Aug. 22, 2024

      Never pictured myself writing a review on anyone. But this one warrants it. Been dealing with re-activating my UHC Dental Coverage for a few weeks after leaving my job. Cobra department was great walked me through the process online to help expedite process on their end. Logged into the site a few weeks later, it says I'm active. Providers runs insurance says UHCD says it's not. I call UHCD. They transfer me to 3 different departments to verify Cobra sent the information. Cobra (Healthy Equity) verified twice and sent UHCD two urgent updates to update my eligibility. Get back on with UHCD representative. He seems bothered by having to look into my concern. Meantime, my morning is gone... I've been on the phone with UHCD between transferred calls and being put on hold 2.5 hours. Gives me excuses he can't see it active on his side. I send in my screenshot of my side.

      He puts me on hold for another 35 minutes. Comes back on the phone says there was an issue implementing the eligibility. He's vague about where the issue stemmed from and finally admits it's a screw up internally between two departments on their end and will take up to another 48 hours to correct the policy. Best part no contact info to speak with that department, says it's been put on escalation and I would need to call back in a few days. This began July 26th. When I tried using my UHCD PPO Plan it shows active as of 8-1-2024. It's now 8/22/2024... My policy runs out 08/30/2024... Meanwhile, I have a broken filling I've been trying to get into the dentist going on a month later. Now my right side of my cheek is sensitive to the touch. You can't make this stuff up, unbelievable..

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      Reviewed July 9, 2024

      This is the worst dental insurance I have ever seen. I have sent in my dental claim between myself & dental office 8 times. Certified with proof of delivery & they claim they never received. I have never seen anything so insane.

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      Customer ServiceClaims HandlingCoverage

      Reviewed July 2, 2024

      This company is awful! I have been dealing with them over dental claims they denied for my children. Simple cleaning and x-rays for my to kids. My daughter’s claim was denied because required an adult cleaning (she has no baby teeth left) and she is 12 1/2 and only would cover if she was 13. My dentist put in for a child cleaning which is less $ and I would cover the remainder and then refused. My son cleaning was covered because he’s under 13 and has a baby tooth still. His x-ray was not covered because he has a small mouth and they need to x-ray both sides of his face. The reason for only paying for 1 side is that they can’t bill for both sides on the same day. I couldn’t make this stuff up!

      Customer service is terrible! They are hard to understand and they just keep reading the same thing over and over. I was frustrated but did not cuss or yell. I just told them I would take this up with my HR department and would love to take the survey I was promised in the beginning. She refused to talk to me anymore and we just quietly sat on the phone until I finally hung up.

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      Reviewed May 21, 2024

      Absolutely the worst dental insurance, do not go with this company. My dental office has been trying to submit pre authorizations for the last 4 months and have been denied, I cannot get the treatment I need.

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      Reviewed May 14, 2024

      I have seen 3 dental providers under UHC aarp medicare ppo. They have all seen me only two times to do xrays, but refuse to fix my broken teeth that can lead to severe health problems since those teeth are decayed. I feel that the dental providers denied my dental care because I have Uhc dental insurance. DON'T TRUST UHC DENTAL INSURANCE TO GET ADEQUATE DENTAL CARE. HORRIBLE INSURANCE AND HORRIBLE DENTAL PROVIDERS. You become a bigger for dental care. Wow.

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      United Healthcare Dental Insurance author review by Cyril Tuohy

      United Healthcare is one of the largest companies and healthcare insurance providers in the world. The insurance provider has a large range of dental insurance plans for its clients.

      • A huge network: Over 200,000 dentists are in United Healthcare's network.

      • Medicare plans: Those with Medicare can apply for coverage.

      • Free quotes: Prospective customers can estimate total costs on United's website.

      • No waiting period: Never wait for preventive care or major procedures and preventive care is covered at 100 percent with no deducible.

      • Pediatric dental: Certain dental coverage for dependent under age 19 is offered through United HealthCare’s medical plan.

      by Cyril Tuohy Insurance Advisor

      Cyril Tuohy has covered the insurance industry for more than 15 years. He is an expert at writing about personal and commercial property-casualty insurance and covers life, annuities and retirement as a staff writer for a top insurance trade magazine aimed at insurance agents and financial advisors.

      United Healthcare Dental Insurance Company Information

      Company Name:
      United Healthcare Dental Insurance