MAKO Boats

MAKO Boats Reviews

About MAKO Boats

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MAKO Boats builds fishing boats including inshore, offshore and skiff models designed for anglers. MAKO Boats has been integrating practical features with the aim of providing a superior fishing experience since 1966.

  • Good handling and performance
  • Proactive approach to repairs
  • Significant quality control issues
  • Poor customer service experiences

MAKO Boats Reviews

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    Page 2 Reviews 10 - 40
    Customer Service

    Reviewed Oct. 27, 2013

    I bought the boat with my cancer stricken father (R.I.P.) because he found a "great deal" on it. He wasn't the type to do a lot of research because he believed (foolishly) that people should/would do the right thing. The boat was a year old, but still new, never sold. What little time I had to review it, mentioned how Mako used to have a bad reputation, but it was better now. This was before I knew this was a hacker product. Had I known to research hacker, things would have gone differently. But I digress. The first thing that happened was a crack in the bow floor on our first trip out. Basically, the test drive. We decided to wait 60 days before returning it to the dealership for repairs.

    Man, the things that went wrong! The acc battery drained completely for no apparent reason. RECHARGE! The fish finder stopped working, the trolling motor stopped working, the rubrail on the rear came loose, the livewell stopped working, a crack developed behind the driver’s seat on the floor, ALL of the storage hatches leaked due to the rubber gaskets pulling loose along with the latches not seating correctly. The upholstery (what little there is) is CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!!! The graphics on the side of the hull peeled and broke off. The best part of this boat is the 60HP Merc 4 stroke. Sips gas and runs extremely quiet. The design and performance of the hull is excellent. But the construction and attention to detail is less than the worst Chinese standards.

    When we took it back to the dealership (over an hour away), they recharged the battery, put stabil in the tank (?), and put some cheap epoxy on the cracks! Something I could have done and I'm sure is not to factory specs, and got the trolling motor and fish finder working, and charged me over $100.00 for the "service". It took them a month to do this, not to mention it took three hours of detailing when we arrived home to clean the boat up. They did push (or tried) the rubber back in the tracks... sort of. I was livid about the epoxy issue and have never received a return phone call. That has been two years ago. After many calls to the BPS in Shreveport (2 1/2 hours away), I still have no satisfaction and am stuck with a complete POS boat. I will not take it to the Gulf to go fishing because it leaves me stranded every other time I take it out.

    I live on a lake that is small enough I can use my jet skis to tow this hunk back in. Buy ANYTHING other than a hacker product. A co-worker bought one of their aluminum bass boats and sold it within 8 weeks. It was such a hunk. Different problems, but this company is ridiculous! Someone will eventually be killed by one of their products. It's just a matter of time. RUN AS FAR AND AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM ANYTHING BASS PRO!!! Terrible product, non-existent customer service, terrible service departments. When I get it paid off ($20,000.00+), I'll probably take the motor off (it's a good motor, obviously not made by them), then invite all the jilted hacker customers to a party in front of BPS and set it on fire. I can't wait to have this nightmare out of my life! Feel free to contact me if you would like pictures of this mess they call a boat.

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    Customer ServicePunctuality & SpeedStaff

    Reviewed July 26, 2013

    We purchased a Mako LTS in May from Bass Pro Shop in Prattville, AL. The staff at Bass Pro couldn't have been more helpful during the purchase. This all changed after we discovered a large crack in the console in July. We took the boat back to BPS and were told they would contact us in a few days with further information. A week later we still hadn't heard from them so we called. And called. And called. When someone finally answered, he said they had already called us. The salesman expressed to us during the buying process how much he wanted us to be pleased with our purchase so we could spread the word. I thought he might be interested in how dissatisfied we were so I called him as well.

    He said he would check on it but when he called me back he was abrupt, somewhat rude, and also tried to tell me that the service department had in fact called us. My assurance that no one had contacted us was basically ignored. I'm sorry to say this, but I truly feel the fact I'm female played a role in the manner he responded to me. To sum it up, less than two months after purchasing a brand new boat, it's in the shop for nearly three weeks (so far) being repaired and the people who sold it to us couldn't care less. Not even an apology. I've never been so disappointed with a purchase. It certainly doesn't seem that they care at all about service after the sale.

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    Reviewed April 14, 2010

    I took my Mako Boat and Trailer in for warranty work on the trailer on 8-15-2009. There are suppose to be 10 bolts that hold the carpeted side panels on the trailer but there were only 3 self taping screws holding them on. The dealer told me that they would repair it and after two weeks of sitting there, I went to pick it up. But it was not repaired properly because they said that they needed to order a new fender. Instead of putting the new bolts in, they just tightened the screws which backed out on my first fishing trip.

    After at least eight calls over a six-month period trying to find out when the fender would be in, I was finally told to bring it in. After arriving with the boat, I was told that they might not be able to cover it under warranty because the trailer was over the one year warranty period. After sitting there another two weeks, I received a call from Rich S. (manager) explaining that they could not repair the problem under warranty. Rich and Darrell both managers were familiar with the time frame of this situation but refused to repair the problem under warranty. So I drove back to the dealer to pick up the boat and repaired the trailer properly my self. I had to pull the the fenders off and drill the side panels but I know that it was done properly. I have had the boat at this dealership only for warranty work and all four times was totally dissatisfied with the quality of the work and turn around time.

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    Reviewed Nov. 26, 2005

    On August 16, 1996, I purchased a new 171 Mako center console at Barnes Wright Boats located in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. The dealer that sold me the boat bragged that the hull came with a 10 year warranty which, because of the companies past reputation, was a deciding factor in the purchase of the boat. Unfortunately, the boat has not performed as expected because earlier this year I discovered that the hull had broken stringers within its hull. According to the repair shop, this hull lacks numerous advertised items like a foamed in stringer system. The hull had minimal foam within its stringers. Also the fuel tank was missing mounting hardware allowing the fuel tank to bounce around against the stringers within the hull.

    Through recreational use this hull should not be experiencing problems of this nature so soon. I am very disappointed because numerous attempts to contact the warranty department to resolve this issue has resulted in many dead ends. Origianally, Spring of 02, the warranty department agreed to have the repair fixed at a location in our region. But when more intensive damage was dicovered and the repair shop could no longer fix the damage or guarantee hull integrity, I was referred by the company to the new dealer.

    It was my understanding from e-mails with Leisha (in Trackers Customer Service department) that the dealer (Causeway Marine) would have the damaged hull shipped to Florida. To compound the problem, the original dealer (Barnes Wright Boats) with whom I've purchased the boat from no longer deals with the Mako company.

    This is where I've gotten the run around. It seems everyone keeps passing the buck and dosen't understand why I am so frustrated. Leisha informed me I should have my lawyers contact their lawyers to resolve the problem. I am in the military and just got back from Iraq and want this ordeal to end.

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    MAKO Boats Company Information

    Company Name:
    MAKO Boats
    2500 E. Kearney
    Postal Code:
    United States