Social Security Disability Reviews
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- Bureaucratic delays
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Social Security Disability Reviews
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Reviewed July 25, 2023
I cannot believe Yusef ** is still receiving SSD for a leg injury from 2009 despite numerous reports to the OIG of him performing activities that clearly contradicts any physical impairment. Your office encourages citizens to report fraud yet you won't even investigate it or make any attempts to look at security and cellphone footage sent as proof. There are over 100 videos of Yusef ** lifting/moving heavy appliances up and down the front steps such as a double oven and AC unit; mowing his lawn including his neighbors; buying drugs; running, and playing basketball, etc. Taxpayers are footing the bill for a convicted felon who is more than able to get a job! Last year ** challenged a neighbor during an argument to "go ahead report me social security won't do **" and unfortunately he's right.
Reviewed Sept. 14, 2022
The whole disability system is a scam. Social Security Administration takes your money, earns interest off that money and keeps it for themselves, then put you through years and years of turmoil and suffering just to get your money back. Hearing officers/judges disregard blatant facts. Absolutely one of the biggest scams against the American citizens.
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Reviewed July 16, 2022
The only reason I'm going out of my way to write this review is to let the public know that when you're disabled and you live alone you have no emergency contact and you're walking around with an undiagnosed health condition from 2016 and we're going on the year 2023 to have the man named John ** call my phone for the past 2 months every Saturday morning yelling at me about unreported income on my claim first of all I had to tell him I just went to bed one hour before he called me which made me extremely upset because what happens when you're sleep deprived because you're walking around not knowing when the last day you're going to be alive and for a man that works for Social Security by the name of John ** to call me every Saturday morning YELLING at me literally to the point it's like he wants to curse me out telling me if I don't do AB&C by this time I'm going to have to pay social security back, he's taking away my benefits, all type of things that you don't want to hear when you're walking around with undiagnosed BRAIN LESSIONS and health conditions that you can't explain for yourself let alone your doctors!
I had to literally tell him my identity is BEING SOLD on the DARK WEB... so if I'm getting a phone call about unreported income I guess you guys are going to be expecting a lot of phone calls because people are buying my information and they're using it so Social Security need a separate department for that, not the man by the name of JOHN V. calling my phone leaving voice messages with so much AUTHORITY and BASS in his voice as if he built Social Security from the ground up with his own two hands, I FOUGHT on my own very hard just to get disability after being denied FOUR times by a doctor that Social Security had working for them lied on a government document stating that there is nothing wrong with me.
I had to hire an attorney that got me a court date in front of the disability JUDGE for social security the judge CURSED OUT the doctor on the phone at the hearing because he lied in black and white on the official state document stating that there was nothing wrong with me at all... so I need people to wake up and realize that they have THEIR own people working for them as well I verbally let Mr. JOHN V. know I didn't ask to become disabled. I worked all my life. I don't know anything about social security, disability, Medicare,, or anything because all my life I was able to do for myself and I worked all my life by myself and and now I have this man JOHN V. calling me every SATURDAY threatening to take away the only thing that I have in this world and that's my health and my sanity.
But dealing with him calling my phone leaving these type of voice messages I'm finding myself taking a lot more anxiety pills than I am supposed to be taking because the first time he called me I went into a full-blown anxiety ATTACK. He's threatening to take away my medical benefits which is the only thing I have in my life if I don't do what he say by a certain time and by a certain day!!! I went to the office. I was treated like human garbage!!!
3 people called me from Social Security. Two out of the three didn't know what they were talking about because I believe they just got hired. The other guy who just called me last week only said that I have an appointment for a phone interview next month and he said, "That's all we need from you so we can submit your medical review so they don't turn off your benefits." I felt at ease and I felt calm and I told him no problem. I lock the date in my cell phone calendar to remember to look out for the phone call from Social Security on the date that he scheduled for me to be on the phone with them for the interview.
Now this morning Saturday to make it so bad I didn't even know Social Security was open. Mr JOHN ** is added again and this time I save the voice messages so when I do have my appointment with Social Security I need to know from a higher authority is this the way you speak to a human being that is disabled that has been disabled since 2016 and neither one of her doctors till this day can let her know what's wrong with her. I have to know if this is the etiquette that's Social Security allows to talk to disable people with undiagnosed physical or mental conditions in this manner.
