
Dannon Reviews

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  • Variety of flavors available
  • Recent quality decline noted

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    Page 3 Reviews 40 - 240

    Reviewed Feb. 24, 2010

    I purchased Activia under with the belief it would help my digestive system only to find out that it did not.

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    Reviewed Oct. 27, 2009

    That Dannon Activia Yogurt does not live up to what it claim, it taste nasty, My sister and I both tried it. It didn't do nothing for us. Didn't help my digestion system.
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    Reviewed Sept. 22, 2009

    I have purchased Dannon Activa for over a year due to health benefits and to hear the false advertisement I am fully concerned. I have even recommended the product too many others.
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    Reviewed Sept. 21, 2009

    I have had much indigestion after eating Activia but thought it was due to old age. I am 70. Just wanted to get my name in for the class action lawsuit settlement. Helen Butner
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    Reviewed Sept. 21, 2009

    I purchased this product to help me with a digestive problem. I bought activia after hearing commercials that state in two weeks you should see a change. I have been eating activia everyday for the past 3 months & have found no changes.
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    Reviewed Sept. 14, 2007

    On Sept. 7, 2007 I bought Dannon Activia Yogurt at a Fairbanks Fred Meyers store. The first spoonful I put in my mouth of the blueberry flavor had chunk of coal or charcoal of about 18 to 14 inch in size. I bit down on the chunk and it quickly disolved into little black bits. I spit it out in the sink.

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    Reviewed June 13, 2006

    Why are they selling unlabeled laxatives in the dairy section of supermarkets?

    Dannon has a new yogurt, Activia, which I'm supposed to realize from the hints on their packaging is a laxative.

    Sorry, but I didn't get it and had diarrhea for several days, until I looked them up on the internet.

    How many other people will also be fooled by the lack of labelling. If I see a new yogurt, I don't stop and ask myself if maybe it's a medicine when it doesn't say that it is. Oh, on the top it says discreetly "helps naturally regulate your digestive system." Sorry, but not everybody gets these code words.

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    Reviewed Jan. 24, 2003

    Today at the Grocery store I discovered that Dannon has DECREASED the portion size of their "Light 'n Fit" Yogurt by 25% - from 8 oz to 6 oz - and kept the price the same! They updated their packaging to say "90 Calories per cup," which of course is only due to the fact that the portion size is smaller!

    I checked 4 grocery stores in my area (Wal Mart, Meijer's, D & W, and Family Fare), and all of them have the "new" Dannon Light 'n Fit Yogurt, and NONE have not reduced the price!

    Talk about a rip off!

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