Medela Breast Pumps

Medela Breast Pumps Reviews

About Medela Breast Pumps

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Medela Breast Pumps develops breastfeeding equipment. The company offers a range of electric and manual breast pumps, along with milk storage and feeding products. Since 1961, Medela has supported breastfeeding mothers, incorporating features to assist with comfort, efficiency and milk expression.

  • Easy to use and set up
  • Compact and portable design
  • Cleaning can be challenging
  • Limited hands-free options

Medela Breast Pumps Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40
    PriceEase of Use

    Reviewed Aug. 5, 2017

    Medela the best pump out there. It pulls the milk out more than other brands. I used couple of other brands and I still get full after use. However with this, I felt relieved. It’s a trusted brands. Medela does the job. It’s easy to use too. Regardless, I still had someone explain how to use the product. But I don't like that it’s very pricey. It’s expensive for mothers to have so much expenses. It’s clunky and can be a bit more faster. I had spent 20 to 30 minutes pumping.

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    Customer ServiceCoverageEase of Use

    Reviewed Aug. 4, 2017

    It was quiet and easy to take with me to pump on go. I could pump anywhere with a outlet plus bag was cute, friendly customer service and easy to use instructions. However, it wasn’t hand free and it had to be plugged in, no battery options so if I take it had to have outlet. And it was hard to clean and my insurance didn’t cover the many options to make it easier so I paid out of pocket, plus delivery time was slow. My trouble was I didn’t produce enough milk and was hard to get baby out of my arms long enough to pump so setting everything up to pump sucked.

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    Reviewed Aug. 3, 2017

    It’s a strong pump, glad I rented it. I used it for both my daughters. It was a machine with guts. I love how fast it would pump the milk out. It's easy to clean too. Only one breast at a time could be done, and it is a little painful because it pumps so hard. It was also very big to carry around and had to be plugged in to be used and didn't have a charger in it. I could only use at so many places.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed Aug. 2, 2017

    The pump is very easy to set up and use. It is a little uncomfortable at first but once it gets going, it's fine. The pump is easy to wash, just use soap and water. I feel the double pump is very efficient and it made pumping much more convenient. The ability to change the speed on the pump was also nice. It always ran perfectly. I liked the high quality, but it was big and heavy. I would have liked it even more if it were a little more compact.

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    PriceEase of Use

    Reviewed July 31, 2017

    The Medela breast pump was easy to use, to set and to clean. It was very efficient and I could get through a pumping session from start to finish in about 20 minutes. And I could pump both breast sides at the same time. It was not too loud too. It was also small enough that I could easily transport it if I was going to be pumping away from home. The cost was a bit high though, higher than other brands I looked at, but my doctor recommended this brand.

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    Reviewed July 29, 2017

    Wife liked the simplicity including the controls of Medela Breast Pump and the fact that it was covered by insurance. The parts seemed made out of good quality and didn't require extensive cleaning. It was very easy also to take down the simple parts and setup throughout the day. In addition, the power is easy and even washing the cups plus it was straightforward too. However, the controls are simple but not very adaptable. It would be nicer if the pumping action was more adjustable, for instance longer, gentler strokes or easing into the pump action. Also, a quieter operation would make the use less disruptive to normal life. Lastly, if it came with hands-free cup supports.

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    PriceEase of Use

    Reviewed July 28, 2017

    Medela was affordable and I was able to easily make it a part of my budget. It was an easy to use design and I liked it more than one I had owned previously. I like the hand pump so much and that’s the one I purchased as I wasn't using it more than 1/2 times a day. I had owned one previously and wasn't going to purchase a new one for my son who was born 4 yrs after my daughter. But the pieces weren't interchangeable so that was disappointing. But I purchased the similar hand pump mocks as I was very pleased with my previous one. I also had a few problems with the tiny rubber/plastic flap piece to ensure it was completely clean. But it was only one time issue and would definitely recommend to others.

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    Installation & Setup

    Reviewed July 26, 2017

    I liked that the Medela breast pump I used was automated or electric, and that it was all in one piece. I liked the color and the bottles that it came with also. But the breast pump should be made to be less big and bulky and easier to use. The process of setting up the breast pump was somewhat difficult too. There were several plug-ins and tubes that needed to be plugged into different places, and then there's the issue of cleaning all the parts.