I don't think anyone should have to take double the dosage of their anxiety medication because an employee of Social Security called them and TALKED to them as if they were human garbage. I am totally disgusted at the fact that I fought long and hard by myself just to get Social Security. I FOUGHT long and hard just for a professional doctor to lie on official document saying that I am not disabled... finally get approved and now I'm being harassed and threatened if I don't do what MR. JOHN V. (AT THE CORAL SPRINGS OFFICE IN BROWARD COUNTY FL) says? Wow...just wow!!!
Reviewed July 11, 2022
Social Security Disability Advocates guided me every step of the way to assist me in winning my disability hearing. I am very thankful I googled for help when I decided to apply for SSDI. This organization fights for your right to the money you deserve when you are unable to work any longer. I provided the info they required, which was passed along to the deciding individuals expeditiously. Receiving clear and concise guidance was very much appreciated.
Reviewed Jan. 11, 2022
I was assigned a psychologist to evaluate me and the emotional distress caused by that interaction made me much worse. The only problem: I don't have access to mental care to help me recover. The psychologist was clearly not trauma-informed. They went through their questionnaire robotically and asked me triggering questions. When I was triggered, they didn't offer me a break: they asked me if I wanted to keep going or reschedule. I don't understand how their report didn't reflect that they triggered me.
The psychologist asked me if I drank alcohol or used other substances. I said no. They stopped and stared at me and asked again: "No alcohol?" They were in disbelief. Still stunned. If SSA administrator are listening: Please consider a post-evaluation that claimants can complete. How else would discrimination and negligence be addressed if there are no methods of accountability for biased and discriminatory behavior?
Reviewed Oct. 26, 2021
This is, by far, the worst experience of my life. I was fully awarded disability however, even though I paid taxes, I didn’t pay in enough for SSDI. I am approved for SSI disability for a measly $140 a month. I have no idea how one is supposed to live off of their guidelines & they have zero desire to help anyone. In order to get more a month, I will need to be homeless. I am so angry. I am just under 50 years old and I have worked since I was 14 years old. I am so angry. I work part time and that hurts my payment. So, I’m going to quit. The stupidity is painful to see and I have second hand embarrassment for them. Absolutely ridiculous.
Reviewed June 8, 2021
The Social Security Administration is a broken system that was designed to help people but now go out of their way to not help anyone except themselves. They go out of their way to find reasons to deny you and are looking out for their own best interest. They drag their feet and their customer service representatives are very rude and aren't the least bit interested in helping you.
Reviewed April 12, 2021
Thus far, the experience has sucked. It has changed me in some ways... no joke. The time that is lost to the process can never be regained. How about SSA recognize this right away?! So, first denial July 2018. Hired an attorney, yet ended up going through initial ** all over again. I realized there was some glitch between the first meeting with attorney and the paralegals' actions. It took some time to get it straight ...or sort of straight. ALJ trying hard to not seek TRUE onset date. Keeps me in a different grid. Yes, it was and is frustrating! So, anyway, I lost a bit of confidence as far as attorney, but was advised it was best just to stick with the practice. So I cannot believe how much time has passed. I check in frequently, as my desire is to find resolve. More time passes, claim is denied. Next, ALJ hearing requested. >A year before date given. Due to COVID the only option was a telephone hearing.
My opinion feels there is a benefit in some visual connection, at the very least (Zoom style.). I do ask if the telephone hearings = each receives a truly fair hearing? Anyone with me here? So I went in blind. No true prep occurred & the day of hearing was here. WTFlip?! My attorney was barely audible. The ALJ raced through some verbiage. I was lost. ADHD (the sure culprit w/ getting lost) depression, panic disorder, PTSD... I couldn’t believe that no deep, assistive questions were asked?! Not one word about medications, etc. My senses were on overload, so intuition was unreachable. And it’s all just happening super fast!?
The VE is on. I didn’t recall any discussion about the VE with my attorney?! I admit I was distracted by the thick regional diction (respectfully), so despite my attempts, I was not following. “What is going on here?!” I thought to myself. My attorney said nothing. No objections. And my college degree, prior profession proved to be worthless. The VE names three jobs, the stats (150,000 jobs exist across the USA). “Wait. What!? Tag sewing on clothing. Where? And is there some assistance with getting the job? ..Relocation expenses, etc.?” It was all foreign, and I swear, I still do own intellect. The aforementioned disabling conditions do interfere with much, so much so, I am here.. So 3 jobs were mentioned (between ALJ & VE) I am not able to follow. All foreign. And he asks me a random question (random as in - not relevant to the case!!?!)
