Maine Small Claims Court Information
- Statues: Main Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 14, Chapter 738, Sections 7481-7487; Maine Rules of Small Claims Procedure, Rules 1-18.
- Dollar Limit: $4,500.
- Where to Sue: Where defendant resides, does business, or where transaction occurred. Where defendant is a corporation, where its agent resides.
- Service: Certified or registered mail; if not possible, then personal service by sheriff, deputy, court-approved adult, or court clerk. If plaintiff files less than 3 claims in a month, s/he may ask clerk to arrange for service in one of the above-described methods.
- Hearing Date: Set by court.
- Attorneys: Allowed.
- Transfer: Allowed.
- Appeals: By either side; to Superior Court within 30 days.
- Special Provisions: No equitable relief except orders to return, reform, refund, repair, or rescind. No jury trial. Court may order mediation.
Note: This section outlines the special rules that apply to the small claims courts of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Filing fees are not listed because they vary greatly and change frequently. Because court rules may change at any time, always check with the clerk of the small claims court to verify the accuracy of the information given for your state.