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    Installation & SetupPriceEase of Use

    Reviewed July 23, 2017

    Medela was recommended by several of my friends and I read great reviews from various websites about it. Models had easy instructions and was nice and comfortable. It made pumping less stressful since it was easy to use. It was very easy to clean too. I would have liked that there be more options that were affordable though. I know there are different options but overall it was expensive. Having my first child, it was a lot to spend on something that I was uncertain would work. But the efficiency of this breast pump was excellent.

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    Ease of Use

    Reviewed July 22, 2017

    I liked the ease of use of Medela Breast Pump. Just plug it in and I can easily adjust the strength while using it so I can start off on a lower number but then increase as necessary and I like how easily the parts come off to be cleaned after every use. Also, it is so small which makes it easily portable. I was happy and comfortable using it throughout - although I don't use it on a daily basis - so could be that is why I'm not so picky.

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    Ease of Use

    Reviewed July 21, 2017

    It was very easy to use the Medela Breast pump. The tubes that are connected from the cups to the machine were easy to put together. After use, a simple wash cleaned the products. The pump was efficient in drawing out the milk and filling the bottles too and I love the hands free pump feature which allowed me to pump while doing other tasks and the settings of the breast pump allowing me to turn the machine on high when my breasts were very full and heavy, or low when my breasts were tender and low on milk. Each of the features worked good for me while I was breastfeeding and my experience with the Medela breast pump was enjoyable.

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    Installation & SetupPunctuality & SpeedEase of Use

    Reviewed July 20, 2017

    The MEDELA BREAST PUMP was fast and worked quickly. I am a working mother so I need to be able to get my pumping in fast. I do like the storage areas because I could hold all the parts and filled bags of milk to keep them cool until I got home from work. The setup was easy too. I would just attach the tubes and hang the milk bags. But it was very hard to use the breast pump and do other things. Sometimes the tubes would not work too and I would have to replace a tube. The tubes would be better if they were a bit longer. The seals sometimes had to be replaced as well. And this breast pump should be more portable so it could be taken to more places. It was somewhat easy to clean it but there are some nooks in the pump handles that were hard to get clean without a small steel brush.

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    Punctuality & Speed

    Reviewed July 17, 2017

    Medela Breast Pump is a good brand and efficient with a small sleek design. It is convenient and on the go pumping, hands free bra, good quality product and always able to produce a lot of milk with the machine. I also like that the parts can be interchanged and the battery lasts a while plus tubing is durable. The steam bags make cleaning quick and sanitary too. I generally really like this pump but would like to see the Freestyle more suction, including freestyle with insurance. Also, higher suction and extra pair of pumpkins parts, including a car charger.

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    PriceEase of Use

    Reviewed July 16, 2017

    Medela Breast Pump was a great product. I am not very savvy on any gadget of any kind and this was great. It was easy to use, extremely comfortable, and nice design. The colors were gender neutral. The breast pump was easy to assemble and clean. I loved how affordable it was and how efficient it made breast pumping. I received it as a gift and I recommend it to any moms who pump.

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    Customer Service

    Reviewed May 31, 2015

    I purchased some Medela breastpump parts for my niece who just gave birth. Here was the long line of poor service I had received from Medela: 1.) Medela site would not allow me to purchase 3 of one item. Only up to 2 was allowed in the quantity check box, 2.) Called Medela and asked why. Was told that's the way it is, 3.) Complained to Medela online and asked for help. No response. So I had to make 2 separate purchases and pay extra S&H, 4.) On the 5th day, after I made the purchases, Medela responded. Was told I could have ordered 3 in one purchase by calling -- get this -- the same phone # I called before,

    5.) When I further complained for everything above, Medela responded: "...The Medela website does have quantity limitations. We can certainly understand your frustration, and we apologize for any inconvenience this website feature has caused. We have a formal document that is submitted for each complaint and product. Be assured that I have submitted this document addressing each concern, product or service complaint." In the end, nothing has changed in how Medela sells their products online. All in all, the kind of customer service I have received from Medela is: all garbage. So forget about complaining to M if you experience the same problems with M.

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    Medela Breast Pumps Company Information

    Company Name:
    Medela Breast Pumps
    Year Founded:
    1101 Corporate Drive
    Postal Code:
    United States