Suddenly, his tone & cadence switch. His voice is louder. As he rattles off “the hypotheticals”...And yes, I was new to the whole thing, but I swear the questions posed some extreme percentages, etc. I have yet to bring myself to listen to the audio file. The thing was jarring!?! And then he asked if I had anything else. “Well...uhm, no ..?” I was scattered. I wanted to say “WHERE DO I START?!” (“Is my attorney going to say ANYTHING?!”) The decision took a good six to eight weeks, and unfavorable was his ruling. I began to read through the 15 page explanation, and became more aggravated with each paragraph. Intuition screaming “fully prejudice - he’s not a person who considers any mental health disorder “real.” He cherry picked all that served his chosen route. He went so far as to speak snark re: My female M.D. and added a few digs here and there that were over the top!!
I began scouring the internet for resources... “Find info regarding ALJ errors”. I typed many objections, and sent them to my attorney. Way too many, as I learned later “Two pages is about the extent of what they’ll read.” But I digress. I gotta say the process has taken it out of me?! It’s my issue: the allowing “it” to wreak chronic stress and aggravation. I see that it’s damaging on so many levels. Ya know? The disregard for subjective perspective. The chronic stress one might experience is not beneficial to body or mind. Chronic stress is harmful to every system of the body.. So I wonder how many folks have experienced true stress during their attempts?! I wonder how many were seriously needing help, and found nothing? Did they give up, YEARS of time given ...for? What is to be done about the ones who just couldn’t handle it?!
I do not discount any disease or disorder. I’m Simply coming from my perspective. My intention is not to sound like a “victim”. I have an issue with the denial that a [psychiatric] disease of the brain, is feigned. A big ** to all that (stigmas, etc.). What century is the system acting from? The premise of learning that “they don't believe you”. I.e., the fact that generally speaking, all the words and descriptions of struggles, difficulties each claimant has extended is barely weighted?!! How can this be?! There has to be some impact by way of being told, not in so many words, “you are a liar and you are weak.” Seeking earned assistance - for a true disease or group of diseases is not any easy feat! It's tough on the ego., at least sometimes.. I feel there are souls here fighting - trying to stand for what is right & necessary. None should be so easily discounted.
Empathy and compassion must be weaved in.. there is nothing weak about asking for help. There is NOTHING weak in extending a bit of compassion into the mix. Any person who feels powerful in denying an individual, is a true coward. Next stop for me (ugh). Appeal to Appeals Council. And the amount of time this step will swallow, I dunno. After that, I cannot imagine fighting any more.. I wish each of you ease and success! I really do.
Reviewed Nov. 18, 2020
Hi everyone I have something worth sharing, I applied for SSI in late May of 2020, just got denied this morning 11/18/20, my doctor retired without ever sending in my records, so DDS sends me to 2 CE exams, mental and physical, the Psychologist PHD concluded that I couldn't get along with co-workers or supervisors, couldn't handle work related stress, had below average to average intellectual ability and impaired judgement, ok? The physical exam doctor wrote in his conclusion that I have limitations in walking, standing, sitting, and lifting 10LBS occasionally, he observed that I had an abnormal gait consistent with cervical radiculopathy and DDD of lower back, so wouldn't it be fair to say that I should at least get an RFC for sedentary work? I'm 53 yrs old GED in 1986 no transferable skills, well these jerks give me an RFC for medium work and totally ignored the mental report, so you bet your bottom dollar I'm appealing and ready to fight!
Reviewed June 30, 2020
I applied for SSDI in 2018 and initially got denied. I applied again, got denied. Appealed and got denied again. This time hired a lawyer for the hearing thinking all would be fine but the lawyer didn't even say one word during the hearing. I have schizoaffective disorder, bipolar, major depressive, and severe social anxiety. According to the judge because I'm able to take care of my son and 'cook meals' I'm able to work. What am I supposed to do? Microwave all my meals? And because I'm able to 'shop in stores' I'm able to work. It literally says this in my documents.
The jobs the vocational expert listed I'm able to do are: hospital cleaner, laundry worker, folding machine operator(?), photocopy machine operator. Even though I am not able to be around anyone at all besides my own family because I have auditory hallucinations where I hear people talking about me. Anyways I'm taking my case to the Appeals court with the help of an advocate at my psychiatrist's office so fingers crossed I win this time around. I won't give up. Good luck to everyone.
Social Security Disability Company Information
- Company Name:
- Social Security Disability
- Website:
- www.ssa.gov